Thursday, August 17, 2023

AEW Dynamite 8/16/2023

AEW Dynamite 8/16/2023

Last week's show is here: 

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Wheeler Yuta

Yuta does headlock takeovers and armdrags him. OC armdrags him back and they trade forearms. Yuta backdrops him then is backdropped in return. They trade face kicks then jumping facekick each other. They trade forearms then OC mudhole stomps him. Yuta topes him and OC suplexes him on the floor. Yuta piledrivers him on the ramp.

OC beach breaks him when they get in. We go to PiP break and return. Yuta grabs the arm and OC forearms him with it then OC pushes him out. OC dropkicks him as he hangs onto the ropes then topes him outside. Yuta superplexes him then top rope splashes him. Yuta goes for a reverse cub stomp and is cradled then OC takes a dragon screw legwhip. OC michinoku drivers him for 2. OC PK's him and tornado ddt's him. OC hits a paradigm shift on him as Mox and CC come out. OC then superman punches him. Yuta rolls him up for 2 then OC flips him off the beach break and pins him.

I didn't like a piledriver on the ramp being a mid-match move that meant nothing. It really wasn't a bad effort otherwise as there was no OC comedy (Why though, considering he always does it?) and they showed a lot of aggression all throughout.

OC gets jumped after by BB and Mox. Best Friends come down the ramp to help out OC. The Lucha Brothers then come down. They double superkick CC and get Yuta out of the ring. The BCC grab chairs to try and get in then Eddie Kingston comes out. Eddie and CC fight on the ramp and BCC have to run after being beaten up. I didn't like seeing The BCC back off from the Best Friends here as that just doesn't fit their characters. I'd also really like to see this Eddie/CC feud end.

Eddie gets on the mic after and wants a Stadium Stampede match at Wembley. 

Jim Ross interviews Kenny Omega at Daily's Place. Kenny talks about not having a normal childhood and said Don Callis helped guide him to being the best athlete. Kenny says you can choose your friends but not your family. He said he wants to move on. He says he will embarrass Don's new man in the ring then Don Callis walks in. Don asks how his mental health is. Juice Robinson and Jay White then jump Kenny. Kenny is hit with a pole and rammed into a garage door. Takeshita stomps him and Kenny is choked with rope. Kenny is then hit with a 2v4 in the back. Don mocks him after.

Adam Page does a promo. He wasn't impressed with the beatdown and says if you start a beatdown, you have to finish it. Page says Kenny isn't finished and says Page and Ibushi will team with Kenny against them at Wembley. Page says they will finish this at Wembley. A security guard then tells Page he can't be drinking beer at a hospital, so Page drinks it and gives it to him.

The beatdown was random and was not explained well at all. While being completely out of left field TV wise, it was rumored for a while that this would be the match at Wembley.

Don Callis is in the ring with a painting and brings out Chris Jericho. Chris says he doesn't join factions, he creates them. Jericho says he does want to be part of the Don Callis Family. He said when the JAS walked out on him, he realized he needed to get back to his roots, be more selfish and regain the AEW title. Callis surprised and thrilled and asks him to go drink with him and beat up rednecks. 


Jericho asks what the painting is about and Don doesn't want him to see. Jericho pulls off the cover on the painting and it's Don with a photo of Jericho's head. Jericho asks what this is and Don says it's a rib. Jericho asks if he thought he was going to say no and asked if this meant he was going to be beheaded for saying no. Don says this is embarrassing and says the artist screwed the photo up as it was supposed to be him, Jericho and Bad News.

Jericho accuses him of lying and tells him to be honest with him for the first time. Don says he's right and he didn't think Jericho would say yes. Don says he thought he would say no because of his ego. Don says JEricho is the greatest at being an egomaniac and says he's too stupid to see what is good for him. He then says he doesn't deserve to be part of the Don Callis Family. Jericho asks who the hell is he and says he was in the business three years ago and nobody cares.  Jericho says nobody cares now and this is why he has lost everything. Jericho says he's a worm, low life, piece of trash and an @sshole. Don slaps him then Jericho grabs him in the corner. Takeshita comes out to help and is beaten up by Jericho. Will Osperay then nails Jericho from behind. Will hits Jericho with a chair in the head. Don grabs the painting and hits Jericho over the head with it. Jericho is bleeding then Sammy Guevara comes out for the late save with a bat.

Rumors said we would get Osperay vs Jericho at Wembley and it seems like this is how we get to it. 

Jack Perry says he's the greatest FTW champ that ever lived and said now he is getting out while he's on top. He says he will retire the FTW title next week on Dynamite.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne vs The Gates of Agony

The GoA jump the faces before they enter. Nick throws out Kaun and topes him as Swerve and AR come down. Nick then takes a double hiptoss into the rails. Darby climbs on Toa's back then Toa splashes Nick against the rails. We go to break and return. The GOA accidentally lariat each other.

Darby gets the hot tag in and hits a wild tope on Toa. Kaun is superkicked into a Darby crucifix bomb for 2. Kaun has Darby over his knee and Toa 2nd rope splashes Darby. Kaun and Toa slap each other and miss corner splashes. Darby cutters Toa over the top rope then nick hurricanrana's Toa off the apron. Nick 2nd rope cutters Kaun. Nick and Darby go up top. They jump at the same time with Darby hitting a coffin drop and Nick doing a moonault outside, then they pick the win up.

Sting gets on the tron after. He says he's directing movies now. He tells AR Fox he better have eyes in the back of his head because they have a coffin match coming up. We then see Sting with Prince Nana. He then says, "it's showtime" and screams at Nana before letting him free. Sting then sings, "na na na, hey hey goodbye".

This was disappointing considering who was involved. These two teams could have had a good match but it was short and the GoA got squashed like nothing despite being protected well on ROH.

We get another Adam Cole and MJF vignette. MJF said they need to get into their opponents heads so he's taking him to Outback Steakhouse. Cole is stoked. MJF called it the best food of his life and said they don't have a chance due to the bloom of onions. Cole says he knows how they can beat them. Cole then brings out Crocodile Dundee 1 and 2. MJF said he saw something that couldn't get out of his head. He then shows him a video of kangaroos fighting. MJF said this is how they beat them. MJF then does what he calls a "kangaroo kick". Cole says it's a dumb idea. We see them pretending to be Steve Irwin and we see an inflatable gator in a pool. They are wearing goofy hats and lariat the guy holding the inflatable gator. Tony Khan then yells at them and says to go in their office right now. Tony says they can only hit the double clothesline in the ring, not on employees in the back.  MJF says Tony will regret that come 2023. Tony then comes out and asks what he said. MJF said things are going great and they leave. This got a little too silly.

MJF and Adam Cole arrive in a car. MJF says he has to go to the bathroom. Roderick Strong then arrives with The Kingdom. Strong kicks the tire, hurts his foot and Taven tells him to shake it off. Strong then grabs him.

MJF and Adam Cole come out. Cole says they will become tag champs and MJF says they will do it with the kangaroo kick and gets a chant started for it. Cole says they will win the tag titles with a double clothesline. Cole says the match with MJF will solidify his legacy. He says he doesn't want to just be in the match with MJF, he wants to become AEW champ. He says he will do anything and everything to become AEW champ.

MJF says that was a great story but his is better. MJF said on Day 1 of wrestling training, he was asked to write down 2 dream opponents. He said they were Cole and Cody Rhodes. He said he drove 90,000 miles the year he got a new car. He said he messaged Cody Rhodes to get on AEW's first show. He said he had no right to be on the show and while losing, managed to turn Tony Khan's head. He then said if there's no All In, there's no MJF. He talked about being AEW champ. He said he will be at Wembley against his dream opponent and best friend. He said it means a lot to him but not everything. He says the title means everything to him. He says he won't lay down to him and says a win at Wembley makes him legendary. He says nobody is on the level of him. Cole says may the best man win and MJF says he is the best man. They then do their lines with the crowd.

Aussie Open jumps them and Cole/MJF get the advantage. Cole and MJF go for the double clothesline but Mark and Kyle both get out to avoid it. MJF poses with his title and Cole gets behind him, teasing a superkick. Cole doesn't and they end up hugging. We then see Roderick Strong and The Kingdom watching on.

Renee interviews Chris Jericho in the back. He's bleeding. He says Osperay didn't have to attack him from behind if he wanted a match. He said they would have fought if there wasn't a pandemic. Jericho challenges him for All In and says he will make him bleed and drink his blood there. He says he will get inside of his head and embarrass him in front of his friends and family at Wembley. He says he's coming for him.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Match - Jeff Hardy vs Jeff Jarrett

Hardy goes out in the crowd then heads to the back. He finds a wall with weapons then JJ hits him from the side. Karen Jarrett nails Hardy then JJ is whipped into the walls. Hardy nails JJ with a crutch then Satnam Singh chokes Hardy. Brother Zay, Matt Hardy and Ethan Page come to make the save. Page punches JJ then Karen and JJ have some kind of red liquid poured on them. Zay superkicks JJ and Singh is pushed into a rail. JJ and Karen go down a hall in the back.

We go to PiP break and return. Hardy jumps off boxes onto everyone then drops elbows on JJ on the ramp. Smoke comes out from underneath the ring for some reason. Hardy chokes JJ with a shirt and hits him with a kendo stick. Hardy's buddies get in and nail JJ too. Hardy stunners JJ and JJ rolls onto a table. Hardy swantons JJ off the top through a table. Jay Lethal breaks up the count. Jay hits a lethal combination on Zay then Page shoulders him. Dutt kicks Page in the nuts then Hardy hits a twist of fate on Jay. Karen low blows Matt and JJ has a guitar with Jeff Hardy's facepaint on it. Hardy hits JJ in the head with a guitar. Music then hits and Leatherface comes out with a chainless chainsaw. Leather kicks Dutt and chases Karen to the back. Singh grabs Jeff Hardy then Lethal hits Jeff in the back of the head with a hammer. Jeff Hardy is chokeslammed and JJ is put on top of Hardy to win it. JJ then got a title for this.

It was a free for all brawl around the building. It wasn't great and they were going for more being entertaining than some serious brawl. They didn't really explain the Leatherface thing or why Jarrett and friends had red liquid thrown at them, and to be honest, they are better off not even trying.

4-Way Qualifier - Britt Baker vs The Bunny

They push each other and trade forearms. Britt rolls her up and Britt stomps her hand. Bunny hits a knee lift then Britt neckbreakers her. Penelope Ford distracts Bitt and Bunny lariats her. Bunny headscissors her over the top rope.

We go to PiP break and return. Britt does a bad flatliner into the 2nd buckle. Britt hits forearms then spinning forearms her. Britt hits a slingblade then spinning neckbreakers her. Britt grabs her glove and Penelope Ford steals it. Britt nails her then takes a superkick from The Bunny. Britt superkicks Bunny and curb stomps her for the win.

This was bad with multiple sloppy moves and people looking like fools spinning around for forearms. Bunny also lost in her return after 6 months of not wrestling here.

We get a video of The Acclaimed talking about how they miss Billy Gunn.

The Acclaimed vs ?

The lights immediately go out and The House of Black are in the ring, with the jobbers teleporting out. The HoB's beat up The Acclaimed and Max takes a chain shot to the head. Bowens takes a pumping knee then is thrown into a fire thunder driver. Max is bleeding and Buddy curbstomps him (We just saw in the last match). Julia Hart then grabs Billy Gunn's boots.

Could we get an explanation for how the jobbers teleported?

The Gunns vs The Young Bucks

The Bucks superkick them during their entrance, in a real face move. Matt dives off the ramp onto the Gunns then The Bucks are thrown into the rails. The Bucks suplex Colten then double hiptoss Austin onto him. The Bucks hit dropkicks on The Gunn's then Nick does a corkscrew dive over the top on them.

One of the Bucks is tripped then the other Buck is sent into the rails. One of the Bucks takes a sequence then ends in a lariat. We go to break and return. Colten hits a nice dropkick on Matt for 2. Austin is backdropped over the top rope and Colten takes a nice bump into the post. Nick top rope crossbodies the Gunn's then walks up the ropes for an armdrag + headscissors combo. Austin gets superkicked then takes a slingshot facebuster. Nick then moonsaults off the apron onto Colten.

The Bucks use each other for a shiranui. Colten double flying lariats The Bucks over Austin. Matt takes a 310 to Yuma then Austin hits a fameasser. Austin takes a rebound german. Nick then helps Matt cheat to win.

This was a horrible face match by The Bucks. They cheated before it started then cheated to win. And they hated the Gunn's so much to do this that they still did all of their usual flippy offense. I'm not a big fan of people getting beaten up before the bell either, because if it is allowed, then everyone's stupid for not just taking a baseball bat to their opponent before the match.

Jay and Juice come out to rightfully beat them down after for this. FTR's music hits  and they blindside The Gunn's. They then fight Juice and Jay. Juice takes a chair to the back then a shatter machine. FTR then tease doing one to the Bucks but they instead hold their belts up at them instead.

Overall thoughts:  It wasn't a good night for AEW. They realized Wembley is coming up soon and rushed to set up a bunch of matches and angles here for it. People got slimed with red goo, jobbers teleported, kangaroos and alligators were involved, Leatherface came out and The Bucks were awful faces in the main event.

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