Tuesday, August 15, 2023



They are at a big arena and they don't have a lot of fans there.

Here's what I saw:

Yan's Family (Masato Kamino & Yusuke Kodama) vs. JD Lee & Yuya Susumu

JD Lee is from Korea. He uses the ropes to flip out of an wristlock by Kodama then armdrags him. JD corkscrew headscissors him. Yuya gets in and monkey flips Kodama. Kodama atomic drops him and hits a nice punch. Kamino and JD get in and JD is slammed. JD takes coner spears then a slam and slingshot senton from Kodama.

JD step up enzugiri's Kodama. Kamino and Yuya go at it. Kamino suplexes him and takes a reverse triangle over the top, then falls to floor as they slip. Yuya ddt's him then Kamino olympic slams him. JD dropkicks the opponents into each other then springboard back tornillos them. JD hitsh a high kick and a spin kick on Kamino. JD then top rope ssp's him and gets the win.

It was a dark match and while it got enough time, it wasn't much of note. JD's a decent talent who can do some athletic things, though nothing super impressive.

Issei Onitsuka, TAKA Michinoku & Yuji Hino vs. BULK Orchestra (KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Quiet Storm) & Masakatsu Funaki

Hino and Storm ram shoulders then chop each other. They shoulder battle more and Storm knocks him over. Issei slaps Funaki and they trade chest chops. Issei shoulders him over then takes a hiptoss. Taka and Kazma get in. Taka eye pokes him and facekicks him. Kamza michinoku drivers him then Taka does hi just facelock move. Taka running knees Kazma then Hino slams Kazma.

Hino splashes Kazma and the two chop each other. Kazma enzugiri's him  then Storm comes in and hits shoulders. Storm suplexes Hino and they trade chops. Hino exploders him and they lariat battle. They keep doing it while on their knees and Hino lets him hit some. Hino powerbombs him.

Storm takes corner moves then a kick + lariat combo from Taka and Issei. Funaki hits kicks on his opponents then Hino chops him down. Issei hurricanrana's Storm but is blocked then Storm hits a nice brainbuster on him for 2. Storm running lariats him and wins it.

It was a 10 minute tag. Not enough time for everyone involved but Storm and Hino made the best of it that they could.

DASH Chisako, Kyoko Inoue, Unagi Sayaka & Yukari Hosokawa vs. DIAMOND EGOIST (Aoi, Janai Kai, MICHIKO & Risa Sera)

Egoist attacks on the handshake then Yukari takes a double backdrop. Kai pump kicks Yukari and suplexes her. Michiko foot slaps Yukari then slaps her. Yukari then crossbodies her for 2. Kyoko running lariats Michiko then Aoi and Kai hit her from behind. Kyoko lariats both and Michiko.

Dash top rope dropkicks Michiko and facekicks her. Dash hits nice forearms and drops her. Michiko facekicks her then does a ki krusher. Unagi and Aoi go at it. Unagi bangs Aoi's head off the buckle then takes corner attacks. Kai kicks Unagi in the gut  then Aoi slingblades her for 2. Kyoko top rope superplexes Sera then Dash top rope double stomps Sera.

Yukari top rope dives onto Sera and someone else outside. Dash and UAngi both go up top and hit frogsplashes. Unagi double axe handle's Aoi then hits a sliding D and wins it.

This was a total waste of time at 6 minutes. I don't even know if Sera got a piece of offense in, which should tell you how short this was. Would adding 3 minutes or so really have killed this?

Michiko grabs Unagi after and hits her.

Jack Cartwheel, Junjie, Kento Miyahara & Shigehiro Irie vs. Black Generation International (Hartley Jackson, Keiichi Sato, Kotaro Suzuki & Yutani)

Why is Kento down here in a multi-man nothing match? No idea.  Yutani and Jack start us off. Jack cartwheels and backflips to avoid kicks. Jack then does a flagpole legsweep on the apron. Jack bounces his body off the top rope for a twisting slingshot splash. Jack irish whips Yutani and Yutani facekicks Kento off the apron.

Kento shoulders over Suzuki then Suzuki backslides him. Suzuki hits a gut punch then Kento dropkicks him in the side of the head. Yutani dropkicks Kento then they trade forearms.  Yutani jumping knees Kento off the apron then tope con hilos him over the top. Suzuki and Junjie go at it. jungie back elbows him and does a double palm thrust.

Sato jumping dropkicks Irie then throws Junjie out. Jack flips out of a Sato lariat then rolling death valley drivers him. Jack goes to dive but runs into Hartley then hits a nice crucifix bomb on him. Jack then does a flying space tiger drop to the outside.  Jack carthweel backflip elbows Hartley in the corner then Irie cannonballs Hartley.

Hartley is backdropped by Junjie then Jack top rope corkscrew moonsaults Hartley. Junjie hits weird strikes on Harlety then is tripped and takes a double baseball slide. Junjie takes corner moves then a sandwich lariat + forearm. Hartley falcon arrows Junjie and gets the win.

It was a fast sprint with everyone rushing to get a little in. It was a waste of multiple guys to be honest and Kento did not really get protected here as he was used to put over Yutani.

UWF Rules Match - Minoru Suzuki & Shinya Aoki vs. Fujita Hayato & Yu Iizuka

Hayato and Aoki trade kicks then Suzuki gets in. Aoki and Suzuki each leg lock Hayato. Yu takes down Suzuki and they fight on the mat over an armbar. Suzuki puts his choke on Hayato in the corner and lts go to allow Aoki in. Hayato goes for the guillotine then Suzuki goes for a leglock on him. Hayato goes for another guillotine and Suzuki ropebreaks. Yu strike flurries Suzuki and is slapped. Suzuki shoots in and is knee'd in the face. Suzuki grounded chokes Yu and taps him out.

This wasn't good. They didn't have a lot of time and they got virtually nothing out of this. If you were hoping for big suplexes or rapid fire kick exchanges, this was not it  Nothing of interest happened here.

G-INFINITY Title Match - Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Ryuichi Kawakami)

RK = Ryuichi Kawakami, GDM = Galeno del Mal

It kind of looks like a midcard match on paper, but this really should be good. The Saito's rush at their opponents and everyone fights. They all go outside and GDM's head is banged off the post while RK takes a Rei headbutt. RK is kicked by the bros and GDM sends Jun into the rails.

RK ddt's and sentons Rei. GDM then splashes Rei. GDM and RK pose. Rei and GDM trade chops then GDM shoulders him. GDM basment dropkicks him in the back of the head then RK machine gun chops Rei. Rei shoulders over RK then Rei elbow drops him. RK takes a double shoulder from the bros.

RK hits forearms on Rei then Rei machine gun chops him. Rei suplexes him then RK back body drops Rei. Jun and GDM trade forearms then GDM pump kicks him. Jun misses a boot on him then GDM rolls him into a knee on the ground. Jun facekicks RK then Rei knocks GDM off the apron. Rei corner lariats RK then RK takes a double hiptoss for 2.

GDM single leg dropkicks Jun then suplexes him. GDM tope con hilos the bros outside then GDM corner cannonballs Jun. Jun takes an RK backdrop then GDM top rope frogsplashes him. GDM clutches Jun and does a twisting double underhook neckbreaker. RK lariats Jun for 2. Jun spears RK then RK takes a double chokeslam for 2.

Rei and RK lariat battle and RK hits spinning forearms and elbows. Rei slaps RK then Jun lariats RK for 2. Rei piledrivers RK for 2. Rei top rope splashes RK and wins it.

Galeno del Mal is the highlight every time he is out there and this was no exception. This guy really has it. The Galeno sections with Rei and Jun were fun as expected but this was missing something. The crowd kind of brought this down as they weren't super into this. I don't even know if it's their fault though considering that the arena is way too big for how many people are there.

Atsuki Aoyagi, Hiromu Takahashi & Jun Tonsho vs. Coelacanths (CIMA, Kaz Hayashi & Minoru Tanaka)

Cima dyed his hair silver for this and comes off looking like an old man. Cima and Jun start us off. Hiromu trips Cima from the outside and Atsuki dropkicks Cima while he argues with Hiromu. All 6 men get in and the ref tries to separate them.

Kaz shoulders over Atsuki then Atsuki dropkicks him. Minoru and Hiromu get in. They trade forearms and Minoru dropkicks him then kips up. Hiromu is tripped into a baseball slide, basement dropkick and knee drop. Minoru standing moonsaults Hiromu and makes ropebreak on an armbar.

Hiromu pushes Kaz into Cima then lifts him up for a hurricanrana on Cima. Hiromu basement dropkicks him. Atsuki 2nd rope twisting armdrags Kaz then dropkicks him out. Atsuki then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside. Kaz hits forearms on Atsuki then is superkicked and corkscrew kicked. Kaz then handsprings into a corkscrew kick. Cima ste up enzugiri's Jun  then Jun germans Kaz while trying to pin Cima.

Hiromu basement dropkicks Minoru in the back then high kicks him. Minoru then does a rolling armbar. Hiromu death valley drivers Minoru into the buckles. Jun gets in and dropkicks Cima. Jun 2nd rope ddt's him. Hiromu misses a top rope meteora from Cima then Cima dropkicks Jun as he comes off the top. Jun takes running moves in the corner then Cima hits a top rope meteora on Jun to win it.

It was a simple trios match and nothing special. They didn't have much time and didn't do any big moves or spots. 

G-REX Title Match - T-Hawk (c) vs. Hayato Tamura

T knee dropkicks him and Tamura shoulders him over. Tamura goes up top and is chopped to the floor. Taura is then sent into the rails with the cheap rail coverings falling over. T suplexes Tamura on the floor. Tamura shoulders him over.

They trade shots and T falls over on an irish whip, holding his gut from Tamura's shot. Tamura shoulders him over then 2nd rope shoulders him. Tamura suplexes T then facelocks him.  They trade spinning shots and Tamura shoulders him. T suplexes him and they trade forearms. Tamura spinning neckbreakers him.

Tamura shoulders him over and T hits a knee to the face. Tamura backdrops him and powerbombs him for 2.  T is thrown out then pops him up onto the apron face first. Tamura then bridging, twisting neckbreakers him on the floor. T then does something like a razor's edge into the rails on him though Tamura rolls and ends up hitting it with his face more than anything else.

T chops Tamura while Tamura is on the apron. T then hits a 2nd rope razor's edge for 2. They shoulder battle with each other then T pop-up knees him. Tamura hits lariats to the back of the head then hits a big lariat. T reverse slams him then Tamura lariats him. T no sells it, knees him in the back of the head then they no sell and lariat each other.

T goes for a kick and is caught and powerbombed. They slap each other and Tamura hits a big lariat. T then hits him with one right back. Tamura muscle busters him for 2. Tamura hits lariats and criss-crosses him with a lariat. Tamura runs into T's knee then T splash mountains him. T then does a lifting fire thunder for 2.

T pumping knees him in the back of the head then they hold each others wrists and punch each other. T slaps him then does another lifting fire thunder for the win.

They tried for a classic but the crowd wasn't into it and it was just not a great match. It was the usual T-Hawk garbage with no selling and the pace being messed up. It also went too long.

Elimination Match - Daisuke Sekimoto, Hagane Shinnou, Kota Ibushi, Shuji Ishikawa & Yumehito Imanari vs. Check Shimatani, El Lindaman, Kaito Ishida, Soma Watanabe & Takanori Ito

Soma and Kota start us off. They trade leg kicks and strikes. Soma hits some chest kicks. Imanari begs to get in but is rejected. Check and Hagane go at it. They trade armdrags and Check dropkicks him. Shuji and Linda go at it. Linda shoulders him then Shuji puts him on the apron. Linda pulls him over the top then shoulders him. Linda dropkicks Imanari in the back of the head. Kaito gets in and hits a back kick on Imanari.

Imanari and Check hit forearms on each other then Ima double throat thrusts him. Everyne goes outside to fight and Check is whipped into the rails. They all head to one of the aisles and Kota moonsaults off the aisle way. Check hits forearms that don't bother Shuji then Shuji forearms him over. Shuji backdrops Check then 2nd rope double stomps him for 2.

Check tornado ddt's Shuji. Ito gets in and cleans house. He catches Hagane off the 2nd rope and fallaway slams him. Ito spinning heek kicks Sekimoto then trades chest kicks with Ibushi. Ito hits karelin's lift on him then facekicks Imanari in the corner. Ito then overhead belly to belly suplexes him.

Soma and Imanari trade shots. Soma takes a Thesz press then Imanari bulldogs him. We get a tower of doom spot off the ropes and Check cannonballs someone off the apron. Soma 450's Imanari and eliminates him. Hagane armdrags Soma off the top rope and hits a ranhei for 2. Soma dropkicks Hagane while he sits on top then Hagane takes a double facekick off the apron to get eliminated.

Sekimoto gets in. Sek whips Linda into Check and corner spears both. Sek chops Ito then corner lariats him. Ito spinning heel kicks him then hits a backdrop. Ito hits kicks and forearms on Sekimoto then does a nasty german on his head. Sek no sells it and germans him. Ito no sells it and high kicks him. Sek then hits a stiff lariat for 2. Ibushi goes for a german on Ito so Sek picks up Ibushi to german him too. Sek then pins Ito to eliminate him.

Sek takes a corner lariat and double suplex then Kaito PK's Sek. Check top rope crossbodies Sek and is caught with a swinging side slam. Ibushi standing moonsaults Check but Check gets his knees up. Check dropkicks Ibushi then top rope hurricanrana's him. Ibushiu puts Check in a texas cloverleaf and Kaito slaps Ibushi while he does it. Kaito buzzsaw kicks him then Kota taps out Check with a one legged crab to eliminate him.

Kota and Kaito butt heads and Soma top rope dropkicks Ibushi.  Linda water wheel drops Sekimoto then Sek 2nd rope crossbodies him for 2. Sekimoto enzugiri's him then Linda deadlift suplexes him. Soma and Sekimoto trade forearms. Sekimoto headbutts him then Soma hits a big dropkick. Sek back elbows Soma and is pulled over the top. Sek is on the apron and brings Soma with him. Soma headscissors him off the apron and eliminates himself as well in a stupid moment.

Kaito and Linda are left for their teams while Shuji and Ibushi are left for their teams. They trade forearms 2v2 and Shuji ends up lariating Ibushi. Shuji takes a 2v1 then is pump kicked into a Linda backdrop. Linda top rope splashes Shuji then germans him for 2. Kota pumping knees Linda. Linda hits spinning forearms on Shuji then Shuji fire thunders him for 2. Shuji running knees Linda for 2 then Shuji backdrops Linda to pin and eliminate him.

Kaito takes a 2v1 then Shuji backdrops him. Shuji running lariats Kaito then Kaito rolls him up and eliminates him. Ibushi and Kaito are the last two left here. Ibushi slaps him around and Kaito leg kicks and back kicks him. Ibushi lariats him. Ibushi runs at him and takes a flying kick. They slap each other then Kaito step up enzugiri's him. Kaito half-nelson suplexes him then hits a half-tiger suplex for 2. Kaito buzzsaw kicks him but Ibushi catches it and sitout powerbombs him for 2. Kaito rolls him up then Ibushi kaigoye's him in the back and front. Ibushi then wins it.

It was a longer match and not particularly great. Kota Ibushi moved in slow motion here and they just didn't go all out like they could have on this one. We two big spots with Kota's moonsault off the bleachers and a tower of doom spot. Other than that, just pretty much standard stuff. It would have been a better Korakuen main event than here.

Overall thoughts: They didn't have a great crowd here and that brought down everything as there wasn't much heat. The main was fine to good, but nowhere near a classic or what it could have been. The semi-main of Hawk and Tamura wasn't good. The junior trios match with Cima was short and helped no one. The tag title match was fun due to Galeno del Mal but also needed more. The UWF match had nothing happen in it and Kento Miyahara got thrown in a random midcard tag match like a nobody. The rest of the show had short matches with too many people involved. I'd probably give it a 6 out of 10 as we did not see the best of GLEAT here.


  1. If you haven't seen it, check out the GLEAT 6/7 show with the UWF Title finals. I know of a couple of people who were excited about this show, and I honestly didn't understand why. The lineup didn't look all that great to me, and from the looks of it, it didn't do a whole lot for you either.

    1. @Mike Campbell - Thanks for the tip. I'll have to take a look.

      I was really surprised when I saw the card. I assumed it would be stacked so they'd get a good crowd, but it just ended up being a bunch of tags.

      - ProWresBlog
