Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 7/23/2023 Wrestle Peter Pan 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 7/23/2023 Wrestle Peter Pan 2023

I skipped two matches:

Takeshi Masada vs Kazuma Sumi

Sumi wristlocks him and Masada rolls out and puts his own on. Sumi headflips out of one and they stand off. Masada shoulders him over, rolls under his leapfrog then Sumi armdrags him through the ropes. They evade each others moves and Masada spinning slams him. Masada kicks him in the back then hits kicks to the body.

Masada backsplashes him then backbreakers him for 2. Masada suplexes him then does an STF variation. Sumi hits a 2nd rope hurricanrana. Sumi back body dropped to the apron but in one motion, gets to the 2nd rope and 2nd rope dropkciks him. Masada step up enzugiri's him then Sumi rolls him up. Masada brazilian kicks him then triangle enzugiri's him for 2. Masada hits a nice dropkick then wins it with a ki krusher.

It was a short, fast and fun opener. Both guys looked good here.

Sanshiro Takagi, Shinichiro Kawamatsu & Yuni vs. Masahiro Takanashi, Rukiya & Toi Kojima

SK = Shinichiro Kawamatsu, MT = Masahiro Takanashi

Shinichiro Kawamatsu is a politician and he locks up with Rukiya. He wrestles in a suit. SK shoulders him over. Takagi tries to get in his Toi pushes him off the top. Rukiya drops elbows on Takagi's leg then leg locks him. Takagi is irish whipped and his leg gives out. Toi bangs Takagi's leg off the mat.

MT works on Takagi's leg. MT grabs Takagi's nose and slaps it. Yuni springboard dropkicks MT then cartwheel back elbows him. Yun rolls into a cutter on MT for 2. Yuni hits forearms on Toi. Toi ddt's and suplexes him. Yuni does a cool armdrag into a backslide then Yuni counters a move into a tornado ddt.

SK's double axe handle is blocked by Toi. Toi dropkicks him against the ropes then Rukiya side slams SK for 2. Rukiya running forearms SK over. SK knees Rukiya in the gut and bulldogs him. SK double arm chokeslam bombs him. Takagi picks up two opponents and drops them then Takagi stunners Rukiya. Yuni top rope moonsaults to the floor then SK hits a spear and wins it.

It was a kind of silly trios match. SK can actually move a little and wasn't bad in his debut. Yuni was the highlight as he usually is with nice flying.

DISASTER BOX (Kazuki Hirata & Toru Owashi) & Naruki Doi vs. Burning (Kotaro Suzuki, Yusuke Okada & Yuya Koroku) vs. DAMNATION T.A (KANON, Minoru Fujita & MJ Paul)

Hirata comes to the ring on a 2 wheeler, which is technically a hoverboard, but these things don't hover so they really aren't. Hirata then does the Magnum Tokyo Tokyo Go dance.

Yuya, Kanon and Doi start us off. They do a triple waistlock and headlock. Kanon shoulders over both opponents individually  then Doi trips him into a Yuya baseball slide. Yuya 2nd rope forearms Doi. Paul shoulders over Yuya  then trades forearms with Okada. Okada and Paul shoulder battle then Hirata tries one and is knocked down.

Hirata enzuigirl's Paul and Okada tries to help him brainbuster Paul but they can't. Hirata calls for more help and the attempt on a 6 man brainbuster is split into two. Paul double lariats Suzuki and Okada. Hirata takes a triple boot in the corner. Fujita trips Hirata into the 2nd buckle then spears him.

Kanon knee drops and backbreakers Hirata. Kanon then first drops him in the gut for 2. Hirata enzugiri's him then somehow knocks him down with a shot to the back of the neck. Hirata double chops Suzuki and someone else, knocking them down. Hirata headscissors Kanon. OWahi gets in and hits boots then botches a dragon screw on Paul.

Kanon and Suzuki trade forearms and Suzuki handspring back elbows him for 2. Suzuki takes corner attacks then Hirata misses and goes face first into the buckle. Doi DDT's Kanon then Hirata and Doi double basement dropkick Kanon. Paul deadlift release germans Hirata then Okada top rope dropkicks Paul. Okada facekicks Doi then is brainbustered. Suzuki tilt-a-whirlbackbreakers Doi then takes a John Woo from Kanon.

Kanon suplexes Hirata then volleyball spikes Yuya. Yuya hammerlock sto's Kanon and Kanon gets his knees up on Yuya's top rope moonsault. Kanon lariats Yuya for 2 then sitout dominators him for the win.

It was a mostly comedic match. It was fast paced and not boring, but not a fraction of what it could be if it was serious and longer. Tons of Hirata comedy here.

Andreza Giant Panda & Super Sasadango Machine vs. Chiitan & Pokotan

Machine does a promo on why him and Panda are the faces. He then shows a wikipedia article on Panda and says Panda is 90, which is older than Great Kojika. Chiitan and Pokotan bring weapons into the ring with them. Poko and Machine start us off.

Poko wants the crowd to clap. Poko tries to lock up with Machine but headbutts him when he tries. Poko walks the top rope and chops Machine, then does a cute cover. Poko punches Machine. Chii tries to get in and slips. Poko does an interesting escape from the ring then Chii hits Machine with the kendo stick. Chii then snapmares him and chokes him with the stick.

Machine then takes a double boot and a double bulldog. Poko top rope swanton on Machine but mostly misses. Chii mongolian chops Machine. Chii and Poko try a double team but are shouldered and slams. Panda has a hard time getting into the ring. Chii and Poko run into Panda and are kncoked over. Poko hits a battering ram headbutt to Panda's gut. Chii and Poko try lariats. Panda knocks down both opponents with headbutts. Panda does some thing where he deflates and Machine gets in front of him and Panda lays on him.

The lights go out and Panda inflates again and Machine is missing. They say Machine sacrificed himself to Panda. Panda hits a double lariat then headbutts Poko. Panda splashes Poko and Chii breaks up the pin with a kendo stick. Chii hits panda with it more then Pokes him in the gut. Panda falls over and the lights go out. The lights come back on and Machine is back and covered in green vomit.  

Chii and Poko hit double shining wizards Panda then Poko top rope swantons Machine. Machine takes a bte trigger and Chii picks up the win.

I don't know what you say about this outside of this being one of the strangest pro wrestling matches ever.

TAKA Michinoku vs. MAO

Mao backrolls into a leg lock but Taka is out quickly. Mao is taken down, he headscissors him and they stand off. Mao does a flip on the ropes and Taka ends up going out chasing him. Mao then teases doing Taka's spaceman dive but doesn't. Mao palm strikes him then is poked in the eyes. Taka rubs his knuckles into Mao's eyes then Mao straight punches him. Taka then kicks him in the leg and boots him.

Taka eye pokes him again then Taka puts just facelock on but Mao hits the ropes. Taka headscissors him then hits knees to the face. Taka step up knees him in the corner and running knees him. Taka puts just facelock on then pump kicks him. Mao straight punches him then dropkicks him.

Mao running sstraight punches him then does a split-legged moonsault for 2. Mao jumping leg lariats him then is pump kicked. Mao high kicks him and spin kicks him then takes a jumping kick. Taka springboard spinning hweel kicks him then superkicks him. Taka then puts him in just facelock. Taka ties him up on the mat and Mao ropebreaks.

Taka pumps kicks him off the apron then is pulled off the apron. Mao superkicks him then does a nice 180 spaceman plancha to the outside. Mao corkscrew kicks him and michinoku drivers him for 2. Mao michinoku drivers him off the top and hits a phoenix splash to win it.

This had a story with Mao copying some of Taka's moves and being able to defeat him. This was a fun big show match with both guys doing some extra stuff they don't normally do.

Jun Akiyama & Shigehiro Irie vs. HARASHIMA & Yukio Naya

Harash = Harashima

Kenta Kobashi spoke before this and did his "iku zo" taunt. Irie and Naya shoulder battle. Naya knocks him and Jun over. Naya slams Irie then Harash springboard crossbodies Irie. Harash kicks him in the back. Naya 2nd rope elbow drops Irie and then they trade forearms. Irie does his rope bounce into a splash on Naya then Naya takes a double clotheslines.

Naya and Jun trade forearms then Jun headbutts him. Irie does a neat headbutt drop on Naya. Irie and Jun then headbutt him. Naya knees Jun in the gut then ddt's him. Harash 2nd rope rider kicks Jun then facewashes him. Harash hits a falcon arrow for 2. Jun running lariats Harash then hits forearms. Harash enzugiri's and high kicks Irie, then poisonrana's him.

Naya corner splashes Irie then hiptosses him into an elbow drop. Naya cobra twists Irie. Irie then running crossbodies Naya's back on the apron. Irie top rope splashes Naya then Naya crossbodies both opponents at the same time. Irie takes a sandwich kick then is chokeslammed into a Harash springboard slash. Naya running knees Irie for 2. Irie does his butt drop in the corner then piledrivers Harash onto Naya.

Naya backdrops Irie then he trdes forearms with Jun. Jun exploders him then Irie hits his cannonball. Irie running lariats Naya and picks the win up.

It was a decent match with Irie and Naya getting a lot of shine and Jun barely being active in this one.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Yuki Ueno

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

They lock up and Ueno dropkicks him. Ueno half-nelson suplexes him on his head. KT hits a nice flying knee then pulls him by the hair, banging is head off the mat. KT forearms him then Ueno forearm flurries him. Ueno 2nd rope headscissors him from behind then moneky flips him. Ueno running forearms him.

Ueno misses a plancha outside and is ddt'd on the floor. Ueno's head is banged into the post hard. KT curbstomps him into the buckle then kneeling germans him. KT hits a stiff forearm then twists his neck. Ueno hits another nice dropkick then bounces off the ropes into a canadian destroyer.

Ueno running la silla's him against the buckle then top rope dropkicks him. KT powers up then pop-up powerbombs him. They trade forearms and KT hits a hard forearm and lariat. They slap each other and KT hits a hard lariat. Ueno knocks KT down with a lariat then hurricanrana's out of a last ride. Ueno dropkicks him and does a rolling roll of the dice.

KT rolls onto the ramp. Ueno top rope moonsaults him, KT is supposed to catch him but drops him then KT hits a cradle tombstone on the ramp. KT running facekicks him and Ueno's chin is bruised. KT goes for a coast to coast move but Ueno dropkicks him. Ueno does an interesting lift into a ddt. Ueno goes for a double jump moonsault but KT gets his knees up. KT pumping knees him. KT turnbuckle brainbusters him and wins it.

The stiffness was good here as they really beat the crap out of each other. It was shorter and they just worked intensely. Unfortunately, neither one had much interest in selling and their moves meant ultimately nothing.

DDT Universal Title Match - Tetsuya Endo (c) vs. Matt Cardona (w/Steph De Lander)

Endo backs him up in the corner and Matt goes out to stall, saying he's not ready. Matt grabs the arm then Endo does too. Matt forearms him off the break. Endo hits forearms then tope con hilos him outside. Matt begs off and takes a knee to the face. Endo delay suplexes him and Steph trips Endo. Matt lariats Endo then dropkicks him through the ropes. Endo is whipped into the post.

Endo sunset flips him into a head and arm hold. Matt 2nd rope dropkicks him then chokes him with a shirt. Steph chokes Endo on the ropes. Endo hits chops in the corner then is whipped into the buckles hard. Endo backdrops him then tornado ddt's him.

Matt codebreakers him then Endo powerobmbs him on the knee. Endo does a high angle boston crab and Steph tells Endo to let go. Endo argues with her and calls her a b!tch. Endo standing moonsault double knee drops Matt then springboard forearms him. Matt suplexes Endo into the buckles then does the woo woo woo kick for 2.

Matt grabs the belt and pushes the ref. Matt accidentally nails Stef then Endo backflips him him. Endo then does a spinning sitout torture rack bomb for 2. Stef asks Endo for help and gets him to come off the top. Stef kisses him and Matt pushes Stef. Stef pushes Matt. Stef kisses Endo then kkicks him in the nut. Matt hits radio silence and wins it.

It was a match with tons of shenanigans and the non-shenanigans parts weren't super special.

Daisuke Sasaki vs. El Desperado

Sasaki and Despy exchange gifts pre-match. They trade basic holds as this starts. Despy is in a hammerlock and goes under the bottom rope to break it. Sasaki eye rakes him with his foot then Despy hits chops. Despy dropkicks him in the knee then drops him on his knee.

Despy elbows him in the face outside then bangs Sasaki's leg off the post. Despy slams him then indian deathlocks him. Sasaki hits forearms then ddt's him. Sasaki 2nd rope lariats him then then twisting neckbreakers him. Sasaki hits Despy with flowers. Despy goes under the ring and grabs a chair. They duel with chairs, Sasaki is flapjacked on the apron then hit with a chair as he tries to dive out.

Despy is put on a chair with flowers then Sasaki top rope elbows him off. Sasaki top rope elbows him in the back as he slides in then Sasaki crossfaces him. Sasaki pedigrees him then Despy puts him in a stretch muffler. Sasaki gets out and crossfaces him again. Despy stretch mufflers him again then backdrops him. Sasaki gets his knees up on a top rope frogsplash by Despy.

Despy spinebusters and backdrops him. They punch each other and Despy hits an angel's wings. Despy then holds on. Sasaki reverses a tombstone into his own tombstone then Despy dragon screws the knee. Despy stretch mufflers him and wins it.

I didn't think they would follow through with the leg work here or have it mean anything, but they did. They busted out some bigger moves here and put out a good effort in a decent semi-main event.

KO-D Openweight Title Match - Yuji Hino (c) vs. Chris Brookes

Hino slaps a hammerlock on and takes a facekick. Chris boots him and is slammed. They miss moves and stand off. They trade chops and Chris is chopped down. They trade chops and Hino shoulders him. Hino chinlocks him while laying on him. Hino nknee chokes him in the corner and rakes his eyes.

HIno slams him then sentons him. Chris crossbodies him, gets caught and is powerslammed. Chris rolls out, comes back in and they trade chops. They trade chest kicks for chops then Hino hits a rare, stiff chest kick.

Hino is pulled over the top rope and Chris topes him. Chris dropkicks him off the apron then drops double knees on his arm inside. Hino back body drops him then hits a stiff corner lariat. Hino hits a big belly to belly then germans him. Hino then lariats him off the apron.

Chris does an octopus in the air on him. Hino deadlifts him out of it and powerbombs him. Hino hits a stiff lariat then Chris jumping knees him. Hino powerbombs him then Chris hits a top rope double underhook suplex on him. Chris piledrivers him then top rope double knee drops him. Chris does a nasty double underhook ddt then Hino hits a big lariat.

Hino exploders him then Chris rolls him up for 2. Chris jumping knees him twice then hits a high kick. Chris hits more kicks then does a double underhook piledriver to win it.

I thought some of the piledrivers were a bit excessive and I thought Hino could have beaten up Chris more before Chris picked up the win.  I thought Hino's size and power should have been played up a bit more. It was a good main though with some hard shots and landings

Overall thoughts: A pretty good show by DDT. It was very long at almost 5 hours. It had a little of everything from the bizarre to the comedic to some strong matches with some special guests.

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