Tuesday, July 11, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #41 6/25/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #41 6/25/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/07/wow-women-of-wrestling-episode-40.html

We see clips from last week's main of Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag taking down Samantha Smart's crew of G.I. Jane and The Disciplinarian.

Reina del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs Chantilly Chella and Foxxy Fierce

Ball and Rey slap each other during their entrance. Foxxy and Chella dance together in the ring. Rey throws Foxxy then Foxxy hip attacks her in the corner. Ball and Cehlla get in. Ball shoulders over Chella and blocks her headscissors attempt. Ball lariats her then Chella takes sandwich forearms and sliding lariats. Chella takes a 2v1 in the corner and tags out. Foxxy hits explosive dropkicks on Rey and high kicks her from the apron.

Foxxy top rope crossbodies her for 2. The faces hit double spin kicks to the gut and Rey messes up a lariat to Chella over the top. Ball gets on Rey's shoulders and is dropped onto Foxxy for the Rey and Ball win.

The idea was fine but the match just wasn't that good. They messed up most of the offense they tried here. Wrecking Ball has a cool look like something out of a video game.

We see clips of the Fab Four toasting cheers to their success.

BK Rhythm vs Crystal Waters

They say Crystal is part of Spring Break 24/7 with Sandy Shore. Waters comes out with a beach ball and sunglasses and is attractive. BK grabs the mic and raps. She says this isn't spring break, but her biggest mistake.

Waters takes her down and jack-knife pins her. She then headscissors her and armdrags her. BK hits corner spears then Waters rolls her up. BK suplexes her and slams her. BK elbow drops her then abdominal stretches her. Waters hiptosses her and hits a bad step up enzugiri.

Waters bulldogs her for 2. Waters 2nd rope blockbusters her for 2. BK does a sky fall on Waters and wins it.

It wasn't that good as Waters' offense didn't look that great. I don't think she is a lost cause though. Waters losing in her debut was lame.

Coach Campanelli and Randi Rah-Rah find Ariel Sky in their locker room. They ask who let them in there. Coach said this is their locker room. Randi jumps in and says it's hers too. Sky doesn't know who let her in and Randi asks to keep her. Coach said the last time Randi had an idea, she ended up with a whistle glued to her mouth. They ask what happens if she gets her pom pom's mixed up and Sky says she is a gymnast, not a cheerleader. Randi says they should be called "The Squad". Coach says they need a name and says, "Team Spirit" like "Smells like Teen Spirit".

We are told Lana Star is picking opponents for all of her Fabulous Four next week. Dave says we will find out on next week's episode.

Genesis and Ice Cold vs Ariel Sky and Randi Rah-Rah with Coach Campanelli

Ice wristlocks Sky and Sky cartwheels out of it. Ice headflips out of her wristlock. They trade hammerlocks and Sky headscissors her out of it. Sky does a limbo out of a Genesis lariat then dropkicks her. Randi gets in and Genesis takes a double cartwheel back elbow. Randi rolls up Genesis and splits out of her lariat.

Randi back rolls into a body scissors then armdrags her out of it. Sky lariats Genesis and Ice knees Sky from the apron. Genesis spin kicks Sky then leg drops her across the back. Gensis slams Sky then Ice cartwheels off of Gensis' knee into a splash on Sky.

Ice hits corner kicks and a double knee on Sky. Sky is swung by both, but gets on her feet and tags to Randi, who crossbodies both at the same time. Randi bronco busters her in the corner then forward cartwheels into a cannonball on her. All 4 girls get into the ring and Coach blows the whistle to try and direct traffic. The faces get distracted and are both rolled up and pinned at the same time.

Sky and Randi are so far above everyone else in this promotion skill wise. Their offense was kind of weak, but it was fine for WOW standards. The finish worked and made sense since they a new team.

Coach grabs the mic after. She says, "what was that?". She says she doesn't want to hear it and says the way they win is when you listen to her and her coaching tips. Coach said she told them to do whatever it takes to win. She says it's okay, but not really. She said help me help you and listen to her and her coaching tips. Coach then makes them all put their hands in the middle for a cheer and they mess it up.

We are promised a feature on the "Tornado of WOW", Vickie Lynn McCoy, coming up next.

We get a video on Selina Majors, who is a former WO wrestler. She said she's from Georgia and used to be known as Bambi. She said she was watching wrestling since she was a kid and asked her kids to take her to the matches. She said she wrote to wrestling schools at the age of 12 and had an eating disorder at the age of 14. She said she quit eating as her parents had a divorce and she wanted to go wrestling school. She said she went to the hospital as she only weighed 68lbs. She was told if she got to 100lbs, they would join a fitness center. She said wrestlers hung out there and one of the wrestlers offered to take her to the matches with her and called her, "Bambi". She said she made $16 that night and had her first match on April 16, 1987. She said it was great and got her hooked. She said she's 51 now and still doing it. She said her greatest accomplishment was teaching girls to wrestle. She said she works for the greatest women's wrestling company there is and said she is blessed. She said if there is a will, there is a way.

We then cut to the McCoy Ranch in Tulsa, Oklahoma to talk about Vickie Lynn McCoy. She said she is The Enforcer of the Fabulous Four and said if anyone wants at them, they have to go through her first. She said you will get destroyed if you go into the ring with her and said it'll be like she got hit a tornado. 

Vickie Lynn McCoy vs Sandy Shore

Lana Star joins the commentary booth. McCoy is rolled up off a blocked hiptoss then McCoy blocks her sunset flip and slaps her. McCoy hits a stiff forearm then lariats her. Sandy hits some dropkicks but gets nowhere then is hair thrown across the ring. McCoy blocks her hiptoss then suplexes her.

Sandy dropkicks her in the knee and bangs her head off the mat for 2. McCoy then blue thunders her as she runs the ropes and wins it.

It was a short squash but McCoy did a great job as the hoss here, making herself look tough.

McCoy gets on the mic after. She said she is booed because she is everything the fans aren't. She said she is the most destructive wrestler in WOW and tells everyone to shut up. She said Oklahoma girls like to eat and says if she keeps being fed snacks like Sandy, they will be demolished. She said if you think you can mess with her crew and gets the belt off them, you better think again.

Overall thoughts: Kind of odd to end the show with a squash. The cheerleaders tag match was good for WOW standards and McCoy did a good job in the main, though it was a squash. It was an okay episode but nothing too special.

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