Thursday, August 24, 2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/13/2023

IWA Puerto Rico Impacto Total 5/13/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Raúl Magnum and El Wizard are our hosts.

They go over the Savio Vega and Invader feud. We see Pedro Portillo announce himself with El Cuervo de Puerto and they beat up Manny Ferno. Savio Vega comes out to make the save with a baseball bat. Cuervo and Pedro celebrate Manny Ferno getting put on a stretcher. Cuervo says he is his karma. Pedro asks what he will do to stop him.

Khris Diaz vs Miguel Perez

As a refresher, Diaz pushed or hit Perez's daughter Nathaly and that started this feud. Perez beat him in a match and took his title.

Diaz jumps him as he enters then Perez hits a nice lariat. Perez bangs his head off the buckle then elbows him in the head. Perez chops him on the ropes then Diaz slaps and chops him. Perez back body drops him and Diaz begs off. Perez hits him in the gut. Diaz gets his boots up in the corner then clips him. Diaz hits mounted punches then topes him outside.

Diaz slaps on a chinlock then dropkicks him. Diaz poses the nmisses a corner cannonball. Perez hits some nice clotheslines and a good back elbow. Perez rolls on him then sentons him. Diaz cutters him for 2 then hits an os cutter.

Diaz and Perez grabs sticks. The ref tries to take away Diaz's stick. Perez swings at Diaz but misses and is low blowed. Wizard laughs on commentary then Diaz nails Perez with the stick and gets DQ'd. Wizard tinks this is the funniest thing in the world as Diaz beats on Perez with the stick.

The DQ finish was lame but at least Diaz was DQ'd. The match was decent with Perez's offense looking good.

We get a promo from La Sangre Romeo Quevado. He says he keeps making history and says he is untouchable. He is riding a motorcycle. He says he sells ice in the winter, fire in hell and sells water to a well. Romeo gets some letter from Savio Vega and Romeo's partner there says Puerto Rico wants blood. Romeo is told he has to defend his title. He's told he has to defend about Mike Mendoza. Romeo is told he has something Mike wants. They also discuss Niche as an opponent.

Controversial Inc - In order, we have Salazar de la Muerte, Labrava Escobar and Mr. C

The Faces of Destiny are talked about by Controversial Inc and Labrava Escobar. They say they call themselves the best team in Florida and Puerto Rico. They say they have not defeated them. they say they are their faces of destiny. They say its their time and said they must go for the tag titles. It was a good promo. They set up a tag title match with them at Armageddon.

Nick Mercer and Jay Blaze

The Faces of Destiny do a promo on Controversial Inc. Nick says their challenges say they are the best team in Florida. Nick says they have carried the division for 2 years and say Controversial Inc has not faced anyone here. Nick says they will understand that they are the kings of tag teams. Jay Blaze says there is only room for one set of champs. Jay says they are taking a risk coming here and will enter as they came - without tag titles. Jay says they are a stepping stone and a stumbling block. Jay says they are proven.

Women's Title - Krystal vs Roxxy vs Nathaly Perez


Krystal is the women's champ and the Doom Patrol's manager. Iforget the story for this but Krystal beat Perez on the 4/27 episode and they made a rematch.

Perez is rolled up then Krystal is rolled up. Krystal is pounded on by both opponents. Roxxy dropkicks Krystal in the back and out and Perez tries to roll her up. Perez and Krystal trade forearms then Perez sunset flips her. Perez russian leg sweeps Roxxy then hits a bad tornado ddt. Krystal samoan drops Perez then legdrops Roxxy. Wizard said Controversial Inc is looking for luck on the island. Krystal forearms Roxxy then charges in the corner and runs into the post.

Roxxy throws Perez into Krystal in the ddt position the neckbreakers Krystal, making her ddt Perez. Roxxy and Krystal trade shots. Roxxy hits a nice lariat then forearms Krystal in the corner. Krystal knocks Roxxy off the apron then baseball slides Perez off the apron. Krystal and Roxxy trade shots then Roxxy tries to roll her up but Krystal grabs the ropes and sits on her to win it. Wizard says Krsyal won in a completely fair and legal way.

Three ways aren't usually that good. It was short. They kept it moving and it was passable, but certainly not that great.

Mike Mendoza does a promo. He says he is he #1 contender for the title and said he told Nick Mercer it's his time. He says he is going after Romeo Quevedo. Pedro Portillo then walks in. He says he knows his presence bothers him. Mike asks why he's always around him. Pedro makes a comment about him getting a title shot and Mike says he earned his shot.

Mike says he's always more prepared than him. Pedro challenges him to a #1 Contender's match. Mike starts yelling at him and Pedro backs off.

Khris Diaz does a promo. He complains about Miguel Perez using a kendo stick to beat him for the title and says he did the same thing and was DQ'd. Vassago walks in. He said Diaz had his shot and lost. Diaz said no one invited him and said he is a former champ, but this is not his division. Diaz says this is where men are measured. Vess says he likes competition and wants PErez's title. They agree to a match and Diaz says he will show him why he is the chosen one. Vess ss says it is done and Diaz says that Vess doesn't know what he's capable of.

We see clips of Savio Vega at WWE Backlash. The crowd chants for him and we see him beat up Finn Balor.

Labrava Escobar of Controversial Inc talks. She said she heard there is competition for the IWA PR Women's title. She said the title is given to the wrong person. She asks Krystal thinkgs she is the most dangeorus and violent, but only because she had the chance to fight Roxxy and Nathaly Perez. Escobar says she doesn't see anything in dangerous and she's not intimidated. She said Krystal doesn't know who she is messing with. She said she comes here with a plan and says she is challenging Krystal at Armageddon. 

IWA Undisputed Intercontinental Championship - "El Atleta" Manu vs Azazel

Manu has La Alianza with him, which is Tonos, Jax Di Franco and Xavier Millet. Az rushes at him then takes corner spears and a release german. Az gets his feet up in the corner for a double boot then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Az topes him but takes a belly to belly on the floor. Manu germans Az and throws him out. Tonos cheap shots Az outside then Millet joins in. Millet ram's Az's back into the post right in front of the ref and nothing happens.

Manu chops Az outside and Az tries to fight back with chops. Raul says that Krystal has to accept Escobar's challenge, but Wizard says she;s the champ and can take her time. Az is thrown out and beat up 3v1 by Manu's buddies. The ref throws out La Alianza and Wizard says that's a bad call. He asks why does he have to do that?

Manu does a nice corner forearm on Az then Az flying clotheslines him. Az hits shots then flying forearms him. Az lariats him through the ropes while he's in the corner then Az top rope crossbodies him for 2. Az and Manu trade forearms and chops. Az superkicks him then Manu hits a nice spinning blue thunder for 2.

Az hits punches on Manu then Manu spears the post. A person in an Azazel outfit comes out and codebreakers Azazel. Manu laughs and elbow drops Az for the win. Wizard laughs and says "excellent execution".

The two matched up well and it was actually a fun little match. Manu should have been DQ'd for his friends interfering and the fake Azazel coming in was something different. It'd be one thing if he just wore the mask, but he had the whole costume on and looked similar.

Krystal does a promo. She said she was underestimated but is the champ. She said she beat two of the best fighters in PR. She said internationals are now calling for a shot at her title. She talks about Labrava Escobar and says she is an ant and can crush her with one finger. 

Wizard Analiza

Wizard said Pedro Portillo III fulfilled his promise of hurting Manny Ferno by sending him away in an ambulance. Wizard said he enjoyed this situation and congratulates Pedro. He said he doesn't know what Savio Vega will do and said Savio thinks he's a superhero. He said Savio is actually stupid though. He talks about Invader giving him a heart punch and says the next event, Armageddon is approaching. 

Miguel Perez talks about being champ then Manu walks in. Manu says this is his house and says Miguel's title is prestigeous. He says he has his eyes on Perez's title and challenges him.  Manu says they should make history again. Perez asks him what he wants and Manu says he wants a winner takes all title vs title match against him. Perez agrees and Manu says they should do this on May 20th. They agree and Perez says that's how he likes it.

Roxxy and Nathaly Perez walk in arguing. Nathaly wants to challege her. Perez argues wih them and says if they want to fight, they can fight on May 20th in a #1 Contenders match. Perez then teases doing his four words routine but says the four words are, "I am the champion".

We see clips of Savio Vega and The Invader's history and we see a maskless Invader. We also see a clip of Invader crying about being accused of killing Bruiser Brody.

IWA Armageddon on 5/20/2023 has

Title Match - Romeo Quevado vs Niche

#1 Contender's Match - Mike Mendoza vs Pedro Portillo III

John Hawking vs Romeo

Title vs Title - Miguel Perez vs Manu

Tag Titles - The Faces of Destiny vs Controversial Inc

Women's title - Krystal vs Labrava Escobar

The Drunken Express vs Doom Patrol

#1 Contenders Match - Nathaly Perez vs Roxxy

Vessago vs Khris Diaz

Rumble Por La Copa Alcaldesa Maria Vega (Mayors Cup)

Savio Vegas has a message for Invader #1

Overall thoughts: The wrestling was good but most of the finishes were dirty. They did a nice job putting together all kinds of matches for the next show and they got a lot in on this show.

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