Tuesday, August 29, 2023

STARDOM 8/26/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 11

STARDOM 8/26/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 11

HANAKO & Saya Iida vs. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe & Starlight Kid)

Hana wants a test of strength with Kid. Kid kicks her in the gut then Hana slams her. Momo kicks Hana from the apron then PK's her. Momo snapmares Hana and kicks her in the back. Hana forearms Momo in the chest several times then Momo chest kicks her. Hana shoulders Kid over.

Iida fights off a 1v2 with chops. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies her then shotgun dropkicks her. Kid standing moonsaults Saya then they trade chops. Saya hits a jumping mongolian chop the Kid dropkicks her. Saya hits a nice dropkick back.

Hana shoulders over Momo when they get in and then Momo chest kicks her. Kid jumping leg lariats Hana and then suplexes her for 2. Saya 2nd rope shoulders Momo then Hana shoulders Momo.  Hana suplexes Momo. Momo high kicks her then Hana cradles her for 2. Momo grounded chokes Hana and wins it.

It was just a basic opener. They didn't have a ton of time at 7 minutes only and it wasn't that interesting. Nothing bad about it though, just very simple.

Queen's Quest (Lady C & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama)

C and Waka start us off. Waka dropkicks her in the back then her and May sandwich basement dropkick Waka. Waka hip attacks C from the side. C hits a great face kick on Waka then flapjacks her. Miyu then short ddt's Waka. Waka takes double basement dropkicks to the back for 2.

Waka low dropkicks Miyu then May spinning backbreakers Miyu. May machine gun chops Waka then handstand hurricanrana's her on the ropes. Miyu cartwheel backelbows her then dropkicks her in the back. C gets in and shoulders over May then puts her in a cobra twist. Crussian legsweeps May for 2 and they trade chops. C hits machine gun chops to the chest. May slingblades C then May tornado ddt's her. C facekicks her on the ropes then flying neckbreakers her.

May top rope dropkicks her then Miyu pendulum ddt's May. C chokeslams May for 2 then C takes a sandwich head kick from May and Waka. May tombstones C and gets the win.

It was an okay match. C had a good outing here and with a nice facekick and chokeslam. Everyone hit their spots and there were no issues.

Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs. God's Eye (Ami Sourei & Syuri)

Yuna and Ami start us off. They shoulder battle and Ami is double tripped by both opponents. Poi gets on Yuna's shoulders but Ami moves and both are kicked over. Ami slams Yuna then stomps on her. Syuri kicks Yuna in the butt and the back. Syuri underhook suplexes Yuna then Yuna lariats and dropkicks her. Poi top rope crossbodies Syuri then Poi dropkicks Syuri through the ropes.

Syuri and Poi trade forearms. Syuri spin kicks Poi and Poi ducks some of her other kicks. Ami machine gun chops Poi then double chops her. Poi superkicks Ami then Yuna hits a nice dropkick on Ami. Yuna chops Ami then Ami shoulders Yuna over. Ami does a high crab onto Yuna. Ami hits a twisting samoan drop. Poi superkicks Ami then helps Yumi flip her over. Yuna lsiding lariats Ami for 2.

Syuri throws Yuna off the top then Ami torture racks Yuna. Yuna cradles Ami for 2. Yuna then tries to pin Ami for 2. Syui high kicks Yuna then Ami lariats Yuna for 2. Yuna hits a nice lariat on Ami for 2 then Ami lariats her and rolls with it. Ami hits a blue thunder on her and wins it.

There wasn't anything wrong with it but it wasn't that interesting. Something was just missing from it for me.

Megan Bayne, Mei Seira & Thekla vs. STARS (Hanan, Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo)


Momo misses a dropkick to start and then Mei does too. Mei rolls her up into a double stomp then they headflip and kip up in stereo. Mei basement dropkicks her then footchokes her. Momo hits forearms on Mei and it goes nowhere then Mei corner spears her. Mei running facekicks her then Thekla boots Momo in the corner.

Thekla body dropkicks Momo then Thekla forearms her. Momo hits a chest forearm flurry then Thekla drops her with a good forearm. Momo hits a nice dropkick on Thekla then Mayu dropkicks Thekla. Mayu rolls up Thekla out of the corner and basement dropkicks her. Thekla headscissors her then hangs on the ropes when thrown into them.

Meg slams Mayu then powerslams Thekla on her. Mayu spin kicks Meg then Meg suplexes Mayu. Meg misses a splash. Hanan dropkicks Meg multiple times then Meg shoulders Mayu over. Meg slams Hanan. Hanan gets on her back and sleepers her then  armbars her over the top rope. Meg catches Hanan's crossbody but is knocked over by her partners. Mayu and Hanan double back club Meg and Meg lariats Hanan for 2.

Meg sitout chokebombs Hanan for 2. Mei and Thekla hit a spear at the same time on their opponents then Meg throws Mei out onto opponents. Meg F-5's Hanan and wins it.

It was okay and not particularly great or special. There weren't a ton of highlights but it made sense and was fine.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Tam Nakano vs Natsuko Tora

Tam poses on the ropes and is pushed over to the floor. Tora pushes her into the post then drops a chair on her. Tora stomps the chair into her then samoan drops her on it. Tam is sent into the post. Tora corner lariats Tam then shoulders her over. Tora sentons Tam then eye rakes her. Tora suplexes her for 2.

Tam spin kicks her in the gut then is lariated on the ropes. Tora is pulled over the top and Tam running knees her to the floor. Tam top rope crossbodies Tora off the top. They forearm each other at the same time and trade forearms. Tam does a grounded octopus on her.

Tam spinning high kicks her and running knees her for 2. Tam superkicks her and makes her spray mist then Tam germans her. Tam does a grounded octopus and Tora ropebreaks. Tam running knees her in the front, back and side. Tora lariats her then Tam misses spinning high kick and high kicks her. Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam goes up top and Tora mists her. Tora 2nd rope cradle shocks her then misses a top rope swanton. Tora death valley drivers her for 2. Tora top rope swantons her and wins it.

I didn't like this. Instead of having Tam be the face, they made Tora the face here somewhat through the structure of this. Tora should have controlled things, Tam should have made her comeback then Tora could have put her away. Instead, Tam controlled most of this minus the beginning then Tora won. Bad logic here.

Tora steps on Tam's head after and asks her why she lost. She said she can challenge her for the red belt since she beat her. Tora said she beat Syuri and Mayu also. Tora said she faces Poi on the next show and says Poi's undefeated except a draw. She then says she will do the Natsuko Revolution and tells Tam the red belt is in her sight

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Giulia vs MIRAI 

G = Giulia

They trade wristlocks and G side headlock takeovers her. They stare down and G does an octopus stretch in the air on her. G shotgun dropkicks her then stf's her. Mirai then ropebreaks. G neckbreakers her and Mirai hits forearms. G hits a stiff shotgun dropkick.

Mirai shoulders her over hard then does a wheelbarrow into a half-nelson suplex. They trade forearms and G drops her with a stiff one. Mirai does a nice suplex and is slapped up top. G top rope double underhook suplexes her. G hits a stiff shotgun dropkick to the face then is slammed off the top ont othe apron. G northern lights suplexes her on the apron then top rope dropkicks her.

They mess up some spot hen G falcon arrows her for 2. Mirai hits a stiff lariat then corner lariats her. Mirai then flying lariats her for 2. Mirai hits another lariat then powerbombs her for 2. G punches her then backdrops her. G knees her for 2 then Mirai lariats her and wins it.

I felt like it needed more time and I felt like there wasn't enough lead up to the Mirai win here. Mirai just didn't get enough in for the win. Otherwise, they were stiff with each other as expected and gave each other a nice beating.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Maika vs Utami Hayashishita

They go to the mat and Utami side headlocks her. Maika backdrops her over the top rope out of it then lariats her off the apron. Maika is irish whipped into the post then Utami kneedrops her back in the ring. Utami camel clutches her and stomps her back. Utami slams her then Maika hits a powerslam.

Utami guillotine chokes her then Maika suplexes her out of it. Maika slaps a sleeper on. They lariat battle and Utami lariats her over. Maika top rope superplexes Utami and they trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade more forearms then Utami knocks her over. Utami schweins her for 2 then spinning torture rack bombs her.

Maika hits a straight punch then a stiff lariat. Maika hits an enka otoshi side slam for her then is release german suplexed. Maika hits a great spinning lariat then hits two nasty michinoku drivers to win it.

The selling wasn't that good here but if you want two girls doing a heavyweight match where they stiff each other, this is it. They really beat the crap out of each other here and with Stardom's camera style, you could really take in all of it. I wish they would have sold, but this was a high impact match.

Maika gets on the mic after. She said she feels like the 5 star doesn't start until she fights her. She says she will win the GP with a clean slate, Utami says she won't let her get to the finals and will beat her. They talk about a tag match on September 10 with them in it. The two then exchange sake with each other in an unusual set of events.

Overall thoughts: I do think the positives outweighed the negatives of the main event. The two really beat the crap out of each other. I didn't like Tam/Tora and thought the ending was rushed on Mira/Giulia. The undercard just had a bunch of average to okay matches. I would recommend taking a look at the main but not the rest.

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