Sunday, August 20, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/15/2023 Episode #44

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/15/2023 Episode #44

Last week's show is here: 

Chainsaw has surprise partners tonight against The Tonga Twins and Tiki Chamorro.

BK Rhythm vs Keta Rush

BK does her usual rap and calls Keta fool's gold. Keta messes up something to start then armdrags her. Kenta goes for an armbar and hits nice dropkicks. Keta then does a sling blade. BK puts her in a neck hold over her shoulder then stands on her face. Keta is whipped hard into the buckles and bumps for it.

BK cranks her neck and elbow drops her. BK hiptoss neckbreakers her then armbars her. Keta then turns it into a pin attempt and wins.

The first move of this seemed like it was botched and this ended up being very short with Keta picking up the surprise win.

Sofia Lopez tells Tormenta to keep training and tells her she will be the greatest superstar in America and the WOW champ. Lopez then says she put together the world's greatest tagteam - Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera). She asks if they are ready for next time and they say they are.

They say Sofia was so popular that they got her an entrance theme. Sofia comes to the ring and said she's glad everyone came to see her. She said she always brings the best wrestlers and brings out Las Bandidas.

Las Bandidas (Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera) vs Chantilly Chella and Foxxy Fierce


Las Bandidas attack before the bell rings and are thwarted. Fierce leapfrogs over Chella and they both hit dropkicks on their opponents then dance. Fierce hits a monkey flip and a dropkick then Fierce does a split into a kick on Sanchez. Rivera gets in and snapmares Fierce into a sliding clothesline.  

Rivera elbow drops Fierce and puts her knee n her against the ropes. Lopez grabs Fierce by the hair while the ref isn't looking then Rivera stretches Fierce on the ropes. Lopez grabs Fierce by the hair again then Rivera catapults Fierce into the mat. Sanchez sentons Fierce then chinlocks her. Fierce gets out with a jawbreaker.

Chella gets the hot tag in and cartwheels through a double clothesline. She hits kicks and bangs the heels heads together. Chella snapmares Sanchez then crossbodies both off the 2nd rope. Chella cutters Sanchez then Rivera spinebusters Chella. Fierce enzugiri's Rivera then takes a hard codebreaker. Chella takes an STO from Sanchez and Las Bandidas win.

Las Bandidas had to win here since it was their debut. It was a decent match but I didn't think Las Bandidas were put over that strong.

We are told it's Vickie Lynn McCoy and Penelope Pink vs Princess Aussie and Kandi Krush in the main event next week.

La Tormenta vs Robbie Rocket

Sofia Lopez is at the commentary booth for this one.

The two exchange words then Tormenta shoves her. Rocket crucifixes her then spinning headscissors her. Rocket snapmares her then leg lariats her as she is seated. Tormenta splashes her in the corner then basement dropkicks her there. Tormenta cradle shocks her for 2, catches her on a crossbody and hits a swinging side slam for 2. Tormenta grabs her by the air and yanks her head around in a circle, which looked good and was hilarious.

Rocket makes a comeback with a step up enzugiri. Rocket hits a 2nd rope blockbuster then ddt's her while using the 2nd rope. Rocket whips Tormenta into the buckles then Tormenta top rope meteora's her for the win.

This was mostly a squash but I liked it. Tormenta looked great here and looked like one of the better workers on the show.

Lopez holds up Tormenta's hand after.

We get a video on Tiki Chamorro. She said she believes in being kind to people and we see her swinging around fire. She is from Guam. Angelica Dante says Chainsaw awaits Tiki in the ring. It's then revealed that Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead will be Chainsaw's partners.

The Tonga Twins and Tiki Chamarro vs Chainsaw (with Angelica Dante), Siren the Voodoo Doll and Holidead

 McLane said he asked Chainsaw what the faces on her apron were about and he was told that the ear means to pull someone's ear.

The twins try to shoulder Chainsaw and she doesn't budge. Chainsaw is thrown out. The twins pick up Tiki and ram her feet into their opponents. They throw Tiki at them, Tiki is caught and the twins boot her to push her over. Holidead tags herself in and Tiki ducks her. Tiki hits a dropkick then takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Holidead legdrops Tiki.

Siren bangs Tiki's head off the buckle then corner lariats her. Siren sliding euros her against the bottom rope. Holidead hits corner spears on Tiki. Chainsaw gets in and bearhugs Tiki. Tiki fights her way out and tags in Kona. Kona lariats Chainsaw then the twins double spear Chainsaw. The Twins hit stereo superkicks then carry Tiki over to Chainsaw and drop Tiki on her. The twins and Tiki then triple pin Chainsaw and win it.

It was short and fine but I didn't like Chainsaw taking the loss. She's big, she's over and she had the most to lose by taking the L here. Tiki was not great and definitely needs to drop some weight. The twins did okay. Siren is also clearly limited.

Overall thoughts: Nothing was bad and everything was kept short. I didn't like Chainsaw losing in the main and I thought Las Bandidas should have been put over more since this was their debut as a team. The wrestling isn't the greatest, but WOW is a very easy watch with clear faces and heels and some decent booking.

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