Sunday, August 27, 2023

Ice Ribbon 8/26/2023 Ice in Wonderland 2023

Ice Ribbon 8/26/2023 Ice in Wonderland 2023

It does not look like they have a great crowd here, but I mean just look at the card.  The new debuting girls are really the only interesting things here.

The Challenger girls all come out first then the rest of the roster follows. We get a speech from the roster members then they throw balls out likely with their autographs on them.

We get a video on the card for tonight and then we see clips of the new girls. These all aired on youtube already. 

Asuka Fujitaki and Kyuuri vs Totoro Satsuki and Mifu Ashida

Mifu Ashida

Asuka Fujitaki

All photos belong to @IceKumas, @youji4876 and @tatata_19
This is the debut of Asuka Fujitaki and Mifu Ashida. Both are from THE CHALLENGER which is some movie about women becoming wrestlers. They had a multi-part youtube series on their training and it went from something like 14-20 girls down to 8 then 6. One of the girls was ready to debut but was told she couldn't by her doctor and pulled out. Asuka won an online fan vote ranking the Challenger girls and was heavily featured in the youtube shorts on it. She basically seems like the ace of the class and did come across as likeable. Asuka has already been compared to Totoro Satsuki.

Mifu wears a purple and white top with a purple skirt. Asuka wears black and red jorts with a black and red tanktop. They hung some kind of wire for the projector and streamers are getting stuck on it. Kyuuri and Mifu start us off. Mifu is real excited. Mifu and Kyuuri trade wristlocks then Kyuuri side headlock takedowns her. Mifu does a headscissors and they stand off.

Totoro and Asuka go at it. The two shoulder battle and Asuka goes down. Mifu is tagged in and side headlocks Asuka. Asuba clubs her on the back. She goes for a slam, Mifu gets her back and both fall down. Asuka climbs her back with a sleeper then Kyuuri grabs Mifu's nostrils in the corner. Mifu's head is banged off the buckles then Kyuuri hits corner punches on her.

Kyuuri snapmares her and slaps her on the back. Asuka boots Mifu then camel clutches her with a facelock. Kyuuri runs the ropes and basement dropkicks Mifu. Kyuuri stands on Mifu's gut then bangs her head off the mat. Mifu dropkicks Kyuuri and tags in Totoro. Totoro shoulders Kyuuri over then shoulders Asuka and slams Kyuuri onto her. Totoro corner lariats Kyuuri then falling splashes her for 2.

Kyuuri trips Totoro and sentons her back. Kyuuri then cartwheels into a splash on her. Kyuuri hits a spinning neckbreaker then Asuka shoulders Totoro into the corner. Mifu flying dropkicks Asuka, steps on her foot then puts her odwn. Mifu grabs her arm, kips up and armdrags her then hits chest forearms on the ropes. Asuka pushes over Mifu then takes more chest forearms. Asuka chest forearms her over then is tripped. Mifu grabs her leg in the air and split presses her. Mifu wraps around her back with a sleeper then Asuka drops down and chinbreakers her over. Asuka drops Kyuuri onto her then samoan drops her for 2.

Totoro lariats Asuka against the ropes then Mifu rolls up Asuka and hits a nice bridge for the pin. Mifu pins Asuka.

This had to have gone over 10 minutes. Mifu and Asuka botched one spot but did well otherwise. Mifu's good looking, is agile and is likeable. She's going to be just fine. Asuka was fine in her debut and is definitely a power fighter. It wasn't a bad opener at all was a solid debut for Asuka and Mifu.

Elimination Match - Nanae Furukawa, Saran and Yuuki Minami vs Mayuka Koike, Arisa Shinose and Yuu Hanaya

Yuuki Manami

Nanae Furukawa

Mayuka Koike

Yuu Hanaya

Yuu Hanaya

Mayuka Koike

Nanae Furukawa

Yuuki Minami

All photos belong to @IceKumas, @164star and @tatata_19 on twitter

This is the debut of everyone but Saran and Arisa Shinose. Yuuki's the idol type here though Koike's good looking too.

Mayuka has a white and green top with green see through and green shorts. Yuu has a shiny blue tanktop and shorts with one leg longer than the other.  Nanae has a yellow tanktop with a design on it and yellow shorts. Yuuki has a school girl esque outfit on with a green skirt and a white and green  top with pink ribbons. Saran does a dance  then Nanae and Yuuki join in as backup dancers in a cute moment.

Nanae and Yuu start us off. Yuu hits leg kicks and a chest kick. Yuu rolls over her back then Nanae hiptosses her. Saran and Mayuka go at it. Mayuka hammerlocks her then armdrags her. Mayuka misses a crossbody then Saran stomps her fingers.  Mayuka bangs Nanae's head off thre mat then stomps on her back with her partners in a train. Nanae then has 3 girls stand on her back and pose.

Nanae and Mayuka trade chest forearms. Mayuka crossbodies her, then spin around and she does another crossbody. Mayuka goes up top and SArana pulls her down. Mayuka rolls up Nanae then Nanae double reverse armbars her. She really pulls back hard and taps her out. The match still goes on though.

Yuu stomps Nanae then Yuuki bangs her head into the buckles. Yuu hits a knee in the corner on both opponents then knees Nanae in the corner. Yuu cartwheels through a forearm and dropkicks Saran out. Nanae dorps her body on Yuu's leg then Yuu rolls her up. Yuu pulls Nanae's arms back and stretches her. Yuu tries to pin her with a foot on her chest then Nanae figure fours her and submits her.

Sarana gets in and trades forearms with Arisa. Arisa shoulders her over then Arisa misses a 2nd rope crossbody. Saran double stomps her for 2. Saran tries to pull both her arms between her legs but Arisa sits down and pins her.

Nanae chest forearms Arisa then flips on her for 2. Yuuki gets in and knees her against the ropes with Nanae. Arisa takes a double sto for 2. Nanae goes to armbar Arisa but is rolled up. Mayuka gets in and stomps Arisa. She gets a chant going and is thrilled then Arisa grabs her leg and pushes her over. Mayuka hits nice dropkicks to the chest for 2. Mayuka throws her over then poses on top of her for a pin attempt.

Mayuka is splashed in the corner then Arisa shoulders her over. Mayuka puts her leg over Arisa's head and grabs the arm and rolls her up for the win.

Mayuka getting the win her over Arisa in her debut was an absolute shocker. You are not going to see that happen very often in Japan. This was a really good debut for everyone. No one really blew anything or looked stupid and they put a somewhat compelling match on. Mayuka has a bunch of energy and nice dropkicks. Mayuka had a nice crossbody and Nanae already looks really comfortable out there as does Yuu.

Kaho Matsushita and Hikari Shimizu vs Kiku and HisokA

HS = Hikari Shimizu, Hiso = HisokA

Kiku has a frying pan out with her for some reason. Kaho and HS pose on the ropes together. Mio Shirai is the ref.

Hiso wants no part of the handshakes. Hiso hits Kaho from behind to start then Kaho and HS hit stereo dropkicks.  Kiku bangs Kaho off the mat the Hiso stomps on Kaho. Kaho takes corner moves then is facebustered by Hiso. Hiso trips Kiku onto Kaho then stomps her in the back on top of Kaho for some reason. Kaho shoulders over Hiso then HS hits a step up kick in the corner. HS la silla's Hiso then figure fours her. Kaho throws Kiku out while Hiso is in the figure four.

Hiso hits chest forearms on HS then knee dropkicks her and basement dropkicks her. Kiku misses a dropkick then is booted by HS. Kiku dropkicks HS against the 2nd rope for 2. Kiku snapmares HS then hits a kick in the back. HS snapmares her and kicks her in the back. HS sits down and lets Kiku kick her in the back. HS then kicks Kiku.

Kaho snapmares Kiku then HS double stomps Kiku. Kiku takes a sandwich kick for 2. Hiso trips Kaho then Kiku hits Kaho with the pan in the butt. The ref says nothing abou this. Kaho rolls up Kiku then single leg crabs her. Kiku then pulls on all 4 of Kaho's limbs. Kaho is dropped on her knees then kicked.

Hiso flying headscissors Kaho for 2 then HS jumps over Kaho's back for a double stomp on Hiso. Kaho is pulled off the buckles and basement dropkicked by Kiku. Hiso armbars Kaho then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Hiso neckbreakers Kaho for 2 then Hs superkicks Hiso. Kaho sto's Hiso for 2. Hiso rolls up Kaho for 2, eye pokes her then cradles her for 2. Kaho step up enzugiri's her then suplexes her.

Kiku takes a spin kick to the gut by Kaho and falls, messing up the spot. They try the spot again and Kiku takes a double kick to the gut. HS high kicks Hiso then Kaho does a half-nelson, wrist clutch suplex on Hiso and wins it.

It was long, not that good and honestly kind of boring. Kaho and Shimizu tried but Hiso and Kiku were not a good combo.

Tsukina Umino and Dark Silueta vs Hikari Minami and Hinata

HM = Hikari Minami

HM looks like she's wearing a christmas tree. They all go out to start then HM and Hinata are whipped into each other. Dark kicks Hinata in the back out there. Dark is put over the middle rope connector and has her arms pulled from the sides. Hinata and HM do stereo cartwheel elbows. HM and Hinata then take stereo snapmares and have their faces pulled on. Hinata is sandwich chaired in front of the ref.

Umino chokes Hinata with a chair. Dark hair throws Hinata then pulls her by the hair. Dark puts her legs around Hinata's head and pulls. Hinata cradles Dark then dropkicks her. HM misses a dropkick then takes a shotgun dropkick from Dark. Umino hits a nice dropkick on HM then does a bow and arrow variation. HM ropebreaks.

Hm has her neck pulled down over the 2nd rope then Umino hits a drive by dropkick on her. HM running gut kicks Umino then finlay rolls her for 2. Hinata dropkicks Umino then throws her on a slam. Umino chairs Hinata in front of the ref then Hinata blocks a chair shot. A tug of war over the chair takes place then Umino dropkicks Hinata in the corner. Dark dropkicks Umino in the corner then Umino ddt's Hinata.

Hinata takes chest forearms then winds up and hits a good forearm on Umino. HM pump kicks Umino in the gut then Hinata top rope dropkicks Hinata for 2. Umino backdrops Hinata them HM top rope twisting crossbodies Dark twice. HM flying kicks Dark off the 2nd rope. Dark chest chops her nd dropkicks her against the 2ndrope, off the 2nd rope. HM hangs from the ropes and Dark codebreakers her for 2.

HM slides out of the ring then Hinata running dropkicks Dark. Dark is slammed and HM botches a springboard, settling for a top rope splash. They botch another spot and Dark takes kicks. HM cuty specials Dark for 2 then Dark ki krushers her for the win.

This wasn't good. Hinata was really the only one on point here and she had to carry this. She hit a bunch of nicedropkicks. This wasn't good with multiple botched spots and cheating right in front of the ref. Hikari also looked like she got injured off the ki krusher.

Tag Titles - Hamuko Hoshi and Makoto (c) vs AKARI and Yappy vs Misa Kagura and Sumika Yanagawa

Misa, Hoshi and Yappy start us off. They do a triple test of strength. Hoshi is double kicked then takes a double shoulder. They end up doing a 3 girl stand off and all of them tag out. Sumika, Akari and Makoto get in. Makoto is double kicked and running boots Akari. Akari is hiptossed then Akari armdrags Makoto, Sumika then Makoto again. Akari basement dropkicks Makoto. Makoto takes a corner splash and elbow then Yappy and Akari double elbow her. Misa splashes Akari and Yappy in the corner then spears and splashes them again. Sumika and Misa then pose on them.

Hoshi and Makoto pose then are hit from behind. Yappy and Akari then stranglehold Misa and Sumika before hitting 2nd rope moves on them. Yappy hip attacks Sumika out. Everyone goes outside and gets their head banged off of things. Makoto takes Misa up the stairs to bangs her head off a chair Sumika walks Akari up the stairs with a headlock then Yappy and Misa are thrown into each other up there. 4 girls are crammed together then Hoshi and Makoto splash them all.

Yappy and Hoshi trade forearms in the aisle way and Yappy's head is banged off the bleachers. Yappy's head goes into the post and Makoto headscissors Misa. Akari headscissors Sumika then Yappy and Hoshi turn their opponents over for a boston crab. Yappy hip attacks Ham in the corner then butt drops her for 2.

Yappy double lariats Makoto and Hoshi for 2. Yappy takes a double dropkick from Misa and Sumika then the two double kick Akari. Misa slams Sumika on Akari for 2. Akari does a dropkick + armdrag combo. Makoto running facekicks Akari then double underhook suplexes her. Makoto then axe kicks Akari on her back for 2.

Akari spin and pump kicks Makoto. Akari pump kicks Makoto as she lays over the top rope then she 619's her. Yappy splashes Makoto. Sumika rolls up Makoto then Akari rolls up Sumika. Sumika backcrackers Akari then indian deathlocks her. Sumika running knees Akari against the ropes. Akari lariats Sumika then Yappy hits la silla on Misa against the bottom rope.

Yappy legdrops Misa then Misa rolls up Yappy for 2. Akari and Yappy tie up and double suplex Misa and Sumika together. Akari and Yappy are put together then take a kick and bodyblock combo. Hoshi body blocks Misa then does her shining belly for 2. Hoshi sitout spinebusters Misa. Misa no sells it then sit out spinebusters her. They lariat each other and both go down. Hoshi takes a double suplex then Misa leapfrogs Sumika to splash Hoshi.

Yappy airplane spins Hoshi then slams her down. Makoto double spears Sumika and Misa then spears Misa. Misa takes a double lariat for 2. Sumika neckbreakers Makoto and Akari pump kicks Sumika. Hoshi lariats Akari then samoan drops Misa for 2. Hoshi misses a top rope splash then Sumika rolla Hoshi up Sumika botches a pin on Hoshi for 2.

Akari shining wizards Makoto while she's standing then Yappy pumphandle sitout slams Hoshi. Yappy slams Hoshi then Akari 2nd rope elbows Hoshi. Yappy does a silly top rope splash where she looks like she will moonsault but just turns around and drops. Sumika kicks her in the face for it. Yappy is held up and Sumika bangs Yappy's head off the mat to win it.

It was your usual three way with lots of multi-person spots and moves, fast action and people coming in and out. It was fine and they did about as good as you can with it, but these matches really limit what you can do with them.

Ice x Infinity Title - YuuRI (c) vs Ibuki Hoshi



They shake hands and then lock up. Hoshi running shoulders her then splashes her. Hoshi hits a dropkick and facewash kicks her on the ropes. Yuuri shoulders her over then facewash kicks her. Yuuri kicks her in the back and basement dropkicks her. Yuuri then cannonballs her off the apron.  Yuuri stomps her outside then takes a horrible snapmare onto the apron and floor. Hoshi then top rope crossbodies her outside.

Hoshi top rope crossbodies her inside for 2. Hoshi chops Yuuri then Yuuri hits chest forearms. Hoshi hits a double chop flurry on her then Yuuri mounted forearm flurries her. Hoshi codebreakers her then hits a euro. Hoshi lightning spirals her for 2 then Yuuri swings on her into a grounded choke. Yuuri grounded dragon sleeers her and Hoshi hits the ropes.

Yuuri hits a top rope dropkick for 2 then Yuuri double chops her. Yuuri hits a nasty release german on Hoshi's head, Hoshi no sells it then they high kick each other at the same time and go down. They grab each other by the hair and Hoshi hits a good forearm. They trade forearms and Yuuri headbutts her. Yuuri back elbows her then takes a chest chop. Hoshi running boots her on the ropes then running knees her. Yuuri takes a russian leg sweep variation then running lariats her.

Yuuri fisherman's busters her then kicks her on the ropes. Yuuri 619's her. Yuuri puts her in the electric chair and seems like she accidentally falls back. Yuuri then suplexes her for 2. Yuuri misses a top rope swanton then superkicks her. Yuuri misses a kick and is rolled up. Yuuri bridges her for 2. Hoshi hits a jumping enzugiri then is kicked in the face. Hoshi superkicks Yuuri then buzzsaw kicks her for 2.

Hoshi running meteora's her for 2 then does a crucifix bomb for the win.

They tried to do a big main event match here. Some parts were okay but it just wasn't a memorable classic. It was longer than it needed to be. Add in there being a very small crowd who wasn't that loud and they had a lot working against them. They also had multiple sloppy moments on various rolling pin attempts and the electric chair drop.

Overall thoughts: The rookies had very good debuts. They didn't have normal rookie matches as they had full on matches, so we got a good sense of what they could do. Mifu and Yuuki have potential especially with their looks and Asuka and Nanae did well. The 3 tag was about as good as it could have been and they tried in the main, though it wasn't a classic.

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