Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/9/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 2

Pro Wrestling NOAH 8/9/2023 N-1 Victory 2023 Day 2

Day 1 is here:

There is nobody here for this one. It's sad. If this can't draw, what will?

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Manabu Soya vs Daiki Inaba


Inaba wristlocks him then Soya shoulders him over hard. Inaba shoulders him over then Soya slams him. They chest chop each other and Soya misses a corner charge. Soya slams him then bulldogs him. Inaba suplexes him then hits a nice forearm out of the corner. Inaba hits a blue thunder for 2 and they trade forearms. Soya shoulders him over then neckbreakers him. Soya suplexes him for 2.         

Inaba hits forearms and Soya hits double chops. Soya spears him for 2 then hits a nasty fireman's carry into a knee. Soya hits a hard lariat to the back of the neck then Inaba puts him in an octopus. Inaba germans him then is beaten to the punch on a lariat. Soya death valley drivers him for 2 then Inaba does an octopus. Soya gets out and takes forearms then Soya lariats him.

Inaba hits headbutts the nforearms. Inaba hits a fire thunder and wins it.

It was a fun opener with some nice stiff shots and Soya's usual fun power offense. Soya's one of those Ishii style guys that you can just put anywhere on the card and he'll make something decent out of it.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Adam Brooks vs Masa Kitamiya

Adam pie faces him and they trade punches for forearms. Adam step up enzugiri's him then Adam pump kicks him from the apron. Adam topes Masa. They go back in and Masa drops him on his knees. Adam spinning back elbows him and comes off the 2nd rope but is caught with a prison lock. They trade hard forearms and Masa clips him. Masa bulldogs him and puts him in another prison lock. Adam cradles him for 2 then Masa reverses it and then Adam reverses that.

Adam leapfrogs and holds his knee then top rope meteoras him on the apron. Adam slingshot ddt's him for 2. Adam gets on his back and hits forearms. Masa drops him on his knees then bangs his head off the mat. Masa goes up top and is enzugiri'd while up there. Adam top rope suplexes him and pump kicks him. Adam's really selling his knee and forearms Masa hard for 2.

Masa flips him with a lariat and fires up. Masa backdrops him for 2. Masa puts another prison lock on him then grabs a guillotine and taps him out.

Adam looked a lot better here though it seems his knee actually is messed up. Masa worked the knee here and it ended up leading to the finish, so no real issues with this.

Jack Morris gets in the ring after and goes face to face with Masa. He piefaces him then Masa backdrops him. 

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Go Shiozaki vs Yuma Anzai

Yuma forearms him on the ropes then hits more forearms. Yuma headlocks him and hits shoulders. Go stares him down and is shouldered over again. Go chops him down then Yuma is thrown into the rail. Yuma no sells it and shoulders him over. Yuma kicks and forearms him then hits a running forearm.

Go takes him down and they get up to trade forearms for chops. Yuma sits up top and is chopped down to the floor. Yuma is thrown into the rails and is slammed on the floor. Yuma's head hangs off the apron and Go knees it. Yuma is sent into the rails again then Go knee drops him. Go slams him.

Goto hits a stiff back elbow then Go hits chops. Yuma suplexes him then hits a flying forearm. Yuma corner forearms him and hits a nice belly to belly. Yuma hits another belly to belly and Go hits more hard chops. Go does a running strike and knocks him over. Go cobra twists him and Yuma is out. Go lets go for some reason

Go backdrops him for 2 then Yuma dropkicks him. Yuma hits a jumping knee for 2 then double underhook suplexes him. Yuma jumping knees him and germans him on his head. Go lariats him then hits a fisherman buster for 2. They trade forearms and Go spinning forearms him. Go hits a go flasher and lariats him. Go then gets the win.

I thought it went too long for what was mostly a one sided match. We all knew Yuma had no chance here and he didn't in the end. It wasn't awful but half of this could have been cut out without any issue.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Timothy Thatcher vs Yoshiki Inamura

TT = Timothy Thatcher, Ina = Yoshiki Inamura

TT cravates him and is picked up. TT hooks his leg and grabs him by the chin. TT pulls both arms back then bow and arrows him. Ina turns it into a pin attempt and TT rolls out. They fight over an armlock then Ina cartwheels into a shoulder.

TT arm throws him then Ina monkey flips him. Ina slams him then splashes him. Ina slams him then TT armbars him. TT keylocks him then Ina deadlifts him to get out. TT hits euros then Ina hits an oklahoma stampede. Ina running shoulders him for 2. Ina hits forearms and TT headbutts the arm. TT hits a belly to belly suplex then fujiwara armbars him. TT then gets the tap out win.

I guess it worked as TT mostly worked the arm then won via armbar, but it was the usual TT match. It was slow and was little but him putting Ina in holds for however long it went.

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Lance Anoai vs El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr.

Doc = El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr.

They lock up then Doc poses. They trade chest chops. Lance uppercuts him and is poked in the eye. Lance then does a nice jumping hurricanrana. Lance then splashes and cannonballs him in the corner. Lance puts him in a trapezius hold then bites the shoulder. Lance standing moonsaults him for 2. Lance is sent into the post shoulder first then Doc step-up knees him. Doc hits a northern lights suplex and flips into a double stomp on him.

Doc lariats him over the top then cannonballs him off the apron. Doc chops him over the rail outside then Doc reverse figure fours him inside. Doc springboards and takes a forearm then a superkick. Doc step up enzugiri's him then takes an enzugiri back. Doc then lariats him over. Doc lariats him on the apron and Lance takes a huge bump to the floor.

Doc takes boots to the face in the corner then Lance headbutts him. Lance hits a panama sunrise. Doc kicks out at 2. Lance goes up top and Doc runs up the buckles after. Doc hits a suplex then takes a samoan drop. Lance hits a top rope splash and gets the win here.

I hated the canadian destroyer kickout and Doc going up the ropes after. Otherwise, this was really fun and the joy of having unusual matches. Lance had the best match he probably ever had here and took some great bumps. Matches like this are what you watch these tournaments for. This was such an odd match-up on paper but they really made it work. We all put over Jacob Fatu, but Lance Anoai may be the next best thing. 

N-1 Victory 2023 Block A - Jake Lee vs Yuki Yoshioka

 They stare down and get off to a very slow start. Yuki takes him down then Lee clubs his back. Yuki hits chest chops then is slammed. Lee hits forearms on Yuki's back then hits a high hiptoss. Yuki top rope crossbodies him then baseball slides him while he's out. Yuki tope con hilos him then throws him into the rail.

Yuki dropkicks him then double knee drops him for 2. Yuki spinning forearms him then Jake hits a back body drop. Lee boston crabs him then Yuki running lariats him while he's on his knees. Yuki suplexes him then Lee chokeslams him. Yuki flying lariats him for 2. Yuki comes off the top and takes a knee to the gut. Lee chokeslams him for 2.  Lee running facekicks him in the corner for the win.

This took too long to get going and as with most Lee matches, wasn't that interesting. Jake needs an over the top partner to get the best out of him and Yuki is not that dude. 

N-1 Victory 2023 Block B - Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Saxon Huxley

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima, Sax = Saxon Huxley

Sax throws him down then over the top rope to the floor. Sax throws him into the rails then puts his back into the post. Sax elbow drops him off the 2nd rope then bangs KN's head off the buckle. KN trips him into the middle buckle then kicks the buckle hard. KN then PK's him from the apron.

KN forearms him against the rail then throws him into the rail. KN then facekicks him against the rail. KN hits a hard running facekick then chest kicks him. KN top rope dropkicks him and running facekicks him again. KN then does his flagpole double footchoke.

KN hits chest kicks then Sax blocks a kick and bites the foot. Sax reverse ddt's him. Sax running facekicks him and bangs his head off the mat. Sax lifts him up and chokes him with both arms then KN dropkicks him in the knee. KN enzugiri's him at 10 minutes then superkicks him. KN does a nice backdrop.

KN chest kicks him then back kicks him. KN then does a running PK for 2. Sax spinning neckbreakers him. Sax alley oops him into the buckle and lariats him for 2. Sax then hits a double arm choke bomb for the win.

Look, Sax kind of has to be the monster in these matches early and the face has to make his comeback here to really make this work. Instead, it was done the opposite way and KN got too much offense in to make Sax look good. This was okay but not a great one.

Overall thoughts: The show as okay overall but it could have been better. There was nothing truly awful here and the opener and Lance/Doc were the big highlights of this one. The main and semi main weren't real memorable.

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