Sunday, August 20, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/8/2023 Episode #43

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/8/2023 Episode #43

Last week's show is here: 

Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs Spring Break 24/7 (Krystal Waters and Sandy Shore)

Waters is from Gold Coast, Australia. Waters ducks Wrecking Ball's lariat. Ball bangs her butt into her gut and tries to pick her up with a waist lock. Krystal slides under her and puts her in a choke then is thrown down. Rey and Shore get in there. Shore spin kicks her in the gut and is clotheslined. Rey stands on her back.

Ball does an oklahoma stampede then Rey grabs her by the mouth. Ball pulls Shore's arms back then Ball misses a corner charge. Water dropkicks her in the knees then does the Curt Henning pull the neck forward move. Ball pulls her off the buckles and slams her down. Ball gets on Rey's shoulders in an electric chair and is dropped down on Waters. The heels double pin Waters and win it.

It wasn't too long and it was okay. The offense wasn't the greatest but it made sense with the faces trying to get something in before being put down.

Wrecking Ball gets on the mic after and says it looks like they are still undefeated. Rey says they are coming for the WOW tag titles.

Genesis, Exodus and Ice Cold vs Team Spirit (Ariel Sky, Randi Rah Rah and Coach Campanelli)

Ex = Exodus, Gen = Genesis

Gen and Coach start us off. Coach takes her down by the leg a few times. Sky and Ex get in. Ex side headlocks her then Sky armdrags and hiptosses her. Sky does a bad headlock takeover. Ice and Randi get in. Randi hits an armdrag and then goes over her in the corner into a pin attempt. Randi armdrags her and Gen is tripped by Randi. Ex pulls Randi's hair from the ropes and Randi does a delayed sell on it. Gen and Ex do a leg sweep + reverse ddt combo on Randi.

Gen is pushed down then kips up. Ice gets in and double knees Randi. Ice takes cheap shots on the faces in the corner then Ice leg lariats Randi's neck from behind. Randi then takes a spinning neckbreaker and a legdrop. Coach hits her opponents on the apron then neckbreakers Ex. Coach sledgehammer shots Ice and Ex STO's Coach. Sky suplexes Ex then Gen does a nice spin kick. Ice spinning neckbreakers Randi then Coach hits an unprettier on Ice and gets the win.

The execution was not good here but I thought it was an okay tag. The finishing run of this was pretty fast paced.

The faces are interviewed by David McClane after. Coach says the coach is great with the team underneath them. David asks Sky a question and Coach takes the mic from him. Coach says this is the beginning of Team Spirit's rise to greatness and tells the crowd, "you're welcome".

The Tonga Twins face Angelica Dante and Chainsaw next week. I think they may have challenged them last week on the parts of the show WOW didn't upload.

The Disciplinarian and G.I. Jane with Samantha Smart vs Jennifer Florez and Americana


Dis = The Disciplinarian

They said Stephie Slays is injured, so Americana is teaming with Florez. Jane pushes Florez down then slams her down. Florez shoulders her over then headscissors her. Florez dropkicks her then Americana snapmares Jane. Dis hits corner spears on Americana, then Americana handspring backelbows into the ropes.

Smart cheats from the outside, tripping up Florez then Dis lariats Florez. Florez is thrown hard into the buckles then Dis stunners her over the 2nd rope. Smart chokes Florez with a ruler then Dis sit out gordbusters Florez.

Jane slams Florez then bangs her head off the buckle. Americana gets the hot tag in and lariats then does a nice dropkick on Dis. Americana cartwheel back elbows Dis then bulldogs her. Americana hits a side headlock takeover and Jane breaks the pin up. American misses a step up enzugiri by a mile but it is sold anyway. Dis then hits a TKO on Americana and wins it.

Things went pretty well minus Americana's missed enzugiri, which they did kind of cover it. I liked it. Americana and Florez were decent faces and the heels were decent heels. It was under 10 minutes as all WOW matches are.

Miami's Sweet Heat do a promo. They said they are tired of the Mother Truckers but said they will beat them anyway. They said "who cares" since it's a non-title match. They then say the Truckers ride stops here as they are out of gas and have flat tires. They then say they drive lamborgini's as they are cool, flashy and the gas lasts longer. They say this will be easy "money, money, money". I liked this promo.

Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag)

Laurie has the black hair and Lindsay has the blonde hair.

Betty slaps a side headlock on Laurie then snapmares her. Holly and Laurie tag out. Holly forearms Linday then double knees her over the 2nd rope. Holly puts her head into the mat from behind then Holly is whipped into a stiff Lindsay clothesline.

Lindsay bangs Holly's head into the mat then hair throws her. Lindsay and Holly trade shots and Lindsay clubs her down. Laurie running knees her in the corner then pulls her as she hangs onto the bottom rope. Holly is catapulted into a Lindsay forearm. Lindsay jumps off Laurie's back to lariat Holly in the corner. Holly tries to fight out of the corner.

Holly reverses an airplane spin into a facebuster. Betty gets the hot tag in and hits strikes on Laurie. Betty superkicks Laurie then Betty rainmakers Lindsay. Lana Starr gets on the apron with the mirror. Betty blocks it then avoids Lindsay's PK. Holly does a small package on Lindsay and picks up the upset win.

This was actually good. Holly's selling was fantastic here and structurally, it was good with the heels taking control and the faces getting their big comeback in to win it.

The Truckers say they beat the tag champs and want a title shot. David McClane points out that MSH keep the titles since this was a non-title match. MSH holds their titles up after.

Overall thoughts: I thought the main was actually good and not just WOW Women of Wrestling "good". The show really wasn't bad at all with all 4 matches being watchable and Florez and Americana's match showing some promise.

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