Tuesday, August 29, 2023

WWE NXT 8/29/2023

WWE NXT 8/29/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wwe-nxt-8222023-nxt-heatwave-2023.html

Steel Cage Match - The Creed's return to NXT if they win - The Creed Brothers vs The Dyad


Brutus gets nailed by Schism's minions before he enters. Gacy then shuts the door and Dyad beats up Julius 2v1. Brutus is taken away by the minions. Dyad pounds on Julius 2v1 then hits belly to belly suplexes on both opponents. Julius suplexes both at the same time. Julius is stomped on then Jagger hits a punch flurry on him.

Julius moonsaults off the ropes then lariats Dyad on his way down. Julius puts Jagger in a stretch muffler then ankle locks Rip. Julius then does an insane one arm powerbomb on Jagger while holding Rip in an ankle lock. Julius hits punches on Rip then is double flapjacked into the cage. We go to break and Julius' head is pushed into the cage. Julius takes a backbreaker then a backdrop.

We finally come back from break and Julius' head is banged off the cage. We cut to the entrance ramp and Brutus throws a minion off his back. He then knocks around other minions and throws one into the cage. Brutus chases Gacy around trying to get the key, lariating minions. Gacy then knocks over a whole bunch of minions at once. Brutus pulls off the cage door to get in.

Brutus hits forearms on Dyad then exploders them one by one. Brutus runs the cage door into both Dyad members then hits hammerfists on Jagger. Brutus throws Jagger into the cage then the Bros throw Jagger in the cage together. Brutus goes up top and Julius is thrown into him. Julius is thrown into the cage then Jagger jumps off of Rip's back and dropkicks Brutus against the cage. Dyad tries to push a door down on Brutus' head then Julius helps and the door goes into Dyad's heads.

Dyad go up to the 2nd rope and Julius puts both on his shoulders. Brutus comes off the top with a Brutusball into them. The Creeds then hit sliding lariats and win it.

I really didn't like the match starting before Brutus got in.  It'd be one thing if he got kicked out of the cage somehow and the match continued or if he escaped and the match continued, but the match started before he even got in. That bothered me. No one would really accept that in reality, especially in a match like this with big stakes on the line.

I also didn't like Dyad not being able to beat Julius 2v1. It makes them look bad, especially when during the break, they were just clearly buying time until the break ended.

Julius and Brutus were really good otherwise. Julius' one arm powerbomb while putting on an ankle lock was super impressive and Brutus was impressive ripping the door open and hitting the Brutusball. That was all really good stuff. I really want to like this one, but some of the errors I described above really hurt my enjoyment of this.

We get a video on Roxanne Perez. She said she no longer respects everyone and said she doesn't care how she has to win the NXT Women's title. She said she was called The Prodigy for a reason. She said she's tired of waiting andwants it now. She said today is the first step into getting back what she never lost in the first place. This was better than her usual promos.

They run down the competitors in the NXT Global Heritage Invitational. Group A has Axiom, Tyler Bate, Charlie Dempsey (who is repping the US for some reason when he never has) and Butch. Group B has Duke Hudson, Joe Coffey, Akira Tozawa and Nathan Frazer. This is a round robin and the winners of each group face off in the finals, then the winner of that gets a Heritage Cup Title shot.

Tony D and Stacks are joined by Carmelo Anthony in the back. they said Melo put on a show and said all that matters i championship gold. The Street Profits then arrive and are all excited. Ford says they love what Melo is doing with the NXT Title. Melo says he has to erase an asterisk from his record. Tony D said the SP's used to run things around here then Ford talks in an italian accent. A fight with Vice/Lopez/Jordan/Brooke breaks out. The men all scream and holler and the refs are trying to break it up.

Meta-Four have taken over the Toxic Lounge and now have their own place on the risers. 

NXT Global Heritage Invitational - Butch vs Charlie Dempsey

This is not under Heritage Cup rules, but normal rules with a 12 minute time limit. Butch snapmares Dempsey. Dempsey northern lights suplexes him and Butch bridges to avoid the pin. Dempsey does a nice arm throw with a bridge then armlocks him. Dempsey stomps his arm into the mat then Butch lariats him.

Butch pulls on his fingers then stomps the arm into the mat. Butch hits mounted forearms. Dempsey hits a nice punch then takes a forearm and a step up enzugiri. Butch stomps on his fingers then Dempsey germans him. Dempsey double underhook suplexes him then does a bridge while Butch is his back. Butch stops it then stomps his fingers.

Butch flips out of a top rope dragon suplex. Butch snaps the fingers then hits a bitter end and wins it.

Butch should have won, but I didn't like Dempsey taking an unnecessary loss here. The match was a good little wrestling match as expected with the two working very well together.

Dragon Lee is interviewed and Mustafa Ali comes in. Lee said he believes beating Mysterio should put him back in NXT N-A title contention. Ali said Lee had his chance and lost and says he doesn't see how this is fair. He said he's sick of seeing Dom with the NXT North American Title. Ali said it's his turn to go up to bafter Lee struck out.

Ilja Dragunov is in the ring. He said Trick Williams impressed him. He said he is not just a sidekick or entertaining and said nothing stands in his way of the NXT Title. Noam Dar then interrupts and says it's time for an impromptu Supernova Sessions. Dar says it's pathetic how Ilja is begging for an NXT N-A Title shot.

Ilja says Dar is a lucky man and Dar says no luck is required . Oro says something in another language and Ilja asks for a good reason why he shouldn't join them up there. Lash gets on the mic and says Dar isn't scared of him. Oro asks him where his title is and Dar says Ilja has lots of excuses. Ilja then goes to head up there and Meta-Four starts yelling. Oro comes down to the ring. Ilja says he will break him in german then says it in English. Ilja gets the edge on him and Oro heads out.

Von Wagner does a promo. He said Bron Breakker has had to blindside him twice now. He says Bron is mad because he table'd him. Von tells him to bring his energy on Tuesday and he will bring the hardwood in a No DQ match for next week. This was a good, short promo.

Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez vs Dana Brooke and Kelani Jordan

KJ = Kelani Jordan

KJ dropkicks Lopez then uses the ropes to armdrag her. KJ headlocks Vice and Vice blocks the armdrag through the ropes by hooking onto Lopez. KJ takes a double lariat and a sandwich hip attack.

Lopez hits a double throat thrust on KJ then running back elbows her. Lopez then elbow drops her. Vice spinning elbows KJ then the crowd chants for Vice. KJ rolls up Vice then KJ hits a spinning heel kick. Brooke pounds on Lopez in the corner then short arm lariats her. Brook cartwheel back elbows Lopez then bulldogs her out of the casadora.

Brooke backflips KJ onto Lopez. Brooke then running lariats Vice and Vice sends her into the steps outside. Lopez holds up KJ then Vice spinning high kicks KJ and picks up the win.

This didn't go well with the crowd cheering for Vice when they weren't supposed to. The in-ring work was mostly okay though there was a sloppy moment or two.

Eddy Thorpe and Dijak are heading to the ring.

Gigi Dolin does a promo. She said the road to the NXT Title is the devil you know vs the devil you don't know. Gigi says she knows chaos and the four way is chaos. Gigi says she was smart setting up a 4 way but was dumb to let her in it.

Trick Williams is in the locker room and Melo comes in. Melo said they gotta talk. Melo said he can't have people think he only beat Ilja because of Trick's help. Melo asks if Trick knows he can beat him and Trick says he thinks so. Melo questions him. Trick said what happened at the Bash was not his fault. Melo asks ifhe can beat Dragunov and Trick says he doesn't think so. Melo then says that's all he needed to hear. Trick then said after he left, he doesn't think he can, he knows he can.

Eddy Thorpe vs Dijak

Dijak goes after him during his entrance and they fight. Eddy shotgun dropkicks him into the steps. Eddy running facekicks him then backdrops him for 2. Eddy brainbusters Dijak for 2. Dijak chokeslams Eddy for 2. Dijak hits a superkick then Eddy enzugiri's him. They trade chest slaps then Dijak superkicks him.

Eddy then lariats him. Dijak takes off his belt and misses  shot with it. Eddy grabs the belt and Dijak blocks the shot. They tug of war over it and Eddy lets him go with it. Eddy spin kicks him in the gut then throws him into the post. Eddy plancha's him. Dijak spinning slams Eddy into Booker T's chair out there.

Eddy enzugiri's Dijak in the back of the head then goes to dive but Dijak punches him with his belt. Eddy spinning facekicks him and wins it.

It was action packed and better than I had expected. This is one of the better matches both have had in NXT, though I wouldn't call it great or anything.

Kiana James does a promo. She said when you hear Kiana James, you picture success. She makes fun of her opponents in the four way and says she doesn't make excuses, she makes things happen. She said her success is measured by action. She said she will do whatever it takes to have her hand raise.

Baron Corbin is yelling at a camera guy in the back. Bron Breakker goes up to him and wants a thank you for saving him last week. Corbin doesn't agree with this and says his ego is something else. Bron has a "best spear in the business" shirt on and Corbin says he can fall back on making shirts if he loses next week. Bron says he will put an end to Von Wagner's fairy tale. He threatens him if he thinks about getting involved. Corbin says he doesn't care about Bron or Von. Bron says it will be the end of days for him if he does. Corbin then tells him not to get put through a table.

We get another video on Humberto Carillo and Angel Garza. Garza wakes up with blood on his hands then Carillo is at the door. They both said they had a dream about their grandfather and woke up with blood on them. Humberto then says the same thing happened to him and he had blood on him too. Garza said everything they did as family got ripped away and they said this is a sign. They show some old magazines with his grandfather on it. They say them represent his legacy and say they will grab the glory for themselves and for him. A graphic then says they return next week.

We get a tribute video on Bray Wyatt and everyone puts their camera phone lights on to his music. An empty rocking chair is then put in the entrance way.

Blair Davenport does a promo on the fatal four way. She says she is smiling tonight and takes pleasure in seeing her opponents in pain. She says she gets 3 for the price of one tonight.

We cut to Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. Rhea says Dom will hold the NXT N-A Title until he retired and they say he will be the champ for life. Dom says Dragon Lee and Ali should fight it out to see who will challenge him then says he will fight the winner at No Mercy. Dom says there has to be a winner so he will be the special guest ref.

NXT Global Heritage Invitational Group B - Nathan Frazer vs Joe Coffey

NF = Nathan Frazer

Joe throws NF then NF does cartwheels to get out of a wristlock and puts Joe in one. NF runs the ropes and gets his head caught under the top rope, whiplashing himself bad. Joe slams NF then NF flying dropkicks him. NF headlock takeovers him. Joe throws NF on the ropes gut first and he bounces off.

NF stunners him over the top rope then flying dropkicks him off the apron. Joe hits his head on the commentator's desk on his way down.  We got break and return. NF asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt. NF flying forearms him then lifts him up for a spinning neckbreaker. Joe pop up euros him then flying battering rams him. Joe hits a german for 2. Joe runs at him and ends up outside then NF topes him. NF springboard frogsplashes him.

NF flips out of a spider german and superkicks him. Joe then hits a spinning lariat and wins it.

It was a fun little match as expected. Frazer necking himself on the top rope was so odd. This was very fast paced.

We go to Chase U. Chase asks where Thea is and is worried she skipped class. Chase says Duke will be in the Global Heritage Invitational. Chase said he didn't know Duke was from Australia, saying he thought he was from New Zealand. Chase says he's confident Duke will bring another trophy to Chase U. Chase says him and Duke will gameplan. Thea Hail then walks in. Chase says she missed the class and Thea said, "Is that a crime?". Duke gets stuck in the middle of them and tries to bring Thea to study hall. Thea said she has plans and heads off with Jacy Jayne, who asks if she is ready.

NXT Anonymous catches Myles Borne cleaning up the ring and talking to Fallon Henley. Fallon asks if it gets old being treated like dirt. Myles says he is paying his dues and said Briggs and Jensen are looking for a third for a match. She asks if he hs interested and he accepts.

Wes Lee does a video. He thanks everyone for the positive comments and messages. He said Heatwave didn't go as planned but he will keep going. He says Melo didn't beat him, he beat himself. He said he took everything he threw at him and will fight for the chance to fight him again. He said the odds will be diferent next time and said the NXT Title is coming to the Wes Side

Tyler Bate is interviewed. He says Dempsey is in a ruthless situation, says Axiom is in immaculate form and says he and Butch have known each other for a long time. He said Butch has been a great friends and his biggest rival. He then says Dabba Kato has made a mistake in thinking he can push him around. He says he will wait for him in the ring next week for him to push him around.

Dragon Lee vs Mustafa Ali with Dominik Mysterio as the special ref is next week. Bron Breakker fights Von Wagner is a No DQ match next week. Tiffany fights the winner of the 4 way in an NXT Women's Title match next week also.

#1 Contenders Match - Roxanne Perez vs Gigi Dolin vs Blair Davenport vs Kiana James

Kiana and Gigi are thrown out and they fight out there. Perez pounds on blair. Blair forearms Perez and bangs her head on the rope. Perez backrolls into a cradle then all the girls try various roll-ups. Kiana and Blair are rolled up at the same time. Perez euros Gigi and they fight on the apron. Gigi STO's Perez on the apron then throws Kiana into the rails. Blair double stomps Gigi's back off the steps then Kiana moonsaults off a rail onto Blair.

Perez topes Kiana outside and we go to break. We reutrn from break and there's a 4 person bodyscissors/headscissors. Perez tries to turn all of them over but is nailed by Blair. We get a tower of doom spot wiht Gigi powerbombing everyone over. Gigi hits kicks on Blair and Kiana then hip attacks and dropkicks Blair against the ropes. Blair pulls Gigi into the bottom rope. Gigi is whipped into the post. Blair and Kiana rab each other then Perez crossbodies both but is caught and thrown off.

Perez headscissors James. Perez running euros Blair then hits corner forearms on James. Perez then jumps off the ropes with a twisting crossbody on Blair. Gigi STO's Blair then Perez neckbreakers Gigi. Blair shotgun dropkicks Perez then throws James into the post. Blair hits a bad falcon arrow on Perez then Gigi half-nelson suplexes Blair.

Perez hurricanrana's Gigi off the apron then hits a code red  on Gigi on the floor. Blair top rope double stomps Perez. Perez spin kicks Blair in the gut then hits a code red on her. Blair rolls out and Perez yells "no". Gigi takes a spin kick to the gut then James hits the 401k on Perez and does a single leg codebreaker on Gigi to win it.

I thought for sure they were going to have Blair win it and I'm glad that didn't happen. There were some sloppy moments but it was action packed and about as good of a match as they could have done. These matches are hard to do and are usually the same with people coming in and out.

Tiffany Stratton comes in the ring and has words with James after.

Carmelo Hayes is in the back and goes up to Shawn Michaels' office. He is watching the video Wes Lee made on him. He tells Shawn that "we need to talk" and we end the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a pretty good show. Almost everything was good here and they've built up some things going forward. It was a lot better than I expected it to be and made me interested to see what happens next week.

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