Thursday, July 6, 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/31/2023 NOAH Sunny Voyage 2023

Pro Wrestling NOAH 5/31/2023 NOAH Sunny Voyage 2023

Manabu Soya vs. Taishi Ozawa

They trade waistlocks and Ozawa hits a nice dropkick. Soya immediately shoulders him over after. Ozawa hits knees and chest chops then is just kind of headbutted over for the quick Soya win.

This was a stupid waste of time that probably went 2-3 minutes tops.

Stallion Rogers vs. Sean Legacy

Rogers slaps him off the clean break attempt then Rogers forearms him back. They trade forearms and Sean kicks him in the back. Rogers dropkicks him then topes him. Sean is thrown in then immediately topes Rogers. Sean misses a springboard dropkick and takes a hard double stomp.

Sean 2nd rope moonsaults to nothin then is caught with a german off of it. Rogers then delay dropkicks him in the corner. Rogers takes a northern lights suplex into the buckles and Sean is ddt'd into the bottom buckle. Sean 2nd buckle moonsaults into a reverse ddt. Sean then tope con hilos him. Rogers fosbury flops him then top rope splashes him. Sean top rope cody cutters him then does a rolling codebreaker to the head. Sean 619's him and springboard 450 splashes him but Rogers gets his knees up.

They trade strikes and Sean bounces off the ropes for a lariat. Sean is german'd and they lariat each other at the same time. They then fall down together but it looked more like they were making out with each other. Rogers headbutts him and they both go down. Sean superkicks him.

They do a top rope reverse spanish fly for 2 and Rogers is pop-up punched. Sean then does an odd spinning reverse death valley driver and wins it.

This was horrific. It was total indy crap with nobody selling anything and everyone doing every big move they could.

Eita & HAYATA vs. Dante Leon & Junta Miyawaki

Hayata and Dante trade armlocks then Dante armdrags him. Hayata cartwheels over him. Dante goes for a standing moonsault but Hayata moves and he catches himself in a cool spot. Eita headlocks Junta then shoulders him over. Junta armdrags him off the side back body drop. Hayata grabs Junta by the hair for posing then Junta takes a double back elbow.

Hayata slams Junta. Eita suplexes Junta then Junta basement dropkicks him. Not much happens then Junta 2nd rope dropkicks Eita. Eita takes a nice bump for it. Dante gets in, superkicks Eita in the knee then does like a running shining wizard. Dante topes Hayata outside then swantons Eita's back.

Dante is whiplashed on the top buckle then Hayata shotgun dropkicks him into the buckles. Hayata 2nd buckle moonsaults him for 2 then Dante spinning high kicks him. Dante enzugiri's him with help from the ropes then Junta top rope dropkicks Junta.

Junta hits a nice dropkick on Hayata then tornado ddt's him under the middle rope. Junta does a bad 2nd rope legdrop and Dante is back body dropped over the top, hitting his head on the apron. Junta is catapulted into a ddt for 2. Hayata elevated ddt's Junta for the win.

It was far from anyone's best work with minimal effort applied. It was still passable though.

Hayata and Dante stare down after with Dante smacking his belt.

Akitoshi Saito, Mohammed Yone, Naomichi Marufuji, Shuhei Taniguchi & Takashi Sugiura vs. Daiki Inaba, Go Shiozaki, Kaito Kiyomiya, Masa Kitamiya & Yoshiki Inamura

Yone's team hits their opponents to start and everyone goes outside to fight. Yone bangs someone off the camera lift and Saito has his head banged off the post. Sugi back elbows Kaito, who gets up, no sells it and forearms him. Sugi fires back with forearms ten Kaito dropkicks him. Sugi takes a double shoulder from Ina and Masa. Ina splashes him then Masa sentons him for 2.

Inaba backdrops Sugi then Go back elbows Sugi. Go and Sugi trade chops for forearms. Go dives at him and takes a knee to the chest hard. Sugi pushes Ina into splashing his own partner Masa then Sugi facekicks Inaba. Sugi knees Kaito then Maru chops Go. They chop each other then Go hits machine gun chops. Maru hits Kawada kicks and a hook kick on Go.

Yone running lariats Go then Go deadlift suplexes him. Ina corner splashes Yone then slams and elbow drops him. Yone forearms Ina down then lariats him. Ina shoulders over Yone then Inaba forearms Shuhei over. Inaba corner lariats him then cannonballs him in the corner. Shuhei hits a big slam on Inaba then slams Go, Sugi, Masa and Kaito on him. Shuhei wants to slam Maru, Maru says no then is slammed onto Inaba too.

Inaba headbutts Shuhei and blue thunders him. Masa misses a senton on Shuhei then Shuhei powerslams him. Sugi running corner facekicks and knees Masa then top rope superplexes him. Sugi and Masa forearm each other then Masa hits a nice spear off a leapfrog. Sugi reverses Masa's backdrop then they trade shoulders. Masa suplexes Sugi.

Kaito dropkicks Saito twice then top rope dropkicks him. Saito uranage's him. Kaito takes a bunch of corner moves then a Saito uranage for 2. Kaito delay germans Saito for 2 then hits a big knee on him. Kaito then shining wizards him and wins it.

It was long and decent. Not great as they'd probably need an hour to get the most out of this that they could, but it was a fun tag match. We got to see everyone get a little in.

GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match - GLG (Tadasuke & YO-HEY) (c) vs. Atsushi Kotoge & Seiki Yoshioka

Tada takes down Seiki and they stand off. Seiki kicks him in the gut, criss crosses him and hits a nice flying kick. Kotoge fireman's carries him  and rolls him up. Yo flying hurricanrana's him then Tada holds him for a Yo dropkick. Tada is brought down over the top and Yo is thrown over. Kotoge tope con hilos both opponents. Kotoge hits running corner clotheslines on Yo then suplexes him. Yo takes a double team combo that ends in a bulldog. Kotoge cutters Yo for 2.

Yo superkicks Kotoge and both go down. Tada flying euros Seiki then suplexes him. Seiki flying axe kicks Tada then hits corner shots. Seiki PK's Tada for 2. Seiki misses a top rope swanton then Seiki tornado ddt's Tada. Kotoge running knees Tada then side effects him and running knees him again. Yo top rope dropkicks Kotoge into a cradle shock for 2.

Kotoge flying single leg kicks Tada then Yo hits superkicks on him and Seiki. Tada takes a knee and a german from Kotoge for 2. Kotoge hits an unprettier on Tada for 2. Yo hits a nice dropkick on Kotoge then Tada lariats Kotoge. Yo tope con hilos Seiki then Tada hits a big lariat on Kotoge for 2. Tada piledrivers him and wins it.

It got better towards the end of this, but I thought it was long and boring.

Kenoh vs Katsuhiko Nakajima

They trade strike attempts to start at a slower pace. They facekick each other at the same time then they each facekick each other several times. Ken is taken down then takes hard leg kicks. They go outside and trade hard forearms. KN kicks him in the back, Ken gets mad then Ken kicks him in the back. KN kicks him in the back and sits down and lets him kick him in the back. Ken spin kicks him in the gut then superkicks him, sending him flying back.

They do the same spot again and KN rolls out. Ken does a jumping double knee in the corner then 2nd rope double knee drops him. Ken bodyscissors him and hits kicks. KN fires back with forearms then takes a spin kick to the gut. KN dropkicks him in the knee then hits a step-up enzugiri. KN double footchokes him in the corner.

Ken fires back with strikes then takes a knee to the gut. KN running facekicks him and double footchokes him again. KN does it again then Ken trips and double footstomps him. Ken the jumping double knees him in the back. KN dropkicks him in the knee and counters his leg kick with a leg kick of his own. KN dragon screws and STF's him.

KN trips him into the middle buckle then kicks the buckle. KN kicks him down. They trade chest kicks for a while. Ken eventually drops him with a kick then running pk's him. Ken misses a top rope double footstomp then they trade kicks, with both hitting high kicks and facekicks before falling down at the same time.

They trade forearms and chest kicks. Ken is brought down over the top. KN misses a kick from the apron then is german'd onto the floor. Ken goes up top and double stomps KN on the floor, though we can't see much of it. Ken running PK's KN then KN rolls him into a brainbuster. KN hits kicks to the front and back while Ken is down then Ken falcon arrows him. KN jumping hurricanrana's him then is lifted from the ankle lock position and kicked. Ken top rope double stomps KN. KN moves on Ken's top rope moonsault then he knees him as he is stuck over the top rope. KN 2nd rope death valley drivers Ken.

KN hits forearms then superkicks him. KN then PK's him for 2. Ken collapses then gets up and high kicks him. Ken slaps KN and KN hits forearms back. Ken slap combos him then is dropped with a slap. They trade chest kicks then Ken high kicks him. Ken buzzsaw kicks him for 2 and top rope double stomps him. KN rolls out then takes a 2 count coming back in. KN high kicks him and the time limit expires.

They did a little too much with the various top rope double stomps and the 2nd rope death valley driver not meaning much, but they did a good job filling the time otherwise. We all knew what this was going to be - two people kicking each other for 45 minutes, and that's what we got. It's not a classic. It may be something I remember though and it was a decent match.

Overall thoughts: I saw everything but 1 match. The main was not a classic, but it went fast and they did a good job with 45 minutes to work with. Ozawa/Soya was a waste of time and Legacy/Rogers was indy garbage. The 10 man was fine and I think some people might like the junior tag more. I'd kind of put this one in the middle but the main was noteworthy for the 45 minute draw.

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