Wednesday, August 30, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #30 4/8/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #30 4/8/2023 

Leia Makoa vs Penelope Pink in a WOW Title match is the main event tonight.

Sofia Lopez comes out She says she is the world's greatest attorney and introduces her girls.

Sylvia Sanchez and Vivian Rivera with Sofia Lopez vs Stephy Slays and Jennifer Florez

Florez trips Rivera then armdrags her. She corner splashes her then rolls her into a kick to the back. Florez 2nd rope euros her. Slays gets in and back elbows Rivera then meteora's her in the corner. Slays crucifex Rivera then armdrags her. Rivera rolls out to the floor. Slays goes after her and Lopez bangs her head off the apron.

Rivera russian legsweeps Slays then Sanchez gets in. Sanchez backs Slays head off the mat (they say this is Sanchez's debut in WOW). Sanchez chokes her over the middle rope then Lopez chokes her over the middle rope too. Sanchez double knee drops her over the 2nd rope then backdrops her. Slays takes a 2v1 in the corner then Rivera hits a weird neckbreaker. Slays rolls up Rivera then reverse ddt's her.

Sanchez and Florez get in. Rivera accidentally dropkicks her own partner. Florez trips and basement dropkicks Sanchez. Florez misses an elbow drop then Sanchez hits a weird flatliner. Florez counters a double suplex with a double neckbreaker. Slays splashes both opponents at the same time. Lopez grabs Florez's leg then Rivera gori bombs Florez onto Slays. She then pins Slays.

They had two sloppy moments but I thought it was decent overall. They got a lot of time for this. 

Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs The Heavy Metal Sisters (Razor and Fury)


Ball is hit by both opponents from behind then takes a double clothesline. Fury twists Ball's neck then Fury chokes her over the middle rope. Mezmeriah then messes with Ball's hair.  Ball is tripped then Fury gets on Ball's back and sentons it. Razor sentons Ball's back. Razor headbangs and Ball gets mad then chops her.

Razor is tripped into a baseball slide then Reina meteora's her in the corner. Reina lariats her against the ropes then Reina trips her. Ball shoulders over Razor then Reina hits a stiff knee lift on Razor. Razor does something like a twisting chinbreaker on Ball. Fury and Reina go at it. Reina hits corner lariats and accidentally nails the ref. Razor throws the ref out then all 4 girls fight. Mezmoriah gets in to help out. This is then called a double disqualification.

It went a little long and kind of slowed down near the end. The match ending in chaos was kind of fun though and it fit the story.

 Gigi Gianni and Amber Rodriguez vs Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah Rah


Gigi headlocks her then grabs her arms and flips her from underneath. Coach then steps on her back and basement dropkicks her. Randi then chokes her from the outside in a rare heel move. Randi forward cartwheels into a lariat on her and Coach snaps Gigi's head forward.

Amber and Randi get in. Randi trips on the leapfrog and hiptosses her. Randi sunset flips her in the corner then backslides her. Randi is double arm thrown then the heels pose on her. Gigi sliding lariats her for 2 and Amber chinlocks her. Randi rolls up Gigi and Randi limbos out of a lariat.

Randi step up enzugiri's Gigi. Coach gets the hot tag in and cleans house. Coach airplane spins Amber. Coach flips Randi off the top onto Amber and Randi picks up the win.

There were some sloppy moments and I didn't like Randi cheating. There was some good stuff here though and it was one of the better matches Coach was involved in.

WOW Title - Penelope Pink vs Leia Makoa


Pink throws her coat at Makoa and nails Makoa before she is ready. She then stomps on her. Makoa corner spears Pink. Pink hits a chop and forearm. Makoa does a nice backbreaker when she blocks a hurricanrana. Makoa baseball slides her outside.

Makoa is pushed into the post and Pink has her leg swept on the apron. Pink dragon screw leg whips Makoa and works the knee. Pink butt drops the knee then bangs it off the mat. Pink single leg crabs Makoa. Pink hits forearms on Makoa then Pink is hung over the top rope. Makoa kicks her as she hangs.

Makoa headbutts Pink then samoan drops her. Lana Starr trips Makoa outside then Pink rolls up Makoa and wins it.

The match went on too long and really slowed down towards the end. The ending wasn't good at all.

Vickie Lynn McCoy and Miami's Sweet Heat beat up Makoa after. The Tonga Twins and Tiki Chamorro make the save. I think there ends up being more of what happened here but we did not see it on this ep.

Overall thoughts:The main wasn't that good with a bad ending and the rest of the show had ups and downs in each match. I can't rate this one that highly and didn't think it was that good of a show.

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