Friday, July 7, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 7/7/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 7/7/2023

Last week's show is here:

Fallon Henley vs Tatum Paxley

Fallon has new music. Fallon armdrags her and avoids her drop down with a side headlock. Fallon shoulders her over then puts her into the buckles. Tatum forearms her then takes a dragon screw. Tatum throws her against the ropes and beats her up there. Tatum then whiplashes her off the ropes.

Tatum throws her by the neck and elbow drops her. Tatum hits her in the gut then abdominal stretchers her. Tatum bodyscissors her then Fallon hit some mounted forearms. Fallon running euros her and Fallon facebusters her. Fallon then does a shining wizard and wins it.

This was really bad. Easily the worst match I've ever seen Tatum in. Everything they did looked awful here and it resembled an Attitude Era divas match.

Kale Dixon is interviewed. He said Scrypts is amazing and doesn't know how he does his flip int othe ring. He asks what his drawing taunt is all about, asking if he's drawing or writing. Kale sid if he's drawing, he's drawing Kale Dixon. He said if he's writing he should write about how Kale beats him, saying what a story that would be. This was bizarre by design.

Kale Dixon vs Scrypts

Scrypts headlock takeovers him and Kale headlocks him. Scrypts dropkicks him and headlock takeovers him. Kale punches him against the ropes then Scrypts slingshot crossbodies him. Kale slams him down then back elbows him. Kale hits some clubbing shots to the back and spinning boots him.

Kale knees him for 2. Scryps backflips out of a lariat then hits kicks and chops. Scrypts baseball slides him and does his 360 la silla off the top to win.

This wasn't good. They did beyond basic stuff and there were no real highlights here. The match was also very short.

Overall thoughts: For the 2nd week in a row, we only got two matches. Neither were good and the women's match was the worst match I've ever seen Tatum have.

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