Wednesday, July 12, 2023

WWE NXT 7/11/2023

WWE NXT 7/11/2023

Last week's show is here: 

The Judgement Day come out. Finn says, "NXT, Daddy's home". He says this is the house he built. Priests asks everyone to rise for the Judgement Day. He said Trick and Melo are getting the Judgement Day that runs NXT. He says this is the murderer's row of the WWE. Dominic goes to talk an gets booed then Melo and Trick come out.

Melo says Finn is at the top of NXT's Mount Rushmore, but NXT has Trick's influence all over it. Melo says they are in his arena and dribbling the ball in his court. Trick tells Priest his mouth is writing a check that his @ss can't cash. Trick says they are going to see if Judgment Day is bout it bout it. Finn says if Trick comes at the prince, he best not miss then Trick says let's do this thing. 

Gigi Dolin does a promo. she said everyone has a dark side and said her demons won't stop her from being her. Gigi says Kiana is afraid of who she is and says she is the part of Kiana she wishes she could still be. She takes credit for destroying her office and shows pictures of her partying as a kid. She said she lives who she is and Kiana lives a lie.

Tony D'Angelo is interviewed from jail. Tony said he is at Stacks' mercy and said he just doesn't know Stacks anymore. He said he hasn't been visiting and he has heard bad things.

We then cut to Kiana James in the locker room. Everyone is looking at her and she says that is not even here anymore. 

Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) vs Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak


Chase U goes after them in the entrance way and all four men fight. Duke lariats Gulak over the top and goes with him. Demp shoulders over Chase then is flipped across the ring. Demp has his face banged off the buckle then takes a double team double axe handle. We see Bronco Nima and Lucian Price on the riser then Duke takes a Gulak dropkick in the face while in a headlock. Duke does a flying hurricanrana on Gulak.

Gulak spinning forearms Duke then Duke does Samoa Joe's corner uranage. Duke sits up top and gets nailed then grabs Gulak by the hair. He pulls him up to the 2nd rope then bangs his head off the buckle. They go back up top after dropping down and Duke does a big 2nd rope slam. Demp does a nice gutwrench suplex on Chase and the crowd does the wave.

Duke double clotheslines both opponents then the faces hit double Chase U punches. We go to break and return. Demp hits a nice double underhook suplex on Duke then Duke back body drops Gulak and tags out. Chase gets the hot tag in and beats up the heels then dropkicks Demp. Chase spninning neckbreakers Gulak then he trades forearms with Demp. Chase hits a russian leg sweep then does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomp. Chase top rope crossbodies Demp for 2.

Gulak germans Chase into a Demp german. Gulak yells at Thea outside and she jumps off the steps and hammerlocks him. Chase U hits the fratliner and wins it.

I don't know how much I buy the ref not being able to see Thea hammerlock Gulak outside. Other than that, it was a fun match as expected with Chase U getting lots of offense in.

Bron Breakker talks in the locker room. He said Ilja Dragunov made a big mistake and got on his radar. He said he isn't in his way, he's leading the way. He said ilja has been behind him since his first day in NXT. He said there will not be enough refs to hold him back from breaking him on his way to The Bash.

Von Wagner talks with Mr. Stone at an empty ring. Von says he got carried away beause Bernal said things people said to him when he was a kid. He said it's hard to not feel different beause nobody liked him. He said if they think he's a monster, then that's what he's gonna be. He said he didn't know what to do when the crowd cheered him last week and said he finally feels like he is going to be himself. He said he thinks Stone's annoying and interfering @ss to thank for that.

Cora Jade vs Kelani Jordan with Dana Brooke

Cora takes her down and KJ rolls into an armdrag. KJ armdrags her between the ropes and dropkicks her. KJ is caught and catapulted into the bottom rope. Cora uses the bottom rope to springboard double stomp her back. Cora bangs her head off the mat. She ties her up in the ropes and dropkicks her there. KJ rolls her up and hits flying clotheslines. She then cartwheels into a back elbow but mostly misses. KJ goes to springboard off the middle rope and is kicked then double arm ddt'd be for the Cora win.

Kelani got most of the offense in here. It was short but Kelani glooked good.

Cora grabs her stick after and Dana Brooke fighs her off.

Ilja Dragunov does a promo. He said tonight Bron will feel his wrath and fury. He said his intensity can't be matched.

We see a video on Kemp vs Thorpe from last week's NXT. Eddy walks with Gable Steveson and said he's no Eddy Thorpe. Gable said he has a lot to think about and isn't sure of his future.

We cut to people watching the NXT Underground match then Dijak walks in. He seemed digusted that they thought Eddy was the toughest guy here after winning one NXT Underground match.

#1 Contender Match - Bron Breakker vs Ilja Dragunov

Bron hits shots and corner spears to start. Drag jumps on him and is slammed down. Drag takes a nasty overhead suplex. Drag drops a knee on him off the buckles and Bron hits some mounted shots. Bron suplexes him near the ropes and Drag goes over the top, bringing him down with him. We go to PiP break and return. Bron hits punches and is kicked in the face. Drag hits lariats and falls over with him on one.

Bron germans him then is german'd. Bron tries to jump off the top with a bulldog but mostly misses. Drag death valley drivers him into the buckles. Drag does a coast to coast dropkick then does his moscow torpedo for 2. Drag comes off the top and is hit with a spear. Bron bangs Drag's head off the mat and tries to gorilla press him but is caught with a ddt. Drag powerbombs him then drives a forearm down on him.

Bron tries to spear him and is caught with a knee. Drag then moscow torpedo's him into the neck for the win.

It was a good match. The two really matched up well as they are both explosive and hit hard. Some of the big spots could have been done better though. I'd like to see this one again.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He's facing Mustafa Ali at the Great American Bash and he's excited. He said he can't get a reading on him. Rhea and Dominic then walk in. Dom says, "you're the open challenge guy?" and he says he accepts. Wes said he's not doing that anymore and Dom says he doesn't want to do it because he's around. Wes said he stopped because things got crazy around here but he'll do it now. Dom then says he wants to do it next week.

We get another Baron Corbin video. We see him burning his stuff and he says he's now the master of his own destiny. He said he's without a compass and wants to know what his future is. He said his house and life are built off the echo's of the last 8 years. He said he's fighting fate and said he has nothing in common with hos former characters and asks, "who the hell am I". We see him driving and stopping at some backyard with tiki torches. We see someone in a hoodie and the segment ends.

Tiffany Stratton vs Ivy Nile

Tiff shoulders her over and the Chase U section chants, "you tapped out" at her. Tiff shoulders her over and they do a weird botched powerslam. They botch a headscissors spot and mess up again on a snap mare. Ivy locks up her leg and is headlocked. Ivy headscissors her but Tiff cartwheels out of it then takes a forearm. Tiff running hip attacks her off the apron then does it against the ropes. Tiff misses a handspring backflip back elbow then is kicked.

Ivy shoulders her and flying kicks her. Ivy tries to do the Creed's double leg takedown but doesn't hit it well. Ivy dragon sleepers her but is thrown off. Tiff does the finlay roll then does the double jump moonsault and wins it.

This wasn't good and was one of the worst matches either girl has had. I don't know what happened, but they were just off on everything here.

Tiff gets on the mic after and calls everyone annoying. Tiff said she doesn't need to explain herself and says she didn't need to tap out. She said she beat Thea fair and square and tells the crowd to leave her alone.

Thea Hail is showing Andre Chase moves in the back. Thea said Gulak and Dempsey are awful people, but they taught her the most awesome move in the world and she can tap anyone out now. Duke walks in and said Stratton was just booed out of the building. Chase says it's not done with her and Tiff and she can make her tap out and become the women's champ. They then chant "rematch".

We see a photo of Noam Dar looking down and drunk without his Heritage Cup.

Blair Davenport is interviewed. She said this division is for grown women, not fragile little girls with ribbons in their hair like Roxanne Perez. She said girls like that don't beat people like her. She said she will leave her on the shelf for good.

If Stacks wins, Tony D is freed, if he loses, Tony D goes to trial - Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo vs Joe Coffey 

Stacks had a new Tony D style graphic on his tron with his hat on. They trade wristlocks and Joe arm throws him. Joe headlock takeovers him then shoulders him over. Joe hits a stiff spinning lariat and all of Gallus is shocked. Joe yells at Stacks, saying they had a deal and a handshake. Stacks says he ain't no snitch.

We go to break and return with Tony D'Angelo on the phone. Tony laughs saying they got Gallus and said they took the bait. Tony ccheers on Stacks and Stacks hits gut shots. Mark Coffeey gets on the apron then Stacks is hit from behind. Bronco Nima and Lucian Price then come down and say things to Gallus. Stacks back body drops him and hits a punch. Joe slaps him, saying, "we had a deal". Stacks fires up and hits punches. Stacks dropkicks him and hits a back body drop.

Stacks slides out and nails Wolfgang then throws Mark in as he's on the apron. The ref tries to get Mark out and Stacks grabs a crowbar. He hits Joe with it then lays down and pretends Wolfgang hit him with it. The refs sees it and Wolf is ejected. Mark goes with him. Stacks hits a face kick then a curbstomp knee for the win.

I think this could have been done better. Stacks getting out of the deal should have been the finish and I think they should have gave us more hints about the Stacks/Gallus deal. It just didn't feel like they got the message out well enough. Stacks did the right things here, but he doesn't quite have the offense and that hurt some of it. I also wonder why Gallus was ejected instead of Joe being DQ'd since the ref seemed to think Wolf hit Stacks with the crowbar.

Stacks says to never mess with family after and says Tony is coming home.

Schism goes up to Ivy Nile, saying she's the lone survivor of Diamond Mine. Ivy said she didn't notice him without the loaded mask. Joe said he was kicked out of the arena, so it couldn't be him. Schism said the Schism tree is blossoming and there's always room for one more.

Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz are interviewed. They are asked about Noam Dar not being able to do Supernova Sessions. They said it was pathetic and is getting annoying, along with other unintelligible things. Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza then walk in and ask them to join them for the evening. The girls say no then Drago nLee and Nathan Frazer walk in. The guys say something else I couldn't understand and left.

Tony D'Angelo's Homecoming is next week as is Wes Lee vs Dominik Mysterio for the NXT North American title.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes vs The Judgment Day (Damien Priest and Finn Balor)

Priest nails Trick and stomps him in the corner then Finn chokes Trick over the 2nd rope. Priest hits a falcon arrow. Finn hits corner spears then Trick lariats him out of the corner. Melo drops down and Trick hits a nice dropkick then helps Melo into a crossbody on Priest.

We go to PiP break and return. Priest hits a corner back elbow on Melo and then Melo takes a backbreaker + legdrop combo. Melo has both of his arms pulled back by Priest then he tags in Trick. Trick hits a nice dropkick on Priest and flapjacks him. Trick kips up and hits a mcgillicutter. Priest jumping kicks him then Trick hits a capoeira upkick. They clotheslines each other at the same time and both are down.

Melo atomic drops Finn then superkicks him. Finn slingblades Melo then shotgun dropkicks him in the corner. Melo springboard twisting crossbodies him. Melo hits a nice stunner on Priest then Priest corkscrew kicks him and headlock drivers him. Trick corkscrew inside kicks Finn then Trick takes a razor's edge on the table. Priest does a little springboard and is met by Melo then codebreakered. Dom gets on the apron and is hit by Melo then Melo hits a la mistica drop on Priest. Dom brings a chair in and the ref stop him while Rhea throws Priest the MITB briefcase. Ilja Dragunov comes out and stops him but Melo nails him on accident. Priest hits a seated side chokeslam and Finn top rope double stomps Melo to win it.

It was a good match with a fast pace and some cool moves. Trick looked good here though I don't like Melo getting beat again. Them tying Dragunov into this was interesting.

Melo and Drag argue after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with some good matches, including the main, Drag vs Bron and the Chase U tag.

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