Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/27/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 8

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/27/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

I just saw the N-1 matches only:

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Saxon Huxley vs Yuma Anzai

Sax = Saxon Huxley

Sax picks him up and throws him. Yuma tries a shoulder block then takes headbutts. Sax grabs him by the neck and throws him. Yuma dropkicks him then takes a big boot. Sax slams him and elbow drops him. Sax corner splashes him then swinging side slams him. Sax cranks his neck then clubs him outside. Yuma is then sent into the rails.

Sax slams him on the floor then elbow drops him off the apron. Yuma dropkicks him then belly to bell suplexes him. Sax back body drops him then Yuma 2nd rope dropkicks him. Sax pops him up but is dropkicked then Yuma hits a flying knee. Sax hits a Thesz press on him then double arm chokebombs him for the win.

This was fine and exactly what it should have been - Sax controls things early, Yuma makes his comeback then gets put down. Sax was motivated here and this was one of his better efforts.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Yuki Yoshioka vs Yoshiki Inamura

Ina = Yoshiki Inamura

Ina running shoulder charges him to start. They trade chest slaps for forearms and Ina forearms him down. Yuki goes up and over in the corner then Ina hits a stiff running back elbow. Ina corner splashes him then suplexes him for 2.

They trade forearms then Ina slams him. Yuki hits a nice dropkick then is shouldered over. Yuki then impressively suplexes Ina. Yuki top rope crossbodies him then is caught and powerslammed. Ina sumo charges him in the corner then hits a high belly to belly for 2. Yuki spinning forearms him and takes a forearm to the chest.

Yuki hits a nice flying clothesline then death valley drivers him for 2. Yuki 2nd rope lariats him and gets the win.

This was the best Yuki match of the tournament. These two were on point here and put out a good effort. Inamura took some great bumps for Yuki and Yuki's offense was stiff and fast paced. It's too bad we didn't get to see this Yuki all tournament long.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Timothy Thatcher vs Masa Kitamiya

TT = Timothy Thatcher

TT front facelocks him then Masa suplexes him. TT puts him in another front facelock then Masa double legs him. TT keeps the lock on and Masa eyerakes him. Masa hits mounted punches at 5 minutes then sentons him.

They trade shots on the apron then Masa drops him on both knees. Masa then suplexes him into the ring. They trade shots and TT headbutts his lariat. Masa drives him into the corner, TT goes for a facelock then is dropped on his knees. Masa then spears him for 2. TT fujiwara armbars him but Masa ropebreaks.

Masa does a stiff piledriver then elbow drops his leg. TT turns Masa's prison lock attempt into a fujiwara armbar and Masa taps out.

This was the usual no-frills Timothy Thatcher match. Thatcher had a facelock on him for about 3 minutes straight at one point and they had a pretty lame match before the sudden finish.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Jack Morris vs Adam Brooks

Jack does his thing where he takes off his kill and Adam jumps him during it. Adam running kicks him in the corner then forearms him in the back. Adam hits knees to the head then chinbreakers him. Adam enzugiri's him in the corner then suplexes him into the buckles.

Jack is thrown into the rails then Adam running facekicks him. Adam charges at him outside and takes a belly to belly suplex on the floor. They trade shots on their knees then JAck forearms him. Adam hits a facekick then Jack falcon arrows him. Jack flying lariats him in the corner then flapjacks him and single leg baseball slides him for 2.

Adam back elbows him then kicks him. Adam backcrackers him then takes a flying knee. Adam stunners him over the top rope and hurricanrana's Jack off the apron. Adam then meteoras him off the apron. Adam slingshot ddt's him and hits some boots to the face. Adam hits a stiff enzugiri then is spinebustered. Adam piledrivers him for 2. Jack gets his knees up on Adam's top rope swanton then jack taps him out with the cobra twist.

The finish was random. It was nice to see them do a little more than usual and it was nice to see a fast pace to this. I still wouldn't say it was that good though, but definitely one of the more watchable matches of these two.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Manabu Soya

Doc = El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

They lock up and Soya side headlocks him. Soya shoulders him over and Doc dropkicks him. Soya goes out and stalls. Soya shoulders him when back in and chinlocks him. Soya elbows him over the neck and they trade chops. Soya running back elbows him at 5 minutes and Doc headbutts him. Doc then hits a cutter for 2. Doc topes him into the rails.

Doc puts him in la magistral then Soya hits a big spear. Soya suplexes him then Doc rolls him up out of the xasadora for 2. Doc superkicks him and spinning electric chair sitout bombs him for 2. Doc michinoku drivers him then Soya hits a death valley driver. Soya hits a big lariat for 2 then jumping ddt's him for the win.

It was a somewhat fun match but nothing really memorable. It didn't have the time or the spot on the card and neither guy went anywhere close to going all out.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Go Shiozaki

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN and Go lock up. Go chops him and KN facekicks him. Go hits a flying shoulder then KN release backdrops him. Go germans him, takes a superkick then hits a stiff lariat. KN suplexes him then hits a step up enzugiri. KN then dragon screws him then double flagpole foot chokes him a few more times.

KN superkicks him and Go blocks his frankensteiner off the buckles. Go 2nd rope F-U's him then Go hits machine gun chops. Go then fisherman busters him for 2. KN hits chest kicks and Go fires back with chops. Go hits a go flasher for 2. KN kits the middle buckle while his face is under it then superkicks him.

KN hits kicks to the front and back while he is seated then PK's him. KN right hooks Go and drops him. KN slaps him then Go hurricanrana's him. Go hits a big lariat out of nowhere and wins it.

They were building towards a big long match. Go then got dropped with a punch then just revived out of nowhere and won the match. It was a weird ending that to a match that should have had an epic ending.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Kenoh vs Jake Lee

They get off to a slow start. Ken teases a clean break then slaps him. Ken slaps him again then hits paintbrush slaps. They clap for each other then trade slaps. Jake drops him with one and puts a sleeper on him. Ken slaps him and running facekicks him a few times. Ken cartwheels out of a back elbow and pulls him over the top. Jake is whipped into the rails then facekicked.

Ken bangs Jake's head off the post. Ken tries to kick him in front of the post but just kicks the post. Jake single leg crabs him then kicks his knee over the bottom rope. Jake toe holds him and Ken ropebreaks.

Ken legsweeps him into a double foot stomp on the back. Ken then flying knees him to the back. Ken is flapjacked into the top buckle. Jake leg drops him for 2. Jake ducks high kicks then Ken pele kicks him. Jake leg lariats him back.

Ken hits a leg kick and chest kicks. Ken then rolls into an ankle lock. Ken then PK's him for 2. Jake chokeslams him for 2. Jake misses a face kick then is rolled up and kicked. Jake then backdrops him. Ken dragon suplexes him  then spinning high kicks him. Jake high kicks him then Ken high kicks him. Ken top rope double stomps Jake for 2. Ken does a top rope moonsault double knee drop and picks up the win.

It was better than what they each have been doing in the tournament and at least they stepped up things some here. I still didn't think it was a classic though or more memorable than much else here.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B Sudden Death Playoff Match - Go Shiozaki vs Manabu Soya

So, Go and Soya drew in their tournament match and both finished with 10 points. There's no other tiebreaker set up so they have to fight again. Kenoh and Jake don't because despite them also having the same amount of points, their match had a winner.

Soya knocks him over to start then corner lariats him. Soya 2nd rope lariats him. Go chops Soya then Soya drops him throat first on the ropes. Soya neckbreakers him and elbows him over the back of the neck. Soya russian legsweeps him.

They trade chops and Go flying shoulders him. Go hits machine gun chops then Soya hits machine gun chops. Go lariats him for 2 and Soya pounds on his neck. Soya hits machine gun chops then Go baseball slides him. Go bangs Soya's arm over his shoulder. They trade more chops and Soya goes for a pin attempt.

Soya bulldogs him then Go backdrops him. Go hits a lariat then germans him. Soya flying lariats him and they trade more chops. Soya suplexes him for 2 and they lariat each other down at the same time. Soya gets a 2 count then Go cradles him for 2. Go rolls him up for 2 then backslides him for 2. Go then hits a lariat and finally wins.

It was what you would expect here with pretty much endless chops and some lariats. I wouldn't call it a classic but the crowd was hot and it was a suitable sudden death playoff match.

Kenoh comes down and stares down Go after.

Overall thoughts: One of the better days of the tournament with some people putting in more effort than they did on other nights. We got a special sudden death playoff which was an extra treat. There was some good stuff here but I don't think I'd say any of it was super great or memorable. And after seeing 8 matches in a row of some of these guys, it tends to run together. I'd give this one a 6 or 7 out of 10.

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