Wednesday, August 30, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #31 4/15/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #31 4/15/2023

Last week's show is here:

Chainsaw vs Princess Aussie will be the main event tonight. That could work.

BK Rhythm vs Keta Rush

BK's rap was two lines total here. Keta leglocks her to start and BK ropebreaks. Keta bodyscissos her and rolls her around the ring. Keta kind of does a headscissors and takes her over. Keta flying dropkicks her then hits kicks. BK elbow drops her and gutbusters her for 2. Keta hits a kick and dropkick then BK single leg crabs her for 2.

BK cobra twists her then Keta hiptosses her. Keta hits more running dropkicks. Keta is popped up and kind of kicks out with her legs. Keta goes to springboard but BK ducks it. BK then hits a bad skyfall half-nelson twisting slam and wins it.

This wasn't good. BK's maybe the worst worker in WOW and these two didn't click at all.

Genesis vs Kandi Krush

Genesis is with Ice Cold and Exodus as usual. Genesis does her nunchuk routine during her enttrance. Genesis wristlocks her then Kandi does it back. Kandi arm flips her and chinlocks her. Kandi drop toe holds her and Genesis blocks a kick. Kandi shoulder throws her twice then armdrags her. Kandi is tripped by Ice Cold outside then is thrown back ono the mat.

Genesis dropkicks her over the back of the neck then headscissors her. Exodus grabs Kandi and bangs her head off the buckle. Kandi gets tripped by Ice Cold and Exodus in the corner. Genesis leg chokes her over the top rope. Gensis straightjackets her. Kandi lariats her in the corner then spinning forearms her. Kandi does her bad pop-up uppercut. Exodus distracts Kandi. Genesis misses a kick then rolls her up for 2. Kandi hits an attitude adjustment for 2.

Kandi back elbows her then 2nd rope punches her for the win.

There was a lot of interference here which really slowed this down and messed up the flow. Add in Kandi's offense not being very good looking and it just wasn't a good one.

Chantilly Chella and Foxxy Fierce vs Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead


Holi = Holidead

Fierce and Chella have a dance party during their entrance. McClane says he thinks it will be all business tonight as they are dancing, then they dance again after the bell rings. T They do a 4 person test of strength and the faces turn it into a dance.

Foxxy and Chella do a dosey do then hit dropkicks then they dance again. The faces hit bad stereo sunset flips then hit stereo running kick and knee attacks. The faces then dance more. Fierce dropkicks Holi then Holi is leg swept into a basement dropkick. Chella does a nice casadora into an armdrag off the ropes.

Chella running knees Holi in the corner then Chella hurricanrana's her. Chella is dropped face first on the buckles. Holi sidewalk slams Chella then Sire sentons Chella. Holi flapjacks Chella. Fierce is tagged in and lariats Holi then dropkicks Siren. The heels have their heads banged together and Fierce 2nd rope crossbodies Holi. Fierce is thrown out and takes a hard bump outside. Siren michinoku drivers Chella and gets the win.

Chella's face segment was good here and Holidead did a good job being a base for her. Fierce tried but her offense didn't look good here. This one had its ups and downs.

Princess Aussie vs Chainsaw

Aussie hits leg kicks and ducks her attacks. Aussie gets on her back for a choke then Chainsaw lariats her. Chainsaw hooks her nostrils and mouth while she chinlocks her. Chainsaw bearhugs her and Aussie fights out of it. Aussie uppercuts her then climbs her back for a sleeper.

Aussie superkicks her and hits a dropkick. Aussie cutters her then Angelica Dante grabs Aussie's foot on the apron. Aussie goes up top and Chainsaw stops her up there.

Chainsaw lifts her for a double choke and ends up getting DQ'd for not breaking it.

I was disappointed we didn't get a winner here. This was actually pretty good with Chainsaw being the monster heel and Chella being the underdog face.

Overall thoughts: The main ending on a DQ sucked. They should have put that match elsewhere. The match was good minus the finish. Chella and Holidead were good in the tag match, but Foxxy brought it down. BK Rhythm was bad as usual and it was a rough show with few hightlights.

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