Monday, August 21, 2023

STARDOM 8/18/2023 New Blood 10

STARDOM 8/18/2023 New Blood 10

 HANAKO, Honoka & Kizuna Tanaka vs. God's Eye (Ami Sourei & Nanami) & Miran

Tanaka and Ami go at it. Tanaka hits dropkicks and knocks her down after multiple tries. Ami slams her then hits machine gun chops in the corner. Tanaka takes running corner moves then crossbodies Manami. Honoka hits forearms on Manami, evades a 2v1 and dropkicks Ami into Manami. Honoka then does a cartwheel back elbow in the corner and puts Manami in an STF.

Honoka hits a nice dropkick on Manami then Manami and Hanako shoulder battle. Hanako takes a double shoulder down then takes a twisting neckbreaker. Miran dropkicks Hanako and her 2nd rope twisting crossbody is caught. Miran then rolls her up and tilt-a-whirls on her. Ami death valley drivers Hanako and Manami splashes her.

Miran 2nd rope asai moonaults Hanako then is pulled off the 2nd rope by her. Miran tries some pin attempts then takes a double dropkick. Hanako suplexes Miran for 2. Hanako torture racks Mran and submits her.

It was a fast opener with a lot of basic stuff. They had Miran in there with Hanako but Hanako is so much bigger than her that she had trouble moving her around. We really didn't see much of Tanaka or Manami at all due to the short length and due to 6 people being in it.

Kohaku vs. Lady C

C wants a test of strength and Kohaku is skeptical. Kohaku just slaps her then knee dropkicks her. Kohaku stands on her hair and bites her foot at the same time. C hits a stiff facekick then giant swings her. C face kicks her in the corner then Tanaka stunners her over the top rope. C facekicks her off the apron then knee drops her.

Kohaku legsweeps her then short ddt's her. Kohaku then totally misses a basement dropkick on her. C slams Kohaku then hits forearms. C does a flying neckbreaker then Kohaku rolls her up. Kohaku ddt's her then knee lifts her. Kohaku suplexes her for 2 then top rope dropkicks her. Kohaku hits another top rope dropkick to the back of the head for 2.

C chokeslams her for 2 then Kohaku headlock takeovers her and bridges for the pin.

It wasn't a bad match at all with Kohaku being scrappy against the much larger Lady C. Kohaku worked this well.

Hanan & Hina vs. Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki

Mei and Hanan start us off. Mei gut kicks her then is armdragged. Hina hiptosses Mei then Hanan monkey flips her. Hina comes off Hanan's back with a stomp on Mei. Suzu helps out then Hanan takes a corner lariat and knee. Mei and Suzu then double basement dropkick Hanan. Suzu flying knees Hanan in the back then Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Suzu.

Hanan hits la silla against the 2nd rope then does a nice northern lights suplex for 2. Suzu rolling spears Hanan. Suzu hits a superkick then takes a cuty special and euro from Hanan. Hina and Mei get in and Hina hits a nice dropkick. Hina hip throws her and hits a flying neckbreaker for 2. Mei lariats her against the 2nd rope then suplexes her.

Mei STF's Hina then Hanan hits stomps on Mei. Suzu throws Hanan out then Mei and Hina trade forearms. Hanan hipthrows Mei then Mei takes a double dominator. Hina wrist-cluch uranages Mei then Hina is held up for a codebreaker. Mei hits a nice dropkick on Hina then hits a wrist clutch sitout powerbomb for the win.

It was another shorter sprint of a match. It was a fast paced match and nothing was wrong with this at all. I do have to wonder what the point of this show is though when people like Mei and Hina are doing the exact same matches they would be doing on a normal Stardom show.

Natsupoi vs. Yuna Mizumori

They shake hands. Poi's crossbody is caught and she armdrags her off of it. Poi slaps her multiple times and Yuna chest forearms her back. They trade chest shots and Yuna blocks one with her head. Poi spin kicks her in the gut then hits a running headhunter. Poi hair throws her and basement dropkicks her.

Yuna dropkicks her out of the corner then Poi double stomps her on the apron. They fight outside and Yuna runs Poi around on the ring over her back then drops her. Yuna then stands on a chair and splashes her. Yuna comes off the top and takes a superkick to the gut. Poi then does an octopus on her in the air.

Poi dropkicks her through the ropes then top rope crossbodies her. Poi slaps her then Yuna lariats her. Yuna mounts her and hits slaps. Poi spin kicks her in the gut and takes a nice lariat. Yuna downward lariats her. Poi avoids her TKO and basement dropkicks her in the head. Poi superkicks her in the head then release germans her. Yuna lariats her then Poi hits a ranhei for 2. Poi sweeping kicks her in the head then 180 flips her off the top for 2. Poi straightjacket germans her and wins it.

Poi asks Yuna how she feels after. She says Poi is strong. She says she can beat her though and will keep challenging her. Poi says Yuna has the passion and Yuna has always supported her. Poi says Yuna is her friend then Tam Nakano comes out. Poi says Yuna's application to the Cosmic Angels is rejected. Yuna says her weaknesses can be substituted for strength and says she wants to shine here. Poi says she can still try and says Yuna hasn't made her weight goal yet at 60.8kg. Yuna said she won't give up though and asks for another chance. Tam says Yuna gets a final chance then says she will face her at the next New Blood. Yuna agrees and said she is more excited for that than she was today. Yuna says she will make Tam recognize her and looks forward to it.

The match was decent as expected. I did not like the post match angle though. Yuna's way too talented to do this kind of stuff where she's treated like a young rookie. And unlike Tam and Poi who coasted off their looks, Yuna was the fat girl who had to get over on her own doing. Her ceiling's not as high, but she's never going to get the chance to be the star and see if she can be a top talent.

Saori Anou vs. Miyu Amasaki

Temps trende

Miyu offers a handshake and grabs her by the chin. Anou faceshoves her then Miyu hits dropkicks in the back. Anou stomps her then headscissors her then footslaps her. Miyu hits forearms then is kicked in the chest. Miyu hits a dropkick then cartwheel back elbows her in the corner. Miyu then dropkicks her for 2.

They trade forearms to the chest then Miyu ddt's her. Anou fisherman suplexes her then camel clutvch strangleholds her. Anou top rope dropkicks her and they grab each other by the hair. Miyu hits mounted forearms then stomps her. Miyu then forearm flurries her against the bottom rope.

Miyu bounces off the ropes with a sitout facebuster then crucifixes her while pulling on the neck. Miyu tornado ddt's her off the ropes then Anou step up enzugiri's her. Miyu slaps her and does a pendulum ddt for 2. Miyu then hammerlock ddt's her for 2. Anou wheelbarrow germans her and Miyu gets a nearfall on her. Anou hits a nice german for 2 then does a forward rolling short-arm ddt (temps tendre) and wins it.

This was pretty good. Miyu got a bunch of offense in and was a jerk to Anou. Anou of course eventually overcame her and beat her. It was styled like a young lion vs vet match but Miyu got a lot in here to the point that it seemed like she might even win it.

Nanae Takahashi vs. Saya Iida

This was a botch, but it could work.

They shoulder battle early and pound their chests. Nanae then shoulders her down. Nanae mounts her and body scissors her. They trade forearms then Nanae running forearms her. Saya is thrown into the seats then clubbed and stomped on. Nanae puts her up against the apron and chest slaps her then drops an elbow inside.

Nanae foot chokes her then hits machine gun chops in the corner. Saya fires up and they trade forearm flurries. Nanae spinning forearms her then takes machine gun chops. Saya corner dropkicks her.

Nanae shoulders her over and bullies her around with her feet. They trade big slaps then Nanae backdrops her for 2. Nanae crippler crossfaces her. They lariat each other against the ropes and Saya hits a nice northern lights suplex for 2. Saya hits running lariats and doesn't move her then Nanae lariats her back. Saya lariats her to the stomach then sliding lariats her for 2.

Nanae 2nd rope superplexes her hen Saya drops her on her head with a 2nd rope powerslam. Saya 2nd rope shoulders her for 2 then suplexes her. Nanae hits a stiff lariat and blue thunders her for 2. Saya drops her on a muscle buster but actually ends up hitting an interesting butt drop. Nanae step up enzugiri's her then Saya lariats her for 2.

Nanae backdrops her then sliding d's her. Nanae lariats her then fits a falcon arrow for the win.

This was a good match. The two hit hard and it was a fun power match. Nanae just made what she did look easy and made Saya seem on her level.

They grab each other by the hair after and Nanae slaps her.

Nanae gets on the mic after. She cheers for her and said she is making strides. Nanae tells her life is over when you give up. Nanae says she never gave up and says maybe Saya can get a title shot with her spirit. Saya says she's not crying and worked up a good sweat today. She said she is frustrated when she loses like this. She said she realized she is not alone when in the ring with Nanae and she's fighting with everyone's feelings on her shoulders. She says fighting Nanae injected her with passion and says she will come back, beat her and win a belt to repay her.

Future Of Stardom Title Match - Rina (c) vs. Waka Tsukiyama

Its so silly to have Waka fighting for a rookie title. Waka side headlocks her then hits a nice dropkick. Rina slams her then fujiwara armbars her. Rina hits a facekick and pulls her arm under the middle rope, then kicks the rope. Rina 2nd rope knee drops the arm then Waka dropkicks her again. Waka stranglehold camel clutches her then hits horrible punches.

Rina hip throws her then double knees her in the corner. Rina octopus stretches her then exploders her for 2. Waka hits another dropkick then running stranglehold neckbreakers her. They trade forearms on their knees then Waka flatliners her off the 2nd rope. Waka top rope dropkicks her for 2 then pulls her backwards out of the stranglehold.

Rina facekicks her over the 2nd rope. Rina then does a standing ultimo guerrero special. Rina top rope double knee drops her for 2. Rina gets stuck up top then Waka stands on the mat and hammerlock suplexes her from the 2nd rope. Waka 2nd rope stranglehold twisting drops her then Waka hammerlock suplexes her for 2. Rina does an abdominal stretch bomb on her.

Rina does an octopus and Waka ropebreaks. Rina grounds her with an octopus and wins it.

The match wasn't that good. Neither of them have that much personality and Waka doesn't really have the skills to carry a match like this.

Rina says they will fight again sometime and she won't lose then either. Rina says she was nervous to be in the main event but says she is the star of New Blood. She then asks for all the wrestlers to come down to a do a show closing.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show though the main wasn't that interesting. Saya/Nanae was easily the match of the night and was a good heavyweight style match. Miyu Amasaki also had a good showing here.

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