Sunday, August 20, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/1/2023 Episode #42

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/1/2023 Episode #42

Last week's show is here:

My DVR has this habit of deleting stuff when it gets full and unfortunately, WOW is always what it chooses to delete. It's particularly a problem with WOW, because nobody uploads it online. WOW does upload the matches, but not the full show, so you don't get to see the angles and video packages.

Chainsaw vs Tiki Chamorro

Chainsaw pulls her down to start then butt bumps her when Tiki waistlocks her. Tiki goes for the sleeper and is backed up into the buckles. Tiki moves and despite not being there, Chainsaw goes for the cannonball anyway. Tiki hits a sunset flip and Chainsaw doesn't budge. Tiki crossbodies her then is caught.

Tiki gets out of her crasp and is kicked in the thigh. Chainsaw chinlocks her and Angelica Dante tells Chainsaw to fish hook her nose with the apron she has. Chinsaw then claws her. Tiki is thrown into the corner then has her head banged off the mat. Tiki hits dropkicks and Chainsaw no sells them.

Chainsaw no sells an enzugiri then Tiki twisting springboard crossbodies her for 1. Chainsaw is tripped into the 2nd rope and blocks a 619. Chainsaw holds her up in the air with a choke then slams her down. Chainsaw then hits a big splash and wins it.

The execution wasn't good here but Chainsaw did a good job as the monster hoss. The crowd was into Tiki. This was mostly a squash.

Chainsaw goes to beat up Tiki more after but the Tonga Twins make the save.

Sylvia Sanchez with Sophia Lopez and Vivian Rivera vs Keta Rush

Sanchez pulls her down then Keta takes her down. Keta goes up and over in the corner then hits armdrags. Keta headscissors her then Sanchez side slams her for 2. Sanchez ties her legs up and pulls back. Sanchez then gets a 2 count on a pin attempt.

Keta's head is banged off the top buckle then Sanchez's head is banged off of it. Keta hits corner spears and rushes into the corner but Sanchez tarantula's her off of it. Sanchez facekicks her in the side of the head. They mess up an irish whip spot then Keta back elbows and dropkicks her. Keta hits a sling blade for 2. Sanchez hits a nice suplex.

Sanchez does a grounded abdominal stretch then Keta hits leg kicks and a step up enzugiri. Keta's meteora is blocked then Sanchez rocking chairs her. Sanchez then crippler crossfaces her and submits her for the win.

The ref was really bad here. They kept signalling that Keta hadn't tapped out but to myself and the announcers, it made it look like she did. That was confusing. Keta's slingblade was kind of cool here and they did do some things right here, but they also had a couple botches. All in all, I can't really give this a good rating.

Jennifer Florez vs Fury

Razor and Mezmeriah are with Fury. WOW messed up the match listing for this and said this is Fury vs Jen Z.

fury side headlocks her and headbangs while she does it. Florez does a kimura takeover then works her arm. Florez leg sweeps her then basement dropkicks her. Razor grabs Florez by the boot then Mezmeriah does the same thing. Florez goes out and nails Mez then Razor throws Florez in.

Fury knees Florez and throws her into the 2nd rope. She does some boots to the side of the head there and gets a 2 count on the pin attempt. Fury throws Florez into the buckles then Mezmeriah and Razor get a cheap shot in.

fury corner spears Florez then throws her by the hair. Fury splashes Florez in the corner and step up knees her. Mez and Razor take more cheap shots in Florez and Florez fights her off. Florez goes up top and is nailed up there. Fury superplexes her for 2. Fury grounded cobra twists her.

Florez chinbreakers her then hits flying lariats. Florez hits a sling blade for 2. The ref sees Fury and Mez pull Fury away from the pin and yells at them. Fury then does a sit down double underhook bomb on her and wins it.

It wasn't a classic and I thought Fury should have been DQ'd for her partners helping her on the pin and getting caught. Or they should have at least been thrown out. The work was decent otherwise though with the heels cheating and Florez trying to fight them off.

WOW Title - Penelope Pink with Lana Star vs Kandi Krush

Vickie Lynn Mccoy is on commentary.

Pink kind of hits her off the greco roman knuckle lock. Kandi  then throws her down. Kandi armwhips her down and Pink goes outside to reset. Pink rolls up Kandi then Kandi jack knife pins her. Kandi corner lariats Pink and Pink begs off some.

Pink misses punches and cradles her for 2. Pink shoulder throws her twice then rainmakers her for 2. Pink eye pokes her then pulls her arm down over the top rope. Pink pulls out Kandi then bangs her arm off the apron. Kandi tries to chop her but nails the post then Pink pulls her arm against the post.

Lana pulls Kandi's arm over the 2nd rope. Pink boots her out of the corner and hits a 2nd rope blockbuster for 2. Kandi pop-up uppercuts her then hits a flying clothesline and a punk. Kandi spinning forearms her in the chest for 2. Kandi running euros her againsto the bottom rope. Kandi goes on the buckles and Lana pulls her leg. Pink hits an iconoclasm then curb stomps her back into the mat. Pink does a forward flipping reverse ddt and wins it.

Kandi's offense didn't look good here and I thought she could have done a better job selling the arm. Pink had some highlights here. It's kind of funny that the girl with "Pink" in her name wore less pink than her opponents, but that's not the first time something like that has happened with women's wrestling. As often the case with WOW, the idea was there, but the execution failed.

NOTE - I had the next week's episode on my DVR. McCoy was going to airplane spin Kandi then Princess Aussie made the save. Aussie ripped her on the mic and said she was cowardly for attacking Kandi. She then challenges McCoy and Pink to a tag match with Kandi as her partner.

Overall thoughts:
I don't know what was missed due to WOW not uploading the full episode and just the matches. The matches all had various flaws to them and it's hard to recommend this one.

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