Saturday, August 26, 2023

AEW Collision 8/26/2023

AEW Collision 8/26/2023

Last week's show is here:

Kevin Kelly and Caprice Coleman are commentating tonight. Jack Perry comes out with the FTW title on a board being carried by people. Jack has flowers and a picture of the belt. Jack said it was a good title and had its ups and downs. He said when people look up the title in 100 years, his face will be next oit. We then see various pictures of Jack with the title and one his butt half showing in the shower. Didn't need to see that.

He said it's time we send the title to a better place and grabs a sledgehammer in what is surely a shot at WWE. Hook's music then hits. We see him doing pull-ups. He says he is the FTW championship and its his bloodline. He says he will be back for what's his. We then see Hook behind him. Hook overhead suplexes him then throws him into the photo. Jack is thrown over the table then is t-bone suplexed into a table. Hook then says, "Wembley, Sunday". This doesn't work because they say this is live (even though it's taped). What if Jack can't get a flight to Wembley in time? He has like 14 hours total from the time this airs to the show.

We see clips of MJF and Cole's history.

Orange Cassidy, Eddie Kingston and Penta El Cero Miedo vs Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade

Penta and Kip stare down and want at it first. Penta does his taunt into his face and is shoved. Penta throws his glove to Alex and Penelope Ford pushes Alex. 4 of the 6 fight outside then Eddie shoulders Butcher inside. Eddie takes a double shoulder. Penta takes on B&B 1v2 then death valley drivers Blade into Butcher.

Penta's crotch is dragged into the post then OC topes Kip. OC flips over Kip then rolls him up from the casadora. Kip headbutts OC and OC superkicks him. OC is back body dropped to the floor then gets right back in for a legdrop + sideslam combo. OC's tornado ddt is blocked by Kip. Butcher knees OC in the back then Kip sentons OC.

OC takes a spinning fisherman's neckbreaker and we go to break. We return and OC is trying to fight out of Blade's bearhug. Kip springboard double stomps OC while Blade holds OC. Kip is back body dropped to the floor. OC hot tags Penta in. Penta sling blades Blade and Butcher then superkicks Kip. Penta jumps off of Blade's back for a canadian destroyer on Kip. Butcher superkicks Penta then Eddie stares down Btuher.

Eddie and Butcher lariat battle. Eddie enzugiri's Butcher. Kip gets in and takes back elbows from Eddie then a corner lariat. Eddie machine gun chops Kip then does the same to Blade. Bucher takes a uraken and an orange punch. Kip takes an exploder then an orange punch into a made in Japan. Eddie sliding D's OC and wins it.

This was fast paced and there was nothing wrong with it. It was just pretty much your standard trios match.

Eddie, Penta and Best Friends are in the ring. Chuck's face is all red and he calls out his opponents for tomorrow. Trent says they broke his mom's van and disrespected her. Trent says they are not coming to hug and have fun, they are coming to hurt him and they will do it for Trent's mom. OC takes the mic away from Eddie. The BCC and Santana/Ortiz appear on the tron. Mox tells Eddie to calm down and asks why he's surprised to see Santana and Ortiz. Santana said he spent a year wondering who is real and who is not. He asks if Eddie ready to walk through the fire because they live in it. Eddie then heads to the back with a chair. Claudio tells Eddie that he turned his back on all of them and says the people in the ring won't be his friends either. CC says it's not Eddie's fault and never is, because he's a hypocrite and blames everyone for his mistakes. Ortiz says you reap what you sow.

Eddie is in the back and tells the camera man that he knows where they are. Eddie said he's not surprised Santa and Ortiz he turned. He said he will gut them up and watch them die tomorrow. Eddie tells Mox to get out of his way because he doesn't want to hurt him. He says he will bury Yuta and leave Claudio for last. He says he will burn him and says he will make sure he is scarred forever. Eddie then kisses the camera.

We see clips of the Bucks and FTR talking about each other. The Bucks said they originally came up with FTR, which meant F the Revival. FTR said they took shots at them first and said they came to AEW to find out who the best tag team in the world is. FTR says they will be the best tag team of all time and will prove it at Wembley.

Darius Martin and Action Andretti vs The Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

AA = Action Andretti

Silver and AA start us off. AA headflips and cartwheels out of a wristlock then crufixes him. Alex hits corner forearms on AA then back elbows him. AA double stomps Alex's back off the 2nd rope then Alex takes a double suplex. Silver takes a double dropkick. Martin is thrown out and bangs his face off the floor. Silver powerbombs AA onto Alex's knees for 2.

Silver chest kicks AA and poses. AA is tripped into a double basement dropkick. We go to PiP break and return. AA evades Alex and rolls int oa tag. Martin beats up his opponents 1v2 with shots then step up enzugiri's him. Martin does his tornado ddt + reverse ddt combo on his opponents. AA handsprings Silver off the apron then shotgun dropkicks Alex into a Martin german. AA springboard 450's Alex for 2.

Silver is thrown out by Martin. AA backslides Silver then Silver kicks on him. AA back enzugiri's Silver then AA takes a pop-up into a euro. Martin gets in and takes the Dark Order's sequence that ends in a german and The Dark Order win it.

It was a fast paced and decent match. AA/Martin were the faces here.

We see clips of Nick Wayne and Darby being interviewed then AR Fox comes in and apologizes to Nick. AR said when it took 16 years to get here and he never though he would make it. He said when he lost to OC, everyone lost faith in him. He panicked and said he lost his father too. He said he can't give him his father back but can give him his word. Nick then walks away. Darby says he knows he's sorry and shakes his hand. AR turning then getting turned on was a bad angle and I don't know what anyone was really supposed to do with this. The best thing they could do is pretend it didn't happen at this point.

The Acclaimed do a new rap video. It's been a while since they did one. This one has them rapping at the gym and it's called "everybody wants to be a bad @ss".

Excalibur, Tazz, Renee and others talk about the women's four way at Wembley

Big Bill with Ricky Starks vs Vary Morales

Vary used to do jobs on Dark. Vary runs at him with dropkicks and the size differences are unbelieveable here. Vary crossbodies him then is caught and gorilla press slammed. Bill spins him around by the hair then running crossbodies him. Bill hits a big boot then chokeslams him to win it.

This was a quick squash as expected.

Starks talks on the mic after. He says Vary reminds him of a young Steamboat then he whips him with the belt. He says he's not feeling it though. He says he will get a bigger strap next week and hits Vary with it more times. Starks calls the one ref, "milk dud".

Ruby Soho is interviewed by Lexi.

Ruby challenges Kris Statlander to the TBS Title at All Out. She says she will beat her once again. She says she may be more than a woman but less than an Outcast.

Willow Nightingale vs Robyn Renegade

Caprice does the rapping duties this week with Ian not here. Willow picks up and slams down Robyn. Robyn kicks her in the gut then throws her. Willow's head is put into the middle buckle and Robyn pounds her back. Willow shoulders her over then back elbows and splashes her for 2. Willow hits suplexes then fisherman's suplexes her for 2. Willow ends up kicking the wrong twin on the apron. Robyn then brings Willow down on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Willow lariats her then running chest kicks her. Willow spinebusters her for 2. Mercedes Martinez and Diamante are seen watching in the back. Roby is sent into the middle buckle then Willow misses a cannonball on her. Robyn top rope dropkicks her for 2. Willow pushes Robyn into the apron outside. Willow then double suplexes both twins on the floor as Charlette had tried to help Robyn. Willow hits a doctor bomb and wins it.

It went a little longer than it needed to and was just an average match.

We see clips of Saraya on Good Morning Britain and we see Fozzy performing.

We see clips of the Hobbs and Miro confrontation from a few Collision's ago. Miro says redemption is coming for Hobbs at All In. Miro says Hobbs prays to him now. Hobbs says Miro should pray to be given the strength he believes he needs to beat him.

Kris Statlander is interviewed by Lexi. Kris says she is sick of The Outcasts. She said if Ruby wants to act like a child, mama will treat her like one and put her in time out. She says she is sick of being disrespected and says she will take her out at All Out.

Keith Lee vs Zicky Dice

Dice gyrates then Lee has the crowd to chant. Dice pushes him and asks him what he's gonna do. Lee lariats Dice then Dice hits forearms. Lee pounces Dice then pop-up sitout powerbombs him for the quick win.

This was another short squash.

We see Preston Vance and Dralistico being beat up by what I guess is the Mexican cartel. They fight back and seemingly choke the big guy to death with a chain with blood all over the floor. Some guy comes in and claps. They say it's to be continued.

Samoa Joe comes out to talk. Joe says he is the king of television. He says the powers that be of AEW think little of him. He says he was told he will jeopardize his match with Punk at All In if he interferes in the main tonight. He then said he will commentate instead tonight. He says Punk is a coward and wore a golden diaper last week. He says he is a professional and got the match he wanted from Punk. He says he will hand him the @ss whipping he so desperately needs.

They run down the All In card. Punk say he will beat Joe. He says Joe calls himself the king of television and he says he is the king of wrestling and tells him to take the crown.

Sting, CM Punk, Hook and Darby Allin vs Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage, Jay White and Luchasaurus

Swerve armdrags Punk then headsissors him. Swerve does Punk's fist roll taunt. Punk catches Swerve in the air. Jay and Punk have a chat and Jay wants Sting in. Punk turns around and Jay nails him from behind. Punk backdrops Jay. Hook hits gut shots on Jay and Darby wristlock takedowns Jay. Punk is back in and works Jay's arm. Lucha gets in and Darby tags Sting in. Sting hits shots on Lucha then Darby back elbows Lucha while Sting splashes Lucha in the corner. Punk then gets in and Christian trips Punk. Lucha facekicks Punk then we go to PiP break.

We return and Jay does a move on Punk's knee. Punk takes a backbreaker then Swerve cobra clutches Punk. Swerve suplexes Punk then Punk makes a tag. Hook hits a big lariat on Swerve and hip throws him. Hook hits punches to the gut in the corner then overhead suplexes him. Hook is thrown out then thrown into the rails. Swerve then Cage stomp on Hook.

We go to break and return. Cage curls Hook then fallaway slams him. Hook suplexes Cage then hits a vertical suplex on him. Punk and Jay get in and go at it. Punk leg lariats Jay and spinning neckbreakers Swerve. Punk step up knees Swerve and Jay then does a bulldog + lariat combo. Punk top rope elbows Jay. Swerve jumping flatliners Punk, Hook suplexes Swerve, Lucha chokesalsm Hook, Sting reverse ddt's Lucha then Jay clips Sting. Darby comes to save Sting and hits a code red. Cage pop-up powerbombs Darby then hits a big F-5. Punk high kicks Cage then Punk hits a go to sleep on Cage. Punk then does Joe's choke on Cage and chokes him out to win it.

Joe is mad about Punk using his choke then Joe charges Punk. They fight in the ring. Jack PErry goes after Hook and everyone else fights outside. Hook kendo sticks Jack then Darby chairs Swerve. Punk throws Joe into the rails and Sting hits Swerve with the kendo sticks. Sting chairs Cage and Joe sends Punk into the Cage. Joe nails Punk with a title belt while Jack and Hook fight in the stands.

Well, the fight to end everything was nice. The match wasn't really anything special though. They just spent too much time on tags and the match was over before it really got going. We saw basically none of Sting or Lucha in it. 

Overall thoughts: It has felt like AEW has mailed it in with Collision the last few weeks.  Maybe that's due to All In, maybe it's not. But the show is starting to become a third hour of Dynamite instead of its own brand. This wasn't a great episode. We had a couple of useless squashes, a Rampage opener and some of the bigger stars in a main event that wasn't so great. It's very different from the first few weeks where they were giving away big matches. We'll have to see how things go but I feel like this is how the show will be going forward.

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