Thursday, August 24, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/1/2023 Episode #46

WOW Women of Wrestling 8/1/2023 Episode #46

Last week's show is here:

The Tonga Twins (Kaoz and Kona) vs Gigi Gianni and Robbie Rocket


Gigi goes up in Kaoz's face and is pushed. Kaoz hits a double lariat then Kaoz splashes Rocket in the corner. Rocket takes a double suplex. Gigi gets in and takes a double hiptoss. Gigi clips Kaoz then Gigi rolls on her. Rocket dropkicks Kaoz in the back then Gigi holds Kaoz for a kick from Rocket.

Gigi crossbodies Kaoz while she's seated then Kaoz hits a double spear. Kona gets in and hits lariats on both opponents the nbelly to belly suplexes Gigi. Rocket is uranage'd. The twins hit hip attacks in the corner. Rocket takes a samoan drop + neckbreaker combo and The Twins win it.

The Twins here good here. Gigi didn't have the greatest night. I thought it was an okay opener with the Twins hitting a bunch of double team moves.

The Twins do a promo. They say you can put anyone up against them because they will knock them out one team at a time. They say they will do this until the WOW tag team titles are in their hands where they belong.

We see clips of Coach Campanelli forming Team Spirit and they hype up Miami's Sweet Heat vs Team Spirit for the tag titles tonight.

Foxxy Fierce and BK Rhythm head to the ring. They run into each other. Foxxy said she's not down with her music and BK says she will take her down. Foxxy said that's not what happened last time and BK said that's what will happen this time.

BK Rhythm vs Foxxy Fierce

BK says she will shine and says she's a box office player while Foxxy is a matinee in her rap.

Foxxy cartwheels into an armlock on BK. Foxxy then backflips using the ropes out of a wristlock. Foxxy is next to her and hip attacks her then rolls her up. Foxxy hits a bad armdrag then 2nd rope crossbodies her. BK kicks her in the gut then gutbusters her.

BK suplexes her then PK's her for 2. Foxxy goes up and over in the corner then running hip attacks her in the corner. BK blocks Foxxy's handstand hurricanrana on the ropes then hits a skyfall/prime full-nelson slam.

This was short and kind of ended before it got going. Foxxy is athletic and maybe has some potential.

We see clips of The Mother Truckers getting jailed and calling Sofia Lopez for help. McClane says they are not in line for a tag title shot anytime soon but says they will keep on truckin' until they get one. 

The Tonga Twins face Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball in a #1 Contenders match next week. 

Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead vs The Mother Truckers (Holly Swag and Big Rig Betty)

Betty kicks Siren in the gut and running back elbows her. Siren is straightjacketed then pulled down. Holidead blocks Holly's armdrags then forearms her. Holly double knees her on the ropes and hits the meteora from behind. Holly is rammed back first into the buckles. Holidead put's Holly's neck into the buckles and backbreakers her. Siren sentons Holly.

Siren northern lights suplexes Holly. Holidead short arm clotheslines Holly. Holly is sent into the buckles chest first and lariated from behind. Holly ddt's Siren and Betty is tagged in. Betty back elbows then rainmakers Siren. Betty russian leg sweeps her for 2.

Siren accidentally nails her partner then Betty stunners Siren for the win.

There was nothing wrong with this one and it was a short but decent match. Holidead's spinebuster was good here and I liked Siren's sell on the stunner at the end.

Betty wants a honk honk for the Truckers after. Holly said she hurts and tells McClane she wants a title shot against Miami's Sweet Heat. Betty said the MSH's cheated to win and seems to want a 2/3 falls match for the titles. The other announcer says, "let's give them a rubber match".

Miami's Sweet Heat are interviewed. They say they have beaten the cheerleaders already and say they should be in the stands watching instead. They say it will be easy, "money, money, money".

Team Spirit are practicing poses. Coach blows her whistle and says they have an imporant match tonight. She asks if they are ready to win the titles tonight. Coach says to listen to her and do whatever it takes to win. Coach says they will take the tag title belts and they do their cheer, though they say different things on it

WOW Tag Team Titles - Miami's Sweet Heat with Lana Star vs Team Spirt (Ariel Sky and Randi Rah Rah) with Coach Campanelli


AJ Lee is given a bow by Team Spirit. Team Spirit is jumped from behind at the bell. They cartwheel out of irish whips and hit back elbows. Sky goes up and over in the corner then backflips and spears. Sky tries to headscissors Lindsay but is sideslammed out of it.

Lori vaderbombs Sky then footchokes her in the corner. Skye takes a double suplex and Lindsay gut kicks her in the corner. Sky hits a double crossbody and is supposed to be caught but Linday falls. Randi then tries a double crossbody but is caught and slammed. Randi step up enzugiri's Lindsay and slingblades her. Randi then hits a bronco buster.

Randi forward cartwheels into a cannonball on Lori then Lindsay codebreakers her. Coach and Lana argue outside then Randi takes a heatwave (catapult into a flatliner). MSH then gets the win.

This wasn't the girls' best night in the ring with multiple botches and some cutaways on what looked like other misses/botchers.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't the greatest night in-ring wise. The Mother Truckers vs Holidead and Siren was probably the best match of the night. BK/Fierce ended before it got going and The Twins did okay, but Gigi Gianni didn't have a good night either and brought that down some. The camera's missed the finish on the main (though they showed a replay) and it was just a disappointing match.

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