Sunday, August 27, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/19/2023 Episode #49

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/19/2023 Episode #49

Last week's show is here:

BK Rhythm vs Tiki Chamorro

 BK says Tiki can't beat her or reach her in her rap and says she will wipe her smile right off her face. Tiki tries to high five her and BK teases her and walks away from it. Tiki takes her down and hits a giant swing. Tiki hits a corner splash and snapmares her. Tiki then crossbodies her. Tiki then pounces her from the side.

BK goes out and Tiki is legswept onto the apron. BK hits kicks to the body then running PK's her.  BK elbows her for 2 and throws her onto the apron. Tiki spears her between the ropes and does a slingshot sunset flip. BK sidesalams her then Tiki headbutts her. Tiki hits her running stiff arm then trips her. Tiki headhunters her while she is seated for 2.

BK is slingshotted into the middle rope then Tiki hits a 619. Tiki then 2nd rope vader bombs her and wins it. Tiki then grabs her hand and makes her high five her.

This wasn't bad at all. Tiki had a decent outing here and hit her moves clean and they kept it short and fast paced.

Robbie Rocket vs Foxxy Fierce

Rocket grabs a wristlock and Fierce cartwheels out of it. Fierce puts a wristlock on her, goes up and over in the corner then rolls her up. Fierece rolls her up again. Rocket hits a boot to the gut then Fierce armdrags her out of the casadora.

Fierce dropkicks her then Rocket boots her in the corner. Rocket running knees her for 2. Rocket running euros her then Fierce double boots her out of the corner. Fierce rolls her up and hits a basement dropkick for 2. Rocket lariats her then Fierce hip attacks her.

Rocket rolls her up then pump kicks her. Fierce does another hip attack then handstand headscissors her on the ropes to win it.

They had a few moments where they seemed to get lost here. Fierce's offense didn't look that great as Rocket wasn't sure what to do with it and was trying not to get knocked over by it.

David McClane gets in the ring. Fierce says she is thankful to have the fans in her corner. She says she wants to go as far as the fans will take her and she says she does it for the people.

Sofia Lopez comes out. She said she always brings the best wrestlers to WO and says she has an international champion, Tormenta

Tormenta vs Jennifer Florez

They lock up and Tormenta wristlocks her. Florez drops down, gets on her shoulders and does an interesting armdrag.Florez comes off the ropes and hits a nice springboard spinning headscissors. Florez then does a nice short hurricanrana. Florez handstands but Tormenta stops her. Tormenta then chest slaps her.

Tormenta fireman's carry slams her and Tormenta rolls off of it for some reason. Tormenta basement dropkicks her then stomps on her in the corner. Tormenta headbutts her then Florez handstands and armdrags her off of it. Tormenta catches her tope and rams her back into the post. Tormenta pounds on Florez then kicks her head as she hangs over the apron.

Tormenta racks her then Florez rolls her into a small double stomp. Florez hurricanrana's her for 2 then cradles her for 2. Florez misses a corner charge and is rolled up. Florez seated top rope spanish flies her for 2. Tormenta rack drops her and then picks up the win.

Tormenta kicking out of the spanish fly was bizarre. This is WOW where people get pinned off of horrible looking stuff all the time. This was one of the most athletic matches WOW has had and this could have been a match on any show with women in the country. I would have gave this really high praise had they not kicked out of the top rope spanish fly. It was still a good effort though and way better than anything I've seen on here in a while.

Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs Holidead and Siren the Voodoo Doll

Holi = Holidead

Holi and Ball start us off. They shoulder battle  and Siren nails Ball from the apron. Holi clotheslines Ball. Reina gets in and goes face to face with Holi and they have to be broken up. Ball tags in Reina then Siren gets in too. Reina knees Siren against the ropes then Siren takes a sandwich sliding lariat. Reina heads to the apron and Holi sends Reina to the floor.

Reina's on the ground then Siren suplexes Ball. Siren corner splashes Ball, as does Holi. Reina is knocked off the apron again by Holi. Ball's head is banged off the buckle then Siren northern lights suplexes Ball. Holi knocks Reina off the apron again then Holi running lariats Ball in the back of the neck.

Holi hits knees on the ropes and tries to knock Reina off the apron again. Reina pulls her out and knees her. Ball then hits Siren with a double axe handle off the apron. They continue to fight and Reina's head is banged off the steps. Holi is whipped into a camera man and we get a double countout. They end up fighting to the back.

I liked the Reina/Holidead feud push and despite it having a non-finish, I thought it worked here. These are some of WOW's biggest and craziest wrestlers, so it makes sense that it would get out of control.

Overall thoughts: The main did a good job in making you want to see it again and Tormenta/Florez was one of the most athletic WOW matches I have seen so far. Tiki vs BK was okay and it was a good episode overall. They also heavily built up the Tonga Twins vs Miami's Sweet Heat here.

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