Friday, July 7, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/6/2023 Episode #19

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/6/2023 Episode #19

Last week's show is here: 

Gringo Loco vs Komander



Loco flips him then armdrags him and does jumping jacks. Komander armdrags him then jumps off the 2nd rope and bounces off the top rope for another armdrag. Komander goes for another armdrag but Loco cartwheels out of it. Komander hook kicks him and then takes a nice alley oop on the buckles. Koamnder is popped up then basement dropkicked.

Loco goes into the buckles then Komander does a nice springboard armdrag. Loco does a reverse samoan drop. Loco kicks him in the gut then takes a headscissors. Komander springboards and jumps off Loco then botches a springboard armdrag. Komander tornillos him and pushes him into the rails.

They fight on the 2nd rope and Loco hits a top rope spanish fly. Loco pops him up and is cuttered. Loco puts him on his shoulders outside and bombs him into the rail edge. Loco does a springboard cody cutter then Komander walks up the ropes and does a springboard hurricanrana. Komander then double springboard corkscrew dives him and double springboard phoenix splashes him. Komander then wins.

It was very indy as expected with everyone doing big, cool moves that didn't mean squat. Yeah, there were some nice dives here, but that's all there was. Komander did not walk the top rope though which was impressive, since he often tries to do so 4 times a match.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty are interviewed. Lee says him and Bill are showing everyone why it's time to stop sleeping. He said they are going to keep getting win after win against the Boys tonight. Bill says neither Boy is his Boy and says they better not be Lexi's Boy. He said they better be boys with God, because they will need him tonight. Bill says they will squash them like the bugs they are then will go on and become tag champs.

Daniel Garcia vs Christopher Daniels

Daniels' eye is finally healed.

Garcia walks over him and dances. Garcia knees him in the gut then Daniels takes him down, walks over him and does the Curry Man dance. Daniels hiptosses and slams him. Daniels gets knocked off the apron then Garcia chokes him over the middle rope. Garcia rolls him up into an stf then Daniels blue thunders him off the ropes. Daniels lariats him and back body drops him. Daniels hits an iconoslam for 2 and they trade forearms. Garcia bites him, facekicks him then takes an STO. Garcia armdrags him off the uranage attempt then Daniels hits an angel's wings for 2. Garcia lifting single arm ddt's him and wins it.

It wasn't anything to write home about. Garcia's getting more comfortable with the dancing gimmick and while it's not revolutionary or super creative, it's better than what he was doing.

Willie Mack is interviewed about the 6-way scramble for $25,000. Mack says his strategy is to win the whole thing. He said he could buy a brazilian rat dog that smells like corn chips for $25k and says he could buy a chinchilla. He then says he could go to Jamaica and get some jerk chicken. He said there's 5 competitors and he has 5 fingers, which will go over each of their faces.

The Gates of Agony vs Action Andretti and Darius Martin

Kaun corner spears AA then AA headscissors him. AA springboard tornillo splashes him from the bottom rope. AA flips over Darius' back and they hit double dropkicks on both opponents. Nana grabs Dairus' leg in front of the ref and nothing is done about it. AA topes Toa, and is kind of caught in the air and rammed into the rail in a wild spot.

Kaun pounds on Darius then Nana hits cheap shots on AA. Kaun bullies AA with kicks and they bump heads. Darius flips over Toa and bulldogs him through the ropes. Darius then swinging flatliners him off the bottom rope. Toa then pop-up samoan drops him. Kaun holds Darius with a codebreaker and Toa drops down on him.

Toa goes over the top. Kaun pushes AA, he dives onto Toa, gets caught and Darius topes into them to knock them down. Darius suplexes Kaun then AA springboard 450's, but catches Kaun's knees. Darius is pulled off the apron to the floor then AA standing spanish flies Kaun. Nana gets on the apron and AA goes to help. AA springboard kicks Toa then is 2v1'd. AA handsprings and is caught and dropped down on his front for the Gates on Agony win.

I didn't like Nana getting caught cheating and nothing happening. Other than that, it was a decent match. The faces looked good, doing a bunch of face team spots and Gates of Agony were good like always.

The Righteous vs Zak Patterson, Macrae Martin and Rip Impact

Zack Patterson looks like a smaller Todd Champion and I'd tell you that he should be the champ of the company if he were over 6 foot. The jobbers all get beaten up from the start. One of the jobbers then takes their triple team reverse slam and The Righteous win in no time at all.

This was just a squash. 

Lee Moriarty and Big Bill vs The Boys

No Dalton Castle here. One of the Boys gets dropped on their body by Lee then uses the ropes to get out of armlock. Brandon springboard crossbodies Lee then the Boys do a double Japanese armdrag. They double basement dropkick Lee.

Brent tags out instead of fighting Bill then Brandon tells Brent to get on his shoulders to fight Bill. Bill kicks Brandon and both go down. Brandon goes for a tornado ddt and gets tossed then corner splashed. Brent takes a boot from Big Bill then Bill mocks their pose. Brent hits lariats on Lee and has Brnadon help him ropkick Bill on the ropes.

Brandon tope shoulers Lee outside then Brent topes Lee. Brandon topes Bill and is caught. Bill then chokeslams him on the apron as Lee jumping kicks Brent to win it.

It was basically a squash but it was entertaining. The Boys had no chance here and they played the match up with that in mind. The Boys bumped big and were thrown around.  

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Seleziya Sparx

Athena has a stupid shirt on that says, "Your Mom is 2Nytes Local Jobber". Sparx has a name that is very hard to spell. Athena single leg dropkicks her and forearms her over. Athena comes off the top and is caught and slammed. Sparx lariats her then kicks her from behind.

Sparx running lariats her for 2. Sparx's leg ends up over Athena's shoulder and she capture suplexes her. Athena running punches her in the corner and dances. Sparx slaps her and hits forearms and a back elbow. Athena running forearms her hard and picks up the win.

This was a squash but Sparx looked good here and I'd be interested to see her again. 

Athena pounds on her after and bangs her head off the belt.

JD Drake vs Tony Nese

This is a heel vs heel match. Nese says Drake is a meal away from looking like other fat disgusting Canadians, but I'd argue the fans are probably thinner. Nese said since he is a personal trainer, they are all going to do group training instead of having a match. JD grabs the mic and says he won't waste his calories on the trash food in Canada. He says he only eats Dunkin Donuts and Freedom Fries. He then says not to let the physique fool him, he will whip his @ss. Mark Briscoe then comes out. He said he and Tony Khan agreed that no one gives a d@mn about what they are saying. Mark then says this is a three way dance.

Mark Briscoe vs JD Drake vs Tony Nese


Mark is jumped from behind to start. Mark hits chops on JD and hits shots on Nese. Mark drops his gum on the mat then puts it back in his mouth. Mark flying single leg dropkicks JD. Mark throws Nese out then uses a chair to tope con hilos both opponents. JD hits a big lariat on Mark.

Mark is double teamed and put in the tree of woe. Nese tells JD to do his bicycle crunch kicks on Mark but JD just stomps him. Nese gets JD to do jumping jacks and they alternate taking shots on Mark.  Mark makes his own comeback and does jumping jacks and squats. Mark then takes a black hole slam from JD. Nese pushes JD and JD pushes back.

Mark hits shots on both opponents then flying kicks Nese off the apron. Mark uranage's JD. Mark goes up top and is hit by Nese. JD pulls Nese down then Nese uses the ropes to sunset bomb JD. Mark hits a froggy bow on JD and Nese pushes Mark away on the pin attempt. Mark hits a Jay driller on Nese and wins it. 

It was what it was - just a random three way. Not awful, but it didn't really do much for anyone.

We see clips from the NJPW show this week. Eddie says he is in the G1 and can't be at Death Before Dishonor. He says Claudio is not off the hook and challenges Mark Briscoe. He says he wore Jay Briscoe's shirt to respect his legacy and said Mark needs to win the ROH Title. He said it is his time. 

Mark Briscoe is interviewed. Mark is told Tony said Mark can have a title shot if he wants. Mark says he wants the chance and it's his time. Claudio Castagnoli then comes in. He advises him not to listen to Eddie Kingston. He said he had to show Eddie his limits and will show MArk his limits as well. Claudio asks where's the Mark Briscoe he knew. Claudio says Jay wouldn't want him to step in his footsteps. He said the Mark he knew was  able to stand side by side with his brother, not in his footsteps. He said Mark hasn't manned up. Claudio says if he has to pull him down to earth from trying to reach for the sky, he will do that. He says he has to and says it's his duty to show Mark his limits. Claudio tells him to shake his hand if he wants the match and says he will see him at Death Before Dishonor. He then tells him not to get his hopes up as he is not ready. It was a good promo, but if they had been doing stuff like this for weeks up to this, it would have worked better.

Diamante vs Vanessa Kraven

Kraven is dropkicked in the knee then Dia running knees her. Dia hits corner punches then Kraven body blocks her. Kraven fallaway slams her and they trade hard chops. Kraven is pushed into the post.  Kraven is shotgun dropkicked into the buckles then Dia dropkicks her hard against the buckles.

Dia cutters Kraven out of the wheelbarrow then hits a code red on her for the win.

Kraven didn't look bad in the little we got to see of her, but there were major size differences here with Kraven being so much taller.

$25,000 6-Way Mayhem Match - Shane Taylor vs Josh Woods vs Brian Cage vs Trent Seven vs Willie Mack vs Dalton Castle

Dalton says he is going to the farmer's market with the $25k and is buying all kinds of jams and potted plants. This is Trent's ROH debut and if you are wondering how he got in this, I've got nothing for you.

4 of the 6 go outside with Cage going into a rail. Trent is caught by Woods then he chops Woods. Woods chops him back then Trent ddt's him. Dalton is thrown out and hits his head off the floor. Mack then throws Dalton out and does his standing moonsault. Shane headbutts Mack and throws Dalton out. Cage superkicks Shane then 2nd rope tornado ddt's him.

Dalton is thrown out again by Cage. Cage goes for a leapfrog but is caught with an overhead suplex by Woods. Dalton throws Woods over the top then is punched and dropped by Shane. Trent drops Shane with a backfist then is superman punched by Woods. Mack high kicks Woods then Cage high knees him. Dalton lariats Cage then takes a bridging stunner from Shane.

Trent lariats Shane then is gutwrench deadlifted and powerbombed by Woods. Mack spinebusters Woods and is basement dropkicked by Cage. Cage pumphandle reverse slams him. Dalton does a nice exploder throw on Cage then is pushed off the top onto people outside. Trent goes up top and is swept off the ropes then Cage 2nd rope suplexes him to the outside onto everyone. Mack then hits a big tope con hilo on Cage.  

Mack top rope frogsplashes Cage and Nana puts Cage's leg on the rope. Trent emerald flowsion's Mack then Mack stunners him, Shane, Dalton and Woods but is rolled up and pinned by Cage.

It was short for how many people were involved. It was very fast paced as everyone wanted to get something in. It was fun and entertaining though, but not what it could have been. Mack or Dalton winning would have been good as we could have maybe gotten some fun vignettes out of it.

The Infantry and Trish Adora vs The Kingdom and Leyla Hirsch

Trish is wearing the same vest as The Infantry. Maria gets on the mic. She says she is the first lady of professional wrestling. She said it's the first time in five years that she will wrestle but says she is not medically cleared to wrestle. She said Leyla Hirsch will take her place instead. I'm disappointed they didn't have Maria wrestle here. That was false advertising. Surely she could have done something.

Dean and Mike trade chops. Mike shoulders him over then is armdragged. Dean double chops him. Mike takes corner punches from Dean and Bravo then Mike is dropped with a punch. Mike has his legs split. Leyla has put on weight. Bravo shoulders over Taven then backsplashes him. Dean elbow drops Taven.

Trish arm whips her down and rolls her up. Trish puts her in a submission over her knee then is german suplexed. Trish is driven into the 2nd buckle then she lariats her. The men get in and Mike takes a bakc body drop. Bravo does his fakeout into a punch on Mike then battering rams Mike into Taven's crotch. Taven then takes a ddt as he's on the 2nd buckle. Bravo neckbreakers Mike.

Mike takes a neat double team uranage for 2. Mike superkicks Bravo then tags out to make the girls come in. Trish lariats Mike over the top and should be DQ'd. Dean tope con hilos Mike and Taven springboard enzugiri's Bravo while he's trying to dive. Taven plancha's his opponents over the top rope. Trish puts Leyla in a fujiwara armbar then Maria gets on the apron Maria brings her down over the top rope then Leyla taps out Trish to win it.

Trish's team should have been DQ'd for Trish hitting Mike here. Taven's dive was nice here but the false advertising plus the rule breaking means this doesn't get a good grade from me.

Leyla Hirsch is interviewed after. Leyla said the Kingdom needed someone legit tonight to get the job done. She said she did that. Leyla said ROH is known for innovation and high flying, but she is a legit shooter so good luck trying to fly through her. I'd love for someone to explain to me in kayfabe terms what a shooter is since everything they are supposed to be doing is "real".

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good show. We were baited and switched in the main event with Maria not wrestling. Having the show end on a random Leyla Hirsch promo was odd and there weren't any standout matches. Mark's been built up to get another shot at Samoa Joe and that's been replaced by Mark now getting a match with Claudio. We have no idea what the matches for people like the Lucha Bros, Athena, The Embassy or Shibata will be at the PPV and we are two weeks away.

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