Tuesday, August 29, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #35 5/13/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #35 5/13/2023 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wow-women-of-wrestling-episode-34-562023.html

This is the youtube version of it. It may be missing things from the TV broadcast, but that's the only version I have.

We see clips of Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah picking up the win last week. This gave Randi 5 minutes in the ring with Samantha Smart. Smart runs around the ring then Disciplinarian hits Randi with chalk. Coach gets mad and tells them to bring all the supplies they want and says let's have a schoolyard brawl.

Penelope Pink vs Tiki Chamorro for the WOW Title is the main event.

Gigi Gianni and Amber Rodriguez vs Jennifer Florez and Stephy Slays

Amber slaps Stephy and takes her down. Amber hits mounted punches then Stephy crossbodies and armdrags her. Amber takes a double back elbow. Florez backslides Gigi then flips out of a double armlock and turns it into an armdrag. Florez slides between Gigi's legs and camel clutches her. Florez takes kicks to the back then Amber stands on Florez's hair.

Amber lariats Florez in the corner then side slams her for 2. Amber drop toe holds Florez then Gigi does her handstand senton on Florez. Amber takes a step up enzugiri then Stephy gets the hot tag in. She hits clying cross chops and headscissors Gigi. Stephy bulldogs Gigi. Gigi and Amber mess up a spot then Amber hits an overdrive. Stephy takes a 3D variation called "high fashion" and Gigi grabs the pin.

The match structure was good but there were some sloppy moments here and it was hard to put this over much because of it. It was short and to the point.

Ice Cold and Exile (Genesis and Exodus) vs Princess Aussie, Kandi Krush and Keta Rush

All 6 girls argue in the middle of the ring and the heels jump the faces from behind. Ice hits knees to the gut of Kandi. Kandi arm throws her and then trips her. Kandi shoulder throws and armdrags her. Kandi then armdrags Exodus. Exodus takes a double back elbow.

Aussie armdrags Exodus 3 times then corner splashes her. Keta back elbows Exodus then hits a nice dropkick. Keta flying headscissors her then Ice kicks Keta in the back from the apron. Keta's beat up in the corner and Exodus corner spears her. Ice is wheelbarrow dropped onto Keta.

Keta is tripped into a leg lariat from behind, a neckbreaker and a legdrop. Genesis accidentally spin kicks Exodus in the gut. Aussie is tagged in and beats up the heels. Aussie lariats Exodus then cutters Exodus for 2. Genesis is thrown out then Aussie topes her. Kandi Krush fireman's carry slams Exodus. Ex facebusters Kandi for 2. Keta springboard crossbodies Ice then Kandi 2nd rope punches Ice to win it.

They got a decent amount of time for this one and I didn't have any issues with it. Keta was good as usual and Aussie's hot tag segment was good too.

Fury vs Reina del Rey

This is a heavyweight match here. Mezmoriah and Razor are not here with Fury. Fury ducks a lariat and hits shots from behind. Fury hits good forearms on Reina then backhand slaps her. Reina knees her in the gut then Fury superkicks her. Reina is ddt'd while holding onto the 2nd rope. Fury gets caught going up top and Reina drops her on the buckle face first. Reina bridging twisting neckbreakers her and picks up the win.

This was short but I liked it. It's rare to see two big girls go at it here and everything they did looked extra impressive.

WOW Title - Penelope Pink vs Tiki Chamorro

McClane calls Pink and Lana, "Team Pepto Bismol". Pink pushes her over and poses on the ropes. Tiki hits a Thesz press then  rolls her up. Tiki hits a single leg dropkick. Pink punches her in the gut from the apron the neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope.

Pink 2nd on her neck over the 2nd rope then Lana pulls Tiki's hair. Pink gori specials her and releases her backwards into the buckles. Pink slams Tiki then cartwheel splashes her. Tiki's head is banged off the buckles. Tiki pull Pink down off the 2nd rope and she takes a great bump onto the buckles.

Tiki hits a low dropkick then facebusters her. Tiki gets both boos up in the corner on Pink and has her headscissors blocked. Pink swings her head into the buckles. Tiki rolls up Pink  then Pink snapmares her into a sliding lariat. Pink puts her in a reverse ddt position then flips forward. Pink picks up the win.

This was a decent match with Tiki as the underdog trying to beat the champ. Pink's bump onto the buckles was good here and the crowd was into Tiki.

Overall thoughts: Three of the four matches were fine. Reina/Fury had the heavyweights go at it in a rare heel vs heel match, the 6 girl tag was decent and they did a good job in the main event. This was a decent show.

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