Tuesday, August 29, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #34 5/6/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #34 5/6/2023 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wow-women-of-wrestling-episode-33.html

We see clips from last week with Reina saying that's how they handle it on the streets with Fury and Razor down. Wrecking Ball then says that's how they handle it in the wasteland. That may have been on the official TV broadcast, but I don't know.

Coach Campanelli vs The Disciplinarian is the main tonight and if Coach wins, Randi Rah Rah gets 5 minutes in the ring with The Disciplinarian.

Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Foxxy Fierce

Foxxy is backed up in the corner and the crowd cheers for her. McCoy side throws her and ties up her arm. Foxxy clips her in the leg and drives both knees into the mat. Foxxy works the leg. Foxxy dropkicks her then 2nd rope crossbodies her. McCoy lariats her then hiptosses her. McCoy chokes Foxxy on the ropes then slams her.

Foxxy hits shots to the gut and has her head banged off the mat. Foxxy does a bad spin kick and hits a dropkick to the gut. Foxxy's hip attack is blocked and she is german suplexed. McCoy then gets the win.

This wasn't any good. Foxxy's offense looked awful and she got a lot of it in here. I don't htink they did enough to put McCoy over either.

Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera vs Leia Makoa and Tiki Chamorro

McClane does Tiki's battle cry and that was disturbing. Sanchez and Leia go at it. Sanchez side headlock takeovers her then Leia shoulders her over. Leia hiptosses her then Tiki monkey flips Sanchez. Rivera is armdragged by Tiki and Tiki sunset flips her. Rivera is tripped into the 2nd rope and Rivera avoids the 619.

Rivera lariats Tiki in the corner then footchokes her. Rivera suplexes Tiki. Sanchez gets in and elbow drops Tiki. Sanchez short am scissors her then crossfces Tiki. Rivera hits chest forearms on Tiki then cradles her for 2. Tiki chinbreakers her then Leia gets in. Leia hits some shots on Sanchez then Sanchez begs off. Leia splashes both opponents in the corner.

Sanchez ends up outside the ring then Leia side slams Rivera. Leia wheelbarrow drops Tiki on Rivera and Tiki wins it.

The match wasn't bad just lacking big highlights here. Leia and Tiki have a big and small gimmick going on here with Leia kind of being the older sister to Tiki.

Jessie Jones vs BK Rhythm

They push that Jones is injured here. BK says Jones won't break her arm and Jones will end up in a sling. BK says she has a bum knee and says tonight will be easy. It didn't rhyme and even McClane had to call that bad rap out.

Jones hits some shots to the head and short arm ddt's her. BK rolls up Jones as Jones looks at Americana's kid in the audience and BK wins it.

This was very short and there was nothing to this.

If Coach wins, Randi Rah Rah gets 5 minutes with Samantha Smart - The Disciplinarian vs Coach Campanelli


Samantha Smart tells the announcer to tell the fans to shut up. The announcer says, "uh, shut up".

Dis = Disciplinarian

Dis backs up Coach and Coach rolls her up. Coach puts her in la magistral for 2 then small packages her. Coach armdrags her then takes a short arm clothesline. Smart pulls on Coach's hair then Dis butt drops Coach's back. Dis hits mounted shots on Coach then chokebombs her. Cocach pump kicks Dis and hits knees to her face. Coach kicks Smart through the ropes on the outside then bangs Dis' head off the mat.

Randi gets on the apron and blows her whistle. Dis is distracted by this then Smart rolls up Dis and wins it.

This wasn't good. Randi cheated to help Coach win and the finish was pretty lame. Coach is good as a character but not so good in the ring, hence why she doesn't wrestle so much.

Coach tells Samantha Smart that she is next and Randi is supposed to get 5 minutes with her in the ring. Randi charges at Smart and throws her into the buckles. Smart runs around the ring to evade her. Smart runs past Discipilinarian and Dis hits Randi with chalkboard erasers which blinds/disrupts her.

That's then the end of it. I mean, they are heels and it did eventually lead to something, so maybe it can pass, but it sucks that we didn't get what we were promised.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a good one. The big stipulation of Randi getting 5 minutes with Samantha Smart was disappointing. She got about 2 minutes with her then Smart got some help and it ended. 3 of the 4 matches weren't good and BK/Jones was very very short.

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