Monday, August 14, 2023

AAA Lucha Libre 7/15/2023 TripleMania XXXI: Tijuana

AAA Lucha Libre 7/15/2023 TripleMania XXXI: Tijuana

Dalys, Lady Shani & Sexy Star vs. Kamille, Natalia Markova & Viva Van

Kamille and Dalys start us off. Dalys rolls her to pin her and the bell rings to start the match in a totally AAA moment. Kamille headscissors Dalys then Dalys does a bad takedown and surfboards her. Dalys puts her in the rocking chair and it is broken up. Shani rolls up Viva then Vivan shotgun dropkicks Star. Star then topes Dalys and Shani outside hwen her opponents move. Van top rope flip dives onto her opponents outside.

Van flips over shani then spinning heel kicks her. Van hits a nasty wheelbarrow suplex on Star and Shani is wrestling in a g-string. Markova spinning heel kicks 2 opponents in the corner then Dalys lariats her. Kamille bangs Dalys' head off the buckle then pump kicks her. Kamille has toruble getting Dalys up for a torture rack then does a torture rack bomb.

Kamille stands on Dalys' face then Kamille goes up top. Star superplexes her. Markova takes a backcracker from Shani then Dalys dropkicks Markova into the 2nd rope. Dalys michinoku drivers Van then Shani dropkicks Van against the bottom rope. Star deadlift germans Van for 2. Markova spinning facebusters Dalys then Star does an angels wings to Markova. Van does a bridging double underhook to Star then Kameille pops herself up on Shani to legdrop her.

Star is on Kamille's shoulders and Markova springboard dropkicks her. Markova hurricanrana's Dalys for 2 then Markova knees her for 2. Dalys spin kicks her in the gut and La Hiedra comes down to hit Dalys with a cookie sheet. Dalys and Hiedra fight outside and Kamille hits a finlay roll on Star. Kamille's shoulder is rammed into the post then Star does a to prope dive on her. Shani sunset flips Markova and rolls her around for purposely super slow 2 count from Tirantes. Shani beats up the ref and armdrags him. Shani then knees him in the head.

Van top rope meteora's Shani but the ref is out and can't count. Tirantes Sr. comes out and Shani iconoclasm's Van. Shani then northern lights suplexes her to win it.

This wasn't good. We had interference, weapons usage, refs purposely slow counting and people hitting the ref. There were botched spots, missed camera shots and lots of sloppiness all around.

Aramis, Jack Evans & Vampiro vs. La Rebelion (Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf) & Pagano (w/Estrellita)

Wolf pushes Jack then Jack hits leg kicks. Jack springboard corkscrew kicks him. Aramis and Bestia go at it. Aramis hits various kicks then armdrags him. Bestia enzugiri's him then Aramis springboard dropkicks him. Pagano gets in and wants Vampiro. Vamp shoulders Pagano then hiptosses him over the top. Aramis hits a tope outside then Wolf topes Aramis.

Bestia knee chokes Vamp in the corner A girl comes in to help Pagano's team and Pagano lariats Vamp against the bottom rope. Pagano top rope legdrops Vamp. Aramis takes a double team in the corner then BEsita jumps off Pagano's back to dropkick him in the corner. Wolf top rope frogsplashes Aramis and Estrellia  stinkfaces Jack right in front of the ref. Aramis is stomped by Estrellita and takes a 4v1. Pagano step up knees him and Wolf ends up splashing Estrellita.

Aramis makes a come back with a spin kick and Jack does a springboard move that the camera's opt to cut away from. Jack then asai moonsaults outside. Vamp has trouble putting a headlock on Pagano then spin kicks him. We get a 2v2 in the ring and Jak cokrscrew kicks Wolf. Jack jumps off the top and does a corkscrew moonsault off his opponents back onto another opponent for 2.

Jack high kicks Pagano then is crotched on the post by 2 opponents. Pagano does a gorills press into a swinging backbreaker on Aramis then lariats him in the back of the head for 2. Vamp hits a bad facekick on Wolf or Bestia then Jack hits kicks on Wolf. Wolf flips Jack with a lariat then Jack takes a buckle bomb and a double team flatliner.

Aramis hits headkicks on his opponents then takes a powerbomb + backcracker combo for 2. Komander and I think Arez come out. They beat up Wolf and Bestia in front of the ref then they hit stereo topes Vamp and Pagano go at it and they just collide in air with what looked like a double botch. They go up top then Pagano is hit by Black Taurus and someone else with a chair and cookie sheet. Vamp gets it too and Texano Jr. is the guy with Taurus. Estrellita gets slapped and takes a sitout powerbomb from Texano. Taurus swinging side slams Jack off a springboard then Armis and Pagano get beaten up. And that's it. No finish on this one.

This was garbage and some of the worst with AAA. Vamp got injured and looked near death. We had random run-in', cheating and weapons usage and the ref just sat by and watched. This match was so bad that I was legit upset when people were kicking out of moves.

Team Baja (Damian 666, Nicho el Millonario, Rey Horus & Xtreme Tiger) (w/Brandon Moreno) vs. Team Chilango (Argenis, Chessman, Daga & Negro Casas) (w/Aczino)

Everyone starts fighting at ringside. Negro and Nicho trade chest chops and forearms. Tiger and Chessman go at it with Chess stomping him in the corner. Daga ddt's Horus then Horus leg lariats him. Horus comes off the 2nd rope and rolls him up. Argenis puts Horus on his shoulders but is headscissored out of it. Horus tope con hilos Argenis over the top rope.

Damien and Chess go at it and Chess kicks him. Damien is lifted into a hurricanrana on Argenis. Nicho and Negro trade chops and kicks then Nicho spinning heel kicks him. Nicho hits Negro with a chair outside and Negro is bleeding. Nicho's head is banged into a chair then Negro chairs him in the head. Negro hits headbutts and they leg kick each other. Negro ddt's him. Damien hits Negro in the head with a kendo stick and Nicho chairs him. Aczino is hit with something from behind by Argenis then Argenis punches him.

Chess elbow drops Tiger then Aczino hits Argenis with a cookie sheet. Damian flips Tiger onto Argenis outside then Damien dives onto people. Horus ddt's Daga then corkscrew moonsaults off the top to the outside. Moreno armbars Daga then Negro and Nicho trade shots. Nicho low blows Negro and wins it.

This was a total mess and barely resembled a wrestling match. Just people coming in and our and people using weapons freely.

Ambulance Match - QT Marshall vs. Pentagon Jr.

QT takes a superkick and slingblades to start. Penta goes up and over with a backcracker in the corner then Aaron Solo comes in and beats up Penta. Penta superkicks him then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. The ref the finally decides to kick him out. QT hits Penta in the back with a trash can lid then rips up his mask.

QT hits Penta with a barbed wire chair from the outside when Penta tries to tope him. QT pushes a barbed wire 2x4 into Penta's head then QT hits him with a cookie sheet. QT hits him with a light tube. QT tries to put him in the ambulance, but it's impossible to see anything due to it being near the crowd. QT hits Penta with a kendo stick.

QT hits punches on him outside the ring and jumps off the rails to hit him. QT puts the 2v4 against Penta's head then handcuffs him. Penta talked to somebody in the audience from the ring while this happened. QT hits Penta with trash can lid shots. Penta hits some kicks and lariats and chokes him with the cuffs.

Penta hits QT with a barbed wire chair then breaks a light tube over his head. Penta hits him with the cookie sheet then Penta is hit with it. QT pours out thumbtacks and goes into them off a failed diamond cutter. Penta then is powerbombed onto tacks. Penta is walked to the ambulance and he pushes the door to it in QT's face. Penta then hits a canadian destroyer on the ground.

QT low blows Penta then tables are set up on each other. QT and Penta climb boxes then QT takes a botched package piledriver throug hthe tables. Penta opens the ambulance and Solo sprays him with a fire extinguisher from it. Solo hits Penta with a light tube. QT hits a diamond cutter on the tube pieces on the ground then QT throws Penta in the ambulance and wins it.

It was a hardcore match that mostly just had weapons usage. It was fine though the big package piledriver spot through the tables was not done well. Both guys bled and Solo's usage worked. They did do a little too much with a canadian destroyer on the ground still not taking out the great QT Marshall. Some of this was impossible to see due to it happening in the crowd.

Guerra de Rivalidades Final Match - LA Park & Rush vs. Psycho Clown & Sam Adonis

Sam nails Clown with a flag during his entrance both Rush and Sam try to rip off their partners masks. Rush throws a box of beer bottles at Park, putting glass on the mat. He then stabs him with the glass pieces. Sam chairs Clown in the seats and Rush licks Park's blood. Rush dropkicks Park and chokes him with a cord then whips him with it. Sam chokes Park in the stands and Rush throws a beer at Park.

Rush whips Park with a belt and Sam hits Clown with a car door. Sam holds Park so Rush can chop him. Park and Clown hit chair shots on the outside on their partners. Park bangs the broken beer bottle on Rush's head, making him blled and stabs him with it. The camera's miss the spot but Sam is sent into a glass pane by Clown.

Clown throws Sam over the rail into the seats then Clown cannonballs him off the ramp. Park chairs Rush in the head then Clown hits Sam with a broom. Park lariats Clown then Clown spinning lariats him. Clown basement dropkicks him for 2. Park ddt's Clown then Clown tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Park.

Park has an abdominal stretch on Clown then Sam nails Park with a flag. Rush and Sam trade chops and forearm. Rush jumping knees him then spinning forearms him. Sam walks the top rope and hits a blockbuster. Rush belly to belly suplexes him in the corner for 2. Clown hurricanrana's Rush out then 2nd rope moonsaults him. Park then top rope moonsaults everyone. Clown bangs Park's head off the buckle then top rope crossbodies him. Clown hits la magistral for 2.

Park meteoras Clown on the bottom rope for 2. Clown pop up forearms Park then Park bangs Clown's head off the steps. Sam runs into the ref then Rush chairs Sam. Rush then chairs the ref for no real reason. Rush goes for a pin and Clown pulls the ref out and beats him up. Rush low blows Park and Sam fireballs Clown. We then get a double pin with Sam and Rush getting 3 counts.

This ended up being a draw. Just like the last time they did one of these, it was a headache inducing mess. It just made no sense. Partners beat up partners then beat up their opponents then both teams beat up the ref even though it was no DQ. The announced harped on how confusing this was and it was trash.

AAA Mega Title Match - El Hijo del Vikingo (c) vs. Kenny Omega 

Vik headflips out of an armlock. They trade shots in the corner and Vik spin kicks him. Vik botches a springboard hurricanrana spot and dropkicks him off the apron. Vik topes him and goes into Kenny's knee. Vik is sent into the rails then is thrown over the rail into the chairs. Vik is slammed on the apron edge and signs an autograph on Vikingo and on top of him. Kenny then puts on his entrance mask and backdrops him. Kenny headbutts him with the mask.

Kenny hits some elbows and backbreakers him for 2. Kenny pumping knees him in the back of the head then Vik flips out of a german. Vik spin kicks him then does a corkscrew kick. Vik top rope asai moonsaults him outside and misses a tope rope frogsplash. Kenny does a forward rolling fireman's carry and catches Vik moonsault into a powerslam. Kenny dragon suplexes him twice and Vik rolls him up off a 3rd attempt.

Kenny powerbombs him and hits a running knee for 2. Kenny hits a v-trigger against the ropes then Vik counters a one-winged angel with a hurricanrana. Kenny pumping knees him. Kenny is caught off a 2nd rope crossbody into a swinging side slam. Vik corkscrew kicks him then walks the top rope into an imploding splash on him on the outside. Vik does a 2nd rope outside to inside phoenix splash then hits a top rope imploding 450 for 2.

Kenny gets his knees up on a top rope ssp. Kenny then hits an electric chair into a wheelbarrow suplex for 2. Vik does a top rope poisonrana then a running meteora. Vik hits a top rope 630 and wins it.

Uh, this was like 100x better than their Dynamite match. Vik still did a few too many of his spots, but Kenny got all of his offense in first and then Vik made a comeback and did most of his. The big bump of the match - the top rope poisonrana, came right before the finish and there weren't a lot of bogus kickouts. It wasn't a classic, but it was much smarter than anything I've ever seen these two do and I didn't think it was that bad despite hating their last match. 

Overall thoughts: I only skipped 1 match and it was a pretty bad show overall. Just constant disasters with interference, weapons usage and 2 matches that went to a a no contest on one of the major shows of the year. Stay far away from this as this was some of Triple A at its worst.

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