Thursday, August 24, 2023

STARDOM 8/20/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 10

STARDOM 8/20/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 10

HANAKO & Saki Kashima vs. Queen's Quest (Miyu Amasaki & Utami Hayashishita)

Big Kevin Amasaki is in action here. Someone nicknamed Miyu "Kevin" and Miyu referenced it and now it's kind of meta. Hanako wants a test of strength and Miyu kicks her. Utami barely hits a basement dropkick on Hanako then Hanako shoulders Miyu over.

Saki misses a corner charge on Miyu and Miyu handspring cartwheel elbows her. Utami shoulders Saki over then Saki messes up a headscissors on her. Hanako running facekicks Utami then Utami shoulders her over. Hanako shoulders her over then racks her. Saki stiff running facekicks Utami then Hanako suplexes Utami.

Utami germans Hanako then lariats her against the ropes. Miyu ddt's Hanako then Utami 2nd rope dropkicks Hanako for 2 then hits a schwein on her for the win.

It was rough at first but then got better in the 2nd half. It was still short though and nothing too special.

Oedo Tai (Rina, Ruaka & Starlight Kid) vs. STARS (Hanan, Koguma & Saya Iida)

Kog = Koguma

kog tries to get Ruaka to do her taunt and Ruaka nails her in the gut. Kog corner splashes her and basement dropkicks her. Ruaka takes a triple team sequence with a triple dropkick, a butt drop and a splash. Kog is lifted in the air for a splash from Ruaka.

Rina hiptosses Kid onto Kog then Rina basement dropkicks Kog. Kid slaps Kog over the head and bangs her head off the buckles. Kid slams Kog and poses on her for 2. Kog ddt's Ruaka. Saya chop flurries Ruaka on the ropes. Ruaka and Rina take stereo double sledgehammer shots then Kog and Hanan get on Saya's back for a triple splash.

Ruaka sentons Saya for 2. Kid springboard crossbodies Saya then basement dropkicks her. Kid then standing moonsaults her for 2. Saya throws Kid off the top onto the mat. Saya hits mongolian chops on Kid then Kid lifts and forearms her. Saya shoulders Kid over for 2 then Hanan dropkicks Kid. Kid flying forearms Hanan.

Rina basement dropkicks Hanan then Hanan misses a 2nd rope twisting crossbody. Kog cutters Rina and Rina rolls up Hanan for 2. Hanan takes corner attacks then takes a suplex and a top rope Rina double kneedrop. Hanan rolls up Rina for 2 then rolls her up for the win.

It went a little longer than it needed to but it was an okay trios match with fast paced action and some triple team moves.

Saya and Hanan both grab Kid's title belt after and Kid grabs Hanan by the hair.

Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs. Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama)

May and Poi start us off and end up doing a stand off. May and Waka sandwich basement dropkick Waka. Waka hip attacks Poi in the side of the head then Poi hair throws her. Waka takes corner attacks then is catapulted into the mat. Waka then takes a combo camel clutch + crab.

Poi running basement dropkicks Waka then Waka club flurries Poi's chest. Waka running dropkicks her then May gets in. May dropkicks Poi and spinning backbreakers her for 2. May chop flurries Poi on the ropes then Poi spin kicks her in the gut and does a bad headhunter. Yuna flying shoulders May then dropkicks her. Waka flatliners Yuna from the 2nd rope then May basement dropkicks Yuna for 2. Poi superkicks May then Yuna back body drops May.

Yuna 2nd rope splashes May and slams her. Yuna gets stuck up top and takes May handstand hurricanrana on the ropes. May 2nd rope dropkicks Yuna for 2. Yuna sliding lariats May for 2 then May slingblades her. May TKO's Yuna for 2. May facekicks Yuna then tombstones her for the win.

It was short and just was average. There weren't a lot of highlights here.

Hina, Lady C and AZM vs Megan Bayne, Mei Seira and Thekla


Mei and AZM start. AZM armdrags her off the ropes and they evade each others attacks before doing a stand off. Meg chops AZM and drags her around the ring by her leg. AZM tags in C, who doesn't seem real excited. C and Meg go face to face and C wants a test of stength. Meg just forearms her instead. Meg hits corner spears then running facekicks her.

Mei and Thekla punish C on the ropes. Mei facelocks C then C facekicks her on the ropes. Hina gets in and dropkicks Mei. Hina hipthrows Mei and Thekla then STO's Mei. Mei hits a nice dropkick on Hina then Thekla dropkicks Hina. Thekal fisherman's suplexes Hina then Hina flying neckbreakers her. AZM and Thekla try for kicks then end up freezing when both try to hit forearms.

Thekla rolls through AZM's armbar then Meg slaps AZM. Meg slams Thekla onto AZM. AZM suplexes Thekla then Thekla spears her. They high kick each other at the same time then AZM buzzsaw kicks her and both go down. C and Meg shoulder battle and Meg shoulders her over. Meg takes a triple attack in the corner then fights off her opponents 1v3.

Meg falcon arrows C then AZM springboard dropkicks Meg. Meg takes a double dropkick then C 2nd rope chops Meg. C hits bad machine gun chops on Meg then some forearms. Meg lariats her then double arm chokeslam bombs her for 2.  Thekla and Mei hit a dropkick and spear at the same time. Meg throws Mei out on her opponents then Meg F-5's C for the win.

It went longer than it needed to and wasn't that good.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Hazuki vs Ami Sourei


Haz = Hazuki

Ami forearms her on the ropes then Haz rolls her into a double stomp. Haz goes for a facewash kick, but is shouldered over hard then slammed. Ami single leg crabs her. Haz is whipped into the buckles, jumps on the 2nd buckle and dropkicks her. Haz then sentons her for 2. Haz crossfaces her.

Haz facewashes Ami and they trade forearms for chops. Ami chop flurries her then Haz ddt's her. Haz facekicks her then is caught and suplexed on a codebreaker attempt. Ami racks her and puts her in reverse tree of woe. Ami splashes her as she hangs then does a high crab.

Ami goes for a suplex but gets ddt'd. Haz knocks her off the 2nd rope and sunset flips her for 2. Ami running lariats her then hits short arm clotheslines. Ami blue thunders her then reverses Haz's la magistral. Haz rolls her up again for 2. Haz pump kicks her then codebreakers her. Haz 2nd rope sentons her then top rope sentons her. Haz diving 2nd rope ddt's her then diving codebreakers her off the top. Haz brainbusters her and wins it.

It just wasn't a great match. They never really took it to the next level and they had some sloppy moments.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Mayu Iwatani vs Natsuko Tora

Tora knocks her down and sentons her to start. Mayu flying headscissors and dropkicks her. Mayu goes to dive but Tora hits her in the head with a box. Mayu is then whipped into the chairs. Tora ties up Mayu's leg in the ropes then kicks the ropes. Tora sentons her then stomps on the leg.

Mayu slingblades her then hits a basement dropkick out of the corner. Mayu dropkicks her against the bottom rope then topes her and Starlight Kid outside. Mayu top rope dropkicks her. Tora blocks her high kick and they trade chest forearms. Tora hits a nice euro uppercut then Mayu superkicks her in the face. Tora hits a nice spinning black hole slam move and corner lariats her. Tora then hits a corner cannonball for 2.

Tora frogsplashes her for 2 then stretch mufflers her. Mayu hits superkicks then hits a nasty buzzsaw kick. Mayu top rope frogsplashes her for 2 then crucifix bombs her. Mayu germans Tora for 2. Mayu then top rope moonsaults her. She goes for the pin and Tora mists her. Tora then death valley drivers her for 2.  Tora hits a top rope swanton then does another for the surprise upset win.

It was an okay main. Not a classic but they took some hard bumps here and kept up the face and heel boundaries. It was better than I expected.

Tora talks about her record in the GP after. She said she is chasing Natsupoi in this and asks how many of the fans are going to the next show.

Overall thoughts: Stardom had 2 other shows during the weekend of this and something was going to get the short end of the stick. This ended up being the weak link of that trio. The main was good and it was really the only highlight of this show. It didn't look like a strong line-up on paper and it wasn't.

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