Wednesday, August 16, 2023

WWE NXT 8/15/2023

WWE NXT 8/15/2023

Last week's show is here:

Tony D'Angelo and Stacks vs The Dyad

Jagger and Tony trade shots and Jagger goes out. Masked Schism members get behind Jagger as Tony approaches him outside. Tony slams Rip then Stacks hits punches on Rip. Stacks dropkicks Rip then Tony takes corner moves and a spinning heel kick. Tony suplexes Jagger and Stcks blows some leg drops between Jagger's legs. Stacks does a headscissors and headlock takeover combo and Stacks/Tony hit stereo gut punches. Dyad is then lariated over the top. Tony then hiptosses Stacks outside onto them.

Stacks top rope back elbows Rip and Ava gets on the apron. Jagger jumps off of Rip's back and leg lariats Tony then Stacks is knocked off the apron onto the commentator's table. We go to PiP break and return. Stacks gets stuck in tree of woe and is hit while he hangs. Jagger chinlocks Stacks.

Jagger riles up Tony and Tony argues with the ref while Stacks cradles Jagger. Rip hits a nice lariat on Stacks then Rip blows a Tony a kiss. tacks makes the hot tag to Tony. Tony cleans house and overhead belly to belly suplexes Rip. Tony stomps on Jagger while he's on top of Rip. Tony spinebusters Rip then perfectplexes Jagger. Rip trips Tony outside and pulls him there. Jagger then topes Tony.

Ivy Nile comes down and argues with Schism, who blocks her path. Schism members hit Rip and Jagger and one of them does a Creed Brothers move on Rip. Tony does a backdrop into a uranage on Rip and wins it.

It was a basic tag match and nothing too memorable.

Eddy Thorpe does a video in the woods where he's burning incense and where he talks about the importance of dance. He says he and Dijak will meet again and he will move forward without fear.

Carmelo Hayes is signing autographs then Wes Lee comes in. Melo says he should be worrying about Dijak tonight. Wes says  he won't take long to beat Dijak and he'll be signing the contract for their match real soon.

We go to Chase U in the locker room. Chase says Thea needs to just get back out there and Chase says Thea will face Jacy Jayne tonight. Chase says Thea can get some of her anger out. Thea Hail then comes in. She isn't interested and says Chase thinks he always knows what is best. Thea asks why he would do this and then Duke takes her side. Chase says he just wants to get her on the winning track and wants her to be happy. Thea says to try not to throw the towel in this time. Chase then asks Duke what that was about and Duke says he will talk to her.

Dana Brooke vs Blair Davenport

Dana pushes Blair over then headscissors her. She tries to lariat Blair over the top but Blair gets stuck on the top rope. Dana then pounds on her outside. Blair puts her over the 2nd rope and top rope double stomps her back. Blair sliding kicks her against the ropes.

Dana misses a cartwheel back elbow then sitout powerbombs her. Dana's leg goes into the steps outside then she lariats Blair as she gets in. Dana screams and grabs the ring bell. Kelani Jordan stops her and grabs it from her. Dana gets in and rolls her up. Dana hits bad clubs in the corner then takes a forearm. Blair hits a bad kamigoye and wins it.

It wasn't good as expected with multiple sloppy moments and horrible strikes.

Dempsey and Gulak are warming up in the back. Drew motions for water from Myles Borne, then slaps it away. Damon Kemp is with them too.

Melo is still signing autographs. Dijak says he should save one for himself as he won't have the title to take pictures with after Heatwave. Melo tells him to focus more on Heatwave because Melo's sure he is going, but not sure. yet if Dijak will.

Drew Gulak vs Trick Williams

Damon Kemp is with Dempsey and Gulak and is wearing a shirt that says, "Trick Williams, The NXT Champ, Purse Holder". Trick kicks what they say is Melo's bag that was left by Kemp during his entrance.

Trick leapfrogs and goes for another but Gulak rolls under him. Trick flying clotheslines him then is nailed by Kemp on the outside. Trick dropkicks Gulak off the leapfrog then pop-up uppercuts him. Gulak rolls out and Trick throws him in. Kemp distracts the ref and Dempsey germans Trick on the floor.

Gulak basement dropkicks Trick then Trick hits forearms. Gulak does a single leg crab while he holds the arm and steps on the head. Trick hits upkicks then enzugiri's him from the mat. Trick hits some punches and dropkicks him. Trick hits a flapjack and kips up then does a bad mcgillicutter.

Trick does a silly looking yank into a uranage then nails Dempsey. Trick then jumps off the steps to hit Kemp. Kemp and Dempsey get on the apron then Briggs and Jensen come down to help. Gulak rolls up Trick but then takes a spinning facekick for the Trick Williams win.

It wasn't a good outing for Trick with his dropkicks not being clean, lots of shenanigans and some badly executed moves. I was also surprised Myles Borne wasn't out there in some fashion.

Trick Williams says he's gonna be "dragging that @ss, dawg" when he talks about Ilja Dragunov being the mad dragon.

Baron Corbin is headed to the ring. The announcer wants to know what he has to say. He says, "good" and keeps walking.

We get a video on Dabba-Kato. He talks about living in the shadows and said when he returns, he will cast his own shadow on NXT.

Baron Corbin is in the ring. he says he can say whatever he wants and doesn't have to worry about the repercussions. He said he ran Gable Steveson out of the ring. He said he got a small taste of what we do and he's not coming back for seconds. He calls everyone in the back watching the monitor, "soft @ss, little b!tches". Corbin says he says to burn the ships as he is ushering in a new era of Baron Corbin, where he takes his place back in the main event.

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone interrupt. Stone objects to him and Von being called soft. Stone says he knows Corbin wants to get back to the top and he could, but says there's one guy standing in his way and it's Von Wagner. He says he put Bron through a table last week and he's just getting started. Baron asks why he's talking to Stone and asks if Von is capable of talking. He says to give Von the mic. Corbin then says to take the mic back. Corbin says Von needs to learn to talk on the stick. He says he went toe to toe on the mic with The Rock on the first episode of Smackdown on Fox. He says that's why he makes the big bucks. He says Von should follow him or will have a long history of wearing a shirt that "security" across the chest. Von says maybe he hasn't talked a lot but says maybe Corbin talked too much. Von says he and the fans are tired of Corbin's sob story. Von says he can come out with one of his 10 gimmicks next week and Von said he doesn't even remember all of them because they all suck. Von says he's moving up the ladder and Corbin's @ss is in the way. He says he's got a reservation and a table for one next week. He then says his bald headed @ss is gonna get tabled. Von then lariats him over the top. Von bangs his head off the announcer's table and goes to powerbomb him. Corbin stops him then security comes out and breaks it up. Von did a good job here with his lines and actually got over some with it. He needs something better then "you're gonna get tabled" though. Gable Steveson also got totally buried here and I assume we are not seeing him again.

Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio are in the back. Rhea says Dom will be the greatest NXT N-A champ every. Rhea says Lyra should have been satisfied with her endorsement. Rhea challenges Dragon Lee and Lyra Valkyria to match vs Rhea and Dom.

We get a video of Mustafa Ali doing a speech in front of "North Americans" in what seemed to be a political speech. Ali says people held the North American title and didn't represent it well. He says Dom is a convicted criminal and says the people of North America deserve better. He says he will represent the North American title well and will do inspire people across the continent. He says to realize the time for a new North American champion is now. He says we will get a greater Mustafa Ali we can trust.

#1 Contender's Match - Wes Lee vs Dijak


Wes does some hit and move leg kicks and evades him. Wes bangs his knee off the mat then back rolls into a knee kick. Wes spears the knee in the corner and Dijak rolls out to buy time. Dijak pulls down his arm over the top rope then Wes does a double rolling koppo kick. Dijak then throws his shoulder into the post.

Dijak misses a knee in the corner and goes over the top to the floor. Wes topes him but is caught and rammed into the post. We go to PiP break and return. Dijak pulls him up and takes a tornado ddt off of it. Wes 619's his body between the ropes and hits punches.

Dijak misses a kick and takes a single arm powerbomb then Wes meteora's him for 2. Wes goes for the cardia kick but his arm gives out. Dijak goes for the GTH but Dijak's leg gives out. Wes pump kicks him and Dijak does a silly looking sit-out chokeslam. Dijak swings him into the steps outside then hits him, making him go over the rail. Dijak goes for the steps and Eddy Thorpe comes out. Dijak goes to hit him, misses, then Wes hurricanrana's him off the rail into the steps.

Wes superkicks him outside then does the cardiac kick. Wes then hits a top rope spiral tap and wins it.

It made sense but it was slower and just not particularly great.

Dragon Lee and Lyra Valkyria talk in the back. They talk about what they want to do to Rhea and Dom. Lyra says they need to get along just like they do and Lee says he doesn't want to get in trouble. Lyra says they need to learn about each other and says some things in spanish. He says she's born for greatness then Lyra says something in Irish and they high five. These segments never work and are awkward every single week yet we keep being subjected to them.

Tyler Bate is interviewed. We see NXT Anonymous filming him and Gallus arguing at an NXT Live event. Joe Coffey gets up in Tyler's face and a security guard steps in. Bate says he has known Joe for a long time and says he has learned never to react to an angry person. He says he won't let Joe's anger become his own and says he needs to find balance. He says perhaps he can set him under the three to find it and his music hits.

Ilja Dragunov talks about Trick Williams in a promo. He says he wants to slay the mad dragon and says next week, fantasy will not become reality. He tells him to bring his confidence next week because he will bring the raging fire. He says it will be a fight next week and says Trick will understand he's more dangerous then he can imagine.

We see Wes Lee leaving Shawn Michaels' office with his title match contract.

Tyler Bate vs Joe Coffey

Bate cartwheels out of a wristlock then is headlocked. Bate uses the buckles to headlock takeover him then grabs his own foot to kick Joe with. Bate dropkicks him and Gallus get on the apron. Bate is hit from behind then takes a backbreaker. Bate hits various strikes then flying euros him. Bate 2nd rope euros him then hits an exploder. Bate then running ssp's him.

Bate airplane spin drops him and is caught off the 2nd rope with a german. Joe headbutts him then takes a rolling koppo kick. Bate uses the ropes to bounce off and lariat him. Bate hits a suicide dive over the top then Dabba-Kato attacks both. Gallus pull Joe away then Kato sit-out double arm chokeslam bombs Bate. 

We didn't get a whole lot here before the Dabba-Kato run in. What we did get was fine though.

Baron Corbin is interviewed in the parking lot. He says he goes out there and tells it how it is. He said atleast Von had the balls to say something. Bron Breakker goes up to him. Bron says he's not done with Von. Baron said he looked finished when Von put him through a table. Bron says good luck next week and says he will be watching. Corbin says he knows Bron intimidates everyone in this building, but he's not everyone.

Hard Hitting Home Truths with Nathan Frazer

Frazer has the heritage cup with him. He says Florida is hot and says it comes to a boiling point at NXT Heatwave. He talks about facing Noam Dar then Noam Dar interrupts the video and says welcome to Supernova Sessions. Dar calls Frazer a lunatic. Frazer calls him a weird one and Dar has his own heritage cup. Dar says he is still the heritage cup champ and accuses Frazer of conspiracy theories. Frazer asks whose cup is real and Dar says he was never beaten, Oro was beaten. Frazer plays video from last week where Dar talks about which heritage cup is real or not. Frazer then pulls out what he calls a "fraud alarm" that slaps a fraud logo on Dar. Frazer keeps pressing it on Dar, claiming he's lying about various things. Dar tells him to have his fun then Frazer presses the fraud button each time Dar talks about beating him last week.

This was bizarre and unusual. It seems like we now have three heritage cups and I have no idea where they are going with this.

Jacy Jayne vs Thea Hail

Jacy isn't impressed and knees her in the gut. Thea titl-a-whirl armdrags her then does another armdrag. Thea headscissors her then topes her through the ropes. We go to break and return and we see Jacy hit a neckbreaker and senton during the break.

Jacy has her in a chinlock. Thea rolls her up then Jacy back elbows her. Jacy hits a senton then hits some facekicks. Thea hits some flying sledgehammer shots then exploders her. Thea flips on her then hits a bottom rope back splash for 2. Jacy hits a pumping knee then Thea goes for the kimura, but Jacy ropebreaks. Jacy superkicks her then hits a spinebuster.

Jacy footslaps her the removes the turnbuckle pad. Chase gets on the apron to adjust a turnbuckle. Thea yells at Chase then is rolled up by Jacy for the win.

The match wasn't anything special but it made sense to further the storyline.

We get a video on Humberto Garza, Humberto Carillo and Angel Garza. Carillow and Garza say they still have a family when life knocks them down. They talk about not blaming each other and making a new beginning together. Both then wake up from dreaming, look at pictures of their grandfather and the segment ends.

Wes Lee goes up to Carmelo Hayes. He throws the contract down and tells him to sign it. Melo doesn't sign it and says he will see him next Tuesday. Wes throws the signed photos around and knocks the table over. He says he's not waiting and drags the table out with him. He says, "see you out there, champ". 

We get a video on Tiffany Stratton. She says she's just "it" and you don't have to learn it. She says she will see everyone next week at Heatwave.

Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes talk in the ring. Melo says Wes has folded after taking a few losses. He says he's not convinced Wes can be him. Wes says he doesn't want to be him. Wes says Melo is one of the chosen ones. Wes said he had a long ride to get here and was told he can't do a lot of things and says he did do various things. He then said he became the greatest North American champion in history. Melo says Wes can't beat him next week. Wes said he won't fail anymore and tells him to sign the contract. Melo tells him not to chase waterfalls and stick to the lakes and rivers that he's used to. He said it's not "Melo don't miss" next week, it's "Melo can't miss". The crowd chants, "Melo's gonna miss".

Melo holds the title up at him then Wes double stomps the table and says he will see him at Heatwave. They stare down to close the show.

I thought it was a good segment and Wes double stomping the table was a neat moment. I feel like something's going to happen in their match though. Someone's turning or Wes is getting the upset win. They are pushing Wes too much for anything else to happen and he's running out of things to do in NXT.

Overall thoughts: In-ring wise, it wasn't that memorable. They did further some angles and stories along though and did a decent job hyping up Melo/Lee and Trick/Dragunov.

Heatwave next week is a weird show though. There's no Tiffany Stratton. Bron's not on the card (though he will appear). Tony D and Stacks aren't on it. Roxanne Perez isn't on it, amongst others. There's no big gimmick match either. Heatwave may officially be a special next week, but it doesn't exactly feel like one.

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