Monday, August 28, 2023

Pure-J 7/23/2023

Pure-J 7/23/2023

Special Rules - Hanako Nakamori vs Aiger

Aiger screams at her then runs then Hana screams as she gets close to her. Aiger runs at her and ends up running into the corner, then flops backwards. Aiger falls down again and Hana boots her. Aiger gets behind her and puts her arms on her shoulders. Hana drops down and kicks her then Aiger screams at her and hits a ddt. Aiger slides at her and screams and Hana grab the ropes.

Hana hits leg kicks and high kicks her. Hana puts a chain around Aigers neck and hits kicks. Hana hits her on the apron and keeps her on the apron with the chain for more punishment. Aiger lariats her and goes up top. Aiger is kind of in reverse tree of woe then Hana pulls her down. Hana hits a shining wizard for 2.

Hana high kicks Aiger and misses a destiny hammer up top. Aiger chokeslams her then hits a running lariat. Hana rolls her up then kicks her in the face. Hana rolls her up again and wins it.

I have no idea what this was. There were some special rules here so cheating was allowed. Aiger's a goofy horror character and played that up most of the match. This was short and they goofed around for most of this.

Chie Ozora leashes her after and pulls her to the back.

5 Woman Battle Royal - Leon vs Rydeen Hagane vs Momo Tani vs AKARI vs Crea

They try to negotiate teams then everyone decides to beat up on Leon. Leon is tripped into an elbow drop nad a basement dropkick. Momo Tani bulldogs Crea then Akari is put on top of Crea. Momo then kneels on both. Momo tries to do her taunt and Leon breaks it up.

Leon stunners Rydeen then hits a double spear on Rydeen and Momo, then on Crea and Akari. Leon goes up top and gets caught. Rydeen throws her down. Crea and Akari hit double attacks on Rydeen then Leon. We then get a 4 girl headscissors and Rydeen rolls them all over into a crab.

Rydeen single leg crabs Akari. Crea does an abdominal stretch on Rydee, then Momo sleeprs Crea. Leon then camel clutches Akari in a 5 girl submission. Momo hits knees on Leon then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Leon racks Momo over her back. Rydeen tries to break it up but can't then rolls up Leon. All 4 girls pin Leon and eliminate her.

Akari ends up in the middle of 3 girls. She drops down to try and get them to do something and they all try to pin her. Rydeen then volunteers to drop down. Everyone tries to pin her and she kicks out. Rydeen then shoulders over AKARI and Crea. Rydeen teases doing a shoulder on Momo but doesn't. Momo hugs her and tries to make friends.

Crea escapes a 2v1 with a facekick on Momo. Rydeen double suplexes Crea and Akari. Crea pushes Rydeen into Momo then Akari and Crea pin Rydeen together and eliminate her. Momo is left in there with Akari and Crea. Momo takes a double kick then corner attacks. Momo crossbodies both but is caught and slammed. Akari 619's her then Crea holds her up for an Akari bulldog. Crea goes for the pin and Akari breaks it up for some reason.

Akari apologizes to Crea and they argue some. Momo is whipped into the ropes and hits a double codebreaker and double meteora. Crea facekicks Akari then Akari double chops her. They push each other and Momo gets nailed by both when she interrupts it. Akari lariats Crea then Momo and Akari pin Crea.

Momo hits a Danno O'Mahoney roll on Akari and they both try pin attempts. Akari puts her in la magistral then rolls her up with a bridge for 2. Akari then rolls her up and pins her.

It was a fun little battle royale with alliances forming and breaking. The action was fast paced and we got some creative multi-person spots.

Ayako Sato and Hanako Nakamori vs Chie Ozora and Madeline

Maddy = Madeline

Everyone shakes hands to start. Hana's team is wearing matching gear. Chie dropkicks Hana who no sells it. Hana running boots her. Chie is thrown into the buckles but comes back out with a dropkick. Maddy gets in and double trips Hana with Chie into a double basement dropkick. Maddy kicks Hana in the back while sheis down then lets Hana kick her in the back. Hana then lets her get another kick in and Maddy takes another kick.

Hana tries to walk up the buckles but Maddy pulls her down. Maddy and Chie walk the top rope and drop down with bad armdrags. Hana hits a running lariat on Maddy then Sato hair throws Maddy. Maddy and Chie dropkick Sato then Sato slams Chie. Sato crabs Chie then Hana stomps Chie's fingers while she's in it. Chie is put in a camel clutch then kicked by Hana at 5 minutes.

Chie is tied up in the ropes then Hana kicks her in the butt. Chie mongolian chops Hana. Hana slams Chie and legdrops her for 2. Sato double underhook suplexes Chie for 2 then release northern suplexes her. Chie rolls up Sato for 2 then basment dropkicks her. Sato misses a kick on the rope and is dropkicked in the leg. Sato dropkicks Chie. Chie takes a double boot then hits a double springboard armdrag.

Maddy gets in and casadora's Sato into a headlock takeover. Sato jumping knees Maddy then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Hana spinning heel kicks Maddy and then kicks her hard in the butt. They trade leg kicks at 10 minutes. Hana strike combos her then is dropped with a chest kick. Hana takes a double suplex then Maddy does a jumping split onto her. Maddy fameassers Hana.

Chie springboard dropkicks Hana then top rope shoulders her for 2. Chie rolls up Hana into a double stomp then Chie takes double 2nd rope dropkicks. Maddy top rope double crossbodies both opponents then Chie fisherman suplexes Hana for 2. Chie sunset flips Hana for 2. Sato accidentally nails her own partner in the head with a cookie sheet.

Chie hits chest forearms on Hana then starts slapping her. Chie step up enzugiri's her then Hana kicks her in the face for 2. Chie takes a double backdrop. Hana shining kicks Chie for 2 then falcon arrows her for the win.

It was a decent main but nothing too special. It got probably too much time at 15:19. They kept the pace on this one fast.

Overall thoughts: The main was okay, but a little long. The battle royale was fun and had some story and multi-person spots. Hanako vs Aiger was silly and short. I wouldn't recommend it, but there's worse Pure-J dojo shows out there.

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