Wednesday, August 16, 2023

FREEDOMS 7/6/2023 Jun Kasai Produce Tokyo Death Match Carnival 2023 Vol. 1

FREEDOMS 7/6/2023 Jun Kasai Produce Tokyo Death Match Carnival 2023 Vol. 1

GENTARO & Tatsuhito Takaiwa vs. Kengo & Rekka

We join this in progress. Gentaro hits a nice karelin's lift on Kengo then running slaps him. Kengo takes a double suplex for 2. Kengo backbody drops Takaiwa and they trade forearms. Takaiwa suplexes him then lariats him. Gentaro does a weird move to pull Rekka over the top with him then Takaiwa death valley drivers Kengo for 2. Kengo backslides and cradles him and picks up the win.

This went 7:40 and we saw maybe two minutes of this.

Yuya Susumu vs. Dragon Libre

We join this in progress as Yuya suplexes Libre twice in a row. Yuya does a stiff fire thunder driver then Libre superkicks him. Libre tries some pin attempts and meteora's him for 2. Libre superkicks him in the head then swinging neckbreakers him for 2. Yuya hits the ref and low blows Libre. Yuya then ddt's him and cradles him to win it.

We saw maybe a minute or two here and not much else.

King Of FREEDOM World Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Jun Masaoka (c) vs. Takahiro Katori 


Katori and Jun run at each other with forearms then trade forearms. Katori hits a nice dropkick. Katori forearm flurries him in the corner then Jun slaps him and throws him out. Katori back kicks him on the floor then is thrown hard into a gate door. Jun hits him with sign and double stomps him while he's laying on the mat.

Jun footslaps him and they trade forearms. Jun does something like a double stomp to his face. Jun continues to dominate him and slaps him in the back of the head. Jun runs at him and gets suplexed. Katori suplexes him into the buckles. Katori lariats him off the top for 2.

Katori puts him into an octopus. Jun stunners him over the top rope then takes a slingshot double stomp. Katori piledrivers him over the middle rope then does a springboard tope con hilo outside. Katori shining wizards him for 2.

Katori hangs from the top and is double stomped down but no sells it. Katori rebound germans him then Jun superkicks him. Katori backdrops him then Jun slaps him between two counts. Jun superkicks him in the head for 2. Jun then headlock drivers him for the win at 14:49.

It went too long and the longer it went, the more it brought it down. It was decent at first with Jun bullying around Katori, but that all got traded for cool moves.

Kengo challenges Jun for the title after.

Barefoot Thumbtack Death Match - Jun Kasai vs. Takayuki Ueki

They grab chairs before the bell and then sit on them to take off their shoes. Ueki's breaks when he unfolds it but he tries to sit on it anyway.

They have a plate of thumbtacks set up in the ring. Ueki jumps over the plate in various ways then cartwheels away from it. Ueki drops down and Jun has to roll over the plate. Ueki goes to trip him and Jun is falling back, so Ueki swings the tacks around behind him and makes his back go into them.

Ueki headbutts tacks into Jun's head, and of course gets some in his own head. He then puts tacks in Jun's mouth and forearms him. Jun kisses him with tacks in his mouth to put the tacks in Ueki's mouth, then forearms him. Ueki is thrown into the ropes, does his own feint into them, then cutters Jun. Ueki gordbusters Jun on tacks.

Ueki misses a headbutt drop. Ueki and Jun fight over a plastic bat with tacks and Jun takes it in the foot. Jun then dropkicks it into him. They do some stupid spot where they headbutt the bat into each other, which of coure puts the tacks into their own heads while doing it. The two then take off their pants and trade forearms. Ueki misses a dropkick and goes into the tacks then Jun misses an enzugiri and goes into them. Ueki then misses a headbutt drop and goes into them.

Ueki plants Jun's feet into the tacks then death valley drivers him into them for 2. Ueki misses a top rope headbutt and goes into the tacks face first. Jun double underhook piledrivers him then Jun top rope splashes him for 2. Ueki ends up going feet first into the tacks off a leapfrog then Jun straightjacket piledrivers him onto the tacks and wins it.

I hated this. It was a comedic hardcore match. Most of us assume having tacks go into you hurts and they made a comedy routine out of it. They also kissed and took off their pants which wasn't exactly something I was dying to see. I don't know what in real life would ever possess someone to wrestle barefoot in thumbtacks and I think you'd have to be even dumber to make a joke out of it like they did.

King Of FREEDOM World Tag Team Title Free Weapons Death Match- Mammoth Sasaki & Takashi Sasaki (c) vs. Daisuke Masaoka & Toru Sugiura

MS = Mammoth Sasaki, TS = Takashi Sasaki, DM = Daisuke Masaoka

DM and Toru attack at the bell then hit a double dropkick on Sugi. MS swings a ladder at Toru then shoulderblocks one into DM. MS hits DM with spikes on a board then rakes his back with it. He then hits him over the back with it and hits Toru in the gut with it. DM is hit in the gut with it too then TS gets in. TS leg lariats DM then puts his face into a chair with kenzan's on then. TS then chairs a chair into the kenzans.

TS grabs a barbed wire bat and hits DM in the chest with it. He then knees the bat into him and hurts his own knee on it. MS chairs the end of a ladder into DM's crotch. DM ducks MS' lariat then springboard dropkicks him. Toru gets in and rams a chair into MS' head. DM top rope crossbodies both opponents, is caught, then Toru springboard dropkicks him into them.

Toru and DM hit a stereo tope + asai moonsault combo outside. Toru sledgehammers a ladder into MS' face and I'm pretty sure MS saw his life flash before his eyes during that one. Toru hits forearms then goes for a spinning move but is lariated. TS gets in and ddt's Toru. Toru hits a nice dropkick on him. DM slams Toru then buttdrops a ladder down on him on chairs.

TS germans DM on chairs then slams him on a stack of chairs with kenzans. TS and DM trade forearms then DM headbutts him.  DM fire thunders him. Toru and MS trade forearms and chops then Toru armdrags him. DM shining wizards him then hits an asai moonsault on him. Toru goes to springboard but TS throws a chair at his head.

Toru takes corner moves and we get a 3 person tower of doom spot. Toru is popped up into a sky high for 2 then takes a sitout powerbomb. MS has a chair throw at his head then Toru hits a chair with a chair that's around his neck. Toru then drivers him for 2. Toru sliding d's MS and gets the shocking win at 13:56.

The ending sucked as it was just not well built up to and it was a pretty weak move by Freedoms standards. Other than that, I thought it was a fun little match. Nothing great but they didn't no sell and they didn't have any real botches. The sledgehammer spot near the face was incredibly stupid and dangerous

King Of FREEDOM World Title Double Glass Board, Fluorescent Lighttubes & Alpha Death Match - Tomoya Hirata (c) vs. Minoru Fujita

TH = Tomoya Hirata, MF = Minoru Fujita

MF rushes at him before the bell even starts and is caught. TH lariats him over the top then topes him. TH sets up a table outside. MF dropkicks him in the back of the head. They fight on the apron and TH powerslams him off of it through a table. TH hits him over the head with a table piece.

TH slams him in the ring then hits a vader bomb for 2. TH grabs tubes stacked in a skyscraper shape and MF crossbodies them into him. Another table is set up outside. MF climbs up top and has a chair thrown at him. MF goes for a top rope hurracanrana but slips and both fal lover. MF then 2nd rope splashes him through the table. MF hits him with a table piece a few times for 2. MF puts him in an STF and germans him on his head. They fight over a stack of light tubes and TH shoulders the tubes into him. TH hits a corner splash then top rope dropkicks him for 2. TH slams him. MF pulls out a sickle and sets up a glass pane bridge on a chair.

MF fire thunders him through the pane, though mostly MF's knees go through it. MF neckbreakers him then hits a top rope splash with tubes. TH no sells it and swinging side slams him. TH bridges a blass pane on chairs over top of MF then moonsaults himself through the glass onto him in a very stupid spot.

They each grab tubes and body ram each other with them. They trade forearms and TH hits bolo punches. MF forearms him then is popped-up into a german. MF lariats him in the back of the head and they lariat each other at the same time. MF cuts off his own hair for some reason (no, that's not an error) and he goes to hand it to TH. He throws it at him and rolls him up for 2. MF rolls him up then throws a stack of tubes at him. TH throws a stack of tubes back at him. They then throw two boxes of tubes at each other at the same time.

They start throwing wild body shots and TH release germans him. MF lariats him then TH uranage's him for 2. They headbutt battle then TN lariats him. TH germans him for the win.

It was long at 25:49, unusual and not that good. The hurricanrana botch off the top was hilarious. The moonsault through the glass pane spot was totally stupid and made no sense. Fujita cut his hair for some reason and they no sold a lot of stuff.

Overall thoughts: I saw everything but the intergender match. The semi-main was probably the best match on the show though the finish stunk. The barbed wire thumbtacks match was hardcore comedy and wasn't goos. The main was bizarre at times and wasn't very good either. The rest of this was all clipped up.

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