Wednesday, August 9, 2023

AEW Dynamite 8/9/2023

AEW Dynamite 8/9/2023

Last week's show is here:

The Jericho Appreciation Society meet in the ring. Garcia tells him to stop talking and says Jericho took advantage of him getting him with a baseball bat. Garcia said he changed who he was for him and choose him every single time. He then asked why Jericho didn't choose them. Garcia said because Jericho isn't choosing him, he can't do this anymore. He then dances in front of him and leaves.

Jake Hager then gets on the mic. He said Jericho made him a lot of money but if they have to cut ties, it's okay. Hager says he has a lot of options and liked that hat. He says he wants everyone to know that he does not appreciate Jericho and leaves. Tay Conti says she feels sick due to him and says he can't make a decision. She says she will have a baby and come back to be a champion next year without his help. She says she quits. Anna Jay said tonight is about her and she is being selfish. She said tonight is about winning the AEW title and not about appreciating him.

Angelo Parker says he gave Jericho everything he had and says he has nothing left to give him. He then leaves. Menard said Jericho was his childhood hero and said he bought a Jericho shirt with his first paycheck. He said Jericho invited him into his home and helped bring him to AEW. He said the last 18 months has been nothing but a ream for him. He said he never got why Kingston and "Kevin Steen" hated his guts, but he understands why now. He then leaves. Jericho says something to Sammy and Sammy slaps his mic away. Sammy said he has always had his back. He said he is loyal and won't walk out on him. He said Jericho has a lot of stuff to work out and once he does, maybe he will be here. Sammy then walks out.

We kind of knew what was happening here. It made sense and was a good segment.

Jericho is walking in the back. Renee interviews him and Don Callis goes up to him. Don says he is sorry if he plays any role in this. Jericho said he made up his mind with joining Don and said he will make the announcement next week.

The Young Bucks vs The Hardy Boyz

The Bucks have new music. Jeff and Matt J. get in there to start. Jeff takes an armdrag then atomic drops the Matt J. Jeff neckbreakers Matt J. then Nick is dropped on Matt J. The Hardys hit a weird double team on Nick. Matt H. hits a backslide and Jeff legdrops the exposed legs.

Matt H. takes a lariat then Nick moonsaults off the apron onto Jeff. The Bucks hit risky business then Matt J. does a corkscrew dive on Matt H. We go to break and return.

The two Matt's trade punches and lariat each other at the same time. Matt H hits a side effect. Jeff and Nick go at it. Jeff elbows him then legdrops him in the nuts. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on The Bucks then The Hardy's take superkicks and a 3D. The Hardy's hit stereo neckbreakers then Jeff hits a swanton off the top for 2. One of the Bucks takes cutters and Jeff gets kicked when going for a whisper in the wind. Matt H. takes a BTE trigger and The Bucks win it.

I apologize, but this was so hard for me to call due to the two Matt's and the Bucks being hard to tell apart. The Hardy's did some different things here but it wasn't special.

The Bucks call out FTR. FTR came out. One of the Bucks says All In. FTR hold up their titles and that's it.

They announce a 4 way at All-In for the Women's Title that was presented poorly. It's not a tournament, but the graphic made it look like one.

We see Adam Cole and MJF together last week. MJF thinks they are going skinny dipping. Cole says they are going to a trampoline park and MJF says "WTF". Cole jumps around like a kid and MJF isn't impressed. Cole says they have dodgeball and MJF is interested. MJF then starts hitting kids with dodgeballs and insults the various kids. Cole asks him what he's doing and a kid calls them nerds, asking what they are doing at a trampoline park. Cole tells them not to talk like that and the kid gives him the finger. MJF then goes to throw the ball at the kid and we cut away.

The BCC does a promo. Mox said the Best Friends hoped they learned their lesson and don't belong in the ring with them. Mox says they know they can win against the Lucha Bros tonight. CC said he told Pac he would pay and now he's injured and has paid. Mox says the BCC don't fear death, death fear them.

FTW Title - Jack Perry vs Rob Van Dam

They said there are no rules for this and falls count anywhere. RVD gets hit from behind as the ring announcer announces his name. RVD takes him down with his legs then kicks him. RVD hits corner spears and a spinning high kick. JP then goes out.

RVD puts JP on the rail then does his spinning leg drop off the apron as he hangs. The lights kind of go out during this for some reason. We go to break and return. JP misses a rolling thunder then takes a monkey flip. RVD then holds the chair and dropkicks it in his face.

RVD hits rolling thunder on a chair on JP, which probably hurt him just as much. RVD misses a split legged moonsault then JP accidentally throws the chair at the ref. Somehow, the chair gets stuck on the top rope which is quite the trick shot. RVD gets crotched up top then JP is thrown off the top onto a table outside. RVD hits a top rope frogsplash on JP but the official is down. Aubrey the ref comes out and counts two. JP low blows RVD and puts his head into a chair. JP then rolls him up with the tights and wins it.

It had a ton of shenanigans and that brought this down. RVD looked good for his age.

The Lucha Bros are interviewed with Alex. Alex said the Lucha Bros fight in the spirit of competition but the BCC fights to hurt people. Fenix says they should be called the Blackpool Coward Club. Penta says he will show them why they are the best team in the universe.

MJF and Adam Cole come out. MJF says the devil has arrived. MJF says footage of him saying the midwest is mid is edited and fake. MJF says the midwest is his favorite place in the US. Cole says he will beat him for the AEW Title at All In. MJF says Cole wants a promo battle. MJF made racial comments against Whites as usual. Cole says he doesn't want to do a promo battle.

Cole says the ROH titles mean as much to him as the AEW tag titles. Cole says it's time they show how good they are. They said Zero Hour is being held before All In and they should challenge for those titles there. MJF makes the challenge for the ROH tag titles against Aussie Open. Having them challenge like this for the ROH titles and on the pre-show is silly.

Roderick Strong then comes out. He says he can't believe he wants to win the titles with MJF and not him. MJF calls him a simp and says he has ex-gf vibes. MJF makes another racial remark against Whites (which has to be at least the 5th time he's done this at this time). He tells him to shake it off. Strong says The Kingdom was right about Cole and says he was never really his friend. The Kingdom then come out and hug Strong. They then walk out together.

MJF talks trash and Cole pushes him. Cole says he's friends with MJF and Strong. 

They show clips from Collision. Punk says Starks has a bullseye on his back and what goes around, comes around.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli vs The Lucha Brothers

The Lucha Bros come up behind them, hit them and do flips onto them outside. Fenix hits a jumping cutter on CC then Penta top rope double stomps CC. Fenix flip topes Mox through the ropes then Penta hits a made in japan for 2 on CC. Fenix top rope crossbodies CC. The Lucha Bros superkick CC.

Mox stands on Penta in the corner and lariats him. Mox then hits ddt's on the Lucha Bros at the same time. Penta sling blades CC. Yuta hits Fenix with the title then CC gorilla presses Fenix into a Mox cutter. CC has Fenix in a hold and we go to break.

We return and CC euros Fenix. Fenix takes a spike piledriver. Fenix avoid a doomsday device and rolls CC into a double stomp. Penta gets the hot tag in and rolls off of CC to ddt Mox. Penta goes up and over CC then backcrackers him. Fenix misses a top rope frogsplash. Penta superkicks Mox and Fenix superkicks CC. Fenix superkicks Mox and all 4 guys are down.

Fenix hook kicks CC then Penta comes off the top and takes a euro from CC. Mox and Penta trade chops. Mox takes a spike piledriver for 2. Yuta tries to knock Fenix off the ropes in full view of the ref. Alex stops Yuta then Fenix top rope moonsaults on Yuta. Mox then rolls up Penta and wins it.

They did too much here and it was just an indy style match. Pena had his mask pulled off during the finish of this but so much was going on that nobody even noticed it.

The Lucha Bros are beaten up after.

The Mogul Embassy come out. Swerve said they are the authority and put fear in Nick Wayne. Swerve says he's above the law. Fox tells Darby to come out. Darby Allin comes out. Allin said he tried to help AR Fox and says Fox was the only person who could help himself and that's why he left. He said he lived with him and his demons and said there were days he didn't know if he would survive. Darby said Fox got to AEW all by himself. He said Fox has new friends but he has friends too. The lights go out and Sting beats up the Mogul Embassy with a bat. Darby chases Fox and the security guard accidentally kicks Darby in the face, making the chase harder. Sting puts his bat up on Swerve's chin but Swerve leaves.

AEW Women's Title - Hikaru Shida (c) vs Anna Jay

Why in the world is this in the main event slot and why is Anna here after basically just turning face? Anna rolls her up and Shida hits a jumping knee. Shida hits another jumping knee then hits corner punches. Anna hits a bad spin kick against the ropes on Shida that misses.

We go to PiP break and return. Shida suplexes Anna then running elbows her. Anna spinning high kicks her against the ropes then Shida enzugiri's her. Shida tries to jum poff the steps on Anna and is stopped then Anna bangs her head off the steps. Anna gets on her back for a sleeper and Shida goes up on the buckles and drops her back. Shida hits a falcon arrow for 2. Shida spinning knees her and gets the win. Angelo Parker gives Anna brass knucks for some reason while she is getting pinned.

The finish was messed up here. Anna was supposed to do something with the knucks but they were late. Anna's offense didn't look good here and the match was nothing special. 

Overall thoughts: The show wasn't that good. RVD/Perry was the best match on this show and it was hardly a classic. There was just not a lot of great or memorable stuff here and the main sucked.

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