Wednesday, August 30, 2023

AEW Dynamite 8/30/2023

AEW Dynamite 8/30/2023

Last week's show is here:

They showed clips from All In.

Jon Moxley vs Komander

Kom = Komander

Mox boots him in the face to start and hits chops. Mox hits punches and chops in the corner then takes a headscissors. Kom top rope crossbodies him on the floor. Mox rakes his back up top then Kom misses a top rope cancun tornado. Mox orange crushes him and we go to PiP break. We return and Mox has him in a front facelock.

Mox basically powerbombs him but they said Kom countered him with a facebuster. They trade forearms and Kom flying forearms him. Kom spinning high kicks him then does a short ddt. Kom racks him and hits a gutbuster out of it. Kom tries to walk the top rope into a 450 but Mox gets his knees up. Mox piledrivers him for 2. Mox downward elbow flurries him then taps him out with an armbar.

This ended out of nowhere and wasn't good. These two really didn't mesh that well at all.

Orange Cassidy said he's going to keep defending his International Title and said he doesn't take breaks. He said he will wrestle Mox at All Out if he makes it through Penta tonight.

The Bucks are interviewed last Sunday. FTR walk in and said they respect them. One of the Bucks said they lost their cool and said this their show yet they lost. Bullet Club Gold then walk in and call them losers. Jay says this is the winners room and says The Bucks have to leave. Jay says it seems like The Elite aren't doing well and said they should have an 8-man tag match at All Out.

Toni Storm is interviewed. She said Saraya went off the script and now she has no title or friends. She said she can't trust anyone and says she can't calm down. She said she can't trust her shoes and throws one at Renee.

Chris Jericho comes out to talk. He calls out Sammy Guevara. Jericho said he shouldn't have pushed him and said he was frustrated. He said he didn't know if he had done everything to help him win at the time, though plays the video on the tron and shows that he did. He said he apologizes. He said he always has his back. Jericho said Sammy could have maybe hit Will with the bat harder. Sammy then said maybe if Jericho hit Will harder with the judas effect, maybe he would have won.

They talk about how some guys didn't make the show and Sammy said if he didn't have his back, maybe he would have. Jericho said if Sammy follows his advice, maybe next year he will make it. Sammy said he will make sure not to lose on the biggest show like Jericho did. Jericho said maybe Sammy won't lose against MJF next time if he follows his advice. They talk about winning the AEW title in this arena then Sammy brings up him losing it the day after at a steakhouse.

Jericho said this is getting out of control and says let's get back to having each others back. He said let's try to get on the road to become the AEW tag champs next week. Sammy shakes his hand on it and everything seems okay between them.

The BCC do a promo.Mox asks what him, OC and Penta have in common. He said they are all not so much bark, they are about being the wrestler with the biggest bite. He says the wrestler with the biggest bite will leave All Out the International Champ.

New Japan Strong Openweight Title - Eddie Kingston vs Wheeler Yuta

They lock up and Yuta slaps him. Eddy takes off the head bandage then Yuta single arm ddt's him off the ropes. Yuta bites his hand. We see the BCC watching in the back. Eddie and Yuta trade chops. Yuta codebreakers his arm and we go to PiP break.

We return from break. Yuta ends up on the floor and Eddie topes him. Eddie hits machine gun chops then exploders him. Eddie enzugiri's him then Yuta germans him. Yuta goes for a top rope splash and Eddie gets his knees up then backdrops Yuta. Yuta does an olympic slam variation for 2. They trade chops and Yuta drops elbows on Eddie's arm. Yuta then hits elbows to the chin. Eddie release half nelson suplexes him then uraken's him. Eddie hits another uraken and wins it.

It was just a match and making this a title match didn't really add anything. Eddie's uraken never looks good.

Claudio Castagnoli comes out. He helps Yuta up and walks to the back with him without doing anything else.

We see clips of MJF vs Cole at All In.

MJF and Cole talk after that match. Cole congratulates him and MJF said he almost broke his neck. MJF said there's going to be a battle royale for a tag title shot and says there will be a tournament to figure out his next opponent for his AEW title. MJF says he has a week off and Cole tells him to get some rest.

Sammy Guevara is interviewed. Don Callis comes in and says it's hard to be Jericho's friend. He ask if it's challenging to deal with a sociopath like him. Don puts his arm around him. Sammy tells him to stop talking and tells him to get lost.

Adam Cole comes out to talk. He talks about All In. Cole says MJF is not in good shape but will be ready to go at All In. Roderick Strong and The Kingdom then come down the ramp. Strong says Cole cares more about MJF's neck than his. Cole says this is getting absurd and not the Strong he knows. Mike Bennett grabs the mic. He talks about them having a match and getting each other signed to ROH. He said he felt like they were bonded for life. He said they were with each other for their best and worst moments and says Cole cares too much about what the fans think of him and not enough about what The Kingdom think about him.

Taven tells him to shut up when he tries to talk. He said Cole used The Kingdom and says he's a liar. He says he's the same leech he has always been and said he's using MJF has a way to get to the AEW Title. Taven says Cole only cares about himself. Cole said they need to accept that MJF is his best friend. Strong says he won't accept that and will beat MJF, which Cole couldn't do. He said he will do it with his real friends by his side. He said if he's his real friend, he will root for him too. Cole says it's a horrible idea and Strong is in no shape to wrestle. Strong says he doesn't need a roll-up, a diamond ring or a 100% healthy neck. He said bad neck or not, he will win the tournament because he's a wrestling legend.

The Strong stuff is something but Strong and Kingdom really aren't the best guys for this role since they are lower on the card. I also don't think that AEW realizes that most people were not aware of their group in ROH so bringing it up doesn't accomplish much.

Penta says it's nothing personal with OC, just business. Penta says Mox hurt his brother and now he hurts him. Alex said he was taking notes on Mox and says he will make him bleed like he never has before.

I will not be covering the Britt Baker match.

We get a Shane Taylor promo on Samoa Joe for the ROH TV Title. This is happening at All Out for some reason and was completely out of nowhere. Shane has never been on AEW TV. Asking people to pay money on an AEW to see him fight makes no sense.

Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita show MRI scans of Kenny Omega in the video. Don says Takeshita needs to hit some of his injured body parts.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come out. A table is set up in the ring as is a podium. BIlly Gunn says he is back. They talk about winning the trios titles. They say they will lift the titles up with pride and say they want to have a ribbon cutting ceremony. Max has small scissors then Billy pulls out a bigger pai and says how about we use these. They cut the ribbon. Bowens says this is a new era in the trios division and says welcome to the "House of @ss". They then reveal pink trios titles which look like girls titles. The ends of the straps have scissors on them and can scissor. Bowens says Saturday night, they will defend these titles then they scissor with the titles.

Teams in the battle royale for the #1 contendership all talk about how they will win it.

Winner faces Jon Moxley at All Out - Penta El Zero Miedo vs Orange Cassidy

They do some counters and leg sweeps then stand off. OC arm throws him then does the stupid pockets routine. OC armdrags him with his hands in his pockets. OC dives on him and is caught in a gorilla press slam and thrown hard into the rail edge. We go to break and return.

Penta slides out of the ring and gets tope'd. OC is thrown into the steps but jumps on and off them right into a superkick. Penta then tope con hilos him. Penta does a bad sitting springboard on the bottom rope into a legdrop. Penta enzugiri's him then takes a stunner and a tornado ddt.

Penta kicks him in the ribs in the corner and then goes up and over into codebreaker. We go to another break and return. Penta superkicks him then OC superkicks him. Penta slingblades him then they both hit canadian destroyers on each other. Penta hits a made in Japan then OC hits a beachbreak.  OC superkicks him then Penta superkicks him. Penta package pildrivers him on the apron for 2. Penta cranks the arm back and hits a package piledriver for 2. OC then crucifixes him and wins it.

This was indy garbage at its worst. Horrible, brainless stuff.

OC asks for a chair after on the mic. He says he is tired and his body hurts.

He said the International Title means everything to him. He says he is OC and does not have a catch phrase. Jon Moxley comes down and kind of headbutts him. OC slaps him to close the show.

Overall thoughts: They just had a PPV and are having another one this weekend. They had a lot to try and get in on this show and I don't think they did a real good job of it. The card was very weak and I thought the main was absolutely horrendous. This was not a good show.

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