Tuesday, August 22, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/22/2023 Episode #45

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/22/2023 Episode #45

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/wow-women-of-wrestling-7152023-episode.html

Tonight it's Penelope Pink and Vicky Lynn McCoy vs Kandi Krush and Princess Aussie. They spelled Vicky that way, so it doesn't seem like WOW knows how to spell it either.

Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs Stephy Slays and Jennifer Florez

Ball and Florez start us off. Florez rolls her up and then Ball hits corner spears on her. Reina blocks armdrags by Florez and knees her in the gut. Reina full nelsons her and puts her into the buckle face first. Slays gets forearmed hard off the apron by Reina and goes into the rails. Reina then does a stiff baseball slide of Slays under the bottom rope.

Ball stomps on Florez and Florez chinbreakers Ball. Ball lariats her and hip attacks her in the corner. Reina meteora's Florez in the corner. Ball gets on Reina's shoulders and is dropped on Florez. Ball picks up the win.

This was a squash. Reina's shots to Slays on the apron were so stiff.

Reina throws Florez out after.

We see Princess Aussie on the beach. She says she will never quit and then we see her saving Kandi Krush three weeks ago.

They say Coach Campanelli vs GI Jane is tonight and we see what lead to this. Coach walks past her backstage and blows her whistle. They both say they don't look tough without their friends around and Coach says let's see who is toughest in the ring tonight.

Coach Campanelli vs GI Jane

Coach hammerlocks her then is armdragged. Coach snapmares her  then basement dropkicks her. Jane slams Coach then hits corner spears. Jane hits boots to the gut in the corner then puts her in a cobra clutch. Coach sledgehammer shots her and hits a shoulderblock. Coach russian legsweeps her for 2.

Jane boots her in the chest for 2 then Coach hits an unprettier/killswitch and wins it.

It wasn't much of note and was rather short. 

We see clips of the Heavy Metal Sisters injuring Jessie Jones.

Fury vs Sandy Shore

Fury lariats her then footslaps her while holding the arm. Sandy rolls her up then sunset flips her. Sandy rolls her up and pump kicks her. Fury catches her kick and germans her. Fury throws her into the post then hair throws her. Sandy is hit by Fury's buddies each time.

Fury knees her in the gut on the ropes then Sandy crossbodies her. Sandy is thrown out and takes a headbutt from Fury's buddies. Sandy is then thrown into the post. Fury corner splashes her then Sandy monkey flips and lariats her. Mezmeriah distracts the ref and Razor chinbreakers Sandy. Fury then hits a sit out double underhook bomb and wins it.

It was mostly a squash with Sandy getting beaten on by Fury and her buddies.

Americana and Crystal Waters make the save for Sandy after.

They say Princess Aussie always climbs up the ladder no matter how many times she gets knocked down. We see her talking to Kandi Krush about how she can't win the title. We see her asking Kandi for help with boxing and Aussie says she will help her in the ring. We then see Aussie saving Kandi Krush a few weeks ago and setting up this tag match.  We then see McCoy saying Aussie will wish she stayed in Australia.

Penelope Pink and Vicky Lynn McCoy vs Kandi Krush and Princess Aussie

Aussie and Kandi run to the ring and nail their opponents before it starts. We go to break and return. Kandi hits shots on McCoy then corner lariats her. Aussie splashes McCoy then McCoy slams her. Kandi knocks Pink off the apron and fires on McCoy. McCoy then nails her from behind.

McCoy lariats her then slams her. Pink footchokes her in the corner then stomps on Kandi's hand. McCoy chokes Pink in the corner and Kandi takes a double foot choke. McCoy snapmares her by the hair. Kandi takes a body block from McCoy then is pulled down by the hair.

McCoy goes for a slam but is tornado ddt'd. Aussie gets the hot tag in and kicks McCoy off the apron. Aussie hits lariats on Pink then superkicks her. Aussie topes McCoy and Pink outside. Kandi forearms McCoy off the apron then Pink eye pokes Aussie. Aussie cutters Pink for the win.

Aussie was pretty good here. They could have used more of a build up to the finish but there was nothing really wrong with this. It made sense and Aussie got the win after a hot tag and comeback.

Overall thoughts: There were 2 squashes, one very short match and an okay main. It wasn't the greatest ep ever and there wasn't much of note here.

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