Wednesday, August 23, 2023

AEW Dynamite 8/23/2023

AEW Dynamite 8/23/2023

Last week's show is here: 

The Elite vs Juice Robinson and The Gunns

The Elite jump their opponents on the ramp like true faces. Austin is back body dropped over the top and one of the Bucks topes the Gunns. Juice goes to chair a Buck and the chair is taken by the ref, so Juice nails the ref. Juice takes a superkick then The Bucks are lariated down. Jay White helps stomp on The Bucks then a Buck takes a 310 to Yuma.

Matt Jackson hits superkicks on The Gunns then Jay uranage's him. Colten misses a splash and takes a half-nelson suplex. Kenny then dragon suplexes Austin. Kenny pumping knees Jay then Takeshita comes in and lariats Kenny. Jay pounds on Kenny. FTR then come out and join the fight, which is now at ringside. Everyone but Kenny and Takeshita brawl to the back.  Kenny hits a pumping knee and Takeshita escapes an OWA. Takeshita then goes up the ramp and points at the All In sign.

The non-finish sucked here, but they are building up a match and there was a purpose to it.

MJF is interviewed by Renee. He makes a sexual joke about how excited he is to hear the fans at Wembley and wants the fans to give the loudest main event fans in sports. MJF says he will buy all the fans a pint, then admits his idea is to make Tony Khan pay for it. MJF says he has a lot of pressure on him. He compared himself to Dusty Rhodes, Hulk, Cena and others and says he might become a giant like them if he wins.

Renee shows clips of MJF and Cole and say there are cracks in the relationship. MJF said he never had a friend before and said Cole was not his friend but his brother. He said brothers fight but at the end of the day, they hug it out. MJF says he is far from perfect and says thin kfo the worst thing you have done in your life as he has done it twice. MJF says he is vulnerable and tells people to be vulnerable with him. He says he is not just a scumbag, our scumbag.

I didn't like MJF using various inside words here like "mark" because it mean's wrestling's not real and means all of this is bogus.

Jon Moxley vs Rey Fenix

Rey charges at Mox with shots. Mox clubs his back then Rey dropkicks him. Rey topes Mox twice. Mox rips up the mask some then Mox curb stomps him into the ramp. Mox sends Rey into the rails. Rey hits chest chops and enzugiri's him on the ropes. Mox corner lariats him then takes a corner back elbow. Mox flips Rey with a lariat. We go to break and return.

Mox has a kimura on him then piledrivers him. Mox hits curbstomps then is superkicked. Rey springboard spin kicks him then rolls and is caught with a sleeper. Mox misses a lariat then Rey does a tiger feint and hook kicks him off of it. Rey then top rope frogsplashes him for 2. Mox elbow flurries him in th chest and jaw then Rey rolls him up. Mox hits a forearm then Rey springboards and Mox forearms him in the air.

They trade forearms on their knees then Mox hits forearms. They fight up top and Mox bites his face. Mox 2nd rope death rider ddt's him but it's only for 2. Mox then grounded chokes him out and wins it.

It was an action packed match with a fast pace. The only issues I had was that I didn't like the super death rider kick out as at least for me, it looked like Rey landed straight on his head. I didn't really get why they did the kick out since Mox choked him out like a minute later anyway.

The BCC come down after. Rey is held up and ready to be hit then Ortiz comes out with a weapon in a sock and stops Penta and Eddie Kingston. Santana then comes out and fights with Penta. Eddie gets knocked down and Yuta hits Fenix with a crowbar. Fenix is then stretchered out.

Well, Santana and Ortiz are back and are the mystery partners of the BCC for All In. Santana was injured and Oritz was just not used for whatever reason. Fenix had visa issues so he can't make it to All In and this is the cover for it. Death Triangle is the most cursed wrestling stable ever in history. I don't know why this company bothers booking them considering they aren't draws and it's impossible to book them in any programs due to injury and visa issues.

Fenix is put in the ambulance backstage and Eddie is disappointed. Renee tries to interview Eddie and Eddie tells her that her husband did this. Eddie said he will fix this at Wembley.

Sammy Guevara was interviewed earlier in the day. The former JAS comes in and says Jericho accepted Callis' offer. They say Callis is who they think he is and Sammy says Jericho isn't who they think he is. Sammy says Jericho is blinded by friendship. Parker says Sammy is always there for his friend and asks him if his friend will be there for him. Garcia then stares him down and leaves. 



We have a contract signing between Jericho and Osperay. Sammy and Callis are down there. Callis says he chose money and power over their friendship and chose the future in Will Osperay. Callis says Jericho nearly died in England a few years ago. Callis says he's here to make sure that offer is done once and for all through Will. Will asks if he is taking this match seriously. Will says Wembley is the biggest venue in the UK and says this will change his life. Will says he's wrestling an indy show the day before he faces Jericho. He says he wants to say he beat Okada and Jericho in two months because his NJPW contract expires in 6 months. He then asks who will pay millions of dollars to him.

Will says he is better than Punk, Danielson and Jericho. Will says Jericho's legacy is rocket fuel for his future. Jericho brings up Dave Meltzer and says everyone predicted Will would be in a wheel chair due to being reckless before he's 30. Jericho said he told him to tone it down. Jericho says Wembley is the biggest show in wrestling history. He says the match means more to him than anyone else. Jericho says Will needs to be the best he has ever been to beat him. Jericho says not make him regret calling him years ago. Will slaps the mic away and Jericho slaps him. They then get separated by security. 


Adam Cole is interviewed by Renee.  Cole said no one would expect them to be friends and said MJF helped rejuvenate his career. Cole said he got into wrestling with the intention of being the best wrestler and says the match is everything. He says he doesn't want to win the match, he needs to win the match. Cole is asked about The Kingdom questioning his friendship with Strong. They show Cole almost superkicking MJF but then hugging him. Cole then gets mad and said he gets tired of people questioning his friendship with MJF. He says there are no issues with him and Max. That took an odd turn at the end.

Swerve Strickland and AR Fox vs Darby Allin and Nick Wayne


Darby rushes Swerve to start then they fight outside. Nick goes after AR and dropkicks him. Nick goes up top and is stuck up there. AR then does a neat bounce off the top rope into a german. AR is still wearing the bloody shit and does an imploding springboard 450 to the outside on Nick and Darby. AR rips the shirt up and Prince Nana throws the tanktop into Nick's mom's face.

Swerve backdrops Nick on the apron. Nick comes off the 2nd rope connector and hits a double cutter on the floor. Darby then does a coffin drop off the 2nd rope connector. We go to break and they fight in the stands. We return from break. Darby running back elbows Swerve in the crowd. Nick is held in front of his mom as AR yells at his mom. They head back towards the ring.

Nick's nose is bleeding and he is suplexed on the floor. The 4 roll and there's a jumping flatliner and a dropkick at the end of it. Nick back springboards and takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo right on his neck. Darby comes off the 2nd rope and hits an over the back stunner on AR. Darby then hits an awesome tope con hilo on Swewrve into the commentator's table.

Swerve is in a chair and Darby forearms him then AR moonsaults of the post onto him. Swerve then double stomps him from the apron, knocking him off the chair. Swerve hits a pump kick on Nick then AR corkscrew brainbusters Nick. AR does a nasty package fisherman's buster that Nick lands hard on his neck for. Swerve kicks Nick. AR misses a 450 and Nick bridges him for a pin and gets the upset win.

They did way too much here with Nick taking two dangerous looking bumps on his neck. It looks bad for Swerve and AR to lose to Nick and to lose period here. Why do we need to see the coffin match since the faces overcame the heels already? The faces got their revenge so that should be it. This also makes AR look bad by losing in his first real match as a heel. 

Swerve grabs the mic and laughs. He says this is so disappointing and says he means Fox. Swerve says Fox blows it everytime he gets the opportunity of a lifetime. He asks him why he is such a loser and says this was a test for him. Swerve says Fox can't beat an 18-year old child in Nick Wayne. Swerve says he can't trust him in this match or at Wembley. Prince Nana then fires AR Fox. Brian Cage then comes in and spinning lariats Fox. Cage then hits a drill claw on Fox. Darby, Sting and Nick then come down. Darby grabs the mic. He said he wouldn't be here if it weren't for AR Fox and says he will always give him credit for helping to get him here. Darby then says he loves him and hugs him. Darby says Swerve is stupider than he thought. He asks Swerve "who do you got?". Gee I wonder Darby. It's not like he has a whole faction or something. 

Luchasaurus and Christian then come. Christian says true greats are two steps ahead and asks Darby/Sting to introduce him to their friend, Nick. Christian talks about Nick's dead dad. He said he never heard of his father, so he must have not been good. Christian says his father was an untalented hack so he doesn't have much to live up to. Christian tells him to steer clear of Wembley so he doesn't have to see the coffin door close on someone he loves for the 2nd time in his life. Christian said he will be there to mentor him if he plays his card right though and says there's no better mentor than him.

There were rumors of someone else maybe not making it to Wembley and it looks like it is AR Fox, likely due to past criminal convictions. This was a total mess. Why did they turn AR before finding out if he could be on Wembley? Why's Darby and Nick all buddy buddy with him after all the stuff Fox just did to them? This was a total burial of Fox and yet another setback for Swerve, who has never been booked well.

Renee interviews FTR and The Young Bucks together. The Bucks say FTR need to win this more than them to keep their legacy. Dax says this is the biggest match of their careers and says this is personal. The Buck says they brought FTR here and say they will be thought of as the best tag team ever. The Bucks say FTR will be seen as the team they named on their youtube show. FTR says they will make them and say they are the foundation and will break their foundation. This wasn't that good and didn't do much to build this match up.

We see clips from last Friday of Shida beating Soho, then being beat up and Britt Baker making the save. Toni says All In is this Sunday. Britt says this Friday on Rampage, we take a trip back to the DMD. Shida said we will know she is unstoppable, will win and will take all on Rampage.

Ruby Soho vs Skye Blue

Ruby said once of her friends will bring the women's title home to The Outcasts. She said she has her eyes on Kris Statlander. Skye does an inset and said she beat her on Rampage and then it gets cut off.

Skye and Ruby fight outside and Ruby goes into the rails. Ruby chokes Skye over the ropes then hits chops. Skye hits forearms and has her head banged off the buckles. Skye kicks her while she's on the apron then knees her. Skye kicks her from the apron then crossbodies her off of it.

We go to PiP break and return. Skye dropkicks her in the side of the head then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Skye neckbreakers her and they trade pin attempts. Skye hits a skyfall for 2. Skye superkicks her then backslides her. Ruby slips out and hits a no future kick. Ruby then blade runners her and wins it.

It wasn't anything special and Skye's offense looked terrible like usual.

Roderick Strong and The Kingdom are interviewed. Strong says at the end of the night is, we will find out the real MJF and Adam Cole are.

We get a House of Black video talking about funerals and the afterlife. They put BIllyn's boots in a trash compactor.

The Acclaimed come out. Bowens says no more mind games and calls out The House of Black. Bowens says to make the lights go out and says let's fight. The HoB appear on the ramp  then fight with The Acclaimed in the ring. The Acclaimed are beat down then The Acclaimed's music hits. Billy Gunn appears and head down the ramp. The three HoB members back away from the 50+ year old Billy Gunn.

Billy said they wanted his attention and got it. Billy said they busted Max open, hurting one of his kids. Billy said he is a hall of famer and they just p!ssed all over it. Billy says one more time at Wembley and says he takes everything from him. Billy says he won't make the trip to Wembley but Bad @ss Billy Gunn will. 

The Hardy Boys vs Aussie Open

AO jump the Hardy's as the bell rings. The Hardy's hit punches back then Jeff jumps off of Matt's back into a splash onto both. Mark is lariated over the top. Kyle takes a double back elbow then a fist and a flip.

We go to PiP break and return. Jeff hits whisper in the wind on both members of AO. Matt gets in and beats up Kyle then back body drops him. Matt bangs Kyle's head off the buckles then ddt's Mark. Matt side effect's Kyle for 2. Matt hits Kyle while he's on top then Kyle takes a superplex into a 2nd rope splash for 2.

Matt takes a powerbomb from Kyle while hitting Mark on the 2nd rope. Jeff is thrown into a Mark kick then is thrown into a cutter for the Aussie Open win.

What we got of this was short and nothing special. I have no idea why they put this in the main.

Mark grabs the mic after. Kyle says there will be no double clothesline or kangaroo kick. Kyle says they will still be the ROH tag champs. MJF and Adam cole come out. They stare them down. Aussie Open grab them and all 4 fight. Adam Cole pump kicks both opponents. Cole and MJF go for the double clothesline but Mark leaves the ring. Kyle charges at Cole and MJF nails him from the side. Cole almost nails MJf with the superkick then Kyle moves. Cole and MJF stare down and have words hten MJf holds up the title. Cole offers a handshakeand MJF runs his shoulder into him. MJF grabs the dynamite diamond ring and then they hug. 

Overall thoughts: An interview heavy show. I have no idea why the Hardy's vs Aussie Open was in the main. The AR Fox/Swerve angle sucked. Ortiz and Santana returning was random. Fenix being out messed up some of the match at Wembley and The Elite vs Gunns/Juice match was done before it really got started. It was an odd show with matches being built up for All In and two matches completely being changed at the last minute. I did not think this was one of AEW's better efforts.

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