Sunday, August 27, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/27/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/27/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Raul Magnum and Miguel Casanova are our commentators.

Harry William is called on the phone by Vertigo. Vertigo  said that he knows he has a past but don't worry. He says the opportunity to get Niche back is coming. He says he has to get revenge and says he needs to take care of business in the Romeo Quevado vs Niche match if things get out of control. 

#1 Contenders Match - Nathaly Perez vs Roxxy

Perez side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Roxxy hiptosses her them shoulders her over. Roxxy hits another hiptoss then Perez shoulders her over. Perez hits armdrags then dropkicks her. Roxxy stomps on her and bangs her head off the mat. Roxxy slams her then legdrops her.

Roxxy suplexes her and goes to roll onto her but Perez gets her knees up. Perez suplexes her then rolls on her multiple times. Perez goes up top and misses a splash then Roxxxy double underhook ddt's her for the win.

It was your average match. It was a little short and there was nothing wrong with it.

Savio Vega talks about Invader #1. He said he jumped the fence one to see Invader #1 and Ciclon Negro as a kid to see them wrestle. He said he wanted to touch those wrestlers and saw that Invader was not from this planet. He said his eyes looked white. He said he's sorry for the people of San Lorenzo, which is from his town. He said they have a mural of him and they are going to tear it down because he says there's a chicken behind the mask. He says not to make him wait to accept his challenge and says they will fight in a cage where two go in and one comes out. He said Invader 1 is a coward for hitting him with a heart punch and is the chicken of San Lorenzo. This was a good promo. 

IWA Women's Title - Krystal vs Labrava Escobar

They call Labrava "The Sixth Sense". She argues with a fan with some huge teeth. Roxxy comes out with a chair to watch as she fights the winner. 

Krystal backs her up in the corner then Labrava pushes her. Labrava puts a chinlock on her and Krystal throws her over and puts a chinlock on her. They shoulder battle and Labrava hits a flying shoulder and dropkick. Labrava basement dropkicks her and they trade shots outside of the ring in front of Roxxy. Labrava is sent into the post then Krystal hits mounted forearms.

Krystal corner splashes her then uranages her. Krystal beats up on her and hits a backdrop. Labrava hits leg kicks and a step up enzugiri. Krystal throws her out then hits forearms on the on the floor. Labrava is thrown into Roxxy then Krystal kicks Roxxy. Roxxy bangs Labrava's and Krystal's heads together then is pounded on by Krystal in the ring. Krystal holds up Roxxy then Labrava kicks Roxxy. Roxxy takes corner attacks from both. Nathalay Perez comes in to help out  and Labrava and Krystal leave.

The match went too long and wasn't that great. I liked the spot with Roxxy but I don't really understand why Roxxy nailed Labrava since she was just thrown into her. 

Krystal is interviewed by Nahir Robles. She said she doesn't have to face Roxxy and says the title will be defended internationally instead. She said she already beat Roxxy so she doesn't need to fight her. She said if she has to defend it in PR, it'll be against someone new. Krystal tells the announcer, Nahir Robles, she is the first contender, but Nahir doesn't seem interested. She presses her, saying she knows she is trained and has a license. The girl says she doesn't have any reason to challenge for it. So Krystal gives her one and slaps. Nahir then slaps her and they have to be broken up. This was kind of goofy but I enjoyed Krystal giving her a reason by slapping her.

IWA Title Match - Romeo Quevado vs "El Fugitivo" Niche

Niche arrives in a car with a big speaker system and has kinds jumping around for him. Miguel says it's impressive how much a support a person who represents the lowest of society gets. Raul says Miguel is just talking about himself.

Romeo charges at him and they trade punches. Niche goes up top and is pushed to the floor. Fernandos Tonos stomps Niche outside. Romeo chops him outside and bangs his head off the apron. Romeo is thrown into the post then niche hits punches outside. Niche is then pop-up powerbombed on the apron. Romeo then hits an orange crush.

Niche escapes a backdrop and holds his knee then rolls up Romeo. Romeo lariats him then twists his neck. Romeo then puts his gum in Niche's mouth. Romeo goes for splash mountain off the ropes and takes a 2nd rope hurricanrana. Niche spinning heel kicks him then superkicks him out. Niche tornillos him on the floor.

Romeo is slingshotted in then Niche hits a wild imploding 360 into a cutter. Romeo meteoras him in the corner then backdrops him. Romeo superkicks him in the face. Niche 619's him in the body then hits a running canadian destroyer. Niche spinning heel kicks him and ends up outside. Niche then 450's him.

Harry William then runs in. Niche kicks him and stomps him in the corner. Romeo grabs the cuban flag and nails Niche over the head with it. Harry leaves and Romeo picks up the win.

The ending was kind of lame but Niche was nuts here doing tornillo's to the floor and that imploding 360 cutter. They really made it seem like Niche had it before Harry interfered. Harry has a long history with Niche as he cost him other titles so the run in was not out of nowhere. This was pretty good up until the finish. 

Harry dragon sleepers Niche after and Romeo mocks him. Harry pounds on him and Romeo says to hold Niche up. John Hawking comes out to make the save before more damage can be done.

Niche is in tears after as Romeo mocks him. John Hawking helps Niche up and raises his hand.

Wizard Analiza

Wizard calls Niche a crybaby and says you have to accept when your opponent is better than you. Wizard tells him he has a whole life ahead in wrestling but he has to be stupid to think he can beat Romeo. He calls him a sucker from the grocery store and critiques him for arriving in a car with loud music playing. He said he disturbed the fans and disrespected the elderly with the loud music. Wizard says Harry William was watching the fight up close and Niche attacked him for no reason LOL He said Romeo beat him clean in the middle of the ring and called him a sore loser. Wizard said Harry William and Romeo had to discipline him for it. He then says John Hawking had no business being out there and said Niche cried like a baby. He says Niche's stupidity has no limits.

Wizard shows us clips of Romeo defending his title in the US. He tells Niche that is what a true champion does. Wizard makes fun of Niche for crying again and tells him he should retire.

Wizard was hysterical here in his critique of Niche. I don't speak Spanish but there are subtitles and he ripped him to shreds. I laughed so hard when he said Harry William was in the ring just to get a close-up view.

 Romeo Quevado talks to Harry William in the back. He hands Harry an envelope with money for a job well done.

#1 Contender's Match - "El Escorpion" Mike Mendoza vs Pedro Portillo III


Miguel talks about how Niche was not going to beat Romeo. Pedro has a belt in a belt case and I'm not sure what it is. Miguel says he would not even show his face if he were Niche.

Pedro offers a handshake. Mike stares at him and shakes his hand. They go face to face and Pedro nails him from behind. Mike enzugiri's him from the apron then they stand off after Pedro gets out of an F-U. Mike hits punches then various kicks. Pedro is thrown out and Mike kicks him from the apron.

Pedro is at in a chair and pounded on. Pedro chops him in a chair then Pdro is put on a seat in the stands. Pedro is chest chopped then Mike's head is banged off the post. Mike is sent into the steps then Mike back elbows him. Pedro rebound germans him then hits a stiff lariat. Pedro suplexes Mike for 2 then hits a neat wrist-clutch bomb.

Pedro chinklocks him then Mike fires back with punches. Mike does a flying hurricanrana then step up enzugiri's him in the corner. Mike then rolls into a cutter for 2. Pedro throws him good on an exploder suplex for 2. Mike enzugiri's him from the apron then hits a slingshot ddt for 2. Pedro rolls out to the apron then Mike top rope double stomps him while he's bent over. Mike is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles. Mike hits a go to sleep on Pedro then a masked man comes in and beats up Mike.

Manny Ferno comes out to help with a giant paddle board. Pedro runs for it. Manny gets on the mic after and asks why Pedro ran. Manny insults him and says he has many excuses. Manny says Pedro keeps running from him and says he's not the best fighter. He said Mike Mendoza is better than him. He says Pedro is just a good talker. Manny accuses Pedro of destroying the company he was with prior to this and brags about all the fans who are at this show. Manny says they will have a match.

Pedro says they have a match when he says. He says he knows Manny is mad that he's been here longer and Pedro makes more money. Pedro says Manny has to face his new masked partner, the new Gran Amenaza and then they can talk. Manny says he will and then he's coming for him. Manny says sooner or later they will fight. Pedro said he liked making his family cry and said next time he's going to break his legs and not just his shoulder. Manny tells him to stop talking and fight. Pedro runs and Mike and Manny then run after him.

The match was fast paced and decent and it's a shame we didn't get a real finish to it. I don't really like them having a new Gran Amenaza since we just did that.

The next show is on 7/3/23 and is called Sin Piedad (Without Mercy). It has:

Manny Ferno vs Gran Amenanza

John Hawking and Mike Mendoza vs Romeo and Mr. Big

Niche vs Harry William

IWA Tag Titles - The Faces of Destiny vs The Drunken Express

IWA Women's Title - Krystal vs Nahir Robles

Vessago vs Manu

We then go to Pedro Portillo III in the back. Pedro says if things always goes like this, we will have good results, except for Manny Ferno's interruption. Pedro says the work is not completed and says Gran Amenaza is a good prospect.  He says not to hurt Manny Ferno's legs as he wants to be the one to do it.

Overall thoughts: 3 of the 4 matches ended with dirty finishes or non finishes which was lame. I don't really like them doing the Gran Amenaza angle again, especially since the last one didn't have a great ending. Niche was really good in his match and Wizard was just as good when he made fun of him after. Krystal challenging Nahir was odd, but I liked Krystal giving her a reason to have a match by slapping her. The video quality was really bad here. Something went wrong when they filmed it and the video was darker and blurry. There was some good stuff on this show if you can stomach the non-finishes. I'd still give it a 6 out of 10 though.

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