Thursday, August 10, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/10/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 3

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/10/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 3

Day 2 is here:

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Timothy Thatcher vs Yuki Yoshioka

TT = Timothy Thatcher

Why would you start the show off with this match? TT isn't exactly a guy who gets the crowd going in short matches.

TT headlock takeovers him then bow and arrows him. Yuki escapes a toe hold and hits chops. TT euros and slams him. TT goes for a double underhook but is backdropped over. Yuki hits chest slaps and takes euros. TT winds up and is dropkicked. Yuki comes off the top and takes a euro.

Yuki hits forearms then rolls him up and wins it.

This was short with a stupid finish.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Yuma Anzai vs Manabu Soya 

They lock up and Yuma chinlocks him. Soya shoulders him over. Yuma shoulders him back and dropkicks him. Yuma hits forearms and gets chopped. Soya slams him and knee drops him. Soya elbow drops his back then slams him. Yuma dropkicks him off the buckles then hits a belly to belly suplex. Soya back body drops him off the double underhook suplex attempt.

Soya back body drops him for 2. Soya crabs him and Yuma rope breaks. Yuma suplexes him then Soya flying lariats him. Soya suplexes him for 2. Soya misses a lariat and is german suplexed. Soya hits a corner lariat and a spear for 2. Soya hits a stiff lariat to the back of the neck for 2.

Yuma dropkicks him in the back and germans him on his head. Soya hits double chops then takes a flying knee. Soya hits another flying knee and germans him for the win.

It came together by the end, but it was your usual vet vs young lion match. Yuma took a whooping for most of this and it was a little one-sided and slow for most of this.

N-1 Victory Block A - Jack Morris vs Masa Kitamiya

Jack nails Masa as he enters then spits water at him outside.  Masa is thrown into the rails then Jack jumps over the rail to forearm him. Jack throws him into the rail then Masa slams him in the ring. Masa back body drops him on the apron then drops him on his knees on the apron.

Masa bangs his knee off the mat and slams him. Masa sentons him and puts him in the prison lock. Masa stomps on him and they trade forearms. Jack back elbows and 2nd rope moonsaults him. Jack hits a falcon arrow for 2 then is dropped on his knees again.

Masa facebusters him and bangs his head off the mat. Masa hits a stiff piledriver for 2 and is caught up top. Jack throws him off the top and spinebusters him. Jack reverses a backdrop for 2 and hits forearms. Jack jumping flatliners him  then takes a spear for the Masa win.

This wasn't that good. I didn't like Masa getting beaten up before the bell and Masa spent most of the match working the knee just to win with the spear.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Lance Anoai vs Saxon Huxley

They both bang their heads off the buckle and taunt each other. They shoulder battle and Lance is thrown out. Sax is then thrown out. Lance is thrown out again then Sax is thrown out again. Sax pulls up the mats on the floor then Lance does the same. Lance superkicks him outside then is hiptossed over the rail onto the bare floor.

Sax is whipped into the post the slammed on the mat on the floor. Lance throws a ring mat at Sax then cannonballs him off the apron but mostly misses and hits the floor. I can tell you first hand that the Korauken floor is rock hard and I would never bump on it. Lance slingshots over him then samoan drops him.

Lance misses a corner cannonball then hits headbutts. Lance drops him with a headbutt. Sax blocks the samoan spike and bites him, then hits a reverse ddt. Lance superkicks him then Sax hits a big shoulder block. Sax does a double sitout chokeslam bombs and wins it.

Sadly, it was kind of a disappointment like most Sax matches are. It was fun at times and different but the match was over before it really got going. And of the match that we did get, it was a lot of goofing around outside. It sucks too because I'm honestly not sure we will ever get to see this matchup again.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Jake Lee vs Adam Brooks

Adam shotgun dropkicks him to start then pounds on him with forearms in the corner. Jake goes over the top then Adam topes him. They fight on the floor and Adam goes into the rails. Adam flatliners him in the rails. Adam step up enzugiri's him then Jake leglocks him. Jake turns it into a crab then Adam jawbreakers him into an upkick.

Adam top rope meteoras him but Jake rolls through into a single leg crab and a crab. Adam flips out of a chokeslam then does a crossface variation. Adam slingshot ddt's him for 2 and Jake gets his knees up on Adam's top rope swanton. Adam blocks a running facekick then Adam hits mounted forearms.

Adam stomps on him. Jake hits a suplex after catching him off the ropes. Jake chokeslams him for 2 then does a running corner facekick to win it.

As usual with Jake, it wasn't a classic. Adam had a decent showing after a rough first day here but the match didn't really have a lot of anything going on.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima, Doc = El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr.

KN hits a chest kick early then kicks him in the back. Doc tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and drops him on the guard rail outside. KN is whipped into the rails outside then Doc chops him.

Doc surfboards him then bullies him with footslaps. Doc chops him down then KN dropkicks him in the knee. KN hits an enzugiri and dragon screw. KN does his flagpole foot choke in the corner then kicks the middle buckle while his face is on it. Doc lariats him and KN no sells it. Doc then suplexes him and step up knees him in the corner.

Doc does an electric chair into a powerbomb for 2. KN rolls him up on the michinoku driver and superkicks him. KN high kicks him and drops him. KN PK's him for 2 then Doc headbutts and michinoku drivers him for 2. Doc goes for a moonsault off the top but KN gets his knees up. KN hits a hard slap that drops him then KN brainbusters him for the win.

I wasn't that into this one. KN isn't that great at selling and is protected too much for me to buy him losing here. Doc had limited offense in the second half of this.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Kenoh vs Yoshiki Inamura

Ina = Yoshiki Inamura

They each back each other up into the ropes. Ken slaps him and Ina forearms him. Ina backs him up against the ropes and slaps him. Ken hits some kicks and running facekicks him. Ina then runs him over with a shoulder. Ina is thrown into the rails but bounces off and shoulders him over.

Ina runs at him when he's in front of the post and goes into it. Ken then kicks him in the back. Ina gets his head banged off the post twice then Ken double knee drops him in the ring. Ken does foot slaps and a face kick. Ina fights back with chest clubs then takes a spin kick to the gut. Ina slams him then is dropkicked off the 2nd rope.

Ken knee drops him off the buckles and they exchange forearms. Ken slides over his back to the outside and somehow that's supposed to hurt Ina. Ken kicks Ina in the back and body scissors him. Ken hits knees to the body and leg kicks. Ken then drops double knees down on him.

Ken camel clutches him and Ina eventually hits the ropes. Ina hits forearms and slaps him. Ken drops him with a slap then slap combos him in the corner. Ina hits a powerslam and a splash in the corner. Ina then slams him and splashes him for 2.

Ken leg sweeps him into a double stomp on the back. He then flying knees him in the back of the head. Ina picks him up by the leg and flapjacks him then he hits a powerslam for 2. Ina runs into him and takes a kick then Ken dragon suplexes him. Ken PK's him and Ina shoulders him over. Ken spin kicks him then Ina suplexes him.

They go face to face. Ken hits kicks then Ina slams him. Ina crabs him. Ken rope breaks and Ina runs into a kick then takes an enzugiri. Ken ankle locks him and Ina ropebreaks. Ken top rope double stomps the ankle then comes off the top and takes a belly to belly suplex. Ina pounces him into the buckles then running shoulders him. Ken kicks him in the chest while he's down then hits high kicks. Ken rolls him into a crossface and taps him out with it.

Ken won at 28:34 and it felt twice as long. It was a long and slow match with Ina mostly getting the crap kicked out of him before tapping. This was real hard to sit through and it did little to help out Ina.

Overall thoughts: We only had 7 N-1 matches today and it wasn't a good night of wrestling. The main was slow and long and it felt like there were too many matches that were basically one sided affairs.

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