Wednesday, August 30, 2023

STARDOM 8/27/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 12

STARDOM 8/27/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 12

 Waka Tsukiyama vs. Miyu Amasaki vs. HANAKO

Hana challenges both to a test of strength. They have to jump to reach but opt to just stomp her feet instead. Hana is then sandwich basement dropkicked. Hana shoulders Waka over haard and racs Miyu, then Waka strangleholds Miyu with her arms while she's being racked. Hana slams Waka then crabs her.

Miyu sleepers Hana then Waka sleepers Miyu. Waka jumps off Hana's back and flatliners Miyu on the ropes. Waka hip attacks Miyu on the ropes then Miyu hits a nice dropkick on her. Miyu and Waka trade forearms then Hana crossbodies both for 2. Hana slams Miyu then knee drops her for 2.

Miyu ddt's Hana then Waka rolls up Miyu in the tiger suplex position and wins it.

It was extremely short and just didn't get enough time. they did the best they could with the 5:26 they got.

Miyu upkicks Waka as she rolls out of the ring and they trade forearms outside. 

Megan Bayne & Mei Seira vs. Queen's Quest (Lady C & Utami Hayashishita)

Mei asks to get in first and Meg pushes her at C. C tries to push Mei into the ropes but Meg holds Mei with her feet. Meg picks up Mei for a boot on Waka then just drops her. Mei chinlocks C on the ropes. Meg corner spears C, splashes her then hits a double underhook suplex. Utami and Meg do a quick trade and Utami is forearmed down.

Mei footchokes C then C facekicks Mei on the ropes. Utami samoan drops Mei for 2 then Mei hits a nice dropkick on her. Meg dropkicks Utami. They trade forearms and Meg slams Utami. Meg misses a splash  then takes a sliding lariat. Meg hits a stiff facekick on C then delayed suplexes her.

Utami dropkicks Meg then Meg shoulders C and Utami over. Meg takes a double team in the corner then C 2nd rope chops her. Meg crossbodies C for 2. Meg sitout chokebombs C. Mei's crossbody is caught by Utami then Meg boots her over. Meg hits an F-5 on C and wins it at 7:35.

It was okay but nothing special or memorable. 

Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. God's Eye (MIRAI & Syuri)

Mirai and Yuna start us off. Mirai fireman's carry takeovers her and they stand off. Mirai hits a hard running shoulder on Yuna for 1. Mirai running back elbows her in the corner then Syuri back kicks Yuna. Syuri back kicks Yuna while she's in the ropes and tries pin attempts on her.

Mirai pulls on Yuna's neck. They trade forearms and Yuna back body drops her. Mirai stomps Yuna in the corner then Yuna hits forearms on her chest. Yuna dropkicks Mirai then tags in Tam. Tam top rope crossbodies Mirai. Tam cartwheels and limbos through double clotheslines then hits her own double basement dropkick.

Mirai and Tam trade forearms then Tam forearm flurries her. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes her then Syuri shotgun dropkicks Tam. Syuri underhook suplexes Tam then Tam backdrops her. Yuna shoulders over Syuri and dropkicks her. Syuri hits a stiff STO then armbars her.

Tam spinning high kicks Syuri then Yuna hits a stiff lariat on Syuri for 2. Yuna misses a top rope splash and Syuri armbars her again. Syuri knees Yuna through the ropes then top rope legdrops her neck as she bends over. Syuri is rolled into Tam's running knee. Syuri release germans Yuna and Yuna hits a big lariat on her. Syuri high kicks Yuna for 2 then Syuri ties up Yuna's arms and legs on the mat for the submission victory.

It was fast paced and okay but was a midcard match at the end of the day. They couldn't go all out. I didn't really like the submission finish since Yuna's arm wasn't worked over a lot. We didn't get a lot of stiff Mirai offense here sadly.

STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida) vs. Donna del Mondo (Giulia, Maika & Thekla)

G = Giulia

Momo charges at G and hits a bunch of forearms. G then slaps her. Momo hits another forearm flurry and they trade forearms. G shotgun dropkicks her. All of Mayu's team is in the ring and htey roll Maika into a butt drop, senton and eventually a triple basement dropkick. Saya hits machine gun chops on Maika and Maika hits a criss cross shoulder on her.

G machine gun chops Saya then dropkicks her in the chest. Thekla dropkicks Saya for 2. Saya mongolian chops her then drops an elbow for 2. Mayu hits a nice flying dropkick on Thekla and rolls her into a basement dropkick. Mayu walks up the ropes, flips and double armdrags her opponents. Thekla limbos out of a lariat then spears Mayu.

Maika running clotheslines Mayu in the corner then suplexes her. Mayu hits a stiff superkick on Maika and Momo dropkicks Maika. Momo top rope twsiting crossbodies Maika then 619's her. Maika is held up for a double bulldog then Momo twisting underhook suplexes Maika. Maika takes a springboard dropkick from Momo. G backdrops Momo then Thekla and G hit stereo ddt's. Maika lariats Momo then Momo hurricanrana's her. Maika spinning lariats Momo then hits a strange looking driver on her to win it.

This was a good tag. Momo was in for most of this and took a whooping. Maika's finisher at the end was just wild and I liked the Momo and Giulia sections. They kept the pace fast and there was a lots of stiff shots throughout.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Saori Anou vs Hanan

They trade wristlocks and Hanan dropkicks her. Anou axe kicks her in the back then takes a hip throw. Hanan la silla's her on the back of the neck then they trade chest forearms. Anou running facekicks her then Hanan hits a forearm flurry to her chest. Anou basement single leg dropkicks her then she is pulled off the top.

Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then octopus stretches her on the mat. Anou fisherman suplexes her then takes a running euro. Hanan hits a fameasser for 2. Anou step up enzugiri's her then is backdropped. Both are down then Hanan hits a cuty special. Hanan dropkicks her in the back then Anou step up enzugiri's her.

Anou fisheran suplexes her then Hanan rolls her into a pin for 2. Anou germans her off the casadora position for 2. Anou then does a forward rolling driver into a pin and wins it.

It was too short at only 7 minutes or so. It was fine wrestling wise but they could have done much better with more time. 

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Mariah May vs Momo Watanabe

May charges at her with a shotgun dropkick then top rope crossbodies her off the top to the outside. May dropkicks her in the back of the neck then does an octopus on her in the ropes. May is tripped into the middle rope and Momo kicks the rope. Momo stomps her outside then throws her into the seats.

Momo hits her with a handheld fan then throws her into the post. Momo drops her with chest kicks then May forearms her. Momo kicks her hard in the chest while she is kneeling. May half-misses a wild slingblade attempt then high kicks her from the apron. May then top rope dropkicks her for 2.

May hits machine gun chops on Momo then double chops her. May gets her handstand hurricanrana on the ropes blocked then is put in tree of woe. Momo slaps her as she hangs then kicks her. Momo dropkicks her in the corner then hits three amigos on her. May release germans Momo then tornado ddt's her for 2.

Momo hangs her on the ropes and kicks her. May sunset bombs her on the floor. May slap flurries her then hits a nice backdrop. Momo high kicks her then she is slapped. May sunset flips her for 2 then hits an angel's wings variation for 2 at 10 minutes. Momo puts the ref in the way of May, she moves he ref then Momo hits her with a bat. Momo hits a peach sunrise and buzzsaw kicks her.

Momo tiger suplexes her then May rolls her into a nice bridge for the victory.

Things were going well until the powerbomb on the floor. Then everything went south after with that not meaning anything and them having a bad 2nd half afterwards with ref games and Momo cheating. They just didn't sell enough here and it's a shame because the 1st half of this was some of May's better work.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Ami Sourei vs Starlight Kid

Ami shoulderblocks her to start then Kid headscissors and basement dropkicks her. Kid goes for an asai outside, is blocked then suplexed on the floor. Kid gets caught and slammed on a springboard crossbody inside. Ami crabs her and Kid ropebreaks. Kid ddt's her over the middle rope then asai moonsaults her outside.

Kid works Ami's leg and standing moonsaults it. Ami does a samoan drop variation for 2 then Kid double chop flurries her. Ami double chops her then puts her in reverse tree of woe. Ami splashes her while she hangs. Kid guillotine clutches her then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Kid hits an interesting leg clutch suplex then hits sliced bread #2.

Kid stretch mufflers her. Kid goes for a momo latch but Ami blocks it and does a high crab on her.

The video then just gets stuck and we don't get to see the end of the match as someone did a bad upload job.

The match started okay but the submissions slowed it down and took the match off track.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Natsupoi vs Natsuko Tora


Poi running dropkicks her to start then hits more dropkicks. Poi hair throws her and hits more dropkicks. Poi is then slammed off the top onto the apron. Poi bulldogs her on the floor. Poi grabs alcohol and doesn't drink it, then tora slaps her and makes it spray. Poi is whipped into chairs outside. Poi top rope crossbodies her from the top to the outside then top rope crossbodies her inside the ring.

Poi tries to german her but Tora just falls back on her. Tora then sentons her. They trade chest forearms and Poi does an octopus on her in the air. Poi grounds her with it then dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Poi hits a lightning spiral for 2 then misses a 180 rotation splash off the top. Tora spears and cannonballs her. Tora 2nd rope splashes her then splashes her from the top.

Tora lifts her up out of the triangle then powerbombs her. Tora tries to mist her but Poi mists her instead. Poi release germans her then hits her flip splash twice for 2. Tora cradle shocks her then Poi back rolls and tries to pin her off of it. Tora sliding clotheslines her and death valley drivers her for 2. Tora then wins off a top rope swanton.

They had Poi go even, or maybe even dominate Tora some and that match really didn't work out that well. It's so much easier to have Tora work her then have Poi make the comeback, but they didn't want to go the traditional route and the match paid for it.

Tora talks about the Natsupoi Revolution after and brags about how she (Tora) beat Poi and Tam. Tora drags her around the ring by her hair and does the "bye Poi" taunt. Tora was really funny mocking Poi after. Tora says she will go to the finals and win then challenge Tam for the red belt.

Overall thoughts:  The main wasn't that great. We didn't get to see the end of Ami/Kid (though that's likely on the uploaders end). May/Momo had issues and Anou/Hanan was okay but not longer enough. It was a below average show.

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