Saturday, August 19, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/19/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 5

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/19/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 5

Day 4 is here:

Seiki Yoshioka and Kai Fujimura vs Taishi Ozawa and Yu Owada

Ozawa dropkicks Kai

Kai flipping sentons Ozawa

Owada dropkicks Seiki

Owada and Kai start us off. Owada headflips through an armlock. Kai does a headlock takeover, Owada headscissors him and they stand off. Ozawa gets in and Kai shoulders him over. Ozawa hits a nice dropkick then Kai slams him.

Seiki slams Owada then Kai backdrops Owada. Kai clubs Owada then Owada dropkicks him. Ozawa slams Kai and elbow drops him. Ozawa slams Kai then does a high top rope dropkick. Kai hiptosses then flipping sentons Ozawa. Seiki sliding kicks Ozawa for 2. Ozawa sunset flips Seiki then dropkicks him.

Owada chest clubs and dropkicks Seiki for 2. Owada gutwrench suplexes Seiki then Seiki bulldogs him. Seiki hits a neckbreaker then PK's him for the win.

It was your basic young lions match with simple moves and Seiki's team winning as expected.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Saxon Huxley vs Daiki Inaba

Sax takes gutkicks then shoulders him over. Sax does a headlock takeover then shoulders him over. Sax slams him and misses an elbow then Sax hits a corner lariat flurry. Inaba forearms Sax then running forearms him. Ianab hits a bad step up enzugiri then octopus stretches him.

Inaba gets his sunset flip blocked and Sax bangs Inaba's head off the mat. Sax hits a coconut crush on him then side slams him. Inaba hits four enzugiris and finally gets him on his knee. Inaba hits a diving top rope lariat for 2. Inaba hits headbutts then Sax facekicks him. Sax hits an air raid crash for 2 then Inaba cradles him and gets the surprise win.

It wasn't too good. The crowd wasn't into it and Inaba in particularly had little fire here. Add in a slower pace and you've got a lame match.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Adam Brooks vs Yuki Yoshioka

They do a greco roman knuckle lock and Adam pins him down. Yuki bridges and Adam tries to stomp him. They trade headlock takeovers and legsweeps then stand off. Adam spin kicks him in the gut. Adam goes for a dive, Yuki moves and Adam does a weird makeshift dive out of it. Adam bangs Yuki's head off the apron then kicks him from the apron.

Yuki hits a nice dropkick in the ring then double knee drops him. Adam back elbows him then knees him in the gut. Yuki 2nd rope dropkicks him then Adam flatliners him into the 2nd buckle. Adam pump kicks him whil he's on his knees then Yuki backcrackers him. Yuki takes a nasty belly to belly into the buckles, where he is lawn darted.

They trade shots on their knees and Adam dropkicks him in the knee. Adam does a crossface cravate on the mat then nails him with a forearm when he comes off the 2nd rope. Adam piledrivers him for 2 and misses a top rope swanton. Yuki flips him with a flying lariat and brainbusters him for 2. Adam gets his knees up on Yuki's top rope splash.

Adam dropkicks him in the corner then Yuki 2nd rope lariats him for the win.

I didn't expect a pretty one out of this and it wasn't. Adam's stuff is pretty rough around the edges, maybe by decision and Yuki isn't the best in-ring guy ever.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Yuma Anzai

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Yuma clean breaks him early and headlocks him. KN facekicks him and Yuma shoulders him over. Yuma misses a dropkick then KN knees him in the gut. Yuma hits forearms then is spin kicked in the gut. Yuma misses a 2nd rope dropkick and is crabbed.

KN does some footslaps then hits chest kicks. Yuma dropkicks him then hits a belly to belly suplex. Yuma is tripped into the 2nd buckle then KN kicks the buckle. KN drops him with a chest kick then PK's him for 2. KN no sells Yuma's forearms then takes a flying knee. Yuma hits another flying knee for 2.

Yuma double underhook suplexes him and KN superkicks him off a german suplex attempt. KN hits kicks to the chest and back then PK's him for 2. KN brainbusters him and wins it.

It was pretty much a nothing match with KN just dominating Yuma en route to victory. It was exactly what I thought it would be as KN doesn't really like to put over people much.

KN throws Yuma out of the ring after.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Kenoh vs Jack Morris 

Ken backs him up on the ropes and does a muscle pose. Jack shoulders him over and they stare down after Ken misses a PK.  Jack takes a small tope to the outside on Ken then 2nd rope moonsaults him to the outside. Ken suplexes him then facekicks him out. Ken is pulled from the apron, banging his face off of it then Jack is sent into the rails. Ken facekicks him over the rails.

Ken throws him into the post then chest kicks him against the rails. Ken leglocks Jack then they trade facekicks. Jack does a flying kick then flying clotheslines him. Jack hits a flapjack and baseball slides him for 2. Jack falcon arrows Ken for 2 then Ken leg sweeps him into a double stomp on the back. Ken then flying double knees him in the back of the head.

Ken misses a PK and is rolled up. Ken jumps on his back with a sleeper then Jack falls back to break it. Jack misses a top rope splash and Ken ankle locks him. Ken lifts him up from the mat in a handstand position and kicks him. They go up top and Ken hits a top rope release dragon suplex...but only for two. Jack avoids a top rope double stomp then hits a flying knee.

They trade forearms for kicks then Ken spinning high kicks him. Jack spinebusters him then does a tiger driver for the win.

This wasn't good. A top rope release dragon suplex not being the finish? Really? Regardless of that, there was nothing special about this. 

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Go Shiozaki vs Lance Anoa'i

Lance tries to scare him to start. Go headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Lance shoulders him over. Go goes out and Lance teases a dive on him. Lance bites his head and Go dropkicks him as he sits up top. Go sens him into the rails outside then running knees him as his head hangs from the apron. Go 2nd rope head chops him then Lance bangs his own head off the buckle.

Go chops down and chokes him against the middle rope. Lance suplexes him then shotgun dropkicks him. Lance then corner cannonballs him. Lance standing moonsaults him for 2 then Go flying shoulders him. Lance hits a chop and punch combo in the corner then Go machine gun chops him.

Go running ridge hand chops him then hits a lariat when Lance avoids his first one. Go fisherman suplexes Lance and they trade chops. Go goes up and over in the corner and gets caught then Lance superkicks him. Lance misses a top rope splash and hits a 2nd rope samoan drop. Lance top rope splashes him and wins it.

This wasn't very good. This match isn't a hard one to do. Lance bullies around and beats up Go then Go makes his comeback and either wins or loses from here. They had Go be even with Lance and Go wasn't exactly super inspired here.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Masa Kitamiya vs Jake Lee

Jake side headlock takeovers him then is headscissored. Jake gets his back and spanks him. Masa takes a back bump for no reason. Jake claps then grabs his arm. They trade chest slaps and Jake atomic drops him out of the ring. Masa is thrown out of the ring again then whipped into the rails.

Jake hiptosses him in the ring for 2. Masa drops him on both knees then facebusters him. Masa puts Jake's leg in the rail and kicks it. Masa running chop blocks Jake in the knee then butt drops his knee. Masa brings his knee down into the canvas.

Masa hits forearms then Jake stun guns him. Jake hits corner chops and slams him. Jake puts him in a crab then turns it into a single leg crab. Masa grabs him by the nose and hits his hand, then does chops. Masa suplexes him then corner lariats him. Masa shoulders him over then sentons him. Masa drops elbows over the knee then single leg crabs him.

Masa clips him again then drops him on his knees. Masa runs at him and takes a knee. Masa backdrops him then prison locks him.  They go up top where Masa headbutts him down. Jake then running kicks him off the top. Jake misses a running facekick and they botch a backdrop. Masa prison locks him and the time runs out.

It was long, slow and boring. There was not a lot of effort put into this and it was quite painful to sit through.

Overall thoughts: This was not good. Everyone took the night off here.

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