Sunday, August 20, 2023

STARDOM 8/19/2023 Midsummer Fes 2023

STARDOM 8/19/2023 Midsummer Fes 2023

The three way match that kicked this off did not air for some reason.

Hina, Rina and Hanan vs Yuna Mizumori, Waka Tsukiyama and Lady C

Yuna and Hina start us off. Yuna headlock takeovers her. Waka grabs Hina on the ropes and Yuna battering rams her in the gut. Yuna tries to double catapult her partners but of course it fails. Hina's team hits triple stereo hipthrows then Yuna dropkicks Hina. C hits a running facekick on Hina and trips.

Hina STO's C then Rina basement dropkicks C. C russian legsweeps Rina then drops a knee on her for 2. Waka knees Rina on the ropes and is tripped into the middle rope. Rina then facekicks her there. Waka seated flatliners her from the 2nd rope then top rope dropkicks her. Hanan hits a nice dropkick on Waka then rides her on the 2nd rope.

Hanan misses a 2nd rope twisting splash then takes a straightjacket neckbreaker from Waka. Waka bangs Hanan's face off the buckle then 2nd rope sunset flips her. Hina flying neckbreakers Waka then Hanan fameassers Waka for 2. Yuna sliding lariats Hanan then Waka straightjacket backwards drops Hanan. Rina breaks up the pin and takes a great Yuna dropkick. Hanan's pin attempt on Waka in initially reversed but then she pinned her.

The finish was messed up but it was a short and decent sprint up to it. Lots of fast paced action here.

Thekla and Megan Bayne vs Mariah May and Mina Shirakawa

You're welcome
The girls all yell "woo" at each other. Thekla grabs May's chest then Mina yells "woo" and shakes her chest. Mina lifts up the cover on Meg's skirt, then May does it to the back of her. Mina and May then twerk on her and Meg bangs their heads together and throws them out.

Thekla takes a punch from Mina then headscissors her over the top rope. Thekla dropkicks her then Meg slams Mina. Meg powerslams Thekla onto Mina. Mina tries leg kicks on Meg and gets nowhere. Meg capture suplexes her then May top rope dropkicks Meg. May hits forearms on Meg then May dances while she's in a choke. May holds Meg for Mina slaps then May gets some slaps in.

May and Mina's double backdrop is blocked then both are lariated. Meg swinging side slams May. Thekla forearms May on the ropes. May takes facekicks from both opponents then does her handstand headscissors on Thekla on the buckles. Thekla spears her then Mina spinning forearms Thekla. May hits a tko on Thekla for 2.

May has Thekla in the electric chair and Mina bulldogs Thekla off the top. Meg deadlift release germans Mina then Meg goes over the top on a failed charge on Mina. Mina then top rope crossbodies her on the outside. Thekla and May try pin attempts on each other and May gets it to win.

It was fast paced and short. 

Maika and Suzu Suzuki vs Ami Sourei and Saya Iida

Maika and Saya bump chests before this starts. Ami and Maika start us off. Maika gut kicks her then Ami hits chops. Maika accidentally chops Suzu then Saya and Ami hit stereo machine gun chops. Ami and Say then do stereo sledgehammer shots. Maika powerslams Ami.

Suzu is tagged in and does a drive by kick on Ami. Suzu then flying knees her in the back of the head. Ami puts Suzu in reverse tree of woe then splashes her. Ami then puts her in a high boston crab. Ami tries to pull her up into a powerbomb but Suzu hurricanrana's her. Ami suplexes Suzu then Suzu germans her. Ami lariats her then Say gets in with a top rope shoulder.

Suzu criss crossers her and rolling spears her. Maika corner lariats Saya then Saya hits lariats. Maika knocks her over with a running lariat for 2. Maika cross arm sto's Ami then Saya hits a sliding d on her. Saya corner lariats Maika then Ami hits a double lariat on Suzu and Maika. Ami death valley drivers Maika then throws Saya into an elbow on Maika for 2.

Ami lariats Suzu then Suzu high kicks her. Maika lariats and backdrops Saya. The two slap each other and Saya lariats her. Maika lariats her as she charges in and gets a 2 count. Maika then hits a high michinoku driver on Saya and wins it.

Mayu Iwatani and Koguma vs Syuri and Saki Kashima

Kog = Koguma

Saki advertised some pachinko machine during her entrance. Kog wants to do her taunt to start as usual. Saki does it with her and high fives her. Saki runs at her and is slammed. Saki takes a sandwich basement dropkick then Kog does some splashes on her. Kog slams her and Mayu gets in.

Mayu kicks Saki in the back then Kog basement dropkicks Saki. Saki flying hurricanrana's Kog and yanks Kog's hair backwards. Syuri basement dropkicks Kog then backcrackers Mayu. Syuri underhook suplexes Kog then jumps off the top with a legdrop on a bent over Kog's neck.

Kog trips Syuri then basement dropkicks her. Kog goes to camel clutch Syuri then Saki hits her with a turnbuckle pad. The ref sees it and does nothing about it. Syuri and Saki then do an abdominal stretch and choke while holding the pad. Kog 2nd rope crossbodies Syuri then Mayu dropkicks Syuri. Mayu spin kicks Syuri in the gut then Syuri ddt's her.

Saki 2nd rope double knee drops Mayu then they trade forearms. Saki facekicks Mayu then Syuri and Saki hit kicks to a seated Mayu. Mayu takes an STO then Saki top rope double stomps Mayu, barely hitting her for 2. Mayu takes an angels wings from Saki then Saki is whipped into a Kog cutter. Mayu rolls Kog into a splash on Saki. Mayu basement dropkicks Saki then Mayu dropkicks her through the ropes for 2. Saki rolls up Mayu for 2 then Kog ddt's Syuri. Mayu buzzsaw kicks Saki then Saki takes a sandwich top rope dropkick from both opponents. Mayu holds up Saki on her hips and dragon sleepers her to win it.

It was the usual Stardom fast paced sprint tag match. Nothing particularly memorable or great about it, but it was fine. 

Dump Matsumoto, ZAP, Natsuko Tora & Ruaka vs Kyoko Inoue, Utami Hayashishita, AZM & Miyu Amasaki 

Dump enters with Oedo Tai and looks like the gang leader in a cool but subtle entrance. Dump and co jump their opponents before the bell. Dump hits Miyu with her kendo stick and bangs her head off a table. Miyu is then thrown into chairs as everyone fights outside.

Miyu takes a 4v1 and Dump slaps her. Dump then sits on her back and pulls her hair. Zap and Ruaka kick Miyu while she's held by Dump. Zap suplexes Miyu then does a nice legdrop. Dump slaps Miyu and Miyu tries to german Dump but Dump just falls back on her. Miyu rolls up Dump then lariats her.

Kyoko gets in to help out and hits lariats on Dump. Miyu has her head banged off the buckles and then Ruaka beats up on her. Miyu 2nd rope facebusters Ruaka then tags Kyoko in. Kyoko lariats Ruaka and Tora then Tora forearms Kyoko. Kyoko forearms Ruaka then holds up AZM for a double boot on her. Kyoko then flips AZM over onto her off the top.
AZM dropkicks Ruaka and Utami torture rack drops Ruaka. Dump breaks up the pin with her stick then Ruaka suplexes AZM. Uami accidentally knocks AZM off the apron then Utami takes running corner moves. Zap slaps Utami then 2nd rope splashes her for 2.

Kyoko shoulders over Zap then Kyoko and Utami shoulder over Zap. Dump breaks up Utami's pin with a kendo stick shot then hits her again with it. Dump accidentally hits Zap with the stick and Utami germans Zap. Miyu gets hit with the stick by Dump then Tora shoulders Miyu over. Tora takes a triple attack in the corner then a 4 person basement dropkick. The ref tries to take Dump's stick but can't. Ruaka crossbodies Miyu against the bottom rope then Kyoko top rope superplexes Tora. Miyu double underhooks Tora and jumps up and drops down on her in what was similar to a seated pedigree.

Dump hits Miyu with a trash can then Tora does it too. Miyu is double clotheslines with the stick then Miyu is double red misted. Tora death valley bombs Miyu and wins it.

Look, Dump could barely move here and despite the rules being made a joke, it still was kind of a fun legends style match. Miyu being the focus and being beat up for most of this made sense and fit the heels winning. Kyoko looked good here and hasn't aged much in the last 10 years.

Tam Nakano, Natsupoi and Saori Anou vs Shinobu Kandori, Takako Inoue and Hazuki

Haz = Hazuki, Poi = Natsupoi

Takako waves her cattle prod around and the ref has to knock it away. Takako tombstones Tam then face kicks her. Poi and Anou double dropkick Takako then Takako takes corner moves. Takako is then rolled int oa triple basement dropkick. Takako boots around Poi then ddt's her for 2.

Haz facewashes Poi on the ropes then facewash kicks her. Haz slams her then Kandori gets in. Kandori headbutts Poi and footchokes her. Kandori lifts her with a double arm choke and drops her down. Poi cartwheels into an armdrag on Kandori and basement dropkicks her. Tam misses a top rope crossbody on Kandori then Kandori sleepers her. Anou then sleepers Kandori, Takako puts a sleeper on, Poi poses with them then Haz sleepers Poi. Kandori takes a double basement dropkick then Tam top rope crossbodies her.

Tam slaps Kandori then is slapped back. Kandori fujiwara armbars her then Tam spin kicks and slaps her around. Tam hits a big slap then then Kandori shoulder throws her into an armbar. Kandori fujiwara armbars Tam then Tam high kicks and spinning high kicks Kandori. Kandori lariats Tam and Tam misses a spin kick but Kandori falls over anyway. Takako boots Anou and they trade chest forearms. The two face kick each other.

Anou goes over her in the corner then is facekicked for 2. Poi hits dropkicks on Takako then Anou fisherman suplexes Takako for 2. Takako urakens Anou for 2. Anou ducks another uraken and step up enzugiri's her. Anou fisherman suplexes Takako. Haz sleepers Poi then Kandori and Takako also slap on sleepers on Tam and Anou. Haz half-nelson slams Poi then they trade forearms. Poi superkicks and release germans Haz.

Poi goes up top and is slapped by Takako. We then get a tower of room spot with Kandori powerbombing everyone. Kandori spinning sleepers Poi then Takako backdrops Poi. Haz top rope sentons Poi for 2. Poi ranhei's Haz for 2 then Tam cutters Kandori. Tam, Poi and Anou hit triple stereo axe kicks and Poi rolls up Haz for 2. Tam's team all go up top. Haz takes a top rope dropkick, a destiny hammer and Poi's 180 flip splash for 2. Haz facekicks Poi then Poi release germans Haz. haz no sells it and Kandori accidentally shoteis her. Poi then cradles Haz and wins it.

This wasn't as good as the main with Kandori definitely showing her age at times and having some botches. I thought it was still entertaining with a fast pace.

Jaguar Yokota, Nanae Takahashi and Momoe Nakanishi vs Starlight Kid, Momo Watanabe and Yuu



MN = Momoe Nakanishi, Jag = Jaguar Yokota, MW = Momo Watanabe

Kid running dropkicks MN in the corner to start. MN hits some great fast dropkicks on her and slams her. Kid bridges out then dropkicks her. Kid slams her and MN bridges out. MN sits on the top rope and puts her feet in the way to stop Kid. Nanae and Yuu shoulder battle and chop battle. Yuu double chops her then Yuu shoulders her over. Yuu misses a senton then Nanae shoulders her over.

They stare down then Jag and MW go at it. Jag forearm flurries MW on the ropes then takes a forearm and multiple body kicks. Jag dragon screws her then Jag takes a double basement dropkick from Kid and MW. Jag's team does triple abdominal stretches then Jag rakes Kid's face over the top rope.

Kid hits forearms on Nanae then Nanae hair throws her. Nanae hits a stiff knee to the head then suplexes her. Kid is tripped and her opponents trample her back. MN's team then poss on her from the camel clutch position. Jag sheep killers Kid then ddt's her. Nanae kicks Kid in the back and chest then Jag piledrivers Kid. MN does a high double underhook suplex on Kid then does another with a bridge.

Jag kicks Kid around then puts her knee on her against the bottom rope. Kid springboard crossbodies her then does a standing moonsault. Yuu sentons Jag and Yuu is 3v1'd. Yuu crossbodies her 3 opponents at the same time then does her stupid rolling move where she ends up rolling onto her partners under the bottom rope. MN top rope moonsaults onto Jag outside. Jag does a rolling kick to Yuu's body for 2.

Yuu backs up Momo into the ropes then running bodyblocks/splashes her into the buckles. Yuu gets stopped while going up top. MN tries to superplex her but can't then Nanae superplexes her instead. MN then goes for her momo latch but Yuu blocks it. MW meteora's MN then drops her with a chest kick.

Kid 619's MN on the ropes as MW kicks her in the back of the head. Yuu accidentally double chops MW and the MN rolls up MW twice. MN hits her momo latch on MW for 2 then MW high kicks her. Kid hits a double chop flurry on MN then MN walks up the buckles and moonsaults on her. Kid forearms MN then walks up the buckles and moonsaults her. Kid then does a leg clutch fisherman suplex for 2.

Nanae backdrops Kid and MN gets a 2 count on her. MN hits a nice german on Kid for 2. Nanae short arm lariats Kid then enzugiri's her. Nanae misses a corner charge and ends up taking a sandwich double knee from two opponents. Kid goes up top and hits a 180 rotation splash for 2. Nanae takes a 3v1 but takes down all 3 opponents. Jag backdrops Kid then Nanae top rope splashes Kid for 2.

Kid is dropped with a forearm from Nanae then Yuu double lariats MN and Nanae. Kid asai moonsaults outside onto Nanae and MN. Yuu sits on all three opponents in the corner then cannonballs two of them. MW beachbreaks Nanae and Kid top rope moonsaults her. Nanae then beachbreaks Kid and takes a tiger suplex for 2. Kid momo latch's Nanae and MN breaks that up.

Kid slaps Nanae and Nanae catches her hurricnarana with a tombstone. Nanae suplexes Kid  then MW hits Jag with her bat. Jag gets the bat from her, hits her with it then hits her with it outside. Nanae misses a top rope splash on Kid then Kid does a momo latch on Nanae. Jag 2nd rope koppo kicks Kid in the back then Nana and MN hit a T-gimmick on Kid to win it.

This was good and very very impressive. Momoe Nakanishi did not miss a single step here and looked like she came right out 1999. It is such a travesty and a loss to wrestling that she's been mostly retired for the last 17 years. This was way better than you would think and expect and the legends impressed. It was a fast paced tag match and while it could have been a few minutes shorter, I don't really have any complaints. If you are nostalgic for Momoe, you will want to see this. A very good main event that could not have gone better.

Overalls thoughts: It was a good show overall. The three legends matches were fun and the main event was extremely impressive. Momoe Nakanishi looked like she came right out 1999 and didn't miss a beat. Kandori's mostly done, sadly and Dump really can't do anything but weapons shots. Kyoko really hasn't aged much in the last 10 years wrestling wise and Takako's definitely a little slower, though she was never a superworker anyway. I really do recommend checking out the main if nothing else just to be amazed by Momoe. Stardom PPV's are often weird as they sometimes feel disconnected from their regular shows and this was definitely one of them as the legends stuff probably isn't leading anywhere.

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