Sunday, August 27, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/12/2023 Episode #48

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/12/2023 Episode #48

Last week's show is here:

Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Princess Aussie is the main event tonight. 

Chainsaw with Angelica Dante vs Chantilly Chella

AJ gets Chella's robe today. Chella jumps on Chainsaw's back then is snapmared off. Chain throws Chella by the hair then chinlocks her. Chain grabs her by the nostrils and fish hooks her as Dante tells her what to do on the vest. Chain hits a chop on Chella's back. Chella springboard crossbodies her but is caught and powerslammed down. Chain hits a big splash in the corner.

Chella is thrown into the buckles hard and goes down. Chella hits some shots then Chain misses a corner charge. Chella flying knees her in the corner then snapmares her. Chella dropkicks her off the top and lands hard on her butt.

Chinsa double arm chokeslams her then hits a big splash for the win.

This was a short squash and there was nothing wrong with this. Chainsaw did her fat girl moves and Chella got a little in before being put down.

McCoy says Aussie is going to wish she stayed in the land down under when she gets done with her tonight. Lana talks about how many times they have beaten her. Princess Aussie says she wants the best and wants to prove to herself that she has what it takes. We see some clips of the McCoy/Aussie feud.

Gigi Gianni vs Tiki Chamorro

They lock up and they said Gigi tried to ask Tiki to team with her but was rude about it and was turned down. Gigi brings her arm down over her shoulder then Tiki splashes her.  Gigi snapmares her then does a meteora for 2. Tiki is laid on the 2nd rope and knee'd then knee pressed down to the mat.

Gigi hair throws her then straightjacket neckbreakers her. Gigi underhooks her on the middle rope and does a boston crab on her. Tiki sunset flips her for 2. Gigi stomps her then handstand sentons her. Gigi puts her in a bodyscissors then Tiki surfboards her. They trade forearms and Tiki headbutts her. Tiki lariats her and then crossbodies her for 2. Tiki also hits a running stiff arm.

Tiki 619's Gigi and goes for a splash but Gigi gets her knees up. Gigi running powerslams her and wins it.

This was short and wasn't bad at all. Gigi's crab on the ropes was neat and Tiki's running stiff arm is something I haven't seen before.

The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag) vs BK Rhythm and Robbie Rocket

BK does her usual rap saying her opponents smell like a gas station shower and said atleast Sofia Lopez didn't have to bail her out of jail.

The Truckers get nailed from behind then Holly hits double knees to the back of the head. BK brings Holly's head down backwards on the mat. Rocket hits shots on Holly and stomps her. BK PK's her for 2. BK clotheslines her. Rocket running euros Holly in the corner then slaps her in the back of the head.

BK suplexes Holly then facelocks her. BK does her hiptoss into a neckbreaker on Holly for 2. BK neckbreakers her then Rocket gets in. Rocket stomps on Holly then backdrops her. Holly sunset flips BK out of the corner then kicks her. Betty gets tagged in and hits shots on Rocket with a uraken. She superkicks Rocket then short arm lariats her. Betty russian legsweeps her then Rocky is thrown out. Betty stunners BK and gets the win.

It was okay though the heel control segment went on a little long. 

We see some clips of Princess Aussie's recent history. She said she wants a title shot and feels she rightfully deserves it. She says McCoy is standing in the way of her and the belt. She said she has had far bigger obstacles than her and will be d@mned if she lets her get in the way of her dreams. She says the pink belt around Penelope Pink's waist will be her reward.

Princess Aussie gets a title shot if she wins - Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Princess Aussie

Aussie runs into the ring and kicks McCoy. She hits some shots and goes out. McCoy goes after outside then Aussie single leg dropkicks her off the ropes. Aussie then topes her outside. Aussie goes for a top rope crossbody but is caught and fallaway slammed. Aussie lariats her then slams her.

They trade forearms in the corner and McCoy germans her. McCoy waistlock lifts her and Aussie hits a cutter. Aussie goes up top and Lana Starr grabs her in full view of the ref.  McCoy puts her on her shoulders then takes a crucifix bomb. Aussie then picks up the win.

I didn't like the ref seeing Lana cheat yet do nothing about it. The finish was kind of sudden here and I didn't think it had enough time.

Aussie gets on the mic after. She said she is born for this and will keep proving it to herself and the world. She says McCoy was her glass ceiling and now Penelope Pink is her reward.

Overall thoughts: The main wasn't long enough and the ending of it was sudden. The other matches on this were okay but like most WOW eps, this was not must see.

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