Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 8/12/2023 Tokyo Princess Cup 2023 Day 6

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 8/12/2023 Tokyo Princess Cup 2023 Day 6

Haru Kazashiro, HIMAWARI & Shino Suzuki vs. Runa Okubo, Toga & Wakana Uehara


Hima = Himawari, Waka = Wakana Uehara

Shino and Waka start us off. They trade wristlocks and end up doing a stand off. Hima and Runa get in. Hima does some drop down, rolls her up then shoulders her. Hima back splashes her then bangs her head off the buckle. Haru gets in and hits chest forearms on Runa. Runa then does it to her. Haru dropkicks her in the corner. Runa flying forearms her then Toga gets in.

Haru slams Toga then Waka dropkicks Haru. Waka handspring back elbows Haru then Haru dropkicks her. Hima hits shoulders on Waka then Waka dropkicks her. They hit forearms an Hima swinging suplexes her. Waka suplexes Hima then Toga slams Hima. Hima shoulders over Toga.

Shino running dropkicks Toga then sleepers her. Runa has to break it up then Haru crossbodies Runa. Shino slams Toga for 2. Shino and Toga trade chest forearms then Toga drops her with a hard forearm. Toga hits a nasty uranage on Shino and wins it.

It was a quick opener with everyone getting a little section in before the end. It had a lot of basic stuff and wasn't great, but I had no issues with it.

Suzume vs. Juria Nagano

Suzu side headlocks her then is put in a wristlock. Juria fireman's carry throws her and they stand off. Juria drops her with a chest kick then chops her. Suzu headscissors her then hits a nice dropkick. Jurai hits some upkicks then thrust kicks her to the chest. Suzu then does more thrust kicks.

Juria fujiwara armbars her. Suzu bulldogs her then comes off the top and is kicked in the air. Suzu catches her next kick then Juria enzugiri's her. Juria strike combos her and hits a kick on the back of her neck. Juria goes for a corkscreww kick but is rolled up. Suzu walks up the ropes with a face crusher then Suzu cutters her for  the win.

This was too short and they didn't have time for much at all before it endedup. Juria got a few kicks in and little else. 

Mahiro Kiryu & Mizuki vs. NEO Biishiki-gun (Mei Saint-Michel & Sakisama)

Saki grabs Miz by the chin and Mei pulls her away. Mei wants Saki to grab her instead. Mei compares skirts with Mizuki. Mizuki tries to touch hers and is stopped. Mei springboard armdrags Mizuki. Mizuki tries to run the ropes but Saki puts her leg up and Mizuki tells her "dame". Mei gets healous and nails Kiryu. Mei then rolls up Mizuki for 2.

Mizuki bodyscissors rolls her up. Mei and Mizuki both try to roll each other up in a bridge but are reversed. Mizuki dropkicks Mei. Kiryu gets in then Mei spins her around and grabs her hand so it seems like she is grabbing her hair. The ref yells at Kiryu and Kiru is shocked. Mei celebrates then Kiryu shoulders her over.

Saki chest kicks Kiryu then Mei double crossbodies her opponents. Mei and Saki dance and pose then Mei puts her foot on Kiryu to try and pin her. Saki footslaps Kiryu then kicks her in the back. Mei holds Kiryu and Saki tries to hit her with a rose. Mizuki stops Saki then Saki offers her the rose. Mizuki pushes her hand away and this causes Saki to slap Kiryu with it. Saki poses on Kiryu and stomps her. Mei gets in and grabs Kiryu by the cheeks. Kiryu slams Mei then Mizuki dropkicks Mei. Mizuki teases nailing Saki but doesn't. Mizuki dropkicks Mei through the ropes.

Mizuki top rope crossbodies Mei. Saki kicks Mizuki on the ropes and Mei double knee drops Mizuki on the back. Mei goofs around on the ropes and splashes her off of it. Saki offers Mizuki a hand. Mizuki takes it then cradles her for 2. Saki hits slaps then a running boot to the face. Saki suplexes her for 2. Mizuki rolls her into a double stomp.

Kiryu hits forearms on Saki then back elbows her. Kiryu dropkicks her then Saki step kicks her. Saki running facekicks Kiryu then messes up a knee to the chest. Mei gets her tray and fights over it with Mizuki. The ref gets hit it with it then it is dropped on Mizuki's head. Mei slips on the tray then Saki takes Kiryu's side slam. Saki triangles Kiryu then pumping slaps her. Kiryu running forearms her for 2.

Saki kick Kiryu twice then basement dropkicks her to win.

This was long and mostly comedy. There was a weird lesbian thing going on with Mei and Saki here and I was ready for this to be over.

Miu Watanabe & Shoko Nakajima vs. Arisu Endo & Moka Miyamoto

Miyu side headlocks Endo and they mat wrestle. Endo headscissors her then they stand off. Moka side headlocks Shoko then slams her. Endo double sledge hammer drops Shoko then Shoko bangs her head off the buckles. Miu slams Endo for 2. Shoko slingshot swantons Endo then midu hits shots to Endo's back.

Miu stretches Endo over her back and slams her. Endo dropkicks Miu. Moka running back elbows Miu. Moka leapfrogs Miu then Miu hiptosses her. Miu slams her then Shoko topes Moka outside. Miu corner splashes Moka and shoulders her over.

Miu bends Moka's hand back then Moka slams Miu. Endo running forearms Miu in the corner and misses her double springboard move, doing a hilarious botch. Shoko bulldogs Endo ino the buckle then pulls her neck over the top rope. Shoko 619's Endo over the top rope. Endo waterwheel drops her.

Moka gets in and running leg lariats Shoko in the back of the head. Moka chops Shoko in the stomach then Shoko puts her in a head and double arm submission. Moka leg lariats her then Miu and Shoko are put in submissions at the same time. Endo running neckbreakers Miu. Shoko is double teamed and Moka blocks Shoko's hurricanrana. Shoko hurricanrana's Moka for 2.

Miu throws Endo into Moka. Miu then slams both opponents at once. Shoko hits a double 619 then Shoko beats Moka with a northern lights suplex.

I would argue that the highlight of this one was Endo's wild botch on the ropes. This just wasn't that great. It went on too long and Endo and Moka didn't bring a lot to this. I don't know if anyone bought them winning either.

Tokyo Princess Cup 2023 Semi Final Match - Miyu Yamashita vs. Yuki Arai

Miyu cravates Yuki, then napmares her into a kick. Miyu kicks Yuki in the chest and bullies her around with kicks. Miyu axe kicks her in the back then Yuki facekicks her on the apron. Yuki top rope dropkicks her for 2 and running facekicks her. Yuki dropkicks her then slams her. Miyu jumping lariats her.

Miyu does some kicks from the mat for 2 then Miyu cobra clutches her. Miyu grounds her with that submission then flurry kicks her in the back. Yuki running facekicks her then hits a hard chest forearm. They trade forearms and Yuki dropkicks her. Yuki running facekicks her.

Yuki half-nelson slams her then sharpshooters her. Yuki axe kicks her over the bottom rope. Miyu high kicks her as she sits on the top rope. Yuki rolls her up and running facekicks her. Yuki axe kicks Miyu in the back of the head then Miyu high kicks her. Miyu sells big for a missed facekick then back roundhouse kicks her in the head to win it.

I wasn't a big fan of this one. Miyu didn't give her enough of a beating before Yuki took control and Yuki arguably got more offense in on her than she did. Half of Yuki's kicks also missed here and kicking is mostly all that Yuki did.

Tokyo Princess Cup 2023 Semi Final Match - Rika Tatsumi vs Yuki Kamifuku

Rika side headlock takeovers her and Yuki headscissors her. Yuki tries to pull Rika over the top but she gets stuck. Rika's head is banged off the apron then Rika chokes Yuki outside against the post. Rika works Yuki's knee on the ropes then dropkicks it.

Rika misses an elbow then Yuki running facekicks her. Yuki more facekicks and dropkicks her. Yuki puts her in an octopus stretch then Rika dragon screws her over the top rope. Rika does a figure four variation on her. Rika backsplashes her then is facekicked while she sits up top. Yuki suplexes her down.

Yuki hits a slap flurry on her chest and facekicks her. Rika hits an interesting dragon screw from over the shoulder. Rika backbreakers her then puts her in a sleeper. Yuki jumping facekicks her from the side then puts her in an octopus stretch. Rika cutters her.

Rika misses a top rope hip attack and is rolled up. Yuki crucifixes her for 2. Rika enzugiri's her then dragon sleepers her. Yuki leg lariats her then 2nd rope fameassers her for the win.

This wasn't good. Rika worked Yuki's leg during the first half of this and Yuki continued on as normal, doing her various facekicks. It was like that never happened.

Overall thoughts: I skipped one match and wasn't impressed with this one. The main didn't sound good and wasn't and Yuki Arai didn't take enough of a beating from Miyu to make a real good comeback in her match. The tag match with Endo/Moka vs Miu/Shoko was boring and the Saki/Mei match was comedy. The opener was okay, but it was just very simple opening match stuff and nothing special.

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