Monday, August 28, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #36 5/20/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #36 5/20/2023 

This is the youtube version. There may be some parts missing to it, but that's the best I can find.

We see clips of Penelope Pink beating Tiki Chamorro in a WOW Title Match last week. Pink says she meant it when she said she was the best thing WOW had seen. She says to line them up because she will knock them down and look good doing it.

Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera with Sofia Lopez vs The Tonga Twins 

This is pre-Las Bandidas, so Rivera and Sanchez aren't wearing matching gear here. Sanchez boots Kona in the gut then Kona catches her crossbody and slams her. Kona slams her again then Sanchez takes a double hiptoss. Sanchez hits forearms on a Kaoz then climbs her back for a sleeper. Sanchez is pulled overhead and holds her neck. Sanchez takes a running hip attack then Lopez grabs the Kaoz's leg. Rivera jumping knees the Kaoz in the corner then Rivera sliding lariats Kaoz

Sanchez foot chokes Kaoz and Rivera chokes Kaoz. Sanchez running facewash kicks Kaoz then barely hits an enzugiri on Kaoz. kona is tagged in and belly to belly suplexes Rivera. The Twins hit a neat double backbreaker on Sanchez then Rivera takes a double suplex. Sanchez takes a hard bump out of the ring. The Twins hit a tonga twist on Rivera and pick up the win.

It wasn't bad though there was a botch or two. I thought they could have done a better hot tag segment here as there was no heat when they made the big tag.

BK Rhythm vs Foxxy Fierce

They say Foxxy's sister Roxxy is at ringside. BK says she is unstoppable and says it will be lights out at her disco during her rap. Foxxy dances and gets a chant going. BK kicks her in the gut and Foxxy back rolls her. BK takes an atomic drop and Foxxy dropkicks her but barely connects.

Foxxy armdrags her out of the casadora then monkey flips her. Foxx does a bad running hip attack. BK trips Foxxy from the outside then RK gutbusters her. BK kicks her in the gut then does her hiptoss neckbreaker. Foxxy rolls her up then BK single leg codebreakers her.

Foxxy double boots her out of the corner then hits a spinning high kick. BK stomps her foot and Foxxy rolls her up for 2. Foxxy sits on her back and sunset bombs her to win it.

It wasn't too good with a lot of half-missed moves.

Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead vs Jessie Jones and Americana

Ameri = Americana, Holi = Holidead

Jones works Siren's arm to start and Ameri hits a nice handspring backflip elbow on Siren. Siren takes a snapmare then Holi armbars Ameri. Ameri leapfrogs and armdrags her. Holi neckbreakers Ameri then Siren sit dwn full nelson bombs Ameri. Ameri makes the tag but the ref doesn't see it. Ameri is then pounded on 2v1. Ameri sunset flips Holi in the corner ofr 2.

Holi bangs Ameri's head off the mat then Siren splashes Ameri in the corner. Siren misses a cannonball and Jones is tagged in. Jones lariats Holi then single arm ddt's her. Jones tags in Ameri and Holi throws Ameri off the top. Holi does a high sit out pedigree on Ameri and gets the win.

It was just average. Americana's handspring backflip elbow was really good and was the highlight here. There was nothing wrong with this, it just wasn't great.

Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Leia Makoa


Leia's shoulder is taped and injured. Leia running Thesz presses her and pounds on her. Leia headbutts her then PK's her. Leia fires up with chops then hits a double chop. Leia tries to lift McCoy but can't and McCoy works her shoulder. McCoy blue thunders her and picks up the win.

This was really short and they said Leia lost due to her injured shoulder. I think they could have given us more than this as it lasted maybe 3 minutes.

Overall thoughts:
The opener was good and the Americana tag was average. The main was 3 minutes long and a waste of time and BK's match was not good. I don't recommend this one.

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