Tuesday, August 29, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #33 4/29/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #33 4/29/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wow-women-of-wrestling-episode-32.html

This is the youtube version and I'm not sure what is missing here from the TV broadcast.

Last week on WOW, the Tonga Twins, Tiki and Leia won an 8-woman tag against the Fabulous Four. The Twins said they were coming for the tag belts and said nobody was going to stop them. 

Gigi Gianni vs Jennifer Florez


 They said AJ Mendez brought Florez here. Gigi pushes and piefaces Florez. Gigi shoulders Florez over then Florez dropkicks her in the gut. Florez rolls Gigi over then Gigi 2nd rope knee presses her into the mat. Florez is tied up in the ropes and stretched. Gigi then stands on her hair and pulls her up.

Florez hits forearms then Gigi uranage's her. Gigi handstand sentons her. Gigi footchokes Florez. Gigi then hits a nice fireman's carry into a swinging side slam. Florez sling blades Gigi then running forearms her and back elbows her. Florez rolls her face first into the mat. Florez does a tequila shot on Gigi and picks up the win.

This was the best match I've ever seen Gigi in. Everything she did looked good and these two really worked well together. This couldn't have gone much better.

Kandi Krush and Princess Aussie vs Exile (Exodus and Genesis)

Kandi rolls up Genesis then arm throws her. Genesis kicks Kandi in the gut, as does Exodus. Kandi hip throws Exodus then Aussie hits offense on Ex. Aussie rolls up Exodus into a pin attempt. Aussie snapmares Ex then sliding lariats her. Genesis legdrops Aussie over the back of the neck then Gensis strangleholds her.

Ex and Gen footchoke Aussie. Gen chokes Aussie over the top rope. Kandi gets the tag in. Gen nails Ex on accident then is rolled up. Kandi lariats Gen then pop-up euros her. Gen is whipped into an Aussie superkick. Gen does a nice reverse enzugiri on Kandi.

Aussie's head is banged off the post by Ice Cold. Kandi is pushed into Ice Cold on the apron and Ice pulls her into the ropes. Genesis then pins Kandi off of it.

The finish looked really bad and I don't know what that was supposed to be. The rest of it was okay though. I liked Genesis' reverse enzugiri.

Holidead and Siren the Voodoo Doll vs Chantilly Chella and Keta Rush

Holi = Holidead

Thw faces pose on the ropes and are jumped from behind. Chella is kicked off the apron and Keta does some weird springboard thing on Siren that looks like it was botched. Keta spinning headscissors Holi then hits dropkicks.

Keta tries to jump over Siren but trips then Siren takes a double dropkick. The faces hit a double legsweep into a double elbow drop on Siren. Keta knees Siren in the gut then Keta is whipped into Holi's boot. Keta's back is rammed into the buckles.

Siren suplexes Keta then Keta hits leg kicks on Holi. Keta's back is rammed into the buckles again. Siren snapmares Keta. Keta uses the ropes to hurricanrana Holi. Chella gets in, grabs Siren's arm and walks up the buckles into a crossbody on Holi. Chella knees Siren in the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks both opponents. Holi takes a combo legsweep + superkick. Keta step up enzugiri's Siren then Holi high angle sit out pedigrees Keta to win it here.

This went long by WOW standards. There was some good stuff here but Keta also had an off night with some sloppiness.

Reina del Rey vs Razor vs Fury vs Wrecking Ball

We have 2 sets of tag partners here in a four way. They pair off and hit forearms. Ball is thrown into Reina then Fury does step up knees on both. Razor sentons Reina in the corner. Razor is thrown into Fury then both are clotheslined, hip attacked and meteora'd. Fury germans Ball and Ball bangs Fury's hed of fthe buckle. Ball backdrops Fury then Razor basement dropkicks Ball. Fury pounds on Ball then Fury takes a double sliding sandwich lariat.

Ball and Reina then punch each other. Razor then lays on all three for a pin attempt. Fury and Razor go at it and Fury flatliners her. Fury then regrets it.

Ball lariats Fury then Razor lariats Fury. Fury suplexes Ball on the floor. Reina goes into the post then Fury and Razor trade shots outside. Reina bridging twisting neckbreakers Fury and wins it.

It was fun and chaotic with double team moves, people fighting on the floor and tag partners fighting each other. I think they did a good job making this one seem like a wild fight and it was what what you would want out of this.

Overall thoughts: The main was fun and Gigi Gianni had the best match she has had so far in WOW. The tag and trios matches had some good points to them but also some things that brought them down.

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