Sunday, August 20, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/20/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 6

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/20/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 6

Day 5 is here:

Here's what I saw:

Yu Owada vs Taishi Ozawa

Ozawa side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Owada dropkicks him then Ozawa armdrags him. Ozawa drops some elbows and slams him. Ozawa works the leg and puts him in a single leg crab. Owada hits chest clubs then gutwrench suplexes him.

Owada top rope crossbodies him for 2 then Ozawa hits a nice dropkick. Ozawa slams him then top rope dropkicks him for the win.

It was your standard young lions match. Nobody messed anything up here but there also wasn't a lot of spirit in this.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Yoshiki Inamura vs Adam Brooks

Ina - Yoshiki Inamura

They stare down and push each other. Adam spin kicks him in the gut then Ina shoulders him over. Adam drops a knee over his neck from the 2nd rope and goes for a pump kick on the apron. Adam is caught and ends up doing a hurricanrana on Ina into the rails. Adam then meteoras him against the rails.

Adam hits knees to the head then basement dropkicks him. Adam calls him a bum and bangs his head off the buckles. Adam hits corner spears on Ina then Ina powerslams him for 2. Ina suplexes him then splashes him for 2. Adam flatliners him into the 2nd buckle then top rope meteoras him.

Adam topes him outside then slingshot ddt's him. Adam hits boots to the face then is forearmed and powerslammed. Ina belly to belly suplexes him then running pushes him into the buckles. Adam hits a step up enzugiri then flying dropkicks him in the corner. Adam then ki krushers him over the knee and wins it.

The finish didn't look good here and it really didn't pick up until the last few minutes.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Yuma Anzai

Doc = El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr.

Yuma hammerlocks him and Doc ropebreaks. Doc takes him down and they do some mat wrestling. They then do a stand off. Doc slaps him and they trade forearms. Doc shotgun dropkicks him then topes him outside. Doc chops him outside and throws him into the rails.

Doc ties up his legs and kimuras him then Yuma ropebreaks. Doc backdrops Yuma then Yuma belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma hits running forearms in the corner then suplexes him. Doc does a step up knee on the ropes then northern lights suplexes him. Do then holds on for a double stomp.

They forearm each other and Doc hits a headbutt and slap combo. Doc then cutters him. Yuma release germans him then flying knees him. Yuma hits another flying knee. Doc rolls him up off the german attempt then does a michinoku driver for the win.

It was the usual Yuma match with Yuma doing his flying knee and belly to belly and not much else en route to defeat. We've seen it multiple times and it was pretty much by the numbers here.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Timothy Thatcher vs Kenoh

TT = Timothy Thatcher

TT takes him down and they trade wristlocks. Ken hits a leg kick then rolls into an ankle lock on TT. Ken's shoulder is rammed into the buckle then he is single arm ddt'd. TT surfboards him then tries various arm holds on the mat. TT rolls him around with his keylock and Ken ropebreaks. TT bangs Ken's arm off the apron and euros it.

TT euros him outside then bangs his head off the apron. tt yanks his arm while holding his head down. Ken hits leg kicks and drops him with a chest kick. Ken double jumping knees him in the corner then 2nd rope double knees him. TT fujiwara armbars him.

TT hknees him in the back then Ken facekicks him. Ken pele kicks him TT belly to belly suplexes him then Ken dragon suplexes him. Ken PK's him for 2 then hits a spinning high kick. They fight up top and Ken chest kicks him while TT is on the 2nd rope. Ken top rope double stomps him and gets the win.

The ending was pretty weak. The match was mostly Ken hitting kicks and TT trying for various submissions. It didn't look like a real exciting match on paper and it wasn't.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Lance Anoa'i vs Manabu Soya

They scream at each other and Lance shoulders him over. Soya screams at him again and they shoulder battle. Soya lariats him over the top and Lance takes a nice bump outside. They trade chops on the floor. Lance bites him and sends him into the post. LAnce misses a chop near the post then Soya does too. Soya is thrown into the rails outside.

Lance removes the floor mats and is slammed on it. They go back in and Soya takes a samoan drop. Lance dropkicks him and bites his head. They trade chops and Lance superkicks him in the gut. Lance headbutts him then hits a chop and punch combo in the corner. Lance corner splashes him then corner cannonballs him.

Lance pounds on him then Soya bites him in the head. Soya flying lariats him then hits corner lariats and a bulldog. Soya comes off the 2nd rope and is superkicked in the gut for 2. Lance misses a top rope splash then blocks Soya's spear. Soya picks him up for a death valley driver for 2. Soya lariats him in the back of the head then does a regular lariat. Soya jumping ddt's him and wins it.

It was okay and fun at some points. It could have been a little better but the crowd was not real loud. It was not the best match they could have had but it showed that they do match-up and maybe in the right spot, they could have a great match together.

 N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Jake Lee vs Jack Morris

I have 0 hope for this one. They start off slow as expected and Jack does Jake's bowing taunt after a clean break. Jake does some basic holds and is facekicked. Jake shoulders him over and they stand off. Jake side headlocks him then hits him on the ropes. Jack leapfrogs him and hits a nice dropkick.

Jake is thrown into the rails outside then thrown back in. Jack elbow drops him for 2 then hits corner chops. Jack basement dropkicks him then Jake backdrops him. Jake footchokes him in the corner. Jack fires back with elbows and is hiptossed. Jake twists his chin and Jack ropebreaks.

Jake tells Jack to stand up and allows Jack to forearm him. Jake ddt's him and chops him against the ropes. Jake is hiptossed onto the apron and enzugiri'd off of it. Jack then topes him twice and frogsplashes his back off the top. Jake slams him then legdrops him. Jake sleepers him then hits a kick to the back. Jack chinbreakers him then does a jumping knee.

Jack hits forearms then Jake hits some back. Jack flips out of a backdrop and takes a stungun. Jake misses a running corner facekick and is knee'd in the face. Jack goes up top and is facekicked down to the floor. He eventually rolls in and Jake gets a 2 count on him.

Jack rolls him up and then spinebusters him. Jake knees him the gut and high kicks him. Jack pumping knees him then does a flying knee for 2. Jack hits forearms then Jake running knees him in the gut. Jake chokeslams him then Jack hits a jumping knee as Jake charges at him. The time limit then expires.

It was slow, long and uninspired. They did little during this and it was a pretty lame effort. It was more boring than I thought it would be and they pretty much just mailed this one in.

Overall thoughts: I hate to be a downer like this, but it wasn't a good show. The wrestlers took another night off here and barely put in any effort. Soya/Anoa'i was the best match of the night and even that was not their best possible effort. Go Shiozaki vs Daiki Inaba was supposed to happen here but didn't as Inaba supposedly was dizzy.

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