Thursday, August 10, 2023

STARDOM 8/8/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 6

STARDOM 8/8/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 6

HANAKO & Queen's Quest (Hina & Lady C) vs. God's Eye (Ami Sourei, MIRAI & Saki Kashima)

Ami and C start us off. They trade chops and Ami hits a flurry of chops on her. C facekicks her on the ropes then does a neckbreaker for 2. Mirai comes in to help and Hanako takes double chops from Ami and Mirai. Saki bulldogs Hanako then Saki does a grounded abdominal stretch to her. Hanako shoulders Saki over out of the corner then Hina dropkicks Saki. Hina hip throws Ami and Saki then she backbreakers Saki.

Saki chest kicks Hina then Mirai gets in and back elbows Hina. Hina hip throws Mirai then Hanako shoulders over Mirai. Mirai sliding flatliners Hanako then takes a double flapjack and double basement dropkick. Hanako shoulders over Mirai then racks her. Saki breaks that up then Ami and Hanako blow a spot. Saki 2nd rope double knee drops Hanako then Mirai 2nd rope twisting elbow drops Hanako. Mirai ties up Hanako on the mat, forcing her to ropebreak.

Hanako hits forearms on Mirai then Mirai jumping flatliners her. Mirai wheelbarrow half-nelson suplexes Hanako for 2. Hanako blocks Mirai's lariat then hits a nice suplex for 2. Hanako running facekicks Mirai then Hanako slams her. Mirai hits a stiff lariat on Hanako then sharpshooters her. Hanako goes for hte ropes but can't get it and Mirai taps her out.

It was a basic trios match. Not great but Mirai and Hanako's sections were pretty good. The pace was good and I liked it for what it was.

Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora & Rina) vs. STARS (Momo Kohgo & Saya Iida)


Yuna and Saya start us off as Rina just wants to watch. Rina gets involved and hair throws both girls. Rina then footchokes both at the same time. Rina face kicks Yuna through the ropes then Yuna slams her. Yuna misses a splash and Tora stands on top of her. Tora then splashes her. Rina jumps on Tora's back and they both splash Yuna.

Yuna is double tripped and double basement dropkicked by Saya and Momo. Momo is then dropped onto Yuna. Tam and Yuna do some dosey do action and stereo dropkick their opponents. They then stereo catapult them into single leg crabs. Tora sleepers am while she does this and Rina does an octopus on Yuna while she does this. 4 girls are put into the corner and cannonballed.

Saya hits good lariats on Tora and Rina and trades with Tora. Saya flying lariats Tora. Momo corner dropkicks Tora then flying headscissors her. Momo ges her 619 caught and Tora misses a butt drop on her. Momo 619's Tora then Tora and Tam trade forearms. Tora lariats Tam and Yuna 2nd rope shoulders Tora. Tam germans Tora and Yuna hits a beautiful dropkick before Momo springboard dropkicks her. Momo twisting double underhook suplexes Tam.

Momo superkicks Tam then takes a spin kick to the gut. Momo top rope twisting crossbodies Tam then Yuna double shoulders Rina and Tora. Saya takes a hard lariat from Yuna and Tam flying knees Momo for 2. Tam double underhook drops Momo and picks up the win.

It was your usual three way with people coming and out. It had a fast pace to it but the spots were timed well and I thought it was fun stuff. Yuna was good here.

Momo and Yuna get lifesavers candy after. Tam gives one to Momo and she throws it at Yuna.

Queen's Quest (AZM & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Club Venus (Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama)

Miyu forearm flurries Waka against the ropes. Waka is double tripped then double basement dropkicked. Miyu leglocks Waka and Waka hits the ropes. Mina dropkicks Miyu in the knee then Miyu takes a double basement dropkick. Waka hip attacks Miyu in the side of the head.

Mia kicks Miyu in the chest then headscissors her. Miyu hits forearms on Mina's chest and Mina returs fire. Mina running back elbows Miyu then Miyu cartwheel back elbows her. Miyu basement dropkicks Mina. AZM walks up the ropes with Mina's arm and does a headscissors/armdrag on both opponents. AZM legsweeps Mina on the apron then is high kicked. Mina then kicks her off the ropes for 2.

AZM suplexes Mina then buzzsaw kicks her. Mina hits a hard forearm and backdrops her hard. Waka dropkicks AZM then hip attacks her over the 2nd rope. Waka and AZM trade forearms. AZM takes a 1v2 from her opponents and Miyu breaks up the pin attempt. AZM rolls up Waka for 2 then Miyu tornado ddt's Waka. AZM top rope dropkicks Waka then AZM armbars Waka. Mina breaks it up with a kick then Mina and AZM trade forearms.

AZM high kicks her, Mina spinning forearms her and Waka tiger suplexes AZM. Miyu ddt's Mina AZM high kicks Waka and Miyu does a stupid sitout double underhook ddt on Waka. AZM top rope double stomps Waka and gets the pin.

Mina and AZM grab each other by the chin after and bump chests.

It was fast paced and was a little long at 9:24. AZM and and Mina were good here but I don't think Waka really fit in on this one.

AZM gets on the mic after and says Miyu got the win in her home town. AZM tries to book her own Hanako and Miyu match for next time in Kyoto. Miyu says she faces Anou at New Blood and says she wants to challenge for the New Blood tag titles with AZM.

Megan Bayne, Mei Seira & Thekla vs. STARS (Hanan, Hazuki & Koguma)

Kog = Koguma, Meg = Megan Bayne, Haz = Hazuki

Kog wants to goof off to start against Meg. Meg grabs her by the throat and shoves her. Mei comes in to goof off with Kog. She does Kog's taunt and kicks her. Mei hits a great dropkick on Kog then takes a had back elbow from Haz. Mei is then rolled into a triple team sequence and a triple basement dropkick.

Hanan gets in and slams Mei. Haz slingshot stomps Mei then hair throws her. Haz facewash kicks her then Mei hits forearms on her. Haz forearms her over then Mei hits a nice dropkick on Haz. Thekla forearms Haz and headscissors her. Thekla kicks her between the ropes then top rope crossbodies her for 2.

Meg corner lariats Kog and throwsher partners into her opponents. Mei crossbodies Haz and Thekla is slammed onto Haz by Meg. Haz forearm flurries Meg then Meg his a powerslam on her. Meg takes a double dropkick then Hanan dropkicks her. Hanan forearm flurries her and has her twisting crossbody caught. Meg slams her off of it then Hanan triangles her over the top rope. Meg lariats Hanan and is double dropkicked on the pin attempt. Meg then double choke sitout bombs Hanan. Thekla double spears opponnts then Meg picks up Mei and throws her on the outside onto opponents. Meg F-5's Hanan and wins it.

It was too short for how many people were involved and because of it, we didn't get to see much of multiple people.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Maika vs Momo Watanabe 

They run at each other and exchange forearms. Momo hits a nice dropkick then is backdropped over the top to the apron and floor. Maika running lariats her off the apron then gets whipped into the seats. Mmo puts her in the hammerlock position and rams the arm into the post then works on it more outside.

Momo wraps her arm around the bottom rope and pulls then kicks the rope with the arm on it. Momo kicks her while she's down then Maika powerslams her. Maika backdrops her then hits lariats and a running shoulder. Momo trips her into an armbar then kicks her in the hand at 5 minutes.

Momo meteora's her in the front and back. Maika hits her while she's up top then superplexes her. Momo takes an STO for 2 then is put in a sleeper. Momo misses a weapons shot then is hit with it. Maika then spinning lariats her and hits a bizarre leg clutching driver.

Momo high kicks her and tiger suplexes her. Momo kind of uses Maika to jump up and double knee presses her down. Momo then hits a nast package tombstone. Momo kicks her in the face then hits a half and half suplex for 2. Momo then does a wrist-clutch, half-nelson suplex and wins it.

There was some good stuff here with the two doing some high impact moves. I thought it could have been a little bit better though, though I'm not sure how.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Mariah May vs Giulia

G = Giulia

G wristlocks her then May cartwheels through it. G arm wringers her then May slaps her. G slaps her back to a big reaction and they slap each other more. G hits a forearm then May slaps her. May sits her up top and slaps her then takes a 2nd rope dropkick. G stf's her then does a hammerlock belly to belly for 2. G falcon arrows her and May rolls her up off of it.

May rolls her into a german then hits machine gun chops. May slaps her then handstand headscissors her on the ropes. May top rope dropkicks her for 2. May hits an angel's wings for 2 and they fight on the apron. May slaps her and running powerbombs her on the floor.

May high kicks her from the apron after a near fall and is slapped while she sits up top. G top rope double underhook suplexes her then May backdrops her. G backdrops her back then May hits a slingblade. They trade forearms on their knees and they trade more slaps. May slap flurries her and drops her with a slap for 2. May running facekicks her then takes a forearm. G hits a v-trigger for 2 then hits a glorious driver for the win.

I really didn't like the running powerbomb on the floor not meaning much. That's a pretty nasty move to take even in kayfabe. Other than that, it was one of May's best matches. It's not real hard to do decent slaps and there was a lot of slapping here. May also didn't botch anything

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Syuri vs Natsupoi 

Poi = Natsupoi

They do some amateur wrestling and Syuri shoulders her over. Poi cartwheels into a nice armdrag and basement dropkick. Poi gets stuck over the bottom rope after a dropkick then Syuri footchokes her. Syuri running knees her then sleepers her but Poi ropebreaks.

They trade forearms and Syuri hits stiff knees to the gut. Syuri underhook suplexes her then knees her over the bottom rope. Syuri then running knees her off the apron. Poi bulldogs her on the floor. Poi goes up top and is slammed then slammed down hard onto the apron at 5 minutes.

Syuri hits a stiff kick to the back. Poi hits forearms to the chest and start flurrying her. Syuri facekicks her and stomps her. Poi stiff spin kicks her in the gut and does a running headhunter. Poi then dropkicks her through the ropes. Syuri high kicks her on the apron then Poi hits a release german on the floor. Poi top rope crossbodies her to the outside.

We are the 10 minute mark and Syuri drops her with a chest kick. Syuri stomps her then Poi counters a high kick with a nasty spinning high kick. Poi germans her and is slapped up top. Syuri hammerlock suplexes her from the top them hammerlocks her on the mat. Syuri stretch mufflers her.

Syuri hits a bridging ddt for 2 then Poi does a cartwheel sunset flip/bomb. Poi sweeping kicks her in the face from the mat then Syuri pumping knees her for 2. Syuri fireman's carry gutbusters her then Poi reverses her electric chair into a roll-up. Poi straightjacket germans her for 2 then slaps her on her knees. Syuri high kicks her with time running out and jumping knees her for 2. Poi hits a ranhei as the time expires.

Oh man was this good. They went super fast and just stiffed the crap out of each other the whole way through. Poi's facials were great and this was some of joshi wrestling at its finest. Add in the cam being nearly right in the ring so you could see and hear all the sounds up close and it made it even better.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Red Stars - Mayu Iwatani vs Suzu Suzuki

They start off fast and Mayu flying back elbows her. Suzu hits a nice dropkick then beats her up over the bottom rope. Suzu pounds on her in the corner, is rolled up over a missed corner charge and basement dropkicked. Mayu dropkicks her against the bottom rope.

Suzu ddt's her over the middle rope then does a drive by sliding kick on the apron. Suzu running knees her in the back for 2. They trade chest forearms. Suzu criss-cross spears her and rolls on ti then does a leg and arm hold on the mat. Suzu kicks her in the back then Mayu hits a stiff 2nd rope dropkick.

Mayu superkicks her and takes a big german. Mayu flying single leg dropkciks her in the corner then hits a nice tope outside. Mayu top rope frogsplashes Suzu for 2 then Suzu half-nelson slams her for 2. Suzu hits stiff kicks to the face and head and tequila shot's her for 2. Suzu germans her for 2 and tries to flip into another but Mayu blocks it. Mayu crucifix bombs her for 2.

Mayu trips her into a pin attempt and they run at each other with forearms. They high kick each other at the same time and Mayu superkicks her. Mayu tombstones her then 2nd rope moonsaults her. Mayu full-nelsons her, Suzu tries to escape and Mayu dragon suplexes her hard for the win.

This was good. They worked real fast and stiff with lots of aggression. Everything looked like it hurt and this is the reason you watch joshi.

Overall thoughts: The main and semi main were the best matches of the tournament so far and worth seeing. Mariah May had a good showing in her match and the undercard matches were watchable.

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