Tuesday, August 29, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/26/2023 Episode #50

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/26/2023 Episode #50

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wow-women-of-wrestling-8192023-episode.html 

We see clips of Princess Aussie becoming the #1 Contender last week.

Exile(Exodus and Genesis) and Ice Coldvs Keta Rush, Stephy Slays and Jennifer Florez

Slays takes some armdrags to start and Ice headlocks her. Slays then armdrags Ice and Ice takesa double back elbow. Keta suplexes Ice. Exodus gets in and spinning backbreakers Keta. Keta hits a nice dropkick. Florez gets in and hits kicks then is dropped. Florez takes a leg sweep + reverse ddt combo.

Genesis chokes Florez in the corner then slams her. Ice cartwheels off Genesis' knee into a splash. Ice running knees Florez then Florez superkicks her. Slays hits flying cross chops then hits a monkey flip. Genesis takes nice dropkicks from Keta then Keta hits a sling blade for 2. Ice slams Keta then Exodus throws Ice up into an elbow drop on Keta. Ice Cold picks up the win.

This was a short trios match. Both teams got a little in and there was nothing wrong with this. Keta hit some nice dropkicks as usual.

Genesis gets on the mic after. She says they have been ignored for too long. They said they are outcasts and are exiled. Genesis says they have what it takes to be the best. Exodus asks if they are afraid of them and wants to know what more they have to do to get their title shot. Ice tells McClane that he knows what to do.

The Disciplinarian and GI Jane with Samantha Smart vs Foxxy Fierce and Kandi Krush

Dis = Disciplinarian

Foxxy evades Dis and crucifixes her. Jane and Kandi get in. Kandi takes her down then hits a short arm lariat. Kandi rainmakers her then Jane bangs her head off the mat. Jane stomps her then does push-ups while putting her hand on her back. Foxxy sunset flips Jane with help from Kandi.

Dis corner chops and forearms Foxxy. Dis chokes her on the middle rope then Smart chokes Foxxy with the ruler. Dis butt drops Foxxy's back and bangs her head off the mat. Dis kind of does a double arm chokebomb to Foxxy. Foxxy takes a double big boot to the face then Foxxy hits a nice enzuigiri on Jane.

Kandi hits a flying clothesline to Dis then Foxxy hip attacks Jane. Foxxy is thrown out and Kandi picks up the win with a punch on Dis.

It was another shorter tag match. It was over pretty quick and they kept things moving here. Not much to it but it was okay.

Americana and Spring Break 24/7 (Crystal Waters and Sandy Shore) vs Fury, Holidead and Siren the Voodoo Doll

Ameri = Americana, Holi = Holidead

Fury's Heavy Metal Sisters partners are banned from ringside for this one so Fury had to find new partners. The faces have the brightest collection of outfits I've ever seen.

Holi goes after Sandy and hits back elbows. Holy side slams her. Sandy evades a double team then hits a double dropkick. Sandy pump kicks Siren then Ameri backflips into a back elbow. Water running forearms Siren then crossbodies her for 2. Siren water wheel drops Waters.

Fury lariats Waters then knee lifts her. Waters has her head banged off of Siren's foot. Waters rolls up Fury then Waters basement dropkicks Fury. Shore gets in and hits a good lariat on Fury. Shore dropkicks HOli then trips her into the middle budckle. Siren hits a lariat then her and Fury argue. Siren turns on Fury then Holi speinbusters Fury. Shore hits the beach blast on Fury then Ameri top rope moonsaults onto Fury and picks up the win.

The heels turning on each other wasn't explained well and just happened out of nowhere. Other than that, it was a short match with the faces doing okay. Everyone basically got one or two moves in here and nothing more.

 We see Miami's Sweet Heat driving their fancy car around and drinking champange. We also see MSH winning the tag titles with help from Penelope Pink and Lana Star.

MSH says they are top tier and no one is on their level. They say they are the greatest thing WOW has ever seen. They said they are tired of hearing about The Tonga Twins but said they never hear about them being winners, as MSH are The Winners. They say the belts are going nowhere and tell The Tonga Twins to bring it.

The Tonga Twins are interviewed. The Twins say they want a falls count anywhere match for the tag titles. They then scream and do the throat cutting pose.

WOW Tag Titles - Falls Count Anywhere - Miami's Sweet Heat (c) vs The Tonga Twins

There are No DQ's, no countouts and there is no time limit here. No time limit doesn't really matter since we know this is going 10 minutes max.

The match starts on the apron and MSH is thrown in the hard way. MSH are both lariated over the top to the floor. The Twins stomp them outside then The Twins are sent into the rails. The Twins then hit spears on the floor. MSH takes boots and splashes in the corner. MSH head to the back then come back out with trash cans. The Twins kind of mess up the spot where they baseball slide the trash can lids in MSH. The Twins get hit with the lids.

The Twins are tripped into the lids then MSH grabs chairs. The Twins kick the chairs into MSH then hit them with the lids. One of MSH is slammed on the floor then a Twin is sent into the post. Laurie of MSH is hit with a trash can and Lindsay lariats Kaoz on the floor. Laurie pump kicks Kaoz then Kaoz takes a double short arm lariat.

Kona's down and MSH sets up chairs next to each other. Laurie takes a big bump over the top after failing to go over twice. Lindsay takes a double flapjack into two chairs, which looked nasty. Laurie takes a superkick then a tonga twist on chairs. The twins pin Laurie and win the tag titles!

McClane says this is a new era in WOW and confetti falls from the sky as the Twins raise the belts.

The Twins had a heck of a time sending MSH over the top rope, but this was well done. WOW doesn't use a lot of weapons or have a lot of hardcore matches, so when they do, it means something. They also don't have a lot of title changes, so when it happens, it feels special. Each team took some big bumps and weapons shots, the crowd was into it and the match did live up to the hype.

Overall thoughts: The main was not perfect, but it was really well done. The hardcore spots meant something and both teams did more than usual to put this over. We also did get a title change, which made it more special. I didn't like the Holidead and Siren turning on Fury. It just happened too quickly and there wasn't enough explanation. The other two trios matches were short but fine for what they were. I think people who get what WOW is and what they do are going to really like the main.

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