Wednesday, August 30, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #32 4/22/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #32 4/22/2023

Last week's show is here:

Amber Rodriguez vs Stephy Slays

 Slays is thrown by the hair to start then Stephy sunset flips her out of the corner. Stephy dropkicks her then hiptosses her for 2. Amber bangs Stephy's head off the mat then hits a chop in the corner. Amber footchokes her and snapmares her. Amber grabs a chinlock then puts her feet on her hair and pulls. Amber hits a nice backbreaker.

Stephy makes her comeback with flying forearms then monkey flips her. Stephy is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Amber gori special backbreakers her. Stephy turns it into a backslide and wins it. Amber's mad.

This was a decent match. Amber did the basics well here then Stephy made her comeback and won it.

The Disciplinarian and GI Jane with Samantha Smart vs Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah

Dis = Discipilinarian

I didn't see this yet, but Randi got a whistle superglued to her mouth thanks to Smart on a prior episode. The whistle is still glued to her lips here.

Samantha Smart is carrying superglue. Smart goes to talk on the mic and says, "And now...shut up!". She says we have never had greatness in our presence and calls the fans idiots. She says to bring out her opponents who are the best little friends and "glued together".

Randi runs in and throws her pom-pom's at Smart. Jane pushes Coach over then Coach flying Thesz presses her with shots. Coach headlock takeovers Jane then Jane does push-ups while she headscissors her. Coach flips over Jane then basement dropkicks her. Coach does shoulder throws on Jane.

Coach tags in Randi but Randi refuses to get in and walk away. Randi heads for Samantha Smart outside and Disciplinarian gets in the way. Randi gets in and forward cartwheels over Jane. They say Randi is winded due to the whistle and Jane chokes her against the ropes. Dis footchokes Randi and Smart teases choking her with the ruler.

Coach and Dis get in. Coach shining enzugiri's her then bangs her face off the mat. Randi tags herself in and snapmares Dis. Randi and Smart argue then Dis sleepers Randi. Dis holds Randi's nose while the hold is on and wins via submission.

This was a little silly with the whistle being stuck to Randi's mouth but it made sense otherwise. Randi couldn't breathe much due to the whistle and the heels put her in a sleeper and held her nose so she couldn't breathe. 

Jessie Jones and Americana vs Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera with Sophia Lopez

Jones is out here on crutches and clearly won't be wrestling. McClane gets on the mic and says he won't allow this. Jones gets mad and McClane says this will be a one on one match instead vs Americana. Sylvia Sanchez is chosen.

Sylvia Sanchez vs Americana

Ameri = Americana

Ameri slams and dropkicks Sanchez. Ameri cartwheel back elbows her then hits a bulldog. Ameri goes to handspring and Rivera nails Ameri during it. Rivera chokes Ameri over the 2nd rope. Sanchez boots Ameri in the corner then suplexes her. Sanchez side slams Ameri then they botch a cutter.

Ameri lariats Sanches then handspring back elbows her and handspring moonsaults her. Sofia Lopez then nails Jones in the bad leg with a briefcase. Sanchez rolls up Ameri then gets the win.

Lopez nailing Jones in the leg was such a heel move. I popped for that one. They had one botch but other than that, it's clear Americana is probably the best athlete in the company next to Keta Rush. I don't know why she was featured less as the season went on but she would be my top face if I was booking. The match was decent and was memorable for Jones getting nailed in the leg.

The Fabulous Four (Penelope Pink, Miami's Sweet Heat and Vickie Lynn McCoy) with Lana Star vs The Tonga Twins, Leia Makoa and Tiki Chamorro

This is a rare occasion where we see The Fabulous Four together. Despite being the main WOW heel group, they are never together. Everyone fights to start and MSH takes a nice stereo bump over the top. Tiki pounds on Pink then sunset flips her. Tiki low crossbodies her then Leia armdrags McCoy.

Kaoz kicks and splashes Laurie then Laurie takes a double release vertical suplex. Lindsay and Kona kick each other at the same time. Leia has her head banged of the buckles by Lindsay. McCoy comes in and stomps Leia. Leia is double suplexed. Lorie running lariats Leia in the corner.

Leia continues to get stomped on in the corner. Lei headbutts Pink and Tiki is tagged in. McCoy bangs Tiki's head off the buckle then bearhugs her. McCoy takes a big double spinebuster. MSH takes backdrops at the same time. Pink comes off the 2nd rope with a crossbody and is thrown with a double fallaway slam.

Leia beats up Pink outside then Pink sends her into the rails. Tiki dives off the apron onto Pink. McCoy hits a huge double clothesline on her partners on accident. McCoy then takes a tonga twist and The Twins pick up the win.

This was great. WOW keeps it simple every week and you don't get a lot of big matches. So when you get a big one like this, it means something. And this one did mean something. It was really worked well with the faces getting beaten up on then making their big comeback to win it. We got the big 8 girl brawl. We got some outside fighting, we got some double team moves and we got to see McCoy get thrown around, which never really happens otherwise. The faces got the big win and the heels bumped big for them. This is one of the best matches in WOW history and really was a gem. Loved this.

Overall thoughts: All 4 matches were decent and the main was one of WOW's better matches of the year. It was done so well and was everything you would want out of it.  Randi and Coach's match was a little silly, but the story was good. Americana and Angel Rodriguez also did well in their matches and Sofia Lopez nailing the injured Jones with the briefcase was a true heel moment. The main is a must see, though if you don't see some of the other TV around it, you may lose some of the effect.

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