Sunday, August 27, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/5/2023 Episode #47

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/5/2023 Episode #47

Last week's show is here: 

We see clips of Lana Star and Miami's Sweet Heat bragging after their win last week. This did not air. They said the are the most dominant faction in WOW and said they are elite.

Sofia Lopez comes out with no intro. She says their clients need a vip introduction done by her. She said this is about the "latina power" and says Las Bandidas are the best tag team ever. This was low key racist.

Las Bandidas (Vivan Rivera and Silvia Sanchez) with Sofia Lopez vs Jennifer Florez and Stephy Slays

They said Slays has black tape on her hips from Reina putting her into the rails last week. Slays armdrags Rivera and cradles her. Rivera is tripped into a dropkick then Florez hits a sling blade. Florez's head is banged off the buckles then she takes corner spears. Lopez chokes Florez over the middle rope then is kicked several times.

Sanchez backbreakers Florez then Sanchez and Rivera hit a double elbow drop. Florez is choked over the bottom rope by Lopez. Florez goes for a casadora but is caught by Rivera. Rivera short arm lariats her. Florez bangs Rivera's face off her knee then Slays sunset flips Rivera.

Slays flying clotheslines Rivera then bulldogs her. Rivera takes a double clothesline. Sanchez hits a nice neckbreaker on Florez. Florez is then spinebustered into a senton and Las Bandidas win.

This was a decent tag match with the heels picking up the win. They sold, the faces got some comebacks in and were eventually put down here. There were no issues with this.

We get a nice little package on The Tonga Twins vs Wrecking Ball and Reina del Rey, which is the main event.

Kandi Krush vs GI Jane

Jane headlocks her then takes a side headlock takeover. Kandi shoulders over Jane then hiptosses and armdrags her. Kandi short arm lariats her then Jane lariats her. Jane bangs Kandi's head off the buckles and back splashes her in the corner. Jane suplexes her then Kandi hits corner spears. Kandi corner lariats her.

Kandi hits a flying lariat and a spinning back elbow. Kandi pop-up euros her for 2. Jane misses a boot and catches Kandi's crossbody. She powerslams her for 2. Jane goes for a chokeslam but Kandi punches her in the air and wins it.

Again, this was a perfectly acceptable match. There was nothing wrong with it and they didn't have any real botches. This is one of the better outings Kandi has had.

Fury vs Keta Rush

Mezmeriah slaps an inflatable sound maker and slaps it into her own face. Fury and Keta lock up. Keta wristlocks her and Fury puts a nice hammerlock on her. Keta hits a nice flying headscissors on Fury then hits great dropkicks. Mezmeriah trips Keta on the apron in front of the ref and nothing happens.

Keta is thrown outside into Razor and Mez, who get some cheapshots in. Fury suplexes Keta then does a grounded cobra twist. Keta tries to go up and over but it's blocked and she takes an over the back neckbreaker on the knee of Fury. Keta slingblades Fury and hits another nice dropkick. Fury hits another dropkick then springboard crossbodies her. Razor distracts the ref then Fury rolls up Keta to win.

Keta is stomped after. Americana and Spring Break 24/7 make the save.

This was actually pretty good minus the ref not doing anything about the heels cheating. Keta's offense looked great with some nice dropkicks and she's one of the only WOW girls that can springboard. Keta's destined for better things and has a lot of potential. Fury was alright here too and the crowd got into this like they usually do for Keta.

The Tonga Twins are interviewed. They said if their opponents think they are big, tough and bad, they think they are bigger, tougher and badder. They said they are from the streets too and said they will knock them out if it means they get a shot at the tag belts.

#1 Contenders Match - Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs The Tonga Twins

All 4 stare down and the Twins hit headbutts. They get chopped against the ropes. The Twins hit boots to the gut then stereo splash them in the corners. They then do stereo hip attacks on their opponents in the corners. The Twins are whipped into each other then move and Reina/Ball run into each other. Reina baseball slides a Kaoz in the head.

Kaoz takes a sandwich sliding lariat for 2. Kaoz shoulders Ball over then is pulled off the apron. Reina cannonballs off the apron onto her opponents. Reina runs at the Twins outside, misses and goes into the rails. Ball is 1v2'd then double headbutted. The Twins hit the tonga twist samoan drop + neckbreaker and grab the win.

This was short but a good match. We got some big spots from Reina and we had some fun double teams before the Twins won.

The Twins say they want their match with Miami's Sweet Heat now. MSH jumpso them and we get a four girl brawl that the refs break up. McClane asks if we want to see them fight and sets up the tag title match between them. McClane says there will be no holds barred and no countouts.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. All of the matches were atleast okay and the main was short but good. They also did a good job in making you want to see Miami's Sweet Heat vs The Tonga Twins.

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