Tuesday, July 11, 2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #40 6/17/2023

WOW Women of Wrestling Episode #40 6/17/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/06/wow-women-of-wrestling-episode-39.html

We see clips from last week's Miami's Sweet Heat vs Flores/Slayz tag title match. Lana Star said they are the most dominant faction in WOW. We also see clips of the Tonga Twins calling them out.

GI Jane and The Disciplinarian vs Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag is the main event tonight. 

Hollidead and Siren the Voodoo Doll vs The Tonga Twins (Kaoz and Kona)

The twins are jumped from behind but not really affected. They then splash their opponents in the corner. Hollidead is thrown out then Siren takes a double flapjack. Siren is slammed by Kaoz then Hollidead hits Kaoz on the ropes and drives her neck over the top rope. Siren lariats Kaoz and Kaoz takes corner spears from both opponents. Kaoz takes a double team in the corner then Siren pulls her by the hair.

Kaoz has her head banged off the 2nd buckle then Hollidead stangs and stomps on her. Hollidead hits leg drops and misses a splash. Kaoz headbutts her then Kona gets the tag in. She hits lariats on Siren and belly to belly suplexes her. Kaoz superkicks Hollidead then Siren takes a samoan drop + neckbreaker for the Tonga Twins win.

It was short. Nothing wrong with it but nothing real great about it either. It made sense at least.

Gigi Gianni vs Kandi Krush

They call Gigi, "The Fashionista". David McClane tells the other male announcer he'd look good in Gigi's robe. Kandi headlock takeovers her then Gigi headcissors her. Kandi armthrows her around then armdrags her. Kani hits bad corner spears that Gigi jumps up for then corner lariats her.

Kandi hits a rainmaker for 2 then is put on the 2nd rope. Gigi hits some knees then knee presses her down. Gigi hits a bad chop as her head hangs over the apron then hits stomps. Gigi hits a stroke on her for 2. Gigi footchokes her in the corner then corner splashes her.

Gigi snapmares her and chinlocks her. Kandi makes her comeback and does a spinning shot. Kandi hits a bad pop-up shot then does a bad sliding euro against the bottom rope. Gigi hits an over the back neckbreaker then Kandi jumping forearms her and wins it.

This was really bad. Everything they did looked weak and half of it completely missed.

Sophia Lopez (The Greatest Attorney In The World) talks about Tormenta. Tormenta only speaks in Spanish. Lopez says Tormenta went to Mexico and suffered a humiliation, having her mask taken. She said she is mad and frustrated and said she has come to get back respect in WOW. She said she won't rest until she becomes the first WOW Mexican champ. The point of having a translator is so that they can translate and explain what was being talked about. Unfortunately, it was just as hard to understand Lopez as it was Tormenta and I got little out of this promo.

We then cut to Princess Aussie who is on the beach. She said she needed time off to reflect. she said she will never quit and this makes her want it more. 

She said she told Dave McClane that she wanted the best. She said she has something prove and wants to porve that she has what it takes.

Tormenta with Sophia Lopez vs Princess Aussie 

Lopez talks in spanish and said she toured the world and made it stronger. She said she brought back a unique wrestler who wants to spread their tradition and culture - Tormenta.

Tormenta pushes her then takes a hurricanrana. Tor takes her down and single leg crabs her. Tor trips her then hits a baseball slide and a double knee drop. Tor misses a corner charge but bangs Aussie's head into the buckle. she then germans her for 2. Tor backbreakers her then Aussie facekicks her. Ausse misses a high kick that they call a "Kawada kick" the Tor spears the post. Aussie hits lariats then high kicks her.

Aussie jumps off the top with a hurricanrana for 2. Tor slips on an irish whip reversal then Aussie backcrackers her. Tor backbreakers her then does a reverse samoan drop out of it. Lopez get on the ref and throws Tor her briefcase. Tor grabs it then Aussie superkicks it in her face. Aussie then top rope splashes her for the win.

Not great but it was about as good as you were going to get for WOW standards. It was a decent match with Aussie hitting some nice flying moves then grabbing the win off Tormenta's attempt at cheating.

We see Samantha Smart on the phone, trying to tow Big Rig Betty's truck.

Vicki Lynn McCoy is in singles action next week and is called The Enforcer of the Fabulous Four.

We see clips of Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag making fun of Samantha Smart on the mic. Smart tows their trucks and Betty and Holly search for it. They found it at a scrap yard and got arrested during it. We then see Sophia Lopez helping them get out of jail.

Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag vs The Disciplinarian and G.I. Jane with Samantha Smart

Dis = Disciplinarian

The Disciplinarian comes out with a paddle and Samrt has her ruler. Betty and Swag run in and attack the heels. Jane and Holly catfight out of the ring. Betty back splashes Dis. Jane gets in and is tripped over the middle rope and has knees dropped on her. Holly meteora's her as she's on all fours. Smart gets on the apron and pulls Holly's neck down over it. Jane front kicks her and does push-ups on her.

Dis stomps Holly in the corner and Smart chokes her with the ruler. Dis suplexes Holly then does a nice sit out gordbuster. The heels 2v1 Holly in the corner and Smart hits her with the ruler. Jane slams Betty Holly then bearhugs her. Holly codebreakers her then Betty gets the hot tag in. She lariats Dis and rainmakers her. Dis russian leg sweeps her for 2 then the faces hit a stereo cutter and lariat and win it.

Betty's hot tag wasn't that good, but I liked this. They kept it moving and the faces showed some anger against the heels for jailing them.

Smart gets in the ring after and tries to hit the faces with a ruler. They grab her and lariat her, then kick her out of the ring.

Betty got on the mic after and said they messed with the last team in WOW. Betty says the Mother Truckers are here to stay. Holly says smarty pants (Samantha Smart) is stupid and says she wants nothing to do with them ever again, honk honk.  This was a decent little promo.

Overall thoughts: I hated Krush/Gianni but liked the last two matches, so this one was in the middle. As always with WOW, the execution and wrestlers aren't the greatest, but they get how to be faces and heels and the bookers know what they are doing. I actually do like WOW and think they do a good job overall.

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