Monday, August 14, 2023

STARDOM 8/12/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 8

STARDOM 8/12/2023 5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Day 8


Rina vs Hina vs Miyu Amasaki

 Rina is tripped by both then takes basement dropkicks by both. They then double elbow drop her. Miyu dropkicks Hina then Rina slams Miyu. Rina throws Miyu by the hair and steps on her neck over the bottom rope. Miyu ends up hitting a handspring cartwheel elbow on both opponents in the corner then short ddt's Hina. Miyu then dropkicks Hina in the back.

Hina dropkicks Miyu then Rina hits her sister from behind. Hina hip throws both opponents and Rina rolls up Hina off the back body drop attempt. Rina puts an octopus on Hina then Hina flying neckbreakers Rina. Hina STO's Rina then pumphandle uranage's her for 2.

Miyu gets kicked by Hina then Hina ddt's her for 2. Hina is pushed into Miyu on the apron then Rina flips over to roll up Hina and wins it. Starlight Kid is seen sitting on Miyu outside to keep her down.

It was a short one and there was nothing that interesting about it. They did very basic stuff here. It was fast paced though.

Thekla vs Saya Iida

They do a test of strength to start and Saya powers her over. Thekla gut kicks her then they bump chests. They trade chops and Saya chop flurries her. Saya and Thekla botch a spot and Thekla kicks her while on the middle rope. Thekla ddt's her and boots her in the face while holding her arm.

Thekla hits forearms and drops her. Thekla runs at her and Saya double sledgehammers her then elbow drops her. Thekla suplexes her and holds on but is suplexed back. Saya lariats her then suplexes her. Saya goes up top and catches a forearm on her way down.

Thekla spears Saya then forearms and buzzsaw kicks her. Thekla suplexes her then top rope splashes her for the win.

It was too short at 6:45 and there wasn't a lot to this before the finish. Thekla hit a nice spear and her top rope splash was decent.

Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori) vs Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe & Starlight Kid)

The faces are attacked in the ring before the bell and taken outside. The faces are all thrown into the seats. Poi gets misted by Tora back in the ring then suplexed. Poi jumps into the wheelbarrow position on her and bulldogs her. Poi tries to german Tora but can't then is able to after a forearm.

Poi does a bad spin kick to the face then headhunters her. Tam limbos out of Tora's lariat the cartwheels through a double lariat and limbos out of it. Tam then double dropkicks the two heels. Tora takes a double dropkick through the ropes then Tora samoan drops her. Kid spinning headscissors Tam then Kid top rope crossbodies Tam. Kid standing moonsaults Tam for 2.

Tam spin kicks Kid in the gut then cartwheels into a legsweep on her. Tam forearms Kid then takes a pop-up forearm. The two trade forearms then Tam backdrops her. Tam hits a cartwheel double knee press for 2. Yuna back body drops her the nmisses a splash. Momo hits a chest kick flurry on Yuna then PK's her for 2. Poi and Tam cartwheel into dropkicks on Momo then Yuna lariats Momo. Yuna 2nd rope splashes Momo for 2. Momo dropkicks Yuna in the corner then hits three amigos suplexes. Momo meteoras Yuna then goes for a tombstone. Tam and Poi push Momo back and Yuna rolls her up for 2.

Tam and Poi go on the 2nd rope and re pulled down. Momo chest kicks Yuna then high kicks her. Yuna hits a nice lariat on Momo then Yuna pop up kicks her. Kid hits a 619 on Yuna then Tora lariats Yuna. Momo package tombstones Yuna and picks up the win.

This was a very fast paced trios match. It got enough time at 10:55 and was quite the sprint. The faces had some nice spots here and Yuna worked well as Poi and Tam's third.

STARS/STC (Mayu Iwatani, Hazuki & Koguma) vs HANAKO & Club Venus (Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama) 

Haz = Hazuki, Hana = HANAKO, Kog = Koguma

Hana and Haz start us off. Haz side headlocks her then Hana is hiptossed into a triple team sequence that ends in a triple dropkick. Haz facewash kicks Hana through the ropes then Kog splashes Hana in the corner. Kog grounded chokes Hana and Hana ropebreaks. Kog then turns it into a camel clutch.

Mayu back kicks Hana then haz stomps Hana. Hana hits chest forearms on Haz then is facekicked. Hana slams her then drops a knee on her for 2. May gets in and slingblades then chop flurries Haz. May high kicks Haz from the apron then tope rope dropkicks her. May hits forearms on her then takes a codebreaker. Mayu headscissors May and dropkicks her.

Mayu spinkicks May in the gut then release germans her. Mayu poses then is release german suplexed in return. May running facekicks Mayu then is superkicked. Waka gets in and misses a hip attack then is dropkicked on the ropes. Kog stands on Waka's back and tramples her. Hana comes in to face kick Kog then slams Waka on her.

Waka jumps on Kog's back and pulls her arms back then Haz breaks it up. Kog ddt's Waka. Kog sits on the top rope and May hits her handstand headscissors on her then Waka straightjackes Kog and drops her down. Kog cutters Waka then is rolled onto Waka for 2.

Kog top rope dropkicks Waka. Waka kind of does a tiger suplex to her. Haz and Mayu double superkick Waka then Mayu is launched into a dropkick on Waka. Kog top rope splashes Waka and wins it.

It was another very fast paced, sprinty tag match like the match prior. I don't have any issues with that and everyone looked okay here. 

God's Eye (Syuri, MIRAI, Ami Sohrei & Saki Kashima) vs Megan Bayne, Maika, Suzu Suzuki & Mei Seira

Maika and Mirai starts us off. They bump chests then try to kick each other at the same time but each end up grabbing each others legs. Maika gets Mirai to drop her leg first then nails her. Mei and Saki get in and Mei misses a dropkick. Mei sunset flips her then armdrags her. Meg gets in and drives Saki back into the buckles. Maika gets back in and slams Saki.

Suzu gets in and forearms Saki then takes a boot to the chest. Syuri gets in and shotgun dropkicks Suzu then codebreakers Maika. Syuri double underhook suplexes Suzu then drops her with chest kicks. Suzu leg trips her and flying knees her in the back of the head while she's on her knees.

Meg gets in and hits a forearm on Syuri then is spin kicked in the gut. Meg shoulders her over and hits a double lariat on Ami and Mirai. Ami hits forearms on Meg then Meg knocks her over with a foearm. Mirai hits Meg in the back and Meg takes corner attacked from a missed corner charge. Saki and Syuri try to double suplex her but get double suplexed themselves. Meg sky highs Ami for 2 then Suzu top rope dropkicks Mirai.

Meg throws Mei outside onto opponents then grabs Suzu and throws her out too onto opponents. Ami takes a double chokeslam from Maika and Meg. Meg F-5's Ami and wins it.

This was another fast paced, sprint tag match. It needed more time as we barely saw a couple of the girls at all. It kept my interest and was entertaining though.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - AZM vs Hanan

Hanan dropkicks AZM to start then AZM headlock takeovers her. Hanan armdrags her and they stare down. Hanan dropkicks AZM then is dropkicked while stuck on the 2nd rope. AZM corner dropkicks Hanan and back kicks her.

AZM is hip thrown by Hanan then Hanan dropkicks her in the back. The two trade chest forearms then AZM suplexes her. AZM top rope dropkicks her then Hanan does a nice fallaway slam on her. Hanan then euros her in the back of the head. Hanan goes up to the 2nd rope and AZM pulls her back into an armbar  but quickly lets go. They try pin attempts on each other for a while then Hanan does a grounded armlock.

Hanan backdrops AZM and AZM high kicks her. AZM ties her up on the mat. AZM kicks her then does a top rope double stomp for 2. Hanan euros her then takes a step-up knee in the corner. Hanan grabs her off the 2nd rope and backdrops her then does a cuty special for 2. AZM rolls her into a double stomp then Hanan backdrops her. Hanan hits two nice backdrops with bridges and grabs the win for the upset.

It was very fast paced. Not a ton of logic or anything with it but it was all action packed and they didn't blow any spots. Hanan's backdrops at the end were really nice.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Giulia vs Mina Shirakawa

G - Giulia

They start off fast and Mina takes a capture suplex. G stf's her. G dropkicks her on the apron and has her head banged off a table. Mina's head is banged off the post then G ends up kneeing the post. Mina bangs G's knee off the floor and Mina bangs her knee off the mat. Mina drops her on both knees and figure fours her. They slap each other while in it and get out of it quick.

They trade forearms then G dropkicks her. Tam puts her in the figure four again and she ropebreaks quick. G is hit while sitting up top. They give up on a top rope spot then re-adjust with G hitting a top rope butterfly suplex. Mina grabs her inner thigh and backdrops her then spinning forearms her.

G dropkicks her and Mina hits a slap flurry. G backdrops her then falcon arrows her for 2. Mina spinning backfists her then G knees her in the head. G baseball punches her then knees her in the head for 2. Mina rolls her up off her glorious driver attempt then dragon screws her. Mina puts her in another figure four.

Mina electric chair drops her on her chest and stomach for 2 then does a reverse ddt into a driver. G rolls her but Mina reverses it for 2. Mina shining wizards her and hits an implant ddt for another 2. Mina then figure fours the leg and drivers her for the win.

Mina worked Giulia's knee for half of this then forgot about it and that brought this one down as they didn't match up that bad otherwise. If you are going to do a work the body part match, you have to stick with it.

They talk after. G says she won't lose next time and Mina talks about how much stronger she has gotten. Mina then says she will win the Grand Prix.

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Blue Stars - Utami Hayashishita vs Saori Anou

They test strength to start and Utami gets the advantage. They trade some basic holds on the mat and end up doing a stand off. Anou stunners her over the top rope then top rope dropkicks her. Anou headscissors her and Utami ropebreaks.

Anou facekicks her through the ropes then Utami dropkicks her. Utami lariats her against the ropes then dropkicks her in the back. Utami slams her then is seated up top. Anou fisherman's suplexes her from that position and holds on for a second one for a 2 count. Anou does an indian deathlock variation on her and rolls it into a stranglehold.

They trade forearms and Anou step up enzugiri's her. Utami hits a forearm then release germans her on her head. Anou no sells it and germans her, then Utami no sells it and germans her. Anou then no sells it and germans her.

Anou is caught going up top then Utami hits a 2nd rope schwein. Anou fisherman suplexes her then takes a uranage for 2. Utami sliding lariats her then Anou germans her for 2. Utami hits a short arm clothesline then Anou hurricanrana's her for 2. Utami lariats her then does a torture race bomb for 2. Uami does a shocking baszler then germans her for the win.

I didn't like all of the no selling here and a 2nd rope schwein really should end a match, but it ultimately nothing here. I just didn't think this was anything special and it was a match of two people with dry personalities.

Overall thoughts: The GP matches didn't really deliver while the multi-person tag matches were sprint style matches. They also had no help from the crowd who was not allowed to cheer. I would skip this one.

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